@Kidsandliz@OldCatLady Same old thing I get stuck in here for every so often. Lungs are being stoopid again. Emphysema + asthma + pneumonia. Fun times.
Inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale…
Landscaping. 4 years of talking about how to change the yard, and we are actually doing it. Still working the job, but the stores around here have great deals going on, so taking advantage of that.
I get mine from the local organic family-owned vendor of hand-crafted, bespoke, purpose-built, freshest air available without a prescription. At least that’s what he tells me.
@robson nope! I want the full fat, high carb, made with bacon grease kind! Makes your toes curl…or your lungs, or something. Besides, didn’t you hear? It’s the gluten that makes it work!
@unksol no way! NY air all the way! It’s heartier, has built-in cleansers, and it’s genetically matched for those who have t…I mean are privileged to live here!
so… You’re not getting your usual shipment of Texas air from meh?
I believe TX closed their borders to exporting air several years ago. I it is my understanding that what sealed the deal is that Pitney Bowes enforces rule and they will accept no packages with any containers or packages of any kind of air in them.
@llangley Well, there is always room for another link to a different recording of it.
I enjoyed the recording of the live performance available on YT, but actually thought this studio version had the better sound and matched what I was used to hearing better.
Our a/c doesn’t work, so we just leave the windows open all day and run fans, unless it’s slated to get unbearably hot (95+°F) out, then we try to trap in as much cold air as possible before sunrise until the temperature goes back down again.
@olperfesser I live next to a golf course. I can’t afford to take advantage of it.
“Initiation fees start at $70,000 with $6,000 yearly dues and up, and you can only apply by member referral.”
Still working, maint shop for road construction.
I’d be making almost twice as much $ if I were on lockdown, is there time to change ‘careers’ again before the next wave?
Hope all you crazies aren’t even crazier like the ones around here when you finally get out
i open the windows in the living room and bedroom whenever it’s nice enough, but i suspect we’ve already had the last one of those days until september or october. no a/c in the kitchen or bathroom though so the windows in those rooms stay open so there’s some air there but…i don’t know how “fresh” it is when it’s 92F and the dew point is 70.
otherwise, going from the apartment to the car, or the apartment to the curb with the recycling.
i miss spending summers split between gardening and the beach. those were the only good ones. (and they ended many years ago, alas.) maybe again someday though. summers in the city are really the pits imho.
@jerk_nugget never lived in a city and would not want to. Although grew up in a house with no AC except one in the kitchen that was rarely used. Basement though. Always cool.
Love oldies so “summer in the city” instant recognitiin lol
@unksol my parents got central air put in when i was ten…and when my mom was pregnant with my sister and couldn’t take the heat anymore lol. it’s a raised ranch so the basement stayed pretty cool (i had a playroom down there and my dad has a den chock full of all kinds of music so we were good) but the upstairs got pretty hot. no crossbreeze and bedrooms only had one small window apiece.
just reminiscing with dad the other day about the yearly family reunions in scranton, PA - six to eight hour drive from RI in the car in july with no a/c back then!! only to arrive at my great grandmother & great great aunt’s house which was hotter than hell. the worst part was they had a huge inground pool in the back but i never saw it have water in it. just a neglected baking cement pit. my dad said one year it was so hot him and my mom didn’t sleep at all, and after that we stayed in hotels.
moved to boston at 17 and have lived nine or ten different places since, window units in the bedrooms only, until the place i’m in now which mercifully has one in the living room too. the city has been good to me but i don’t need it anymore. we’re looking to go elsewhere, i want trees and quiet. water would be nice but i don’t think we’ll get that lucky. either way, i’m ready.
anyway, thanks for the great earworm, hope you’re staying cool
Some of the fresh air I get about half the days of the week comes from a hot dryer in a hot no A/C warehouse full of hot dogs (the cats and sick dogs have A/C) and dirty, stinky animal laundry. Not going to work on it (I volunteer so I get to use this cop out) this weekend as the heat index is 110 and I am positive it would be higher inside there. Instead I plan to get my fresh air from the air from the outside world that is pumped through the motel style A/C unit my apartment has.
@Kidsandliz yikes. Our animals shelter never got quiet that packed or that hot. Although it’s been a while since I volunteered there. The dogs had inside and outside kennels so we could move them to clean every day. And someone took the dogs out to run in the fenced yard a couple at a time. Volunteers took them on walks. Way more cats but you could sort of let them out if you were cleaning cages before the shelter opened. Let them out to play with kids.
