I miss my dogs. They gave me no choice but to suit up and get walking even if it was -20 outside and we had to abbreviate the walks a bit. Three times a day plus brief outies in the back yard, rain, shine, snow, sleet, tempests… the Dogs must be Walked.
Still have a yard and chickens to keep up so there is always something to do.
Cover/uncover the plants on really cold nights
cut down the banana plants that froze this week
mow/pick up leaves
prep the garden for next year
clear the chicken coop of all the “black gold” (compost)
Pick up limbs, cut wood for fire pit
put out mulch/pine straw for plants
etc. etc. etc.
Gym. Lovely, wonderful gym. Where it is never too hot or too cold. Getting there is an issue occasionally, but I really love my gym and all the folks there. Signed - a once professional sofa slug, who discovered at the ripe old age of (XXXXX) that I actually like working out. (Plus walking the dog, but he’s a small fluffball who doesn’t like “weather,” so he’s like “let’s get this done, okay? Like now?”)
:wink wink: :nudge nudge:
Say no more
@therealjrn are you insinuating something?
@therealjrn Do you alternate arms or just take on the fiddler crab look?
Shivering my ass off. Burns tons of calories.
An indoor bike. An outside bike is more fun, though not in the cold.
Shoveling snow.
YESSSSSSSSS—finally—yoga as an option!!! I feel seen! Unlike this little dog:
This is the time of year that I’m actually active outside. It’s the best. I’m already dreading the end of February.
Zwift. 70 miles a week… Sprinkle in some elliptical for when my legs are dead.
@JameTG That looks real doesn’t it?
@JameTG @therealjrn omfg, that’s terrifying even though I assumed it was fake.
When it’s cold out, I’m not active, I’m passive.
Same thing I do all year round - running after my kids!
It’s ski season! Elliptical to get myself in shape and double diamonds to burn some serious calories.
I don’t keep active often, but when I do…I use Beat Saber.
@goldnectar Had to Google. This is not a euphemism like I thought it was.
oh you.
Gym membership and yoga, but all of that’s on hold while my stupid fractured ankle heals.
I miss my dogs. They gave me no choice but to suit up and get walking even if it was -20 outside and we had to abbreviate the walks a bit. Three times a day plus brief outies in the back yard, rain, shine, snow, sleet, tempests… the Dogs must be Walked.
Pokemon Go is not a good substitute.
Still have a yard and chickens to keep up so there is always something to do.
Cover/uncover the plants on really cold nights
cut down the banana plants that froze this week
mow/pick up leaves
prep the garden for next year
clear the chicken coop of all the “black gold” (compost)
Pick up limbs, cut wood for fire pit
put out mulch/pine straw for plants
etc. etc. etc.
I ride bicycle and sweat a lot less.
I turn off the heat and shiver for a couple of hours.
Gym. Lovely, wonderful gym. Where it is never too hot or too cold. Getting there is an issue occasionally, but I really love my gym and all the folks there. Signed - a once professional sofa slug, who discovered at the ripe old age of (XXXXX) that I actually like working out. (Plus walking the dog, but he’s a small fluffball who doesn’t like “weather,” so he’s like “let’s get this done, okay? Like now?”)
Where I live cold is in the 40’s.