Hidden whispers
5As much as I love having the new whisper feature, it definitely has some drawbacks. I noticed that my whispers hide under the collapsed comments, even when they are new to me. Trying to find my whispers in the fuku reveal thread was a nightmare. Thank goodness for the browser search function.
My other gripe is that I don’t use email notifications, I just check my profile to see if I’ve been mentioned. I wish the whispers would show up there so I don’t miss them.
Thanks meh.
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@RiotDemon I guess you could ask that everyone who whispers you tags you here when they do, but dunno if they’d cooperate.
Let this be a Whisper Topic then. Put all your whispers here!
I also hate checking email for this. And I hate trying to find my whispers later.
Whisper away here!
/giphy whisper

I get email notifications so that’s where I see my whispers.
@sammydog01 I might consider email notifications if it was only whispers… But I prefer not to get any more email than I already deal with.
How about creating a new email address for Meh, and have it forward whisper notifications to your main inbox?
You otherwise wouldn’t need to be logged in to that account, and since you’d only forward whisper notifications, you could have notifications enabled.
@PlacidPenguin @RiotDemon
Nice suggestion. But …
People who don’t want to have to go to email to check for this sort of thing usually don’t find filtering etc (and other email options) to solve the problem.
They simply don’t want to have to go to email to check for this sort of thing. At all.
@f00l @RiotDemon
Are those people the same people who want notifications about some notifications without getting notifications about other notifications?
@PlacidPenguin @RiotDemon
@f00l @RiotDemon
That’s why I gave a slightly tedious suggestion.
Just because penguins are sometimes generous, doesn’t mean that they are truly sincere.
@RiotDemon Sorry. Problem with showing whisper activity on your profile is that everyone can see what is on your profile. That’d take some serious consideration and coding to display private whispers there. Great idea, though! You’re very smart and attractive.
@medz @RiotDemon She is!
@medz @RiotDemon couldn’t you just have it only display them if the user id viewing the profile matched the user id of the person who’s profile it was?
@Seeds I probably could, yeah.
@medz @therealjrn stalkers!
@medz @RiotDemon @Seeds …or only turn that feature on for users who hide their profiles anyway…?