@unksol This shelter is in pretty bad shape. Big warehouse with half the built in fans not working, metal with much of the insulation gone. Some large industrial floor fans run 24/7 but not much help in that they are just moving hot air around although I do stand in front of one about every 15 min to try to evaporate the sweat. Rats running around eating scattered dog food. One lives near the washing machines and that sucker is fat.The dogs do get outside, on leashes and taken to a small area to run around for about 5 min each (around 300 dogs there).
Cats, nursing mama dogs and sick dogs are in better shape with A/C but even so those rooms need a major overhaul. Donations are way down and so their fix up job ground to a halt as animal food and vets are the biggest priorities… well and staff - they hire primarily out of homeless shelters so it is not uncommon to be chronically short staffed even if all positions are filled; of course working in that heat is pretty brutal and lots of folks don’t last beyond a week or two. Takes 3 weeks to really get acclimated to that kind of heat.
I have seen the place get a lot cleaner and stink a lot less once the person who ran the shelter that murdered 180 cats (she quit prior to that happening as the board wanted to do it, she objected, couldn’t win and so left) came over to this one (I volunteered at the other one then followed her here) and has really cleaned up the place a lot. Money, of course could solve a world of ills… but that isn’t going to happen. She has made connections with some shelters in the NE and they ship 50 or so dogs and sometimes cats up there about once a month. They have 32 puppies (20 of which are under 8 weeks so for them not yet) that will be headed north (that shelter wants half of each transport to be puppies or kittens which makes it a bit harder. Then sending most of the puppies up north so older dogs can be sent too means fewer puppies here for adoption which decreases interest in the shelter and thus donations). It would help if we had any kind of neuter and spay laws around here.
@Kidsandliz yikes. we don’t have a law but shelters and vets help with TNR if you can trap a cat. I’ve kept the ones I get and it’s country so the free range ones are hunting mice anyway. Dogs got adopted pretty fast. There were only I think 36 kennels and usually a couple open. Turn over on dogs was pretty fast other than the difficult ones… They have been fund raising to do some upgrades. When we had a mom with puppies we just put her in the stafff “lounge”. The kitten room was tight. They took a horse now and then. Fence not built for that.
@unksol There is roughly 300 dogs in there and around 100 cats. There are 3 other big no kill or mostly no kill shelters (one of which takes horses, etc. too), 2 that do home foster (and off load excess to the no kills), and the area’s kill shelter. Around 540,000 people who live around here. And a huge population of abandoned animals. Lots of managed, fed and fixed feral colonies of cats too.
With the pandemic going along, lots of no-kill shelters are near empty. Esp in affluent areas.
Glad your shelter is trying to offload some of the animals to no-kills in areas where people are stuck on adoption waiting lists?
I think there are volunteer animal transport networks just for this sort of need.
That huge no-kill on Long Island (forget the name, but they’re famous) does this.
Also, fwiw, people will donate fans. Lots of households have more fans than they can use.
Try putting some freebie fan donation appeals on FB, Craigslist, Freecycle, etc.
Or, if the shelter is located on a busy street, put up a sign or banner questing donated free fans, where people can read the sign/req from their cars.
@f00l@unksol The shelter is set up with two no kills with a waiting list to adopt both of which this shelter transports to. The catch is they want 50% of each transport to be puppies or kittens and what gets abandoned more often are older animals - not necessarily old rather a year or two old. People got them from somewhere (craigslist maybe), got tired of them so dumped them.
The fans they need the most are the big 3-5 foot in diameter fans (shortage of outlets so have a lot more smaller ones used isn’t practical). I was going to scavenge for another smaller one for the laundry area.
Shelter is not on a busy street - probably a good thing though as there’d be a lot of complaints about 300 barking dogs.
If your shelter has a partner or donor who owns a biz on a busy street, and that person is really nice, they might put up a “animals need fans, please donate” sign for the shelter.
The sign could specify fan size or type.
The shelter could also try get a Lowe’s/HD or Walmart or similar to donate the right sort of fan;
offer “useful ‘thank you’ publicity” by putting up a sign or letter, either at the shelter, or at the donating biz, or on FB, thanking any biz who donates
If the thank/you sign/letter included a pix of the fan blowing on cute pets, so much the better.
People have all sorts of useful crap in storage or in the back room. And if these people love animals, they might make the effort.
@f00l I put something on craigslist for wash clothes, kitten and puppy food dry and kitten wet, toys for both, and some “special” food for a couple of special needs kittens, used kitchen hanging cabinets and we got a little but not much. Donations are way down too. Many, many people unemployed around here. When I get permission to re-post that I’ll add fans and see what happens.
