I upload photos to imgur.com from Mobile Safari and paste the link to the photo here.
To upload to imgur, touch the cloud with the arrow in it that’s in the upper-right corner of their home screen. Then click the X in the upper-right corner of the screen that comes up telling you it’s easier to upload photos from the imgur app. (I’m guessing the reason the app is easier is because it doesn’t have a nag screen telling you about how easy the app is.) Then click the “Upload from Device” button and select the photo you want to upload. You’ll then come to the screen where you can copy the link to the photo. Make sure you post what they call the “Direct Link” which includes the “.jpg” extension.
I’m assuming you have to have an imgur account in order to do this. Having an account is free. There might be some limits to free accounts but I’ve never run into them.
I am probably doing it the long way… go to the photo you want to upload. Click on the icon that is a square box with a arrow pointing up in the lower left. That chooses the photo . Choose email it. Email it to yourself. Download the photo from your email. Go to meh. Choose the funny looking mountain moon icon to the right of the 101 010 one along the bottom of the message box. Drag the photo onto the box that comes up. Ignore all the crap it puts in the box. Click OK. Click say it. The photo should come up
@RiotDemon Because I access websites from my computer and not my phone. And as I said above I am probably doing this the long way. I haven’t had a smart phone very long - someone gave me their old 5s and I am still learning how to use it. The way I said works. I never claimed it was efficient LOL
@RiotDemon well, literally, everything gets horizontal. Including the say it icon with no tool bar or options. My phone is an iPhone 5S that is probably the problem-it’s too fucking old like me
@f00l Did not work on my even older (actually very new since Apple just replaced it a couple weeks ago for the 4th or 5th time!) iPhone 5 running iOS 9.3.5.
I thought the 5 and 5c were virtually identical tech-wise. Isn’t the 5c simply a one year newer 5 with a plastic case wrapped around the same guts?
Did work on my iPad running iOS 9.3.5.
Have avoided iOS 10 since I thought I read it wasn’t a good thing on an iPhone 5.
@f00l Yes, the 5s guts improved nicely from the 5/5c. It also added Touch ID to the home button.
Still liking my 5 fine.
Tip for getting a 5s cheap: go to a corporate AT&T store (not one of the faux look like AT&T stores) where a brand new 5s goPhone is $199 and comes with a $50 of goPhone service card. No contract. All goPhones can be used on traditional AT&T post paid plans - just swap out the SIM card. Sell the goPhone service card for whatever $.
@f00l Apple is so infuriating with their auto-download of the iOS 10 update. Takes up almost a gig on my phone so I have to keep deleting it under Manage Storage.
@f00l Thanks, but we don’t do used mobile devices unless they come from a manufacturer like Apple, who hands you a virtually new phone with refurb circuit board, or a trusted acquaintance with an easy return policy.
One of these days I’ll probably let 10 on my phone. Just not eager since it needs current hardware to offer many of its features.
@RedOak FWIW, I liked 9 better. I turned off most of the 10-specific stuff, but I can’t change back the Today screen or the Control Center. I guess I have all these fancy messaging options now that I never use, though.
Yep, needed more real estate the icon shows up on my tablet (and on a laptop & desktop where it is less handy since adhoc photos are more likely on my phone).
The intermediate box that pops up asking for the photo… (As @Kidsandliz says above, ignore all the “enter image description” crap and simply post. You’ll see Meh has successfully uploaded to photo to their cloud service.)
@f00l (That success was on my iPad.) I’ve reached app-saturation. Apps now have to climb an impossibly high hurdle to get on my phone.
I laugh every time I see yet another ecomm or B&M store trying to get me to load their app. They have to offer a really nice bribe to get me. Like money or more than 25% off. Or avoiding the insanely abusively long lines at SAMs (Their Scan & Go app… can’t buy beer or liquor tho.)
Perhaps one of these days I’ll try the Chrome or FF brower apps…
Haha! Very funny. So the Flash-like/Java-like world that infected PC’s is about to infect Android devices everywhere!
