@fuzzmanmatt@yakkoTDI Buffalo Wild Wings. I gave up on going there a couple of years ago when they got my order wrong four times in a row at three different BWW locations.
Do they at least pluck ALL the feathers off the wings unlike that one Florida company? I think it is called Titties. That’s wrong. It is Boobies (not the Blue Footed ones though.) No, that’s not right either. Is it Knockers? Jugs? Melons? No wait! Now I remember. It is Owls!!
@yakkoTDI I know it had a pair of O’s in the name and some kind of graphic, and my second ex didn’t understand the significance of that nor why I avoided the place as a result. (I prefer not to eat in a restaurant where the thing they’re “selling” is not actually on the menu.) Anyway, there used to be one of them nearby, and it’s been several other kinds of bar since, but it’s empty again at the moment. (Unlamentedly so, as far as I am concerned.)
(Clarification for the sake of background: I actually do have an appreciation of a delectably feminine form, and can fully appreciate one, and I had to hide the fact that this was mostly envy until I stopped being in denial. But I also found the objectification of them repugnant; I wanted to appreciate, not possess or control them. I was weird. I still am.)
According to the micrometer ~3.56’’ * 2.55’’ * 0.95’’ and I’ve got 14-16 cards in there plus some businesse card type stuff and some cash. Just a generic single card width wallet from Walmart from like… Mid 2000s? Has to be 15-20 years old.
Nothing like my dad’s trifold. No idea how he sat on it. Had one in highschool with not much in it and that was not awesome.
Cell phone with case is wider and longer. But only ~.5’’ thick. so wallet in one front pocket, phone in the other. Keys in the watch pocket of my jeans. Maybe knife clipped to the side of one.
@blaineg Same. I have a similar one from the same outfit (except the card slots are oriented 90 degrees vs this one). I’ve had it for years and it’s great.
(My bony ass demands a slim wallet.)
I’ve got an Ekster and I’m still waiting for my replacement license and credit card from losing my wallet a few weeks ago. So it’s 60% full at the moment.
Wallet? I don’t even have money.
(Technically I use what could be generously called a “money clip” - a piece of duct tape wrapped around two rewards cards where I wedge my other cards in-between.)
I need a new wallet but I can’t find one I like. I use a checkbook wallet ( just like the style of it, don’t use it for checks) and since checkbooks aren’t very popular anymore either are those types of wallets. I haven’t seen one I liked enough to by, the wallet I have now is over 10 years old.
@daveinwarsh There are competing products with Android apps. I find them largely unsatisfactory for varying reasons. In particular, the credit-card sized tracking widget from Tile, which was not rechargeable and lasted about a year, was exceptionally useless in my experience. That was several years ago, and they discontinued that exact model. Their later versions might be better, but I was left with a bad taste from that one, and have not been willing to give them more money when what I would expect is additional dissatisfaction. My partner uses an iPhone, and has put AirTags on his car key fobs for tracking purposes to very good effect. (He uses the one on the fob I carry as a way to check on my progress when travelling, without which I’d have left his fob home.) (He also finds it amusing to track his luggage when flying. I don’t think he’s wrong about the utility of that.) (I’m still not going to switch to iPhone.) (Yet.)
My primary wallet is a thin aluminum case [No RFID scanning allowed] that I salvaged from a family friend’s discards when she moved to a smaller home after her hubby passed on. The ends have plastic end caps, one stationary, and the other of which is held on by internal elastic cords.
I keep it in my car’s center console, and just take it out to use when needed. It has my 2 credit, 3 debit, health insurance [and now Medicare], and 1 shopper’s discount card. I have several other wallets in my console and EDC bag with other less-often-used cards, family photos, and other information [Health Care Proxy] in them.
I have a toss wallet in my back pocket that I keep stuffed full of old canceled credit cards and a few fake IDs with different names and bogus addresses on them and like $150 in cash in it. I learned during COVID and the riots never to leave home without enough cash to pay someone to forget they saw you. Also helpful in the case of a mugging. I’s way cheaper than a psychiatrist and a wrongful death lawsuit.
