hello world 👋
101Is this thing on? tap tap tap
Oh hey, looks like staff can post new topics now. Welcome! Here’s a test thread where you can try out the forum and say hello to your fellow Pastadroppers.
We think some of you will be arriving from our other communities so to be clear, you’ll use the same account when you log in here. If you’re new, you’ll want to pick an available username while creating an account via the signup prompt here.
So, this means we’re now open here for the sign up and community functions. The real homepage is still getting some finishing touches before you can see it, but feel free to read the FAQ and chat amongst yourselves in this thread.
We’ll have a few topics to share soon, before launching next week.
- 441 comments, 133 replies
- Comment
I have no idea why I’m here. But I’m here.
@abennett me too
@abennett Same. Oh, I’m probably not supposed to say that.
@abennett saaaaame lol
@abennett this is how we start every company meeting
@abennett new website, who dis?
@abennett @snapster We work here now? Easiest application process ever.
@abennett pasta beckons us all
@abennett I’ve been here for every other one so why not this one although the purpose goes right pasta me…
@abennett me 27
I’m thrilled
I’m about to drop some pasta
@dmod that sounds like a medical problem to me…
Maybe a consult with a GI would be in order.
BTW - the font seems so…sophisticated. I feel very special being here.
This confuses me, but color me interested.
What kind of madness is this!?
Pasta? Drop? I’m intrigued.
/giphy interesting

@jsh139 Not as much as if it were salsa.

Hello all, why the blankity blank am I here
sounds fake to me… IMPASTA!
I’m here for the pasta.
It’s pasta my bedtime
I love pasta, and dropping it is new so what can I say? bring it on!
Where is the 64 pasta bracket to determine the best type of pasta?
@Zeusandhera This is the real content we need to see. I may create a FB bracket just because of this post
Hello! This sounds amazing - I would love to drop some pasta on people!
Not sure what to do with this but I love me some pasta. I hope the quality and/or price is similar to the grocery store and save me a trip. Just gotta plan better so the snails at SmartPost don’t disappoint me
I like pasta. My friends like pasta. Does ramen
count as pasta?
@PolloLoco Let’s hope so!
So we’re dropping pasta now huh? Neat.
Leave the pasta… take the cannoli.
Will PastaDrop’s “send to a friend” abilities be added to casemates or other mercatalyst sites?
but i’m anti-pasto!
@carl669 the pun support group is starting up next month and will be spun off of meh.
@carl669 okay I fixed it

@llangley nope. still anti-pasto
@carl669 after further review it appears there are some good and bad pasto (the rap I sampled was terrible
I acquiesce to the awesome fucking greatness that is you!
Is this a support group for people who dropped their pasta? …because I dropped my pasta.
Howdy everyone!
I guess this one must have stuck to the wall.
/giphy oh hai

Where am I???
This seems fusilli if you ask me.
This is probably my favorite COVID product launch yet - including the one I am spearheading at my own job. Awesome.
@mediocrebot guess the bot is here, also. Better get some good “pasta” responses together …
A penne for your thoughts octopus Snapster man
@ELUNO reminds me of a thought: if I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts, why do you keep putting your two cents in?
Yay, it’s fixed!
@lichme hey! It’s a pastafarian! Go Flying Spaghetti Monster! Forever and ever, ra-men.
I’m just hoping for Keto Pasta, so I can eat something other than keto shakes for the first time in a month
@Zelucifer is your shake even keto? Why do you only have shakes? no protein? nuts? make a pesto. add chicken, cream, and feta. bake. simple. sheesh.
@Zelucifer Shirataki? Konjac based pseudopasta? They make it but its not really pasta like, but a little better than nothing.
@spl152db I’m drinking roughly 4 shakes a day, 1.5 grams of net carbs in each. It’s a combination of laziness and portion control. I did the same thing for 3 months starting around November, lost 25-30 pounds. I figure with this quarantine, it’s easier than shopping every few days, and I’ll lose the last bit of weight that didn’t come off last time. The pasta part was mostly a joke (although if they sell decent Keto Pasta I’ll definitely try it!).
@Zelucifer zoooooooooodles. better than a sharp stick in the eye
This might explain the shear amount of twenty pound pastas that have been for sale lately. I’m just thinking about whether I would have supported this as a Mediocre Kickstarter. Oh who am i kidding. Of course I would have.

