@The_Tim wew! What ARE those ratings? This seems like a very cool thing. This might be morbid and tasteless, but my 93 year old aunt died Monday and if I get a few bucks in the next 24 hours…I’m gonna have a crazy-cool electric bike!
@Seeds Yeah, just I looked at the video. I see that those spuds slide out to become miniature footpegs.
Wow, if I had any desire to buy one of these crapwagons, that video would quench that fire…
“Hover-1 does not recommend storing the bike in your home folded.” Is that a fire thing? Or is being folded bad for the bike? Can I store it folded in my car? Garage? Pool house?
@sammydog01 There are three very important things to remember about owning a Hover-1 XLS E-Bike:
First of all, keep it out of the light, it hates bright light, especially sunlight, it’ll kill it.
Second, don’t get it wet.
But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget: no matter how much it cries, no matter how much it begs, never ever charge the battery after midnight.
@sammydog01 Storing the bike in the folded up-right position could potentially increase the risk of the bike falling over and scratching/breaking. In the “unfolded” position the bike uses the kickstand for optimal stability.
@Kidsandliz@sammydog01 I have been a little late to this conversation, and I see now that my absence has allowed misinformation and confusion to run rampant. As I’m still the goat, my bad!
Please note that the manufacturer clearly considers it inappropriate to store this bike in a folded position. As everyone knows, all battery operated things should always be stored in the refrigerator. Ergo, the correct procedure is to store this bike, unfolded, in your refrigerator.
I hope this clears up the confusion, and please do not hesitate to call upon me again for your future clarification needs.
As a side note when I lived in Florida working for an outdoor program with adjudicated youth we had no AC (yeah torture the staff too) so we’d take turns sleeping in the walk in fridge. You could fit a number of bikes in there along with most of the free world’s supply of batteries I think.
That seat tho, The thong of the electric bikes, From the looks of it only your crack and a few inches on each side will fit and surly be walking funny after a long ride.
The size of this bike looks like it’s made for kids not grown ass adults especially not a 6’ person their knees would be touching their chest
@mannythewalls true, but a lot of the reviews are also about lacking value at the original $1k price tag. If you get one with a good battery, it sounds like it’d be decent at $400.
So the specs say max rider weight of 285 lbs, while the sticker on it says ‘Maximum Weight: 330 lbs.’ Even if they’re including the 50.7 lb weight of the bike itself, it still doesn’t compute.
Not that I actually care, I wouldn’t buy this piece of crap.
@7815406 Not that pedaling my late-70’s- early 80’s Moped was easy- the gearing was way too low, but it was at least possible.
…and it could go up a 15 degree [+] incline.
…and had a top [rated] speed of 35 MPH.
…but could get up to 50-ish on long downhills occasionally.
…& felt like we were going 90+ tho.
I don’t care much about the bike, but I am dying to hear more of the story of Diane, Cliff and that cad Joseph. Does Diane get into a moderate-level accident on her Hover-1, is then riddled with memory loss, forgets that Cliff was the new love of her life and goes back to Joseph? Does Cliff decide he prefers skateboarding to the Hover-1 because it more closely mimics his beloved windsurfing moves? Does Joseph FINALLY contract gonorrhea from one of the many affairs while on the road? So many directions this could go!
Has anybody noticed the typo? Maybe I’m the only one who read the whole thing.
“Cliff was with Diane at her apartment, helping her back a bag when Joseph burst in. “Diane!” he said.”
@mark2178 They fixed the typo but didn’t bother to thank me or mention that they had fixed it. Thus making me look like an idiot. Thanks @mediocrebot (if it was you) maybe you can sell some self-esteem next in order to replace mine that you so carelessly shattered?
I have been in the market for some electric vehicle to complete my travelling after I get off the bus, but after watching reviews and a video on how it stands up to the test of time I don’t find 400 dollars a deal, the seat becomes lose and after you fold it up it’s awkward to carry but I enjoy seeing something like this offered here. Also bath (just in case you wanna send me a free one )
@sp3ar I ride a bunch of different electric vehicles for the “last mile” part of my bus commute. Electric-assist bicycle, electric skateboards, Onewheel, and I’m currently learning how to ride my new Solowheel… The advantage of all of these is that they’re fairly easy to carry on the bus and keep next to me in the seat. The exception is the bicycle of course, but the bus has a rack for those on the front.
This “folding electric bike” would not fit in the front rack of a bus, and would be super unwieldy to carry onto the bus with you. I highly recommend looking for something smaller or just getting an electric-assist bicycle.
Anyone get theirs yet? I didn’t bite, but regretting it, so looking for horror stories to help me feel more secure in my decision; or a reason to go get it from the encore site
I can see the appeal of an electric to some degree, but…
I have a regular bike, and I have a motorcycle.
If I want to pedal, I’ll bike.
If I want to ride… oh yeah, the motorcycle would win over this every time.
@mrslug I own one of those gawdawful things. It’s nice on flat ground. If one wheel catches a bump/rock/grass and the other doesn’t…expect to go flying…and not in a good way.
Just thought of another issue, at least in NJ. Not researching it right now, but I remember for a motorized vehicle to be street legal, it has to have pedals or be licensed and inspected. Relevant if you plan on riding to work. Check local laws.
So, why are there no pictures of anyone actually riding this E-bike? Hmmm, IMHO, it is because it would be extremely uncomfortable to ride with no good place to put your feet! 250 watt motor (1/3 horsepower) is almost enough power for a 4 - 8 year old to ride up a 15% grade. The rest of us would have to use our feet to push like a scooter. But, a cool concept for $400, maybe a good toy for little kids. Adults need 750 watt (1 HP) or more to motor up at 15% grade.
@mark2178 There are foot pegs above the back wheel. Kind of a leaned-forward crotch-rocket riding position. Just make sure your shoe laces are tucked in!
@medz Yep, I saw the tiny foot pegs placed in an extremely awkward position. The knee angle is extreme and the seat is NOT designed for sitting in that position. it is NOTHING like riding a crotch rocket motorcycle.
@mark2178 I’ve sat in a chair like that before; where your back is straight, but your knees are bent back. The difference is there was padding/support under the shins to better support you.
/image kneeling chair
Seriously want this. And would have bought it had I not just spent $3,000 and in the process my entire tax refund fixing my car. Of course, I would use it all of three times before parking or forever, so maybe this is a good thing
That picture with the models is hilarious! It doesn’t matter how much fitted denim you wear, how badass your boots are…or even how hot you are…you look a
Oops, I meant a 15 degree grade, Yes, no adult could ride this up a 15 degree grade unless they just went down a 20 degree grade and got up to a very fast speed with boat loads of momentum.
I love the “up to 20 MPH”. After reading the reviews I think it might be possible going down a steep hill, with the wind, with a wind sail strapped to the scooter.
I broke down and bought one (I just hope it doesn’t breakdown when I’m using it). I haven’t been let down by any of my meh purchases yet, so hopefully this won’t let me down either…a $400 let down would definitely suck!
@Pat4ever I like it. I velcroed a gel bike seat in front of the regular seat so my 5 year old son can ride with me. We’ve only used it to ride round the neighborhood so far , Id say 3 miles tops but it handles pretty well. Ive only been able to get it up to 17 mph but its fun. Battery life seems good so far.
This looks fun, but calling it a “bike” seems like a serious misuse of the term.
Also, reviews can’t get much more middling than this:

