Welcome me to the four digit club.
1000 meh clicks in a row.
This is a cry for help.
When your OCD>>>> your ADHD.
A beautiful sight … which I should have had 26 days ago.
Meh indeed.
A VMP for nearly a decade? Surely meh is going to send, if anyone, one of the mystery perks, it would be you.
Please send this man a Guinness bar towel.
(Despite above dripping with sarcasm, I truly did receive my Guinness bar towel. I also used a 9600 baud modem for telnet, so your mileage may vary)
Well you could skip a day so you wouldn’t need to worry about making sure you kept up with it and accidentally breaking your streak.
I’ve never come close to 1000. 250 something is my highest.
Usually when I approach 100, I’ll have a day where I remember clicking the face vividly… But next day it will show as me missing it.
A thousand is my next goal. But it took me a dozen tries to get to 365, so don’t hold your collective breaths out there, ya hear? Oh, the carnage
I can’t even get past the feed my buddy in Pokemon Go 20 days in a row task. I don’t even bother with stuff like this. Lol
Every time I see this thread on the forum I get the “My Fair Lady” song “You did it” stuck in my head.
When your OCD>>>> your ADHD.
A beautiful sight … which I should have had 26 days ago.
Meh indeed.
A VMP for nearly a decade? Surely meh is going to send, if anyone, one of the mystery perks, it would be you.
Please send this man a Guinness bar towel.
(Despite above dripping with sarcasm, I truly did receive my Guinness bar towel. I also used a 9600 baud modem for telnet, so your mileage may vary)
Well you could skip a day so you wouldn’t need to worry about making sure you kept up with it and accidentally breaking your streak.
I’ve never come close to 1000. 250 something is my highest.
Usually when I approach 100, I’ll have a day where I remember clicking the face vividly… But next day it will show as me missing it.
A thousand is my next goal. But it took me a dozen tries to get to 365, so don’t hold your collective breaths out there, ya hear? Oh, the carnage
I can’t even get past the feed my buddy in Pokemon Go 20 days in a row task. I don’t even bother with stuff like this. Lol
Every time I see this thread on the forum I get the “My Fair Lady” song “You did it” stuck in my head.