Also FB has local community/neighborhood trade groups. I’m not involved in these, but know some folks know needed specific things for charities and were able to get them donated by using FB.
Yeah lots of people are out of work. But there are many folks who still have extra stuff so worth a try.
Walking between my car and work.
Driving to/from work with the sunroof open on my car.
I order it in bulk.

Hospital oxygen. It’s all the rage, doncha know.
@Pony Hope you are doing OK
@Pony WTF are you doing in there? We didn’t give you permission! What’s going on?
@Kidsandliz @OldCatLady Same old thing I get stuck in here for every so often. Lungs are being stoopid again. Emphysema + asthma + pneumonia. Fun times.
@Pony take care, and a speedy but safe return to normal.
@Pony take care!!
Inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale then exhale then inhale…
@Kidsandliz that’s how I do it too, although sometimes I have two mini inhales before an exhale.
@OnionSoup And then there is the exaggerated exhale when a kid has done something stupid.
@Kidsandliz that’s a common one in this house.
Landscaping. 4 years of talking about how to change the yard, and we are actually doing it. Still working the job, but the stores around here have great deals going on, so taking advantage of that.
At the dog park.
Fresh air? You mean like outside?! No way José!
Mowing the lawn weekly; esp since the gym is not open yet
I get mine from the local organic family-owned vendor of hand-crafted, bespoke, purpose-built, freshest air available without a prescription. At least that’s what he tells me.
@ybmuG Yeah and bottled straight from your city air when you aren’t looking.
@ybmuG Yeah, but is it vegan, 0 added sugars, gluten free, and 0 carbs as well?
@ybmuG so… You’re not getting your usual shipment of Texas air from meh?
@robson nope! I want the full fat, high carb, made with bacon grease kind! Makes your toes curl…or your lungs, or something. Besides, didn’t you hear? It’s the gluten that makes it work!
@unksol no way! NY air all the way! It’s heartier, has built-in cleansers, and it’s genetically matched for those who have t…I mean are privileged to live here!
@ybmuG lol no one made you live in that hel… I mean lovely place.
@unksol @ybmuG
I believe TX closed their borders to exporting air several years ago. I it is my understanding that what sealed the deal is that Pitney Bowes enforces rule and they will accept no packages with any containers or packages of any kind of air in them.
@Kidsandliz this implies Pitney Bowes actually does anything with the packages without air. Has that been confirmed. That they actually go anywhere
@ybmuG Ha! Check the fine print - I bet it’s shipped in bulk from China and only domestically assembled.
@unksol Well they play soccer with them. Or at least drop kick them if the condition the boxes are in for some folks is any indication.
Covid-19 is outside! Recycled air never smelt so good!
Doesn’t everyone keep their doors and windows open all the time during the summer, to let the cool ocean breezes gently float through?
@haydesigner it’s Florida. I sure as hell don’t. Winter is the time for open windows and doors.
@haydesigner It’d be more listening to annoying noises, feeling the encroaching feeling of being watched, and being hot, sweaty, and sneezing.
I’ll pass.
@haydesigner @InnocuousFarmer Yeah, this. Listening to the neighborhood kids scream and letting in all the humidity. No thanks.
@phendrick Came here to say this

@llangley Well, there is always room for another link to a different recording of it.
I enjoyed the recording of the live performance available on YT, but actually thought this studio version had the better sound and matched what I was used to hearing better.
I just take my stupid mask off et viola!
Does the air I catch while opening the door to let the dog outside and in roughly 37 times each day count?
@togle Only if you inhale (smirk)
@tweezak I think that was my favorite from the series. The Christmas albums were good too, up to a point.
That hot humid depressing stuff? I guess when I get the mail? When mowing because I don’t want to be a totally shitty neighbor.
Some kind soul is smuggling small plastic bags of fresh air to me inside the box, whenever I order some trash on line
@ajdillon is it actual Texas air or a knock off
I do the bicycle thing.

walk the dog for about a mile a day.
Are you crazy!? CNN says that Covid can hang in the air for days! Fresh outside air will kill you.
@sjk3 That’s cause they want you to stay inside, scared, and watch CNN commercials all day.
The dog can’t walk much anymore, but I do take her out in the yard a couple times a day. That’s enough fresh air for me in this disgusting weather.
Our a/c doesn’t work, so we just leave the windows open all day and run fans, unless it’s slated to get unbearably hot (95+°F) out, then we try to trap in as much cold air as possible before sunrise until the temperature goes back down again.
