Congratulations @Hollboll, I forgive you for the “Elmo Incident”.
This is due to the fact that I SHOCKINGLY just found out that Glen is a sock. @mediocrebot and @Matthew should have had a warning in the video title that the video contained disturbing news.
(I just wish that this had happened before I shipped a box. Now to see if I can get the box intercepted…)
@IWUJackson You know its weird, but I can look at a sock puppet and suspend disbelief and attribute whatever he is is saying to his own unique personality.
But if I see chin face, I just see an upside down guy with some markings on his chin and want to say “Why are you doing that? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable sitting up?”
I think @Matthew’s other issue is that his other socks don’t talk. Or at least have a mind of their own …
@narfcake Dead socks tell no tales. @Matthew had other sock friends.
@caffeine_dude They went into the Great Dryer of Death and were never seen again.
@rockblossom Or perhaps the Land of Lost Socks, at least …
…except about him & behind his back.
Sock lives Matter
Congratulations @Hollboll, I forgive you for the “Elmo Incident”.
This is due to the fact that I SHOCKINGLY just found out that Glen is a sock.
@mediocrebot and @Matthew should have had a warning in the video title that the video contained disturbing news.
(I just wish that this had happened before I shipped a box. Now to see if I can get the box intercepted…)
I don’t even see socks or clothes anymore, I just see Glen for his unique personality and deep thinking
@IWUJackson You know its weird, but I can look at a sock puppet and suspend disbelief and attribute whatever he is is saying to his own unique personality.
But if I see chin face, I just see an upside down guy with some markings on his chin and want to say “Why are you doing that? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable sitting up?”
@DrWorm Maybe the camera’s just upside down…
Behold the Valley of Uncanny
/giphy uncanny valley
@IWUJackson Yeah, but regardless, the desired effect isn’t what I see.
There’s something here about a sock and putting a foot in his mouth, but I can’t quite get there. Socks, amirite?
So what’s the deal with socks and commitment?
Like, socks couples never ever stay together.