@sicc574 I saw him in 1994 because the opening act was Pop Will Eat Itself. The Jim Rose Circus also opened and while good all but one act was a variation of stuff I had seen before.
@chienfou@Kyeh AFAIK, my cardiologist frowns upon all the NSAIDs, but i tend to try to avoid taking anything unless REALLY necessary, anyway, and even then, i try for a minimal amount. I figure i take enough meds as it is for all my chronic ailments! Thankfully, i usually have a pretty high pain tolerance, so that helps. I barely took any of the PRN narcotic meds after my ORIF surgery, mostly just stuck with Flexaril for muscle spasms & good ol’ Tylenol.
@chienfou@ircon96@Kyeh Oh man, after my surgery to repair my shattered foot, I don’t think I could have survived without my Vicodin. This was back in the early 90’s, when the WOD was in full force and they would not give me more than 2 days’ worth at a time. And my doctor’s office didn’t call in refills until the end of their day. So I remember many days watching the clock approach 5PM, sweating by the phone waiting for the pickup call from the pharmacy, wondering if I would have to endure the night without meds. Not a pleasant time.
Usually I do nothing (not necessarily a good thing!). I rarely use a massage device or mild heat (too much, especially if you lay on it, can cause burns or permanent skin darkening). I rarely use acetaminophen.
@ETFrisco@zinimusprime I bought one of those too. I was surprised how effective it is for blocking lower back pain (albeit, temporarily). I paid $12 (plus S&H).
/giphy margaritas

@yakkoTDI I wonder if you could use the brushes on today’s offering to stir your margarita. That would give you a reason to buy.
or whiskey
or gin
or rum
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that’s real
@eeterrific I got to see Mr. R. perform this in concert. The visuals that went along with it were great.
@eeterrific @yakkoTDI Were those visuals the same as what is in the official NIN video of the song?
But I do prefer the Johnny Cash version, myself.
@eeterrific On Oct 25, 1995 I saw NIN on tour with David Bowie and a band I’d never heard or heard of before called “Prick”, who were amazing.
@eeterrific @phendrick The visuals were similar.
@sicc574 I saw him in 1994 because the opening act was Pop Will Eat Itself. The Jim Rose Circus also opened and while good all but one act was a variation of stuff I had seen before.
@eeterrific @phendrick @yakkoTDI
Absolutely! He sings it like he lived it…
@chienfou @eeterrific @phendrick @yakkoTDI He did!
@eeterrific @milstarr @phendrick @yakkoTDI

@Kyeh I miss that stuff! It doesn’t get along with my other meds & the heart muscle wins, unfortunately. Now I’m stuck with acetaminophen.
@ircon96 Oh - yes, I know a lot of people who are in the same boat. Acetaminophen isn’t nearly as effective.
@ircon96 @Kyeh
can you do Naproxen?
@chienfou @Kyeh AFAIK, my cardiologist frowns upon all the NSAIDs, but i tend to try to avoid taking anything unless REALLY necessary, anyway, and even then, i try for a minimal amount. I figure i take enough meds as it is for all my chronic ailments! Thankfully, i usually have a pretty high pain tolerance, so that helps. I barely took any of the PRN narcotic meds after my ORIF surgery, mostly just stuck with Flexaril for muscle spasms & good ol’ Tylenol.
@chienfou @ircon96 @Kyeh Oh man, after my surgery to repair my shattered foot, I don’t think I could have survived without my Vicodin. This was back in the early 90’s, when the WOD was in full force and they would not give me more than 2 days’ worth at a time. And my doctor’s office didn’t call in refills until the end of their day. So I remember many days watching the clock approach 5PM, sweating by the phone waiting for the pickup call from the pharmacy, wondering if I would have to endure the night without meds. Not a pleasant time.
Stop moving them
Remind them that someday they could be replaced with synthetic biological analogs that will work twice as hard without complaining.
I’ve been more of a heat guy myself
Advil (AKA Ibuprofen) is the right answer.
@hchavers I should invest in the parent company of the manufacturer for Advil. I would make a killing off of my own money.
@Ziggie What’s this “sleep” of which you speak?
@ircon96 it’s this new thing that’s supposed to substitute for caffeine. I’m not a fan yet.
I don’t. The a-holes have a mind of their own.
@FightingMongoos Yep. This. Plus bourbon!

I’m short so it’s just not a thing.
@brennyn What. Short on muscles?
Usually I do nothing (not necessarily a good thing!). I rarely use a massage device or mild heat (too much, especially if you lay on it, can cause burns or permanent skin darkening). I rarely use acetaminophen.
I use a TENS I bought on Meh. It works pretty good.
@ETFrisco How much was it?
@ETFrisco @zinimusprime I bought one of those too. I was surprised how effective it is for blocking lower back pain (albeit, temporarily). I paid $12 (plus S&H).
@ETFrisco I do the same thing. Works like a charm.
a long hot shower…
I do all of the above.
Suffer in silence and continue about my life.
And sometimes take an epsom salt bath.
Heating pad