I’d prefer a blend of high value-added apps from vetted developers + a less “smart” browser world that limits functionality that can get to your device’s jewels via the browser.
Not a fan of relying on developers not being stupid.
I’d gladly give up functionality in trade for stupid-proof architecture.
If a well-established developer like Gasbuddy (I’m about to dump them due to their invasive ads even tho I love their concept.) can’t design a clean, reliable app, how is a startup going to do it consistently well?
I’d gladly give up functionality in trade for stupid-proof architecture.
Stupid proof architecture or practice in a system that allows complexity is always a tension between objectives that are only partially or barely compatible. If you want very extensive complexity and sophistication, you give up on built-in error-proofing or detailed stable “facts” to a great degree.
Yeah GasBuddy has turned into a PITA. Used to use it constantly. Now hate opening it. But that’s not bad coding in the GasBuddy app, specifically - it’s really bad UI based on a horrible “kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” corporate strategy. The coders may be doing as they are told. Objectives feel driven by marketing and short-term revenue, not user experience.
They wanna monetize everything and they don’t do serious ui user testing.
Because developers wanna justify their existence and implement “cool new features” regardless of how awful that makes the app for the user. and corp likes that stuff too, it gives them a marketing hottag. and, if you have noticed, many developers believe they are above mere mortals in the Great Hierarchy and our concerns are of little moment. And because managers wanna monetize everything and want “new” even if users leave in droves.
Even notice how some sw - your banking apps, irfanview, a lot of google code - is great (if you don’t mind google tagging along with every action)? And other sw that started great sucks? (Too many to name.)
Ok there are better languages and worse ones. Better architectures and “best practices” and worse ones. Far easier to write good code using best tools for the job.
But there is that human factor.
Most sw that was once good and now sucks does so because developers or management either don’t care or stopped communicating about the user experience and functionality; or they get greedy or sloppy or desperate or just wanna cash out. No better language and architecture design and use, or better practices and processors, is gonna fix that.
Where the stupid-proof architecture would be interesting - or potentially disastrous - is in our species. Stupid-proof might mean our becoming gods or borg or amoeba or dead. In which case I might vote for “stupid”.
Unreliable and inconsistent auto-play ad media (weird disreputable looking popups and random sound only, etc…) seems like bad coding to me.
Especially when it doesn’t play nice with the OS.
Example: I can no longer listen to Pandora if the GasBuddy app is open. It takes over Bluetooth sound and instead of one of my favorite lovingly tweeked and massaged Pandora channels I get… silence… apparently awaiting the next irritating but inconsistently arriving audio-only ad.
If I want to do my part in the GB community to report prices at times when I have no need for gas, I must open GB, report, and promptly close the app.
I have a long chain of dialog with their CS. They’re polite but nothing good results. I finally went to the app store and 2-star rated GB.
Ok bad coding. Found GB so annoying that I quit. So I don’t know about current weirdness.
But I bet all the bad stuff is driven by revenue, in that app anyway. You started a once good app higher than I would have it the app was messing w sound. Would be /uninstall.
@f00l isn’t much of the “badness” in apps driven by a desire for revenue? After all, “successful” apps did something right… and then they too often do something to tick off users. Typically driven by revenue, right?
In my experience, two things stink up apps over time:
attempts to generate revenue.
inept developers - whether it simply be sloppy/bad coding that causes crashes/glitches or clueless user interface design.
A third category, messing up the the business model/principle that got them successful seems far less common.
One reason I keep iOS around (not jail broken) is so that when I render various android devices nearly unusable by messing with them, or something or other Samsung has a bad motherboard, or I crack the screen in the Nexus, the IOS device still works.
I upload photos to imgur.com from Mobile Safari and paste the link to the photo here.
To upload to imgur, touch the cloud with the arrow in it that’s in the upper-right corner of their home screen. Then click the X in the upper-right corner of the screen that comes up telling you it’s easier to upload photos from the imgur app. (I’m guessing the reason the app is easier is because it doesn’t have a nag screen telling you about how easy the app is.) Then click the “Upload from Device” button and select the photo you want to upload. You’ll then come to the screen where you can copy the link to the photo. Make sure you post what they call the “Direct Link” which includes the “.jpg” extension.