My actual stuff goes in a neat little pocket notebook with a little pen attached to it that serves as my real wallet. I keep that in my front pocket with my phone. It’s lined with stainless steel mesh which has priven pretty effective at blocking unauthorized reads. I have a couple credit cards, a little more cash, a Rite in the Rain notebook and pen, a miniature ballistic analog milliradian slide computer with a fishing weight and a calibrated length of cord (I have to estimate size and distance a lot in my IT work), along with my licenses and insurance paperwork/cards and a couple cat photos. I also have a little brass Soviet coin in there for coin tosses and fidgeting because it makes a fun musical ringing sound when I flip it.
@Catburd When I was teaching I had some female students who used their bras to stuff phones, keys and money (most also had a backpack or purse. One day one of them leaned over to pick up a pen off the floor she had dropped (fortunately she was in the front row on the end where less could see her and no one came through the door right then) and everything fell out including her boob.
@Catburd An acquaintance reported that when he walked up to a parking payment kiosk at a garage I don’t use, he presented the scan-code parking ticket and the machine apparently pinged more than one of the tappable credit cards in the wallet he was carrying in that same hand. Fortunately, the kiosk generated an error and asked for the card to be re-tapped, with a message to tap only the card needed for payment.
From a practical experience standpoint, the need for the RFID blocker isn’t so much “when in crowds” as it is “when in fringe proximity to overactive nominally legit devices”. I know that my Square tappable-card reader can often score a hit at a distance of just over an inch, though I’ve never had it exceed two inches.
I only carry a phone, two cards, a drivers license and health insurance card in my main phone/wallet.
There’s a second wallet in my glove box with the other crap like “Costco membership card”, “AAA card”, “proof of insurance”, etc… things that I don’t need on me 99% of the time that I can leave in car until needed.
Cash? Puffs on imaginary cigar I haven’t heard that word in nigh on twenty years.
Almost completely full. Not hard to do with a slim wallet though.
Mine is about $70 lighter after going to BWW tonight.
@fuzzmanmatt BWW? Burgers, Wine and Whores?
@fuzzmanmatt @yakkoTDI Buffalo Wild Wings. I gave up on going there a couple of years ago when they got my order wrong four times in a row at three different BWW locations.
@fuzzmanmatt I first read that as BMW and thought you got out of that amazingly cheap
@fuzzmanmatt @smyle Must have bought a turn signal.
@fuzzmanmatt @werehatrack
Oh. Doesn’t sound like as much fun.
Do they at least pluck ALL the feathers off the wings unlike that one Florida company? I think it is called Titties. That’s wrong. It is Boobies (not the Blue Footed ones though.) No, that’s not right either. Is it Knockers? Jugs? Melons? No wait! Now I remember. It is Owls!!
@yakkoTDI I know it had a pair of O’s in the name and some kind of graphic, and my second ex didn’t understand the significance of that nor why I avoided the place as a result. (I prefer not to eat in a restaurant where the thing they’re “selling” is not actually on the menu.) Anyway, there used to be one of them nearby, and it’s been several other kinds of bar since, but it’s empty again at the moment. (Unlamentedly so, as far as I am concerned.)
(Clarification for the sake of background: I actually do have an appreciation of a delectably feminine form, and can fully appreciate one, and I had to hide the fact that this was mostly envy until I stopped being in denial. But I also found the objectification of them repugnant; I wanted to appreciate, not possess or control them. I was weird. I still am.)
George Constanza level
The wallet is full of everything except funds. There’s lots of other stuff, but precious little money. Dammit.
According to the micrometer ~3.56’’ * 2.55’’ * 0.95’’ and I’ve got 14-16 cards in there plus some businesse card type stuff and some cash. Just a generic single card width wallet from Walmart from like… Mid 2000s? Has to be 15-20 years old.
Nothing like my dad’s trifold. No idea how he sat on it. Had one in highschool with not much in it and that was not awesome.
Cell phone with case is wider and longer. But only ~.5’’ thick. so wallet in one front pocket, phone in the other. Keys in the watch pocket of my jeans. Maybe knife clipped to the side of one.
It holds 6 various types of cards and no cash.
1990 Disneyworld pass.It might be the wallet I had at the time too.

I never lose my wallet.
I lost it twice in the last month. Are you watching me?
Very slim, I hate thick wallets. The wallet itself is made of ripstop nylon, so it would be hard to get any thinner.
@blaineg Same. I have a similar one from the same outfit (except the card slots are oriented 90 degrees vs this one). I’ve had it for years and it’s great.
(My bony ass demands a slim wallet.)
I’ve got an Ekster and I’m still waiting for my replacement license and credit card from losing my wallet a few weeks ago. So it’s 60% full at the moment.
