First year we’re not trick-or-treating with the kids.
My youngest is going to go with friends. My middle is having some friends over to hang out on the patio and watch a movie and eat candy, and my oldest is driving over to a friend’s place to watch college football (on the patio).
We get to relax this year, but part of me will always miss dragging a wagon full of candy and a cooler of beer (to drink and to share) around the neighborhood…
Jesus Fucking Christ, meh. We’re living through a pandemic, which some people are so convinced is a hoax they feel the need to flex with firearms about it. And I’ll not mention other major bits of the dystopian nightmare, because, well, you know.
How much more of a bloody fucking “spooktacular” do you fuckers need?
Veering from the broader reality to the more personal: We’ll be hiding from trick-or-treaters Halloween night, because we take that COVID shit seriously (and plenty of other folks around here don’t) and, no, no one in this house is going to rig up a trebuchet to hurl candy to the urchins. Normally we leave the house. It’s hit or miss here on non-plague years, so it’s easier just to opt out—although there have been years we’ve credibly hid (i.e., as tho actually not home).
@unksol It did occur to me after the fact (much later actually) that my “around here” could easily be interpreted as referring to “here” at meh. That’s my bad, and I do apologize for the lack of clarity. I mean here in Texas. And, yes, there are a lot of folks around where I live who are defiantly or indifferently committed to celebrating as usual.
@joelmw I got what you probably meant but did not know where you live. And also do not think meh was actually encouraging irresponsible behavior. So. Meh?
@kerryzero@sammydog01@tinamarie1974 might depend on the age/decoration concentration. Not going to lie I was not a fan of the yearly Christmas light subdivision crawl… But I’m a grump. Also wasn’t having chocolate tossed at me lol
@sammydog01@tinamarie1974@unksol my neighborhood is a random mix of people who put lights up for everything, people who put lights up for nothing, and people who put up lights just for random stuff. I usually do more lights for Halloween than anything else.
@sammydog01@tinamarie1974@unksol Got my first few trick or treaters. All masked with masked parents. Candy was bagged up last night with frequently sanitized hands. Pair of gloves by the candy bowl, trick or treaters come up, I mask up, sanitize, glove up, give out the bags. This is a little nuts and yeah not normal at all, but hopefully it lets people still have a little bit of Halloween normalcy.
@kerryzero I went up to the attic and there were Christmas decorations in front of the Halloween decorations. I managed to pull out a wreath and door mat. Good thing I bought that pumpkin a couple of weeks ago.
I wonder of those crappy Meh projectors are worth trying.
One of us is a nurse in a dialysis clinic, and one of us learned that a patient at the clinic tested positive, so all of us are staying in and keeping the porch light of, with a warning sign need the end of the driveway. The real challenge was coming up with a sign that didn’t blend with our existing decorations to much. My plan for adding “But seriously, we got the plague” on things was officially shot down, even if the essence was used. Ah well, hopefully things are better next year.
Though I just realized a bright side. We went full sized candy bars this year because we get barely any trick-or-treaters in a normal year, much less a plague year, so wanted to really reward them. Plus “all” of us are working on eating healthier. I’m gonna have candy bars for a good long while.
I don’t bother. In 26 years we’ve had 3 trick or treaters. I used to leave a big 5 gallon bowl on the front porch with a help yourself sign. Then one year the raccoons did…Never again! Not chocolate! I just buy it cheaply after halloween and enjoy it myself.
Our church is having a drive thru food pantry for the community this morning that the kids and I are helping with. Might buy some candy corn to munch on when I stop at the grocery store afterwards. This evening we will stay in and chill like every other year
We almost never get trick or treaters, even though our neighborhood is full of kiddos. This year, I’m guessing we won’t get any, because people around here are mostly Covid-conscious.
I’m going to have vampires suck my blood (i.e., going to go donate blood).
I’m wearing my “Knives& Speakers& CandyCorn& FidgetSpinners.” shirt. I debated between that one and Nevermore. While I was looking for my Halloween-themed shirts, I found my meh Kickstarter shirt, so that was a plus.
I need to work on making a wedding card and gift for my cousin. His wedding is today, but we’re not going. Partly due to Mom forgetting to RSVP and partly due to not knowing how they’re handling social distancing, etc.
@sammydog01 A friend of mine just got back from Trick or Treating with his son. They opened one of the bags they got, and found a can of jalapenos. Seriously, WTF?
Anyone else have the post holiday blahs? I didn’t buy enough candy, didn’t get my pumpkin carved, did a pathetic job of decorating, lost interest in my black and white horror movie on TCM and watched a baking show instead. And now it’s too late.
On the plus side I don’t have a ton of stuff to put away. And on to Thanksgiving.
I always feel like that the day after Halloween. Thinking about amping up the Dia de los Muertos for next year to stretch it out a little Sorry your friend is leaving RiotDemon, that sucks
@kerryzero thanks, I appreciate it. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve drifted apart quite a bit and now I’ll be able to focus on my own Halloween. It was really fun at first because he had tons of kids come by but it’s dwindled over the years. Now I just need to do mine bigger and better, even though I might not get any trick or treaters.
First year we’re not trick-or-treating with the kids.
My youngest is going to go with friends. My middle is having some friends over to hang out on the patio and watch a movie and eat candy, and my oldest is driving over to a friend’s place to watch college football (on the patio).
We get to relax this year, but part of me will always miss dragging a wagon full of candy and a cooler of beer (to drink and to share) around the neighborhood…
Helped my friend set up for Halloween and left with this. So it’s a little spooktacular.
@RiotDemon I can relate
I just realize as I was getting ready for bed that tomorrow is Halloween.
There’s a big inflatable wolf on the front lawn. That’s about it.
@PooltoyWolf That’s not an everyday thing at your place?
@ThunderChicken Almost, though this year it’s not my house, so there’s that!
@PooltoyWolf no pic? Is he/she dressed for the holiday?
@tinamarie1974 Just wolf in the buff. I’ll take a pic of him on my way out of the house
@tinamarie1974 Here he is!