I’m assuming you have to have an imgur account in order to do this. Having an account is free. There might be some limits to free accounts but I’ve never run into them.
Good luck.
Let us know if you run into problems.
@SSteve you can upload directly to meh now. No need for imgur.
@RiotDemon Wow. I completely missed that upgrade notice.
@SSteve much quicker now!
No imgur account is required to do this.
Also, I fell for their “app is easier” nonsense. It wasn’t at all easier and it’s now uninstalled.
@djslack <blockquote class=“imgur-embed-pub” lang=“en” data-id=“a/sxezt”><a href="//imgur.com/sxezt"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset=“utf-8”></script>
@djslack <blockquote class=“imgur-embed-pub” lang=“en” data-id=“a/sxezt”><a href="//imgur.com/sxezt"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset=“utf-8”></script>
I am probably doing it the long way… go to the photo you want to upload. Click on the icon that is a square box with a arrow pointing up in the lower left. That chooses the photo . Choose email it. Email it to yourself. Download the photo from your email. Go to meh. Choose the funny looking mountain moon icon to the right of the 101 010 one along the bottom of the message box. Drag the photo onto the box that comes up. Ignore all the crap it puts in the box. Click OK. Click say it. The photo should come up
@Kidsandliz why are you emailing a photo that you already have downloaded? You can select where you upload the photo from.
@RiotDemon Because I access websites from my computer and not my phone. And as I said above I am probably doing this the long way. I haven’t had a smart phone very long - someone gave me their old 5s and I am still learning how to use it. The way I said works. I never claimed it was efficient LOL
To upload from any iPhone:
Turn phone sideways to landscape before you begin the post or the reply. Then start post of click reply
The little moon-mountain icon will be there as long as you turned phone to landscape before you started the post.
Now just follow thru what you were doing on your computer. V easy. Even for me using an iPhone and I don’t know iPhones.
Turn your phone sideways so you get the expanded menu.
Use the 6th icon that looks kinda like a moon over a mountain.
@RiotDemon Very cool.
Well fuck meh…shit ain’t wrkn on my end…there’s no icons except the “say it”.
@jamminonthejuan you have to rotate the phone.
@jamminonthejuan i’ll add, rotate the phone to landscape mode before you reply to a comment.
Fuck meh some more…none of these works
@jamminonthejuan what happens when you rotate the phone before you hit reply?
@RiotDemon well, literally, everything gets horizontal. Including the say it icon with no tool bar or options. My phone is an iPhone 5S that is probably the problem-it’s too fucking old like me
iPhone 5s should be fine. I can do it with a 5c.
See below @redoak’s thread.
If still probs, try using chrome or Firefox. Or show someone what you’re doing - maybe they can see what’s going on.
@f00l Did not work on my even older (actually very new since Apple just replaced it a couple weeks ago for the 4th or 5th time!) iPhone 5 running iOS 9.3.5.
I thought the 5 and 5c were virtually identical tech-wise. Isn’t the 5c simply a one year newer 5 with a plastic case wrapped around the same guts?
Did work on my iPad running iOS 9.3.5.
Have avoided iOS 10 since I thought I read it wasn’t a good thing on an iPhone 5.
iOS 10 is running just dandy on my iPhone 5c.
I thought it would be too slow but went ahead and tried, because not main phone. could afford to mess around.
It was slow at first. Then it seemed to optimize. Now smooth like silk.
5s has way better guts than 5c. 5c no better than 5 I think. Not iPhone expert tho.
@f00l Yes, the 5s guts improved nicely from the 5/5c. It also added Touch ID to the home button.
Still liking my 5 fine.