@The_Tim the ultimate Meh reviewed item
@The_Tim wew! What ARE those ratings? This seems like a very cool thing. This might be morbid and tasteless, but my 93 year old aunt died Monday and if I get a few bucks in the next 24 hours…I’m gonna have a crazy-cool electric bike!
@The_Tim @wew Sounds like you’ll need it to get over the grief…
/giphy and now for something completely different

Love it!
ETA - Okay, checked the reviews and now I only like it.
But I love that you’re offering it!
Found a couple unboxing/review videos:
After seeing the box that these come in, $5 shipping is a steal.
@The_Tim I love Youtube so much.
I hope that the “dual disk breaks” only foreshadow the need for a proofreader and not the fate of the hero in that romance novel…
@djslack No, there’s no spelling error. It’s 2 disks from a hard drive.
Where do you put your feet when you ride that (stupid) thing? On those two tiny little spuds above the back tire?
And does it catch fire like the original hovercraft?
@hotrodder looks like there are pegs above the rear wheel.
@Seeds Yeah, just I looked at the video. I see that those spuds slide out to become miniature footpegs.
Wow, if I had any desire to buy one of these crapwagons, that video would quench that fire…
@hotrodder You can put your feet in your back pockets but take them out when you stop or you’ll fall over
@hotrodder @Seeds Yeah, like my knees EVER bent that far- much less after 2 knee replacements…
If you’re gonna make fun of a Toronto sports team, the Leafs would have been a better choice
Bike to see you - so know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em
A hover bike with wheels? What does ‘hover’ mean to you?
@norman8 uhhhhhh, someone took a marketing course?
/giphy a horse of course

