How much have you spent at Amazon?
A recent Meh thread that showed how much spent here, got me thinking about where I put A LOT of my money. The URL above let's you generate a report since day one, which you can sum in Excel.
I was aghast at how much I spent. Do you dare? Do you?
- 37 comments, 101 replies
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Definitely a lot more than I expected.
And I'm proud to say that I've never used Prime.
@cengland0 did you run the report for "items" or "orders and shipments?"
@connorbush I did orders and shipments. I wasn't sure what items would produce and may have included the current price and not what I paid at the time.
@cengland0 How long did the report take? Mine just said it's "Taking a long time to process".. haha
@kadagan It was less than a minute. I think it might be because of all the meh members suddenly pulling the report all at the same time.
Processing it now... I expect a scary large number to appear.
@PocketBrain Meh, $11306.68 with tax. Of course, I had 2 accounts, and there will be a couple hundred on the other, but nowhere near what I have spent at
@PocketBrain Okay, so plus $704.53 for the parallel account, and 12011.21 total between the two. Twelve grand.
@PocketBrain depending on when those Woot purchases were, they were Amazon purchases. ;-)
$6,436.95 .... now If I included my Woot/Meh purchases... that might be ghastly.
@connorbush $250 on Meh!
@connorbush 2802.76 on woot!
@connorbush $9,489.71 total. I have a Woot! account to which I do not know the login--from days of yore. I will admit; I am probably better off not knowing the cold-hard-truth. I will stick with my 9.5 g's.
Ok yeah more than I would like to admit, why why did you have to post that report link @ACraigL . I was so much better off not knowing the truth.....
@Nikodemus For what it's worth, I'm still "winning" over anything that's been posted so far.
@ACraigL I guess I can admit to the ~15,000 I am guilty for then.
I'm still waiting on my reports (I ran one for orders and shipments and another for items).. But I would like to preface any results by saying that a lot of the stuff I buy off Amazon is the same stuff I would have purchased at a store (and spent more money on) anyway.. There are some impulse buys, but most of it is planned shopping. I even go as far as to buy all my coffee and toilet paper on there these days!
@kadagan Hmm.. Both reports seem to have failed..
It looks like I can run a report starting in 2003 without issue, but if I try to run one from 2001 it fails.. Is there a way to tell it to start with your first purchase?
@kadagan I thought the earliest you could search was 2004 so I didn't include anything prior to that date. Hmm.... Maybe I should check again? Maybe not!
I think I figured it out.. I have an order from July 9, 2001 which seems "broken".. I can't view order details on it.. and I think it breaks all the reports. But after manually adding my 2001 orders (and estimating the cost of that, since it was the same book I had ordered at another time) I find that I've spent a total of $11,992.35 there.. Far less than I had assumed!! Oddly, it looks like I made 6 purchases in 2001, and then didn't buy another thing from Amazon until January 2005! in Jan 2005 I seem to have bought 2 CDs which were shipped to me in Ft. Gordon, GA. After that I had stuff shipped to me in Wiessbaden, Germany as well as Kuwait and Iraq.. Good times :)
I see what happened and why I cannot select anything before 2004. I had a different email ID back then and I cannot remember the password to that account. Not that important to worry about.
And I can tell when I got promoted by looking at my amazon history! On 3/11/2006 I had something shipped to the "PFC" version of me.. and on 4/15/2006 I had my next order shipped to the "SPC" version.. haha.. It looks like 2/20/2008 was my first order shipped to be as "SGT" (although the last addressed as "SPC" was 8/12/2007). It's interesting how much personal info can be found just looking at my past addresses!!
@kadagan I can understand for military communications but in the civilian world, why do you have to put your rank as part of your name? Are there multiple people with the same name at the same address that requires you to differentiate yourselves by putting your rank with your name?
I have good title at work too but I never would include that in any personal communications or personal purchases.
@cengland0 I'm not sure if there was any real reason behind it, but we were always instructed to do it that way by the military mail rooms. I don't know if they gave higher priority for higher ranking mail or what.. Some things aren't worth asking ;)
@kadagan thank you for your service!
@RedOak Thanks :)
Huh, this is apparently my first ever purchase on amazon:
@DrunkCat Nerd alert: This was mine.
@DrunkCat @ACraigL my first purchase seems to be from May 2001 (in college), where I purchased 2 books:
@DrunkCat I swear it has to have been a gift for someone...It's my story and I am sticking to it....
