Hey you 3-D printers out there...
9Came upon some filament and wondering if anyone out there would be interested. It’s 2.85/3.00
ABS Red - IC3D
ABS Dark Blue - Gizmo Dorks
ABS Transparent Gizmo Dorks
ABS White - Hatchbox
PLA Lime Green - Matterhackers (partial reel)
PETG Black - eSun
TPU Black - Ninja Flex
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I have tons of filament. Mostly PLA. My daughter is in a cool high school engineering program (she’s in 11th grade) so I bought her a 3D printer last Christmas. She is currently designing a chain guard for a wheelchair that is used for elementary/middle school kids who attend outdoor ed programs and need to use the chair to go a bit ‘off-road’. The chair has levers that kids with good upper mobility can use to drive the wheels, but the chain drive is a bit dangerous for the others whose arms just sit by their sides. The chains are on both sides of the seat and can catch loose clothing or fingers. The director of the program actually had to remove the chains because it was so problematic. My kid and her two classmates had the chair for 3 weeks and today they launched their first prototype at an outdoor ed event and a 5th grader was able to use the chair with the custom chain guards without issue. I think they have a few minor adjustments to make and then they are going to print it in TPU to make it flexible. I’ve got a good dork kid She is actively trying to patent the design because she wants to make sure people can get it for free and it doesn’t land behind a paywall when they give it to the manufacturer of the chair.
Dang, I used too many words again
@capnjb that’s cool! And reflects both ingenuity and altruism - a combo that will serve her well.
@capnjb @ybmuG Very cool! I hope we get to see a picture of it someday.
@capnjb tell her she rocks hard
@capnjb @Cerridwyn @kyeh @ ybmuG
Nope… That was JUST the right amount.
Nice work Dad. “You done good!”
@capnjb Today it is Kool to Geeky, Nerdy & Dorky. Your should keep on encouraging it!
But when I was in grade school, It Was NOT Kool to be that way. But I could not help it! It was the way I was made!
@capnjb @mycya4me
"Today it is Kool to BE Geeky, Nerdy & Dorky. You [no ‘r’] should keep on encouraging it!
@ybmuG I would be, is this something you have in person or have a link to (or am I too slow?)
New printer is properly enclosed so ought to do abs well.
@djslack i have in person. They are all 0.75 or 1.0 kg spools.
And just want to be sure the size (2.85 / 3.00 mm) will work. My understanding is that it was used in older printers.
@ybmuG you’re absolutely right, that size won’t work. I had already turned off my brain last night apparently. Thanks though!
@djslack i find if i never turn my brain on in the first place, it’s much easier.
I am not sure I have ever personally seen a printer that takes the 2.85mm diameter filament… all the home/hobby grade stuff is 1.75, but maybe there are some commercial grade machines out there that can use it.
@blandoon yep that is an Odd size, plus ABS requires a vented enclosure, the TPU requires as direct drive.
@blandoon @mycya4me the guy that had them said he had them for a printer he got about 9-10 years ago and just got rid of recently.
There are these- if my Google search was accurate [not saying it was though…]
From a Reddit thread about printers that can run 2.85/3/0 filament:
“Ultimaker, Lulzbot and BCN3D are the ones I know of…”
@blandoon @PhysAssist Lulzbot was the one the guy had
@ybmuG if you’re looking to donate it, the printer at my hospital uses this size. we use it to make custom adaptive stuff for patients with paralysis.