Ah the rare Bad AND Boujee
I’ve always wanted one, but not $400 wanted one. I briefly played with a chainsaw engine and an old bike, but that was just dangerous- this is $400.
Savagery at its finest:
“Like the Toronto Raptors, it can fold under very little pressure.”
“Hover-1 does not recommend storing the bike in your home folded.” Is that a fire thing? Or is being folded bad for the bike? Can I store it folded in my car? Garage? Pool house?
@sammydog01 They also recommend that you not taunt Hover-1 bike.
@sammydog01 it stores best in the back of your 8 passenger SUV.
@djslack @sammydog01 Still legal in 16 states.
@sammydog01 There are three very important things to remember about owning a Hover-1 XLS E-Bike:
First of all, keep it out of the light, it hates bright light, especially sunlight, it’ll kill it.
Second, don’t get it wet.
But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget: no matter how much it cries, no matter how much it begs, never ever charge the battery after midnight.
@sammydog01 Storing the bike in the folded up-right position could potentially increase the risk of the bike falling over and scratching/breaking. In the “unfolded” position the bike uses the kickstand for optimal stability.
@sammydog01 You should know the answer to this. It’s got a battery. @shahnm knows where you store it. In the REFRIGERATOR! Right @shahnm ?
@Manufacturer I hope you do know that half the fun on this site is to make fun of the products, joke around being smart ass…
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 I have been a little late to this conversation, and I see now that my absence has allowed misinformation and confusion to run rampant. As I’m still the goat, my bad!
Please note that the manufacturer clearly considers it inappropriate to store this bike in a folded position. As everyone knows, all battery operated things should always be stored in the refrigerator. Ergo, the correct procedure is to store this bike, unfolded, in your refrigerator.
I hope this clears up the confusion, and please do not hesitate to call upon me again for your future clarification needs.
@shahnm Umm exactly how big is your fridge?
As a side note when I lived in Florida working for an outdoor program with adjudicated youth we had no AC (yeah torture the staff too) so we’d take turns sleeping in the walk in fridge. You could fit a number of bikes in there along with most of the free world’s supply of batteries I think.
@Kidsandliz @shahnm

/image walk-in cooler
(What a waste storing all that soft drink when they could be storing all sorts of batteries instead!)
@Kidsandliz Stay tuned. You may be called upon to bring your giant fridge shortly.
@Kidsandliz @narfcake I believe this fridge model has battery storage in the front. Your photo shows the back of the unit.
@Manufacturer Thanks for the response. It was the “in your home” part that I wondered about.
It’s 31 feet long? I’m suddenly interested.
@afullbeard only takes 78 precise folds to store it away
Will it make me look cool like the chick in the photo?
As I see it, yes
These things are cool. I will give you $50 for one right now.
@DaveInSoCal They do look really fun.
If you’re peddling junk, don’t expect anyone to want to blow over $100. $400 for something with a bad warranty and spotty reviews is far too much.
If Meh offered an accessory that made my current bicycle an electric bike, I would get it.
And since I don’t have the funds/garage space for this e-bike (and it doesn’t hover), I will have to pass on today’s offer.
I’d rather stab myself with a speaker dock.
buy 2, attach a seat in the middle and you have a poor man’s tesla
@hafner I thought that was the Chevy Volt
Sorry can’t fit this in my freezer because of all my batteries.
So I’m out…
Oooh cool… looks at price Psh. No. Take a digit off that figure and it’d be an instagrab. Maybe it’ll show up on a fuko in the future for me?
@Jamileigh17 $399.90? You might be able to negotiate that
Great for mall or airport dwellers. Need smooth roads.
And that seat?!? Talk about having a stick up your ass!
That seat tho, The thong of the electric bikes, From the looks of it only your crack and a few inches on each side will fit and surly be walking funny after a long ride.
The size of this bike looks like it’s made for kids not grown ass adults especially not a 6’ person their knees would be touching their chest
The reviews on Amazon don’t build trust. The battery apparently sucks. I think I’ll stuck to my turtle-powered chariot, thank you very much.
@mannythewalls true, but a lot of the reviews are also about lacking value at the original $1k price tag. If you get one with a good battery, it sounds like it’d be decent at $400.
@goldnectar This is very true
Pretty cool, if it were 1/2 price I’d buy one
Trying to talk myself into it.
I hope you have a backup plan/product.

So the specs say max rider weight of 285 lbs, while the sticker on it says ‘Maximum Weight: 330 lbs.’ Even if they’re including the 50.7 lb weight of the bike itself, it still doesn’t compute.
Not that I actually care, I wouldn’t buy this piece of crap.
@cinoclav No worries, they’ll hold up.