When you live next to a golf course, you take advantage of it.
@olperfesser man that sounds awful. Glad I don’t live there
@olperfesser I live next to a golf course. I can’t afford to take advantage of it.
“Initiation fees start at $70,000 with $6,000 yearly dues and up, and you can only apply by member referral.”
@cinoclav yeah but why would you even want to golf in the first place
@unksol It’s actually a lot of fun. I like the challenge.
Still working, maint shop for road construction.
I’d be making almost twice as much $ if I were on lockdown, is there time to change ‘careers’ again before the next wave?
Hope all you crazies aren’t even crazier like the ones around here when you finally get out
I’m still essentialling so I get “fresh air” by working my butt off in 90+ degree humid weather.
All of the above
i open the windows in the living room and bedroom whenever it’s nice enough, but i suspect we’ve already had the last one of those days until september or october. no a/c in the kitchen or bathroom though so the windows in those rooms stay open so there’s some air there but…i don’t know how “fresh” it is when it’s 92F and the dew point is 70.
otherwise, going from the apartment to the car, or the apartment to the curb with the recycling.
i miss spending summers split between gardening and the beach. those were the only good ones. (and they ended many years ago, alas.) maybe again someday though. summers in the city are really the pits imho.
@unksol exactly. runs through my head nonstop each year as soon as it gets hot and i’m not mad about it
@jerk_nugget never lived in a city and would not want to. Although grew up in a house with no AC except one in the kitchen that was rarely used. Basement though. Always cool.
Love oldies so “summer in the city” instant recognitiin lol
@unksol my parents got central air put in when i was ten…and when my mom was pregnant with my sister and couldn’t take the heat anymore lol. it’s a raised ranch so the basement stayed pretty cool (i had a playroom down there and my dad has a den chock full of all kinds of music so we were good) but the upstairs got pretty hot. no crossbreeze and bedrooms only had one small window apiece.
just reminiscing with dad the other day about the yearly family reunions in scranton, PA - six to eight hour drive from RI in the car in july with no a/c back then!! only to arrive at my great grandmother & great great aunt’s house which was hotter than hell. the worst part was they had a huge inground pool in the back but i never saw it have water in it. just a neglected baking cement pit. my dad said one year it was so hot him and my mom didn’t sleep at all, and after that we stayed in hotels.
moved to boston at 17 and have lived nine or ten different places since, window units in the bedrooms only, until the place i’m in now which mercifully has one in the living room too. the city has been good to me but i don’t need it anymore. we’re looking to go elsewhere, i want trees and quiet. water would be nice but i don’t think we’ll get that lucky. either way, i’m ready.
anyway, thanks for the great earworm, hope you’re staying cool
Some of the fresh air I get about half the days of the week comes from a hot dryer in a hot no A/C warehouse full of
hotdogs (the cats and sick dogs have A/C) and dirty, stinky animal laundry. Not going to work on it (I volunteer so I get to use this cop out) this weekend as the heat index is 110 and I am positive it would be higher inside there. Instead I plan to get my fresh air from the air from the outside world that is pumped through the motel style A/C unit my apartment has.@Kidsandliz yikes. Our animals shelter never got quiet that packed or that hot. Although it’s been a while since I volunteered there. The dogs had inside and outside kennels so we could move them to clean every day. And someone took the dogs out to run in the fenced yard a couple at a time. Volunteers took them on walks. Way more cats but you could sort of let them out if you were cleaning cages before the shelter opened. Let them out to play with kids.
@unksol This shelter is in pretty bad shape. Big warehouse with half the built in fans not working, metal with much of the insulation gone. Some large industrial floor fans run 24/7 but not much help in that they are just moving hot air around although I do stand in front of one about every 15 min to try to evaporate the sweat. Rats running around eating scattered dog food. One lives near the washing machines and that sucker is fat.The dogs do get outside, on leashes and taken to a small area to run around for about 5 min each (around 300 dogs there).
Cats, nursing mama dogs and sick dogs are in better shape with A/C but even so those rooms need a major overhaul. Donations are way down and so their fix up job ground to a halt as animal food and vets are the biggest priorities… well and staff - they hire primarily out of homeless shelters so it is not uncommon to be chronically short staffed even if all positions are filled; of course working in that heat is pretty brutal and lots of folks don’t last beyond a week or two. Takes 3 weeks to really get acclimated to that kind of heat.