@DrunkCat This was mine from the date range I picked:

@cengland0 That's a puzzling combination.
@DrunkCat Mine was for a cosplay at Pax Prime a few years back.
Less then I thought: $3,090.34
@JerseyFrank This doesn't include what my wife orders with her account.
@JerseyFrank Does Amazon sell cars now?
I just sorted by price. Apparently I bought a "Samsung PN63B550 63-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV" in 2009, which is weird because I don't have one of those.
I just looked at the order... I returned it before it ever shipped. So rejoice meh-tizens, your returns/refunds are not represented in the report.
Unfortunately, even accounting for refunds, I still am "winning"
@JerseyFrank I just added up the wife's account. She's got about $11,000 worth of purchases.
@cengland0 Actually, yes, sort of! No, not really, but they did a weird promotion w/ Nissan a while back, where the Versa Note got its own Amazon product page, and from it you could get to the normal Nissan site or whatever… but as part of the promotion, some lucky person got their Versa, purchased indirectly through Amazon, delivered in a giant Amazon box:

Someone finally beat me, thank goodness. Congrats @JerseyFrank, you're in the lead.
Mine was: $40,219.39
I've been a customer for almost 20 years, but a whole year of college tuition? Jeez!
@ACraigL You think that's bad? You should see what I spent at woot.
@ACraigL Also, my orders start in 2000 (well, that or they don't have records available prior to that)
@JerseyFrank I think it only goes back to your personal order history. Mine went back to 1997.
@JerseyFrank I borrowed and modified the script below, and @Lichme extended it (brilliantly) to work for woot pages as well. I'm at $4,606.26 over there. If you want that script let me (or Lichme) know.
@ACraigL yeah, sure. Script me, Amadeus.
@ACraigL Did you find a way to get through the pagination without clicking every time? I just went through 31 pages of orders on 1 of my many accounts. I'm pretty sure I had at least a dozen accounts so that I could beat the limit-3 on Roombas.
@JerseyFrank I tinkered the script and came out with $34,808 on my primary woot account.
@JerseyFrank Disclosure: I was reselling most of my woot purchases on eBay.
@JerseyFrank How did you deal with the pagination?
@kadagan I want to get @Lichme 's permission before sharing the script. It auto-advances the page for you, but you need to run the script in each one, then it totals it for you. I got through 24 pages in just a minute or two, so no big deal. As soon as he gets back to me I'll provide the woot spend script.
@kadagan 30 clicks of passion.
@ACraigL I will post what I just used below.. It seems to work for all of it, but I like to be able to use "Code" tags and don't know how to use them at this reply level..
@ACraigL Fine by me
$6,952.448 and I see when they cheated with smart post
@StrangerDanger Decimal issues or just super-precise?
Was there a MEH calculator too?
@StrangerDanger There's a thread here:
Note: If you want a quick way to get that total, go to your orders page and open Chrome's JavaScript console (ctrl+shift+j or command+alt+j) and paste the following in there (if you don't have Chrome, then meh. You're on your own.):
Meh. I thought it would be more.
My very first Amazon order was the Fawlty Towers complete collection on DVD for $44. Today, they have a remastered version for $20. Ha.
@phatmass Manuel!!
I'm pretty sure that if you were to check @Snapster's Amazon history, his net is very positive!!
@kadagan did they make payment for woot in amazon credit?
New low score?
Disclaimer, there are a few things I have bought over the years using either my GF or old roommate's Prime accounts, so maybe add 600 or so.
How to check Woot Purchases:
Per @lichme:
Copy/Paste it into the Dev Tools in Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+J) on the first page of your order history. It will Calculate 4 things:
Total $ Amount Attempted
no. of Denied Orders
no. of Cancelled Orders
Total $ Actual Ordered
When it is done, it will automatically navigate to the next page in your order history. Then you can paste the code again. It's not fully automated, but it works.
@ACraigL This is the old version. The one you should have posted (that has combined alerts and a total overall) is here:
@lichme oops!
@lichme The one from pastebin seems to only count items on one page of orders. This is what it shows for me:

When I use the other script, it seems to add up all the pages:
@cengland0 After you OK out of the first one, it should advance to the next page and keep a running tally, repaste the script and repeat until you reach the final page. I think the second one is adding the contents of the first page 9 times.
