@oppodude HA! We the owners of many Fuku’s and IRK’s that have been both disappointed and surprised. Some of us who have seriously thought about visiting the home base near Dallas to see what the warehouse really looks like.
Oh and how about how we really know the true story of breakfast between Matt Rutledge and Jeff Bezos and the creation of Meh and its sister sites.
Now if we could just get the shirt site and the pasta site back.
@Fodder650@oppodude in still have some of that pasta in my pantry… And I didn’t even get one of the massive shipments . Wouldn’t mind another round of that because it was fun and I actually liked sending surprise pasta to family more than getting dune myself lol.
@oppodude Original K here as well…And @scilynt I too still have pasta left. I am not sure why I still pay $60 a year…my last couple orders have really made me question it.
@cosmicWy he of the poo icon. We are an odd group of fans. I need to go see if Meh and Matt Rutledge mover over to Bluesky or are still sticking it out at Twitter/X/General Dynamics
had a credit card reset, but have been paying VMP dues since probably 2014 or whenever they started the program. dislike giving up things i can’t get back, and these days $5 seems like nothing anymore
p.s. scrolled all the way back through my orders, and some batteries seemed to have been my first purchase
I would drop my VMP sub sometimes in the early years, but I subscribed at 12:00 AM on March 1st, 2017, the day they were going to cut off new VMP subscriptions. I’ve kept it ever since.
@chienfou@PHRoG If you go to your account and look under your profile you can see it there. If you have made your profile private then you have to make it pubic to see that information (you can then switch it back to private).
I use this method as my profile VMP date is incorrect due to an unknown-to-me card reissue that I wasn’t notified of and the first reissue never made it to me…I only found out about it when my VMP failed to renew!
My first Meh order I joined VMP and have had it ever since, so, I just use that when reporting my VMP age.
It also works if you made orders prior to VMP, by finding the first one with free shipping.
If you go to your account and look under your profile you can see it there
I know that. That’s how I generally check my own. That was not the suggested method though. It had to do with your order list. This is not the same as looking at your profile.
(You can also look at it other people’s profiles by clicking their name at the bottom of one of their posts. As long as they haven’t said it to private you’ll be able to find out information concerning their altruism score, membership dates etc.)
VMP member since June 2015; And a W-member for most of the prior decade. Not quite sure how I ever missed the kickstarter. Oh well. meh really should find a way to show multiple bits of flair for each member, including the K, Poop emoji, mods, ex goats, inked, etc.
Fun fact: I’m probably the reason we can only edit posts for a few seconds now. When Woot massively let me/us down with a major change (likely after abandoning their one-item-a-day roots, or spinning up umpteen additional storefronts); I felt betrayed and that my engineer-fueled tech contributions to the forums shouldn’t continue to be used to peddle more junk (since everything unsold seemed to make its way back later or during a w-off), so I started defacing all my ‘useful’ posts about getting the most out of products. I don’t think they ever honored my request to have all of my content deleted; suspect I could have forced their hand if I genuinely cared that much.
Knives and speaker docks were interesting; candy corn was fun and creative. Pasta drop was a fun adventure; Toothbrush debacle was fun. This place had a neat cards against humanity vibe to it. I only maintain my VMP because the shipping savings. While my junk from meh has often been a big hit at halloween and xmas, I’ll say I’ve mostly been disappointed the last 3-4 years with the variety of stuff their purchasers procure. So much of it just seems like a bunch of abandoned diet/exercise gear, questionable health products, and shit that someone should have thought was a bad idea to start with LONG before some meh purchaser picked it up for pennies on the dollar hoping to flip. That, coupled with the “you can get anything in this meh-ra-thon, just click here” and the IRK rebate/coupon/buy X to get Y scams really killed the FOMO fun. It seems like the essence of meh started to go downhill since the morningsave / sidedeal hustles started, which I get, since the real ‘community’ is probably only about 100-200 of y’all and they have to keep making money.
Anyway, I’m just feeling like my VMP has run its course. 10 years is a good run.
I’ll add that this meh-rathon is the epitome of how meh the products and purchasers have gotten. They should just take all this failed daytime-tv crap and send it where it belongs, a landfill, or food pantry, except even they don’t want all the expired crap.
Joined in July of 2014. Not sure when I joined VMP the first time. I lost my original date when I forgot to update a compromised CC because I was focusing on recovering from a broken leg.
@yakkoTDI same here, I don’t remember my original date either and had to re-up when my cc was messed up and I was sick or something. I like the new IRK method, I had NEVER been able to procure one before that.
@Rstoker I think there were several clusters of sign-ups in that era. Sometimes, a really great or quirky Meh deal got posted on one of the conventional deal sites (the slick one, for example). That would prompt people to come check out the deal and thus the site, and a lot of us stayed. Once I realized that this was basically Woot 1.0, version 2.0, I was all in… I think a lot of folks who missed the kickstarter (like me), were happy to have been led to the site by a deal, and chose to join the club.