Tip for getting a 5s cheap: go to a corporate AT&T store (not one of the faux look like AT&T stores) where a brand new 5s goPhone is $199 and comes with a $50 of goPhone service card. No contract. All goPhones can be used on traditional AT&T post paid plans - just swap out the SIM card. Sell the goPhone service card for whatever $.
Would love to find nice deal on a 5SE tho.
@f00l Apple is so infuriating with their auto-download of the iOS 10 update. Takes up almost a gig on my phone so I have to keep deleting it under Manage Storage.
I haven’t checked prices but you might look on Swappa.
Since it runs fine in my 5c maybe you wanna consider trying it?
I would google for user experiences first tho.
@f00l Thanks, but we don’t do used mobile devices unless they come from a manufacturer like Apple, who hands you a virtually new phone with refurb circuit board, or a trusted acquaintance with an easy return policy.
One of these days I’ll probably let 10 on my phone. Just not eager since it needs current hardware to offer many of its features.
@RedOak FWIW, I liked 9 better. I turned off most of the 10-specific stuff, but I can’t change back the Today screen or the Control Center. I guess I have all these fancy messaging options now that I never use, though.
Well I guess I haven’t been paying attention - had no idea you could post photos directly drop your phone.
Well that offered no joy. Simple, plain no option post box in either portrait or landscape mode when posting. Same thing for this reply.
Must need more real estate than this phone allows…
Yep, needed more real estate the icon shows up on my tablet (and on a laptop & desktop where it is less handy since adhoc photos are more likely on my phone).
Showing my favorite within state road as a test…

Try loading chrome or Firefox onto your phon. Use that browser the the stock browser doesn’t work.
You may, once the phone is in landscape, have to scroll down to the bottom of the text box to see the upload and other icons.
Unless you are using an iPhone or android phone that is way old, it will be there.
The intermediate box that pops up asking for the photo… (As @Kidsandliz says above, ignore all the “enter image description” crap and simply post. You’ll see Meh has successfully uploaded to photo to their cloud service.)
Sorry, posted my garbage after you succeeded.
Sorry, I must have been giddy. My tap and pray typing on the phone autocorrected “from” to “drop”.
@f00l (That success was on my iPad.) I’ve reached app-saturation. Apps now have to climb an impossibly high hurdle to get on my phone.
I laugh every time I see yet another ecomm or B&M store trying to get me to load their app. They have to offer a really nice bribe to get me. Like money or more than 25% off. Or avoiding the insanely abusively long lines at SAMs (Their Scan & Go app… can’t buy beer or liquor tho.)
Perhaps one of these days I’ll try the Chrome or FF brower apps…
Yeah just the browser apps.
I too am busy taking goddam apps off my goddam phone. But I keep the browser apps.
@f00l It’s kinda amusing how everything is a big loop. From browser to app and looping back to browser from app…
I am big an apps that add actual functionality or security. Bank apps and such. Weather and news. Maps.
And browser apps because no such thing as too many browsers.
Shopping apps - use amz, ebay, alibaba, newegg. walmart. For store apps that’s about it.
I don’t need to be spammed with their notices. And I don’t need all my time sucked into goddam spending money I shouldn’t spend.
@RedOak @f00l
At their most recent I/O, Google announced Android Instant Apps.
Not that it would necessarily help either of you, but it deals with what the two of you are talking about. Sort of.
It allows a person to use bits and pieces of an app without downloading it.
@f00l I’ve stated deleting at least one app a day from phone. I’m down to 436 from way over 500.

Haha! Very funny. So the Flash-like/Java-like world that infected PC’s is about to infect Android devices everywhere!
I’d prefer a blend of high value-added apps from vetted developers + a less “smart” browser world that limits functionality that can get to your device’s jewels via the browser.
@miko1 ouch. 128 GB. Lots of open storage space breeds apps like flies, maggots, right?
Where’s that bulk app delete mode like we have in email?
@RedOak Maybe someone could make an app for that.
Depends on how they implement. What are the security parameters?
Got a friend who gets the big bucks writing java. He says it doesn’t have to be stupid.