@ACraigL Just tried it again and when I press the OK button, the popup disappears and nothing else happens. I'm on a mac using Chrome if that makes any difference. I doubt it does
@cengland0 I tried too, and it's working for me. No idea. Worst case you could do each page and add them.
@cengland0 The popup should disappear when you press ok, but the script automatically advances your order screen to the next page. At that point, you need to rerun/paste the script again on the second page (it should still be on your clipboard). It will take the info from the first page and give you a running total every time you run it. It makes it so you don't have to do the math yourself, but you still need to paste it onto each page of your orders. Hope that helps.
@lichme That's too much trouble then, thanks anyway.
Curious though, if my first page is $545.31 total and there are 9 pages, why doesn't the script from @kadagan show $4907.79? It shows $9351 instead. Weird.
@cengland0 There's definitely creative math going on in @kadagan 's script. I can't make sense of it either, but it definitely does not step through the pages in it's current form.
@cengland0 If you ran their script after you ran mine, then you might have been on the last page of your account history. While their code looks like it should start on page 1, it starts on the current page you run it on. If your last page has approx $1039 in orders (rounded by each order), then that's the reason for the difference.
I added an alert to their code to display the total after each page in the loop, and it does in fact, just add the same amount over and over.
@lichme It turns out that I did have a denied purchase afterall. It was a stupid BOC too. Probably sold out before I was able to complete the transaction.

I took some time to run the script 9 times from a fresh page to get the real total. Here it is:
For checking the woot orders I used this script I just hacked together..
It says I spend $2863 total.
@kadagan That does not take into accout denied or cancelled orders. The script I used is above, but yours is definitely slick in grabbing all pages at once.
@ACraigL True. I'm working to tweak that one to automatically go through all pages.
@kadagan How does it grab the unloaded pages so quickly?
@ACraigL I really have no idea. I've never done javascript before.. lol.. But I've done a lot of other scripting and coding. It does seem to be blazing fast, which makes me wonder about its accuracy..
@kadagan Compare it to Lich's and see if you get a similar result. I have too many cancels/denies to say it's working or not.
@ACraigL I'm pretty sure you're right, I think it's adding everything from my first page 7 times (total number of pages I have).. Oh well..
@kadagan I tried something similar, but found that the web page refresh didn't happen until the very end, which lead me to believe that the info on the first page was just being used over and over.
Edit, I see you came to the same conclusion. The one that @ACraigL posted above was the outdated one. I've added a newer update (via pastebin) underneath his code post.
I'm a little sad at my paltry $16,065.96 in 15 years. I thought it'd be way higher than that. ;)
@bluedyn This should help:
@bluedyn - Or a few of these 6' HDMI cables:
@bluedyn - Better yet, try the 52' version:
@KDemo I'm not sure the television I watch is of the quality worthy to run across these cables.
@ACraigL OOH! That's snazzy. And a way better addition to my life than the tank I've been eyeing for some time.
@bluedyn this should solve the issues.
@bluedyn -But did you read the reviews? These cables can make your TV (and your life) completely perfect!
@KDemo Unless they get stuck in your urethra--as per one review. Shotty instructions.
@ACraigL - Oooh - looks comfy!
@connorbush Well, goddamn! How have I gone so long telling time on such pedestrian watches? They're all garbage compared to this!
@bluedyn The silver version can be attained for a paltry $6,800!!! I'll take ten.
@bluedyn The most disturbing thing about that Badonkadonk Land Cruiser Tank things is the list of "Customers who viewed this also viewed..."
How much use tax (for those that don't get charges sales tax) has everyone paid on their amazon purchases?
@MrMark I stopped paying use tax right after I got away with murdering those nosy neighbors years ago.
Just as an FYI and a point of comparison, The Home Depot estimates every customer is worth $50,000 in their lifetime.
@jjohns71 I'm guessing they adjusted that estimate for East Coast customers after Super Storm Sandy.
@beachbum It's why they will return almost anything, it's not worth pissing off someone and having them never come back and spend the rest of their $50,000 when it is a $20 item.
@jjohns71 They will let you return anything because they don't lose anything. Many of the big box stores have agreements with the suppliers that they must take back any items returned. My brother manufactured a couple items for walmart and had to agree to take it back regardless of reason or return condition.
I tried generating multiple reports from June '98 to current, then 2001 to current, then 2005 to current, all failed. Not going to take the time to find out why. Amazon must just be running on windows, so what else can you expect.