@PooltoyWolf he looks pretty happy!
Full moon = full magazines
It is called “lunacy” for a reason
I wore a couple Halloween themed shirts this week but nothing beyond that.
Jesus Fucking Christ, meh. We’re living through a pandemic, which some people are so convinced is a hoax they feel the need to flex with firearms about it. And I’ll not mention other major bits of the dystopian nightmare, because, well, you know.
How much more of a bloody fucking “spooktacular” do you fuckers need?
Veering from the broader reality to the more personal: We’ll be hiding from trick-or-treaters Halloween night, because we take that COVID shit seriously (and plenty of other folks around here don’t) and, no, no one in this house is going to rig up a trebuchet to hurl candy to the urchins. Normally we leave the house. It’s hit or miss here on non-plague years, so it’s easier just to opt out—although there have been years we’ve credibly hid (i.e., as tho actually not home).
/giphy fuck Halloween

@joelmw you’ll note that the vast majority of responses are not at all. no one is encouraging trick or treating.
My firearms don’t flex. That would result in catastrophic failure.
@joelmw @unksol yup same here. No decor, no lights. Hiding in the back of my house away from the kiddos. 2020 has officially ruined my favorite holiday
@unksol It did occur to me after the fact (much later actually) that my “around here” could easily be interpreted as referring to “here” at meh. That’s my bad, and I do apologize for the lack of clarity. I mean here in Texas. And, yes, there are a lot of folks around where I live who are defiantly or indifferently committed to celebrating as usual.
@tinamarie1974 That sucks, and I’m sorry.
/giphy hugs

@joelmw I got what you probably meant but did not know where you live. And also do not think meh was actually encouraging irresponsible behavior. So. Meh?
Props for the fuck count
Fuck fuck fuck
We need an update on that later next month lol
I got way too much candy. Decorated the yard way too much. Don’t care, I always gotta go all out for Halloween
Happy Halloween meh people 

@kerryzero @sammydog01 sounds like the time to slowly drive around checking out decorations while chucking candy back lol
@kerryzero @sammydog01 @unksol THAT is the best idea I have heard all day!!
@kerryzero @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 might depend on the age/decoration concentration. Not going to lie I was not a fan of the yearly Christmas light subdivision crawl… But I’m a grump. Also wasn’t having chocolate tossed at me lol
@kerryzero @sammydog01 @unksol my hood is fairly well decorated regardless of the holiday. Too bad I don’t have golf cart to buzz around
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @unksol my neighborhood is a random mix of people who put lights up for everything, people who put lights up for nothing, and people who put up lights just for random stuff. I usually do more lights for Halloween than anything else.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @unksol Got my first few trick or treaters. All masked with masked parents. Candy was bagged up last night with frequently sanitized hands. Pair of gloves by the candy bowl, trick or treaters come up, I mask up, sanitize, glove up, give out the bags. This is a little nuts and yeah not normal at all, but hopefully it lets people still have a little bit of Halloween normalcy.
I’M TRYING! It isn’t going so well. I still have tomorrow to decorate, right? Wait, I mean later today. OH SHIT!
@sammydog01 This year is so crazy, I think anything goes