My account info here says since June 2015, but it was earlier. I also had an unintentional lapse due to an expired CC, but I convinced meh to reinstate it. Lost my early date, though. Was a Kickstarter.
I’ve been around since 2016.
@JWFoxJr Im truly surprised by how many of us are still here.
VMP here.
I’m left, right, and center.
@atannir Your tailer must hate you.
@Fodder650 Like the Beachball Boys, I get around.
@atannir Is that a perfect meh button streak?
Yo. Day 0.
@oppodude Oh look another Kickstarter! Now we just need to go find more stuff to send to their offices as encouragement.
@Fodder650 The few, the proud, the poorer.
@oppodude HA! We the owners of many Fuku’s and IRK’s that have been both disappointed and surprised. Some of us who have seriously thought about visiting the home base near Dallas to see what the warehouse really looks like.
Oh and how about how we really know the true story of breakfast between Matt Rutledge and Jeff Bezos and the creation of Meh and its sister sites.
Now if we could just get the shirt site and the pasta site back.
@Fodder650 @oppodude in still have some of that pasta in my pantry… And I didn’t even get one of the massive shipments
. Wouldn’t mind another round of that because it was fun and I actually liked sending surprise pasta to family more than getting dune myself lol.
@oppodude Original K here as well…And @scilynt I too still have pasta left. I am not sure why I still pay $60 a year…my last couple orders have really made me question it.
I was a kickstarter myself.
July 2014 here
@cosmicWy he of the poo icon. We are an odd group of fans. I need to go see if Meh and Matt Rutledge mover over to Bluesky or are still sticking it out at Twitter/X/General Dynamics
@cosmicWy I have some terrible news…
@Fodder650 Meh still tweets out the deals on x, because that’s the one thing I get notifications for.
Been VMP since 10/14 but had a cc expiration lapse sometimes in maybe '16 that reset my date.
@djslack Same thing happened to me.
@djslack same
/showme same
Also same
@djslack so many of us
Started here in 2014, been sending in my VMP dues since 2016
Of all my life leaks, this is probably the least worrisome 
/showme old very mediocre people
Still here. Since January 2017.
Oh hey, Monday is my 8th anniversary, too!
Subscribed at the beginning. And more or less continuously since.
My CC expired or got changed out a few times. And I would sometimes forget to update in the billing info here.
And the days came when CS wouldn’t re-add my VMP
So in spite of my having paid them month upon month all these years, I’m now a lowly subscriber.
Joined Meh in April 2015. VMP since July 2015.
had a credit card reset, but have been paying VMP dues since probably 2014 or whenever they started the program. dislike giving up things i can’t get back, and these days $5 seems like nothing anymore
p.s. scrolled all the way back through my orders, and some batteries seemed to have been my first purchase
Roll-call, I’m still here.
I was around in the before times when Meh was Woot.
Still here. Kickstarter and VMP. Owner of many powerbanks and trackers to prove it.
@heartny So very many trackers.
Still here, for as long as I possibly could have been with zero interruptions.
June 2016 here. ✌ Bring back site-crashing Fukos!
Why am I here?
VMP since July 2014. I’m such a fool.
12/24/14. Must have been bored on Christmas Eve.
@sammydog01 Dec 2014 as well.
Still here. I had wondered if passing the 10-year mark would trigger anything, but there was nothing. Meh indeed.
I would drop my VMP sub sometimes in the early years, but I subscribed at 12:00 AM on March 1st, 2017, the day they were going to cut off new VMP subscriptions. I’ve kept it ever since.
VMP here as well! Almost lost it a couple of times due to fraud or a CC expiring.
/giphy sup

Very Mediocre since 11/2014.
VMP since Sept 2016
I am still waiting for the free surprises. Maybe on my VMP 10th anniversary.
@KNmeh7 0.0% chance.
@earmstrong @KNmeh7 so you’re saying there’s a chance!
I’m a newcomer. July 2016
Still here since July 2014. I really do miss the days of every other deal being a speaker dock or water bottles.
@sjohannes not exactly a speaker dock, but this bad boy just arrived today:

@sjohannes Don’t forget knives! Knives and speaker docks!
/showme knives and speaker docks
December 2015 here…still have and use the crockpot too!
June 2015. My family are used to Meh orders. Some of them have been big hits, others… but it’s always fun to find out.
Hrm…looks like Dec 12, 2015. Egads.
Has it really been that long?
VMP member since February 2016. Overall, totally worth it.
VMP member since Aug 2014
Been a VMP since about the first week but let it drop a few times. Too lazy to look how long I have been one since the last re-join.
@Kidsandliz it’s easy, just click orders and doom scroll to the bottom!
@PHRoG I know it is easy. I was just too lazy.
@Kidsandliz @PHRoG
Bottom of MY order list has no indication of when I joined??