Video @ 1:20 “Hover-1 does NOT recommend storing the bike in your home folded”… Dafuq??
@Hopkins3030 kind of defeats the purpose of it being foldable
@Hopkins3030 you’ll be much happier after leaving it outside where (hopefully) it will get stolen.
That clause was inserted by the attorneys - you can’t sue them for burning your house down if it gets stolen first.
Lose charge you walk it home , no pedals.
@7815406 Not that pedaling my late-70’s- early 80’s Moped was easy- the gearing was way too low, but it was at least possible.
…and it could go up a 15 degree [+] incline.
…and had a top [rated] speed of 35 MPH.
…but could get up to 50-ish on long downhills occasionally.
…& felt like we were going 90+ tho.
I don’t care much about the bike, but I am dying to hear more of the story of Diane, Cliff and that cad Joseph. Does Diane get into a moderate-level accident on her Hover-1, is then riddled with memory loss, forgets that Cliff was the new love of her life and goes back to Joseph? Does Cliff decide he prefers skateboarding to the Hover-1 because it more closely mimics his beloved windsurfing moves? Does Joseph FINALLY contract gonorrhea from one of the many affairs while on the road? So many directions this could go!
Only way to make this worth 400 is throw in a Harley…and even then its a tough call
@fastharry Agreed. I’m not a millennial, but I too have no desire for any H-D due to their image.
@narfcake me neither…I’ll stick to my raked, lowered, 1284 cc RC Engineering, 8 plug, air shiftered 1976 Kawasaki KZ-900…
Has anybody noticed the typo? Maybe I’m the only one who read the whole thing.
“Cliff was with Diane at her apartment, helping her back a bag when Joseph burst in. “Diane!” he said.”
@jelliott04 huh?
@mark2178 They fixed the typo but didn’t bother to thank me or mention that they had fixed it. Thus making me look like an idiot. Thanks @mediocrebot (if it was you) maybe you can sell some self-esteem next in order to replace mine that you so carelessly shattered?
@jelliott04 @mark2178 @mediocrebot It was monkeybot, that rascal
@jelliott04 Hey, seriously! Thanks for pointing this out! I went in and fixed it.
Err… I mean, what are you talking about? The Meh writers never make typos. Your crazy.
@dseanadams umm… oh never mind…
I have been in the market for some electric vehicle to complete my travelling after I get off the bus, but after watching reviews and a video on how it stands up to the test of time I don’t find 400 dollars a deal, the seat becomes lose and after you fold it up it’s awkward to carry but I enjoy seeing something like this offered here. Also bath (just in case you wanna send me a free one )
@sp3ar I ride a bunch of different electric vehicles for the “last mile” part of my bus commute. Electric-assist bicycle, electric skateboards, Onewheel, and I’m currently learning how to ride my new Solowheel… The advantage of all of these is that they’re fairly easy to carry on the bus and keep next to me in the seat. The exception is the bicycle of course, but the bus has a rack for those on the front.
This “folding electric bike” would not fit in the front rack of a bus, and would be super unwieldy to carry onto the bus with you. I highly recommend looking for something smaller or just getting an electric-assist bicycle.
@The_Tim my bus is coach style bus so it has the luggage area below but thanks for thinking about my needs babe
I would buy this if:
A ) I wasn’t broke
B ) it didn’t have a stupid name
You can feel free to put one in my next fuko, though.
Anyone get theirs yet? I didn’t bite, but regretting it, so looking for horror stories to help me feel more secure in my decision; or a reason to go get it from the encore site
You bastards. Recently bought a shittier bike for the same price. No returns.
@connorbush The reviews have this as being shitty too.
@narfcake thank goodness. I feel better.
Does it actually hover? I see wheels.
@hchavers Only if you do a poor photoshop job.
was this deal inspired by the local NY NPR station airing a report about these being illegal today?
@ashmoney Illegal today, but not tomorrow
I can see the appeal of an electric to some degree, but…
I have a regular bike, and I have a motorcycle.
If I want to pedal, I’ll bike.
If I want to ride… oh yeah, the motorcycle would win over this every time.
This gawdawful thing is much cheaper (though you gotta supply your own hoverboard), has a bigger seat, and has better reviews. Pass.
@mrslug I own one of those gawdawful things. It’s nice on flat ground. If one wheel catches a bump/rock/grass and the other doesn’t…expect to go flying…and not in a good way.
Is it too late to say “Bath?”
All I can think of looking at this contraption is “Les Nesmond”.
Just thought of another issue, at least in NJ. Not researching it right now, but I remember for a motorized vehicle to be street legal, it has to have pedals or be licensed and inspected. Relevant if you plan on riding to work. Check local laws.
@Seeds leave New Jersey.
@RedOak did that, came back.
“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”
So, why are there no pictures of anyone actually riding this E-bike? Hmmm, IMHO, it is because it would be extremely uncomfortable to ride with no good place to put your feet! 250 watt motor (1/3 horsepower) is almost enough power for a 4 - 8 year old to ride up a 15% grade. The rest of us would have to use our feet to push like a scooter. But, a cool concept for $400, maybe a good toy for little kids. Adults need 750 watt (1 HP) or more to motor up at 15% grade.
@mark2178 Plus they are claiming it can do 15 degrees, which translates to about a 27% grade. Seems pretty highly unlikely to me.
@mark2178 There are foot pegs above the back wheel. Kind of a leaned-forward crotch-rocket riding position. Just make sure your shoe laces are tucked in!
@medz Yep, I saw the tiny foot pegs placed in an extremely awkward position. The knee angle is extreme and the seat is NOT designed for sitting in that position. it is NOTHING like riding a crotch rocket motorcycle.
@mark2178 I’ve sat in a chair like that before; where your back is straight, but your knees are bent back. The difference is there was padding/support under the shins to better support you.