@kerryzero I went up to the attic and there were Christmas decorations in front of the Halloween decorations. I managed to pull out a wreath and door mat. Good thing I bought that pumpkin a couple of weeks ago.
I wonder of those crappy Meh projectors are worth trying.
@kerryzero @sammydog01 We already had a donut eating contest and we’re trying on our costumes right now
@sammydog01 I’ve wondered the same thing. Was going to try one out last mehrathon but they sold out
If I ever get one I’ll let u know
@kerryzero I have two and a couple better quality ones. I should go pick windows now.
2020 is scarier than anything I could do. In 2021, I am just going to put a big 2020 campaign sign in my yard.
One of us is a nurse in a dialysis clinic, and one of us learned that a patient at the clinic tested positive, so all of us are staying in and keeping the porch light of, with a warning sign need the end of the driveway. The real challenge was coming up with a sign that didn’t blend with our existing decorations to much. My plan for adding “But seriously, we got the plague” on things was officially shot down, even if the essence was used. Ah well, hopefully things are better next year.
Though I just realized a bright side. We went full sized candy bars this year because we get barely any trick-or-treaters in a normal year, much less a plague year, so wanted to really reward them. Plus “all” of us are working on eating healthier. I’m gonna have candy bars for a good long while.
@simplersimon I like “But seriously, we got the plague” but I could see a spouse veto
@simplersimon A “Covid-19 Quarantine” sign is the best Halloween decoration anyone could have, hopefully in 2021.
I don’t bother. In 26 years we’ve had 3 trick or treaters. I used to leave a big 5 gallon bowl on the front porch with a help yourself sign. Then one year the raccoons did…Never again! Not chocolate! I just buy it cheaply after halloween and enjoy it myself.
@AuntMean67 I am glad the mask across my eyes disguised me. I really miss that chocolate.
@AuntMean67 @hchavers Stop on by- I have Snickers bars for well behaved raccoons.
Our church is having a drive thru food pantry for the community this morning that the kids and I are helping with. Might buy some candy corn to munch on when I stop at the grocery store afterwards. This evening we will stay in and chill like every other year
We almost never get trick or treaters, even though our neighborhood is full of kiddos. This year, I’m guessing we won’t get any, because people around here are mostly Covid-conscious.
I’m going to have vampires suck my blood (i.e., going to go donate blood).
I’m wearing my “Knives& Speakers& CandyCorn& FidgetSpinners.” shirt. I debated between that one and Nevermore. While I was looking for my Halloween-themed shirts, I found my meh Kickstarter shirt, so that was a plus.
I need to work on making a wedding card and gift for my cousin. His wedding is today, but we’re not going. Partly due to Mom forgetting to RSVP and partly due to not knowing how they’re handling social distancing, etc.
What’s the big deal about Halloween? I’ve been seeing people walking around the streets wearing masks for the last 7 months.
In florida with my handsome fella and his pupper! Gonna watch some scary movies, split the biggest bottle of wine, and soak in a hot tub!
I did some spooky stuff today. I had blood taken from my body and I got shot with laser beams.
@sanspoint Neither one of those sounds fun
I hope everything is ok
It’s not quite 7 and I’m out of candy, looks like I guessed wrong. Oops. I have fidget spinners and ten pound bags of linguine left.
@sammydog01 A friend of mine just got back from Trick or Treating with his son. They opened one of the bags they got, and found a can of jalapenos. Seriously, WTF?
@Trillian I turned off the lights instead of raiding the pantry. That’s kind of creepy.
@sammydog01 @Trillian
@puppycat was pretty cute this year as SpiderGwen.

(Yes, those are the last of the fidget spinners from our stash. Lasted about 2 hours.)
Now my Halloween is complete!
(It was only a matter of time…)
Anyone else have the post holiday blahs? I didn’t buy enough candy, didn’t get my pumpkin carved, did a pathetic job of decorating, lost interest in my black and white horror movie on TCM and watched a baking show instead. And now it’s too late.
On the plus side I don’t have a ton of stuff to put away. And on to Thanksgiving.
@sammydog01 and somehow we woke up today with one extra hour for the shitshow that is 2020.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 I always have post Halloween blues. I never feel like I did enough.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 on the plus side, here’s the back of my car from last night:
On the downside, my friend whose house I’ve gone to for years is moving out of state.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 yea for the haul. Sorry about your friend. Hope they are close enough you can still see them
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 by plane, lol.
@RiotDemon Give your friend a call regularly. It will go a long way, for both of you.
I always feel like that the day after Halloween. Thinking about amping up the Dia de los Muertos for next year to stretch it out a little
Sorry your friend is leaving RiotDemon, that sucks 
@kerryzero thanks, I appreciate it. It’s not the end of the world. We’ve drifted apart quite a bit and now I’ll be able to focus on my own Halloween. It was really fun at first because he had tons of kids come by but it’s dwindled over the years. Now I just need to do mine bigger and better, even though I might not get any trick or treaters.