I have seen the place get a lot cleaner and stink a lot less once the person who ran the shelter that murdered 180 cats (she quit prior to that happening as the board wanted to do it, she objected, couldn’t win and so left) came over to this one (I volunteered at the other one then followed her here) and has really cleaned up the place a lot. Money, of course could solve a world of ills… but that isn’t going to happen. She has made connections with some shelters in the NE and they ship 50 or so dogs and sometimes cats up there about once a month. They have 32 puppies (20 of which are under 8 weeks so for them not yet) that will be headed north (that shelter wants half of each transport to be puppies or kittens which makes it a bit harder. Then sending most of the puppies up north so older dogs can be sent too means fewer puppies here for adoption which decreases interest in the shelter and thus donations). It would help if we had any kind of neuter and spay laws around here.
@Kidsandliz yikes. we don’t have a law but shelters and vets help with TNR if you can trap a cat. I’ve kept the ones I get and it’s country so the free range ones are hunting mice anyway. Dogs got adopted pretty fast. There were only I think 36 kennels and usually a couple open. Turn over on dogs was pretty fast other than the difficult ones… They have been fund raising to do some upgrades. When we had a mom with puppies we just put her in the stafff “lounge”. The kitten room was tight. They took a horse now and then. Fence not built for that.
Nothing like a wharehoues full of dogs yet
@unksol There is roughly 300 dogs in there and around 100 cats. There are 3 other big no kill or mostly no kill shelters (one of which takes horses, etc. too), 2 that do home foster (and off load excess to the no kills), and the area’s kill shelter. Around 540,000 people who live around here. And a huge population of abandoned animals. Lots of managed, fed and fixed feral colonies of cats too.
@Kidsandliz @unksol
With the pandemic going along, lots of no-kill shelters are near empty. Esp in affluent areas.
Glad your shelter is trying to offload some of the animals to no-kills in areas where people are stuck on adoption waiting lists?
I think there are volunteer animal transport networks just for this sort of need.
That huge no-kill on Long Island (forget the name, but they’re famous) does this.
Also, fwiw, people will donate fans. Lots of households have more fans than they can use.
Try putting some freebie fan donation appeals on FB, Craigslist, Freecycle, etc.
Or, if the shelter is located on a busy street, put up a sign or banner questing donated free fans, where people can read the sign/req from their cars.
@f00l @unksol The shelter is set up with two no kills with a waiting list to adopt both of which this shelter transports to. The catch is they want 50% of each transport to be puppies or kittens and what gets abandoned more often are older animals - not necessarily old rather a year or two old. People got them from somewhere (craigslist maybe), got tired of them so dumped them.
The fans they need the most are the big 3-5 foot in diameter fans (shortage of outlets so have a lot more smaller ones used isn’t practical). I was going to scavenge for another smaller one for the laundry area.
Shelter is not on a busy street - probably a good thing though as there’d be a lot of complaints about 300 barking dogs.
@Kidsandliz @unksol
If your shelter has a partner or donor who owns a biz on a busy street, and that person is really nice, they might put up a “animals need fans, please donate” sign for the shelter.
The sign could specify fan size or type.
The shelter could also try get a Lowe’s/HD or Walmart or similar to donate the right sort of fan;
offer “useful ‘thank you’ publicity” by putting up a sign or letter, either at the shelter, or at the donating biz, or on FB, thanking any biz who donates
If the thank/you sign/letter included a pix of the fan blowing on cute pets, so much the better.
People have all sorts of useful crap in storage or in the back room. And if these people love animals, they might make the effort.
@f00l I put something on craigslist for wash clothes, kitten and puppy food dry and kitten wet, toys for both, and some “special” food for a couple of special needs kittens, used kitchen hanging cabinets and we got a little but not much. Donations are way down too. Many, many people unemployed around here. When I get permission to re-post that I’ll add fans and see what happens.
Try Freecycle and FB as well.
Also FB has local community/neighborhood trade groups. I’m not involved in these, but know some folks know needed specific things for charities and were able to get them donated by using FB.
Yeah lots of people are out of work. But there are many folks who still have extra stuff so worth a try.
@f00l ok thanks
Does nobody else have a pool? Killed the economy, so since there’s nowhere to go it’s getting lots of use!
This is how I’d like to be getting it (photographer is the one who posted it originally - her name is included in the screenshot)

My local NPR station…
Terry Gross can interview a tree stump and make it sound interesting
@earl_danger Yes that program can be pretty interesting.
@earl_danger She is wonderful! Maybe the best interviewer ever.