How to cancel VMP (Current as of 2/25/15)
15Hey! You got VMP, smart cookie! But now your cookie has crumbled and you don't want to pay $5/month for shipping anymore. Here's how to cancel your VMP, courtesy of @JonT:
Steps to cancel VMP:
3) Cry because you no longer get cool free stuff
VMP REFUNDS: If you pay for VMP and at the end of the month find that you want to cancel AND you have not used any of the benefits (shipping, etc.) - you will automatically receive a refund of your VMP fee for that month. The refund will take several days to appear on your account. You do not have to contact anyone, as your refund is an automatic service that applies if you qualify. (Free/bonus VMP items from meh/mediocre do not count towards "use" of VMP.)
(This information has been taken from staff comments, but is not an "official" post.)
- 20 comments, 34 replies
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Connect your Google account, already.
@TheCO2 No. :P The only reason Amazon is connected is because it was one of the only options when I signed up.
4) Sign up for VMP tomorrow because that thing you really want is for sale tomorrow.
@hollboll Almost looks like the start of a choke more like a hug :P
@hollboll @Thumperchick Yinz look tougher than foxes!
Why would anyone ever want to cancel VMP? It's like being a sustaining member of NPR, but much more rewarding. I'll take mediocre socks over a mediocre tote bag any day.
528 days, very impressive!
@smigit2002 Right now I'm at 534. Not sure if it's impressive or indicative of a problem.
@Thumperchick Both
@Thumperchick Dammit, I'm only at 533. I feel mediocre.
i'm thinking, from this point on, if anyone posts a thread topic with the word 'VMP' in it, a small window should pop up showing this thread and the words "do you really want to fucking post this question again??".
@carl669 Then, when they inevitably click "yes, yes I do want to post this again," force a redirect here anyway?
@Thumperchick damn straight.
@carl669 @Thumperchick Wouldn't it just be better to have the popup window ask if they really want to cancel VMP? (and do it if they click yes)
@nadroj shhh!! you're taking away the fun of yelling at people.
@carl669 sorry
This is too hard. How come it don't just know?
I don't understand. What are you saying? People cancel VMP?
I made a mistake. Please help me fix it. Thanks! :-)
1. I disconnected my Amazon account, and the VMP button disappeared.
2. I reconnected my Amazon account, but the VMP button did not return.
3. Did I cancel my VMP? Am I still VMP?
@mediocrelab You're not a VMP anymore- no icon. The refund will show up in your account sometime soon.
At the bottom of my account page it says I'm a VMP member, but there's no unsubscribe button? What do I do?
@rofer 'How about a "Cancel" hyperlink? If not, time to contact Customer Support. (Click on "What is meh?" at top of screen, then "Support") Just looked at my account page and it's there. From the above instructions:
I thought the correct answer was say something to @THumperChick, She has the internal hook-up to resolve it. IF not complain loudly in a new topic and blame the goat currently, @Sohmageek.
Oh... wait... that's not right... Maybe checking the FAQ, or contact support?
Yeah, I see nothing underneath the "Hey, you're a..." line. I couldn't find anything in the FAQ so I'm going to just contact support.
@rofer That's weird. Can you screenshot that for the people at support?
@rofer I wonder if it's a browser rendering issue? Have you tried changing the zoom level to 100% or lower? Also try another browser if that still doesn't work.
Apparently the issue was my card was marked invalid (billing address changed). So I'm not actually a member, but my profile claims I am.
@rofer How odd. Definitely message
@Thumperchick Don't be shy give out the secret personal phone number for our deal pal @mehcus... ;) @rofer no in all seriousness you may want to contact support... They don't bite... ok they don't leave marks... usually... ;)
@sohmageek I did contact support who told me about my card being marked invalid. I also pointed them here so presumably they've seen this by now.
@rofer For my own curiousity, what happens when you check at ?
@Thumperchick I see the same thing at the bottom. I also see "Forum display modes (VMP-only preview):"
@rofer Thanks for looking at that for me. I'm sure they'll get you fixed up asap.
@rofer if you log out and log back in, it should be all fixed now.
@hollboll @rofer unplug it and plug it back in again.
Two things I don't understand. Why people watch Fox News and why people make it so hard to cancel the VMP
@somf69 is it really hard though?
@Thumperchick I just thought of it! Your nickname. @THC?
@sohmageek Nope. Thumper Chick = TC.
Unsubscribe me from VMP
@jorcrg65 done
@jorcrg65 you can unsubscribe by going to the My Account page. You’ll see a VMP heading which you can edit and cancel.
@hollboll I don’t see a VMP badge by their name.
@Ignorant note to self, make sure you drink all your coffee before replying to people.
@hollboll your cancel advise may help someone else, assuming they read.
I just unsubscribed today. But you haven’t seen the last of me, Meh.