283 total orders. We've been prime since a few months after it became available.
Hah, my first Amazon purchase was an Atari Flashback 2… Got that for college, as a full on heavy sixer and several crates of carts seemed impractical… Always intended to mod it with a cart slot, never did…
Total… ~29k. Yipes. Though that's not including returns, but I doubt that'd make much of a dent.
@brhfl Yeah, me too, and I have a well-worn 1980 model, just dying (well, dead) to give up its worn slot. That sounds dirtier than it is.
I don't see a total....
@juststephen at the bottom of the purchased $ column, type sum( then highlight the whole column)
@juststephen @connorbush Highlight the column (click the letter in the header) and it will sum it for you in the bottom bar.
@ACraigL That is even easier than typing = _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ + _ for all of the purchase values! :-) thanks for the shortcut
@connorbush =sum(_) actually. always forgetting the =
@connorbush I was going to mention that omission, but since it does it automatically, I thought it would be good for folks that don't typically use formulas in Excel.
Only $3296 in about 19 years. I see that I'm a lightweight. :)
Between the two of us, we are at $34k at Amazon for 15 years. I kind of expected it to be more. I buy a lot of cat food.
$2,270.94 That's a lot lower than I thought it would be. I make a lot of little purchases with Amazon Prime so I guess it seems like it would have been more because the packages just seem like they are always coming in. If only they had Roo straws. Meh.
41,097.87 since 2001.
$4,890 in the past 12 months. Least expensive item was free (several of those) and the most expensive were three notebooks ranging from $219 to $249. I am surprised the total was not higher. I do use Prime.
$5557.23 June 2004 to yesterday. $500 a year average isn't too bad. Still not showing the wife.
BTW: I do not see prime itself on the list.
Did I mention the weird condition that gave me two logins? I set up an account in 2000 to make my first purchase (some music CDs for Mom... Christmas), then lost my login. I created a new login with the same email address but a different password (apparently, CapsLock was on, as it was all caps). I made purchases 2003-2010, then I lost that one and retried the password without capslock on and the old one came up. I'm only paying for Prime on the active account, but I keep the old one up for archival purposes.
I'm actually afraid to change the passwords to match; it may cause a rift in the space-time continuum and release Chthulhu.
@PocketBrain Worth it.
$23192.06 including tax
It took a while to get that number because there's an order from March 2001 that's corrupted. It's for a book I never bought or even heard of.
My first purchase on December 30, 1997:

That last one was for my sister-in-law who had just moved to Vashon Island.
@SSteve Finally, I'm off the hook.
$2500ish at Amazon, and $2601 at Woot. Amazon is way less than I would have expected, and Woot is way more.
Some of my first purchases on Amazon were The Warriors, The Big Lebowski, and Top Gun on HD DVD. Bluray had won and I bought an HD DVD player for $50, thinking the HD DVDs would surely go on sale. They didn't...
1556 orders at Amazon since I opened my account in 2008.
I'm going to go cry now.
My report refuses to generate. Keeps bombing with "Failed". My order history only goes back to 2000, but I can tell you that my first order of 2000 was this:
Like Grover, I'm so embarrassed.
A meager $15,278.99.
A little over $4k from Woot.
From 1997 until 2000: 14 things totaling $192.
From 2010 until today: 465 things totaling about $20k. (Hilariously, list price is $48k.)
Anything from 2000 to 2010 keeps giving me an error, probably to stop me from having a heart attack.
@dave Some have been saying a corrupt order can do that. If your seeking arrhythmia, you could do 2000-5 and see if it errors, if not keep adding a year until it bombs. Or just sit back and buy another case of 'Hello Panda'. Mmmmm.
@dave Assuming there's only one error, start two reports at the same time: 2000-2005 and 2006-2010. One will work and the other won't. Continue halving the date range of the report that fails until you narrow the date range to something reasonable. Then look in your order history for that date range. In my case, there was an order that didn't have a price. When I tried to pull up the order I got an error. Once I found the bad order, I could run my entire history in two reports around its date.
@SSteve @ACraigL I guess I have multiple corrupt orders:
@dave Hmmm… Did you make any enemies in the Amazon IT department?
That link doesn't work for I'm trying to find an analogous one.
I bought the UK editions of Harry Potter books, and books by Tom Holt as well.