/image kneeling chair
@mark2178 our front page bullets suggest heading over to that Amazon link where there’s a video of people riding it. Very slowly, I might agree.
Look what happened to that poor girl’s knees due to this death cannon!
Ok, never ever did I expect to come back at 10:30 and see 77 of these sold. My bad meh. You win.
What’s in the Box?
1x Hover1 Electric Scooter
1x Ignition Key
1x Charging cable
This way
That way
Side view
Side viewTail light
Tail lightFolded
FoldedDisplay that is fancier than my car’s
Display that is fancier than my car’sKey
KeyStart a biker gang
Start a biker gangYo dog I heard you liked modes of transportation
Yo dog I heard you liked modes of transportationParked
Price Comparison
$649 at Amazon
120 Day Hover-1
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Wednesday, July 15th
I’ll stick with my URB-E.
Can you ‘bear it’ ? ? ?

@Zebra Classic dad jokes according to my kids I’m the king of dad jokes
I’ll take one for $299.
My kids recently spotted these at Fry’s and they looked awesome kids. After reading the reviews… mehby not…
Seriously want this. And would have bought it had I not just spent $3,000 and in the process my entire tax refund fixing my car. Of course, I would use it all of three times before parking or forever, so maybe this is a good thing
@savvysapphire Your car, or the "hover"bike [re: 3X’s and park…]
@PhysAssist lol. The hover bike. The car I use every day of my life. I missed it the month it was out of service!
The question is: have they sent this to Casey Neistat for review?
If it had training wheels, I might get one for my mom.
I bet Diane has a tramp stamp
Nothing about Bluetooth, wi-fi, or speakers? Might clench the deal for some…
That picture with the models is hilarious! It doesn’t matter how much fitted denim you wear, how badass your boots are…or even how hot you are…you look a

@goldnectar delete the s.

The video said it can’t drive up inclines 15 degrees or greater. I’m not sure what a typical hill angle is, but that seems pretty weak to me.
[insert joke about hills are worth trying if you’re so inclined]

/image hill 15 degree angle
@ACraigL 15º is actually pretty steep for a road. That translates to about a 27% grade. Most of the steepest streets in the USA have percent grades in the low 30-s: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/28/steepest-streets-america_n_4871559.html
I’m doubtful that this scooter with its wimpy 250W motor would actually be able to carry an adult up a 27% grade.
Oops, I meant a 15 degree grade, Yes, no adult could ride this up a 15 degree grade unless they just went down a 20 degree grade and got up to a very fast speed with boat loads of momentum.
I love the “up to 20 MPH”. After reading the reviews I think it might be possible going down a steep hill, with the wind, with a wind sail strapped to the scooter.
@Richsamford And a willing goat pulling for all it’s worth…
I broke down and bought one (I just hope it doesn’t breakdown when I’m using it). I haven’t been let down by any of my meh purchases yet, so hopefully this won’t let me down either…a $400 let down would definitely suck!
@VILLAX911 +$5 shipping.
@VILLAX911 You obviously haven’t been buying enough stuff here.
@therealjrn and $41…stoooopid illinois sales tax.
@sammydog01 #truth
@VILLAX911 how is it?
@Pat4ever I like it. I velcroed a gel bike seat in front of the regular seat so my 5 year old son can ride with me. We’ve only used it to ride round the neighborhood so far , Id say 3 miles tops but it handles pretty well. Ive only been able to get it up to 17 mph but its fun. Battery life seems good so far.
@VILLAX911 only three miles? I was hoping farther than that…