Only he writes java that lets routers program other routers and subrouters under some high tech defense industry thing so not exactly home user stuff.
@f00l the part I don’t like:
Not a fan of relying on developers not being stupid.
I’d gladly give up functionality in trade for stupid-proof architecture.
If a well-established developer like Gasbuddy (I’m about to dump them due to their invasive ads even tho I love their concept.) can’t design a clean, reliable app, how is a startup going to do it consistently well?
Stupid proof architecture or practice in a system that allows complexity is always a tension between objectives that are only partially or barely compatible. If you want very extensive complexity and sophistication, you give up on built-in error-proofing or detailed stable “facts” to a great degree.
Yeah GasBuddy has turned into a PITA. Used to use it constantly. Now hate opening it. But that’s not bad coding in the GasBuddy app, specifically - it’s really bad UI based on a horrible “kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” corporate strategy. The coders may be doing as they are told. Objectives feel driven by marketing and short-term revenue, not user experience.
They wanna monetize everything and they don’t do serious ui user testing.
Because developers wanna justify their existence and implement “cool new features” regardless of how awful that makes the app for the user. and corp likes that stuff too, it gives them a marketing hottag. and, if you have noticed, many developers believe they are above mere mortals in the Great Hierarchy and our concerns are of little moment. And because managers wanna monetize everything and want “new” even if users leave in droves.
Even notice how some sw - your banking apps, irfanview, a lot of google code - is great (if you don’t mind google tagging along with every action)? And other sw that started great sucks? (Too many to name.)
Ok there are better languages and worse ones. Better architectures and “best practices” and worse ones. Far easier to write good code using best tools for the job.
But there is that human factor.
Most sw that was once good and now sucks does so because developers or management either don’t care or stopped communicating about the user experience and functionality; or they get greedy or sloppy or desperate or just wanna cash out. No better language and architecture design and use, or better practices and processors, is gonna fix that.
Where the stupid-proof architecture would be interesting - or potentially disastrous - is in our species. Stupid-proof might mean our becoming gods or borg or amoeba or dead. In which case I might vote for “stupid”.
/image “human factor”

Unreliable and inconsistent auto-play ad media (weird disreputable looking popups and random sound only, etc…) seems like bad coding to me.
Especially when it doesn’t play nice with the OS.
Example: I can no longer listen to Pandora if the GasBuddy app is open. It takes over Bluetooth sound and instead of one of my favorite lovingly tweeked and massaged Pandora channels I get… silence… apparently awaiting the next irritating but inconsistently arriving audio-only ad.
If I want to do my part in the GB community to report prices at times when I have no need for gas, I must open GB, report, and promptly close the app.
I have a long chain of dialog with their CS. They’re polite but nothing good results. I finally went to the app store and 2-star rated GB.
Ok bad coding. Found GB so annoying that I quit. So I don’t know about current weirdness.
But I bet all the bad stuff is driven by revenue, in that app anyway. You started a once good app higher than I would have it the app was messing w sound. Would be /uninstall.
You can always just bookmark the web page.
@f00l isn’t much of the “badness” in apps driven by a desire for revenue? After all, “successful” apps did something right… and then they too often do something to tick off users. Typically driven by revenue, right?
In my experience, two things stink up apps over time:
A third category, messing up the the business model/principle that got them successful seems far less common.
No dice up in hurr…no sweet pics for anyone
@jamminonthejuan you can always upload to imgur like recommended above. You don’t need an account.
Take them to the fotomat.
There, is that the first smart ass reply?
Wouldn’t it technically be this:
E = Goat(Meh^2)
it wurked fur me! Yah!
My $0.02. Dump the i device, get an Android. Free yourself from the “walled garden”. Simply my honest opinion.
@Lurker unleash yourself from the fruit store.

One reason I keep iOS around (not jail broken) is so that when I render various android devices nearly unusable by messing with them, or something or other Samsung has a bad motherboard, or I crack the screen in the Nexus, the IOS device still works.
doesn’t have to be either/or.

Shit worked after a few months