Hey meh, did I fuck up?
0So I got tempted and decided to try out five four club. I originally did it for the wayfarers, then I realized I messed up because 1.) They might not be Ray-Ban, 2.) The reviews for the clothes are like really bad (Like 80/20 bad/good)
(Apparently the clothes are really bad quality or something)
So cool cool thing is I want to know if I messed up, and if I just wasted 60 dollars that could go towards a lens.
Please console me.
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Well, you did post this thread twice so... probably?
@Thumperchick I didn't post it twice that was a glitch, it seems to have done that for some reason
@legendornothing oh sure, blame the forums...
@Thumperchick I know, especially when there's a perfectly good scapegoat around to blame (or unblame) instead.
@legendornothing Yes. That $60 could've been better spent on catshirts.
I feel like there's a connection between you and the cat shirt store ;)
Btw, last night i noticed that the antisocial T-shirt is back in stock for the size I need. (Shame it's not a hoodie, because i only own 1)
@FroodyFrog catshirts mostly come from shirt.woot.com, not TeeTurtle.
A little back story: TT was started by a shirt.woot artist with a controversial past. Lots of critics, lots of accusations, and lots of suggestions to "go away". Heck, back then and on more than one occasion, I was de-Ramy-ifying my closet on the trade thread.
He started TT one day after woot announced they were changing to Anvil blanks ... and it wasn't too long for shirt.woot's customer base to move on also.
Connection? Well I did chew him out over that whole "grammar thread" incident, and apparently my dog has this unexplainable thing over drooling/licking/slobbering on many of his designs.
@Thumperchick no what I mean is that I think that I may have resubmitted a form or something, creating the topic twice
@legendornothing @narfcake
Thought there was a more exciting connection (involving bribery, espionage, corporate theft etc. Kinda like FIFA)
And yeah, i know they're 2 different stores, wasn't in the mood to specify it.
@FroodyFrog The grammar thread incident was the most of it.
The voting/sales accusations was debunked after a 30th place Honorable Mention outsold and outlasted all the other designs from both the original and double-take derbies.
My then daily numbers proved he wasn't doing anything worse than what other artists were doing with the reckoning sales -- which surprised me too, as I was thoroughly convinced that he was cheating the system beforehand.
@narfcake I never knew about the controversy, sounds like a story I want to hear sometime. I do have a question, was this more of a issue between community members or Woot? I still see his designs sold there.
@conandlibrarian Community. Click on any older derby entry for more details. Do know that @del and other mods have scrubbed a lot of the posts back in the days, so what you'll be reading is the "sanitized" version.
Woot still regularly runs his stuff because it sells. Generally, his overly cutesy, chibified, and/or pop culture designs sold very well in its initial run and still does so these days; I would say nearly $4-million in revenues over the years. And none of his designs ever undersold its derby vote count.
@narfcake Love him or hate him - Ramy brought strong sales and seriously loyal fanbase. I have more than a few ramyb's in my collection - and I love them all.
I'm glad that the accusations were pretty much debunked, especially considering his former association to one of the more notorious artists.
@Thumperchick Yeah, his then GF what's-her-thief didn't help, what with the shenanigans she pulled every Monday. I shook my head when I saw she submitted an entry in derby #300; thankfully, Wooters generally aren't that forgiving when it comes to those caught stealing.
Is "five four club" like https://www.trunkclub.com?
@connorbush https://www.fivefourclub.com/
I had a friend who once said that "If you adopt an air of confidence, you can wear anything you want."
Also, I used to do ads on the radio for "color analysis" classes and went to one. Here's a tip: "the blink test." Got two shirts of very different colors? Hold up one in front of you and look carefully at your face in a mirror. Then CLOSE YOUR EYES while you hold up the other shirt and then open them. If one color brings out your skin tones, eyes etc., better, you will see it. Keep in mind that the color below you waistline is not as important as your shirt/blouse/coat that is near your face.