Wallet? I don’t even have money.
(Technically I use what could be generously called a “money clip” - a piece of duct tape wrapped around two rewards cards where I wedge my other cards in-between.)
I need a new wallet but I can’t find one I like. I use a checkbook wallet ( just like the style of it, don’t use it for checks) and since checkbooks aren’t very popular anymore either are those types of wallets. I haven’t seen one I liked enough to by, the wallet I have now is over 10 years old.
less than 1/2" thick
I pay cash for many items, so my wallet gets pretty full.
I’ve never lost or misplaced a wallet or keys.
Also, I’ve never owned an Apple product.
@daveinwarsh There are competing products with Android apps. I find them largely unsatisfactory for varying reasons. In particular, the credit-card sized tracking widget from Tile, which was not rechargeable and lasted about a year, was exceptionally useless in my experience. That was several years ago, and they discontinued that exact model. Their later versions might be better, but I was left with a bad taste from that one, and have not been willing to give them more money when what I would expect is additional dissatisfaction. My partner uses an iPhone, and has put AirTags on his car key fobs for tracking purposes to very good effect. (He uses the one on the fob I carry as a way to check on my progress when travelling, without which I’d have left his fob home.) (He also finds it amusing to track his luggage when flying. I don’t think he’s wrong about the utility of that.) (I’m still not going to switch to iPhone.) (Yet.)
My primary wallet is a thin aluminum case [No RFID scanning allowed] that I salvaged from a family friend’s discards when she moved to a smaller home after her hubby passed on. The ends have plastic end caps, one stationary, and the other of which is held on by internal elastic cords.
I keep it in my car’s center console, and just take it out to use when needed. It has my 2 credit, 3 debit, health insurance [and now Medicare], and 1 shopper’s discount card. I have several other wallets in my console and EDC bag with other less-often-used cards, family photos, and other information [Health Care Proxy] in them.
I have a toss wallet in my back pocket that I keep stuffed full of old canceled credit cards and a few fake IDs with different names and bogus addresses on them and like $150 in cash in it. I learned during COVID and the riots never to leave home without enough cash to pay someone to forget they saw you. Also helpful in the case of a mugging. I’s way cheaper than a psychiatrist and a wrongful death lawsuit.
My actual stuff goes in a neat little pocket notebook with a little pen attached to it that serves as my real wallet. I keep that in my front pocket with my phone. It’s lined with stainless steel mesh which has priven pretty effective at blocking unauthorized reads. I have a couple credit cards, a little more cash, a Rite in the Rain notebook and pen, a miniature ballistic analog milliradian slide computer with a fishing weight and a calibrated length of cord (I have to estimate size and distance a lot in my IT work), along with my licenses and insurance paperwork/cards and a couple cat photos. I also have a little brass Soviet coin in there for coin tosses and fidgeting because it makes a fun musical ringing sound when I flip it.
@Catburd When I was teaching I had some female students who used their bras to stuff phones, keys and money (most also had a backpack or purse. One day one of them leaned over to pick up a pen off the floor she had dropped (fortunately she was in the front row on the end where less could see her and no one came through the door right then) and everything fell out including her boob.
@Catburd An acquaintance reported that when he walked up to a parking payment kiosk at a garage I don’t use, he presented the scan-code parking ticket and the machine apparently pinged more than one of the tappable credit cards in the wallet he was carrying in that same hand. Fortunately, the kiosk generated an error and asked for the card to be re-tapped, with a message to tap only the card needed for payment.
From a practical experience standpoint, the need for the RFID blocker isn’t so much “when in crowds” as it is “when in fringe proximity to overactive nominally legit devices”. I know that my Square tappable-card reader can often score a hit at a distance of just over an inch, though I’ve never had it exceed two inches.
There’s a cellphone in my wallet.
I only carry a phone, two cards, a drivers license and health insurance card in my main phone/wallet.
There’s a second wallet in my glove box with the other crap like “Costco membership card”, “AAA card”, “proof of insurance”, etc… things that I don’t need on me 99% of the time that I can leave in car until needed.
Cash? Puffs on imaginary cigar I haven’t heard that word in nigh on twenty years.
@OnionSoup I once told a panhandler that I didn’t have cash to give him. He had the nerve to ask if I’d go to the ATM and get him some. No, dude.
/showme what’s in your wallet