@chienfou @PHRoG If you go to your account and look under your profile you can see it there. If you have made your profile private then you have to make it pubic to see that information (you can then switch it back to private).
@chienfou @Kidsandliz …guess I didn’t think it through entirely, lol.
I use this method as my profile VMP date is incorrect due to an unknown-to-me card reissue that I wasn’t notified of and the first reissue never made it to me…I only found out about it when my VMP failed to renew!
My first Meh order I joined VMP and have had it ever since, so, I just use that when reporting my VMP age.
It also works if you made orders prior to VMP, by finding the first one with free shipping.
I know that. That’s how I generally check my own. That was not the suggested method though. It had to do with your order list. This is not the same as looking at your profile.
(You can also look at it other people’s profiles by clicking their name at the bottom of one of their posts. As long as they haven’t said it to private you’ll be able to find out information concerning their altruism score, membership dates etc.)
My husband and I are… not sure why I keep his going… .
September 2014. And chilled batteries ever since Nov 28th, 2017!
December 2014!
December 2014 for me
since the end of 2016, was on and off before they turned off new subscriptions (because money)
VMP member since June 2015; And a W-member for most of the prior decade. Not quite sure how I ever missed the kickstarter. Oh well. meh really should find a way to show multiple bits of flair for each member, including the K, Poop emoji, mods, ex goats, inked, etc.
Fun fact: I’m probably the reason we can only edit posts for a few seconds now. When Woot massively let me/us down with a major change (likely after abandoning their one-item-a-day roots, or spinning up umpteen additional storefronts); I felt betrayed and that my engineer-fueled tech contributions to the forums shouldn’t continue to be used to peddle more junk (since everything unsold seemed to make its way back later or during a w-off), so I started defacing all my ‘useful’ posts about getting the most out of products. I don’t think they ever honored my request to have all of my content deleted; suspect I could have forced their hand if I genuinely cared that much.
Knives and speaker docks were interesting; candy corn was fun and creative. Pasta drop was a fun adventure; Toothbrush debacle was fun. This place had a neat cards against humanity vibe to it. I only maintain my VMP because the shipping savings. While my junk from meh has often been a big hit at halloween and xmas, I’ll say I’ve mostly been disappointed the last 3-4 years with the variety of stuff their purchasers procure. So much of it just seems like a bunch of abandoned diet/exercise gear, questionable health products, and shit that someone should have thought was a bad idea to start with LONG before some meh purchaser picked it up for pennies on the dollar hoping to flip. That, coupled with the “you can get anything in this meh-ra-thon, just click here” and the IRK rebate/coupon/buy X to get Y scams really killed the FOMO fun. It seems like the essence of meh started to go downhill since the morningsave / sidedeal hustles started, which I get, since the real ‘community’ is probably only about 100-200 of y’all and they have to keep making money.
Anyway, I’m just feeling like my VMP has run its course. 10 years is a good run.
I’ll add that this meh-rathon is the epitome of how meh the products and purchasers have gotten. They should just take all this failed daytime-tv crap and send it where it belongs, a landfill, or food pantry, except even they don’t want all the expired crap.
Joined in July of 2014. Not sure when I joined VMP the first time. I lost my original date when I forgot to update a compromised CC because I was focusing on recovering from a broken leg.
@yakkoTDI same here, I don’t remember my original date either and had to re-up when my cc was messed up and I was sick or something. I like the new IRK method, I had NEVER been able to procure one before that.
I have been VMP since December 2014.
I’m still here.
I’m also December 2014. Why so many of us at that time?
@Rstoker I think there were several clusters of sign-ups in that era. Sometimes, a really great or quirky Meh deal got posted on one of the conventional deal sites (the slick one, for example). That would prompt people to come check out the deal and thus the site, and a lot of us stayed. Once I realized that this was basically Woot 1.0, version 2.0, I was all in… I think a lot of folks who missed the kickstarter (like me), were happy to have been led to the site by a deal, and chose to join the club.
2015 - I check my card periodically to avoid the expiration elimination
I joined about $550 ago… (Oct '15)
My account info here says since June 2015, but it was earlier. I also had an unintentional lapse due to an expired CC, but I convinced meh to reinstate it. Lost my early date, though. Was a Kickstarter.
December 2014 here as well. I keep waffling on whether or not to hit that cancel button.
Kick starter and VMP here too
Originally 2014 but last reset was 2016. Entirely too long! Yet here we are…
Still here. Jan '17
still here, not sure why, but here I am. Must be the regret.
July 2014 here. Not sure when kickstarter campaign was, and I thought I was a kickstarter, but I guess I’m only kickstarter for Casemates.
Still here from Kickstarter. Reset in 2016, and inked for IRK at some point. And made the pilgrimage!
Since 9/2014 and kickstarter but I keep forgetting to get them to reset my icon back.
October, 2014 - missed the Kickstarter, with a 6/2016 reset.