How Many Unsimply Stitched Socks Do You Own?
4I am up to thirty-nine pair, which is starting to seem excessive (read: “ludicrous”) but I suspect I do not hold a candle to some of you.
Why do you buy them?
So I can play crazy old grandpa for my grandchildren.
/giphy crazy old grandpa
How often do you actually wear them?
Unfortunately due to social distancing I see my grandchildren very rarely, so not often. Most have never been worn. They look cool in their gift boxes, though.
Your turn.
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This is an unsimple question.
Maybe a good bit more than a few.
According to my orders page I have 9 pair. I have no idea where I put the 6 Christmas pairs from last year though.
About 15 pairs of Unstitched. But have also bought another three dozen or so pair from Meh, including the awesome Glen socks.
29 pair overall, 8 boot, 21 regular.
An odd number, as it turns out…
Damn sock thief.
@shahnm Fortunately, the dryer is afraid to eat most of them.
@shahnm See if any of your batteries have snatched one to climb into to keep warm in your fridge.
@Kidsandliz The batteries like it chilly. Have you learned nothing from me?!?
@shahnm Hmm and here I thought you were trapping them for their own good, potentially against their will, in your fridge; that you were doing it for the sake of the battery
murderersusers. Well you might have a rebel battery or baby one who has a chemical mutation to like it warmer… Just sayin’@Kidsandliz I have protocols in place to identify and eliminate such rogue cells when they are mere button cells…
The freshness - and conformity - of my batteries is enforced.
@shahnm My gosh you have taught batteries how to breed and baby button cells could grow up to be D cells?
@Kidsandliz I had to resort to unconventional means, since Meh no longer sells fully grown batteries…
@shahnm So do any of these unconventional means involve assault and battery?
@Kidsandliz What kind of revolting monster do you think I am? Do you think I get a charge out of this?? I’ll have you know I coolly discharge my power with honor.
@shahnm Watch out. You still might be charged with a power grab revolt.
Mine keep wearing out in my steel toe shoes. Glad I got as many as I did. Just can’t keep socks around for long.
Does anyone care to answer questions 2 and/or 3? Or 25 or 6 to 4?
@ThunderChicken My wife recently heard an interview with one of the Chicago dudes, and he explained what that song was really about. If you don’t already know, trust me on this - you don’t want to know…
But I’ll tell you if you ask.
@shahnm I’m all ears–
@ThunderChicken Are you really, really sure you want to know?
@shahnm If I don’t ask, it will drive me nuts until I research it on my own, so, erm… yes.
@ThunderChicken So… the dude was up well into the wee hours trying to come up with lyrics to this great new riff Chicago had. He was having no luck, and happened to look at the (analog) clock. The time, at that moment, was about twenty-five or twenty-six minutes to 4 AM (25 or 6 to 4…). That, and some banal stream of consciousness crap about his writer’s block is the entire basis for the lyrics. Listen to it again with this in mind. The song is dumb as shit. And we all love it!
For the record, you asked…
@shahnm Yeah, I did ask. Oh well.
I recall, back in the days before we could just DuckDuckGo such things, wondering if it was a reference to time, but I never went so far as to consider it was just the result of glancing at a clock while at a loss for lyrics. Good story, actually.
A drawer full, but I’m not going to count them. And another drawer full of Foot Cardigan.
Socks are like ties: if I gotta wear them, I’m going to have fun with them.
Then again, I haven’t worn a tie since the plague hit.
Let’s see, check the drawer… The closet… Under the bed… The laundry… Now add… Carry the one… That comes to a grand total of… 0
@macromeh Might want to check your meh order page to see if that number should be greater than zero. (grin)
@Kidsandliz @macromeh Yeah, Pitney Bowes employees could have dozens of yours.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @ThunderChicken
same here. None. Buy my socks in multipack sets that are all the same, so as one wears out I can just have a half pair until another bites the dust. My socks are generally invisible since I only wear them with long pants in the dead of winter.
@chienfou @macromeh @ThunderChicken That’s my trick too. Buy at least 2 pairs of the same sock so you can still have a pair even if one or two get holes that you can’t mend very well.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @ThunderChicken
The vast majority of my sock wearing gets done while I am at work so black (plain) socks to go with the tennis shoes and scrubs. Buy a 12 pack and toss them as they get holes. Since I work 7on/7off i only have to do sock laundry once a month (almost) initially. When I get down to less than 7-8 pairs I buy another pack (hopefully the same brand/style).
If I wear other socks I am generally in shorts and
they are short, no-show style, which I handle the same way.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @macromeh For a few years I was living without a washer and dryer, and I hated going to the laundromat, so I’d put it off as long as possible. I kept buying black socks. Same for underwear (except I had color flexibility there). Fast forward to now, with two drawers for Unsimply Stitched socks alone, I have a whole dresser committed to socks and underwear.
@chienfou @macromeh @ThunderChicken Yeah laundromats suck. I have joked with enough socks and underwear I could go a month or so without going. At one point in time I had enough to do that although they are all wearing out now. I still wait until just about everything I own is dirty. While having a washer and dryer at homeis great as you can go do other stuff while loads run and don’t get stuff stolen, at least at a laundromat all loads can be washed and dried at once and it is faster in that sense. Personally I’d be in favor of self cleaning clothing - I don’t want disposable as I like some of my clothes and don’t want to fill a landfill, I just don’t want to do the laundromat thing. I guess I should have put that on the technology thread about what they should have invented by now.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @macromeh @ThunderChicken This is my approach exactly. I have small feet & hate the standard size women’s socks because the heel part always sticks out of my shoe, and I found that boys xl fit better, but the colors are limited. And then I decided that if guys can get by with only black or white socks, I can too. So liberating!
There are a large number of simply unstitched sock in the rag bag? I think they are mostly hanes… Not worth darning the holes…
Wait am I doing this wrong?
@unksol You darn sure are…
Oh shit. @yakkoTDI 's comment about last Christmas’s pairs got me thinking, and I realized I had an unopened meh package sitting not three feet away. It contained six gift boxes (18 pairs). So I actually have 57 pairs, not 39. I need help.
Maybe I can stop this mania by calling them my Heinz socks. 57 varieties. If I buy more, the joke is ruined.
Better take them off my Amazon wish list…
@ThunderChicken things I had literally never ever thought I needed to think about… And now I have to wonder if this is true…
@ThunderChicken @unksol Good grief Heinz had 57 different kinds of pickles?!?!?!?!? Seriously? 57 different kinds of ice cream or candy I can believe, but pickles??? Are you kidding me?
Or you need more feet… Perhaps you will eventually turn into a centipede? Actually now you have something to put in the holiday exchange box.
I have no idea, so so many…
I wear them often, partly for fun, and partly to honor a friend who loved crazy socks.
0 they are ugly and I prefer warm sweat wicking plain white socks
@CaptAmehrican This is not the thread you are looking for.
@CaptAmehrican they are not not for me either but I prefer plain black socks. There are a couple pair of boot/wool socks cause reasons.
if i wore socks, i’d wear them
last time i had to wear socks, it was when i had to go to Wisconsin in the dead of winter and put on boots - only to walk to dinner. i wore sandals inside
@CaptAmehrican I agree that a lot of them are ugly. I do like some patterned socks though. Just not most of those.
At least a dozen…no real idea. I buy them everytime they appear on here. I have size 13s so its great that they are fun and fit
Shouldn’t this question have been saved for a poll?
You may rely on it
/8ball Shouldn’t this question have been saved for a poll?
9 pr. plus 1 pr. of Glen. He simply won’t shut up.