@raptorgorawr I didn’t remember you got free irk’s for life for having permanent advertising on you. Wait - WHAT? You got a tattoo and cat litter at the same place?
@Kidsandliz The tattoo I got during the 4th Birthday stuff when they told people if they got one, they would win something but we did not know what. I and @the Meerkat were the 2 that did it. Turns out, Free Fuko/I.R.K./ whatever they morph into next for life provided we upload a current photo showing our tattoos and something dated.
@ChadP I thought to myself, “what’s the best way for an American in 2018 to prove a date?”, and the only possible answer was proving I still had it with an exorbitant medical bill insurance didn’t cover from a few days ago.
@ChadP Video of my reaction after I open the IRK and it’s just 428 fidget spinners.
Incidentally, I find it interesting that @raptorgorawr and I are both women, and we were the only ones to get a tattoo. That probably says something interesting. Probably. idk i’m not a scientist leave me alone
I have an identical tattoo as raptor and apparently shop at the same store as her and have the same handwriting as her too. Here’s my photographic proof
Here’s my tattoo. It’s super special, it’s puffy and it’s glittery. I got it last month, I would have shared, but I wanted the redness around it to go away.
And make it a good one @ChadP. None of that broken crap.
@sammydog01 I would think at least some shards of plastic and a banana peel are warranted, whatever else is in there.
@sammydog01 Lol. You think we have some that aren’t full of broken crap?
@sammydog01 Maybe they’ll throw in a toothbrush. Oh. Wait…
@Cythwulf The least you could do is toss in that coffee cup from your desk. He did get a tattoo after all.
@Cythwulf @sammydog01 She.
@Cythwulf @raptorgorawr @sammydog01 And now I am curious to know what 9 items were bought at wal-mart…
@sammydog01 which coffee cup is that?
@Cythwulf This coffee cup. You must own one.
@sammydog01 I don’t own that, but I wish I did.
@Cythwulf @raptorgorawr what cookies are we talking about here?
@moonhat @raptorgorawr those are so friggen good. I want a bucket of the icing. … Spoon is optional
@raptorgorawr oh I do love those bad boys. All colors.
/giphy flaky-distressed-penguin
It says items sold 9. What did you do get 9 tattoo? (meh, irk, glen, bluetooth, fidget spinner, fuck, purple, fuko, and fuku)
@Kidsandliz Let’s see, I got:
I just have to give an updated photo of my tattoo with something showing a recent date each time we have a I.R.K. to get my free one.
@raptorgorawr I didn’t remember you got free irk’s for life for having permanent advertising on you. Wait - WHAT? You got a tattoo and cat litter at the same place?
@Kidsandliz The tattoo I got during the 4th Birthday stuff when they told people if they got one, they would win something but we did not know what. I and @the Meerkat were the 2 that did it. Turns out, Free Fuko/I.R.K./ whatever they morph into next for life provided we upload a current photo showing our tattoos and something dated.
Hey there @ChadP, I got one too! Can I have my IRK now?
@therealjrn …
@ChadP what?
@therealjrn you lack a receipt…you failed
@amehzinggrace I can’t even get the picture to show for me.
/giphy post fail
@amehzinggrace @therealjrn
@lichme @therealjrn you’ll need to itemize that hot mess…for tax purposes you understand…
@amehzinggrace @lichme Well there ya go. Lich keeps very good records.
@therealjrn oh, fun. ok, me too, me too!
/giphy Seems Legit
@themeerkat where you at?
@ChadP Frolicking in the prairies
@ChadP I thought to myself, “what’s the best way for an American in 2018 to prove a date?”, and the only possible answer was proving I still had it with an exorbitant medical bill insurance didn’t cover from a few days ago.
/giphy hateful-occasional-barnacle
@ChadP Video of my reaction after I open the IRK and it’s just 428 fidget spinners.
Incidentally, I find it interesting that @raptorgorawr and I are both women, and we were the only ones to get a tattoo. That probably says something interesting. Probably. idk i’m not a scientist leave me alone
@TheMeerkat but you have stuff for next Halloween covered to give out.
This is totally real and legit too
@capguncowboy They’ll believe it just as they believe that I’ve never worn a catshirt.
I have an identical tattoo as raptor and apparently shop at the same store as her and have the same handwriting as her too. Here’s my photographic proof
My Tattoo, it was really Painful, trust me
Here’s my tattoo. It’s super special, it’s puffy and it’s glittery. I got it last month, I would have shared, but I wanted the redness around it to go away.
@lisaviolet how did you get out of Costco with only spending 86.98??
@mikibell We just bought eggs. And a tattoo.
@lisaviolet 7 items total …
@mikibell I’ve done sub-$10 plenty of times.
@lisaviolet that looks like a low sales tax %, nice.