/giphy Pasta Drop
Don’t fill up on soup and bread, hold out for the pasta!!!
@lutopia and salad!
Can I drop pasta on someone? Is it still hot and cooked? Yummy.
What is this? Why am I here? What is happening?
The PastaDrop FAQ is funny
pasta spelled backwards is atsap
Oh, we’re dropping pasta now, huh? Better get ready to start flinging some linguini
I came. I saw. I’m a little confused.
@kweikman veni vidi ziti
I don’t know what this is, but here I am.
I assume the pasta will be delivered by drone
@vudean of course it may climb uncontrollably out of sight never to be seen again.
@Stumpy91 @vudean that would be a pasta ascend, not drop.
/giphy pasta

Wow pasta cool!
Can we get some gluten free pasta please? If the price is right, I would buy a ton of it.
@cengland0 Two GF pasta wishes managed to find each other in this whole mess of comments. The neighboring comments are unlikely enough to almost to give me hope that we really could get some gluten free pastas.
@christinewas I’m celiac so gluten free is a must for me and not just a fad diet. This is the brand I currently get and it is delicious.
@cengland0 This is what we usually get, as well. I like the fact that it isn’t pure mush when you cook it. (I’m also celiac afflicted.) We’ve experimented with a few that are high in protein and are decent (Banza, Capello’s). But Barilla makes me feel like I’m eating normal food.
@christinewas Know what you mean by mush. That’s what I get with other brands as well especially those that are made of nothing else but corn or brown rice. The Barilla brand has a good ratio between the two.
@cengland0 Sounds like a good idea to this celiac.
@cengland0 @christinewas I should have known I’d see two of my favorite troublemakers here. Celiacs unite!
I came in here only to say what y’all already said.
/giphy go team

@cengland0 Actually, we’ve mostly replaced all bread and pasta products with veggies. It’s gotten to the point that I almost prefer it (and I’m certainly used to it), especially since too many gluten-free substitutes are either mad expensive or taste like dirt–sometimes both.
But I could stand some good old fashioned (but gluten-free) spaghetti.
@joelmw I’m already vegetarian so can’t really substitute my gluten-free pasta with more vegetables. Besides, pasta (with red sauce) is one of my favorite foods so wouldn’t want to substitute it.
Before gluten-free foods were a fad, I had to use regular white rice to put the pasta sauce on it. Not quite the same as real noodles that are available. I’m glad that some people think gluten is bad for them so companies are making gluten-free products for that demographic and I benefit from it because I really do need to stay away from it as do all celiacs.
@cengland0 @joelmw Did you notice how the first pasta drop specifically mentioned the fact that it wasn’t gluten free? It made me more hopeful about GF drops in the future. I know a site called pastadrop probably won’t be a place for me to fully engage in the experience. But… I’m going to keep dreaming.
@christinewas Actually did notice that. Was glad to see that and it gives me hope for the future.
Do you have gluten free pasta? Because I only eat gluten free. (Okay, okay, I have a child who is allergic to wheat, so I do have a need for it)
@MrsBeckett Im gluten free too and posted an image to my preferred brand one message above. I hope pastadrop does begin selling a competitive product at a competitive price.
Lot of fake macaroni sites out there, beware of im-pastas
I hope it doesn’t get stuck in a month-long delivery loop like my last pasta.
@jml326 I’m just seeing that my K does not follow me here to this page.
@jml326 Kickstarter icons display on the sites you kick-started.

/giphy I want it all
i am very excited about some pasta.
Is this keto?
I’m glad to see Mercatalyst has not lost its spirit of conducting experiments in ecommerce, even if the company might have a different slogan now. Here’s hoping something that’s at least interesting or fun, and hopefully useful, comes out of PastaDrop.
The damned Pastafarians have taken it too far this time.
I find this most appropriate.
Also, will there be an API?
@ProfessorPasta Appetizing Pasta Ingestion?
@klezman I approve this rename.
@klezman @ProfessorPasta I 1st read that as “Amazing Pasted Indigestion” & then thought that was the pilot order code.…
You had me at pasta!
Love this concept–can’t wait til it goes live!
I really want to drop all the pasta, can I choose the pasta type? Will it be cooked? Does it come with sauce? Meat? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!
When we send one, it drops one from inventory. Fascinated.
I think I may first want to pastadrop myself a pastadrop. Is this humanly possible?
So it looks like I can send pasta to someone else but not to myself. That’s… innovative, I guess.
We are a bit lower on pasta provisions than usual, but I have some turkey sausage in a sous vide right now to apply judiciously to some farfalle and sauce tonight.
Another place to take my money. Just what I need.
@Barney Hold out for purple pasta. (Blue corn has been done and makes for great chips.)
purple loves @barney.
Yeah, use your noodle.
Finally, a site for all my fellow Pastafarians.
Can I get a ‘rAmen’, people!
@NoSalt ramen!
What, no Kickstarter? But I want you to take my money!
/buy I was really hoping that would work!
Head and Shoulders™ makes my angel hair shine
The idea of dumping pasta over the heads of my loved ones makes me very happy. R’amen.
What’s pasta going on here. I feel so cheesy.
Olive Garden?
Welcome pasta-farians!
Confused, and yet intrigued all at the same time…
is there sauce??
I do not understand but I am looking forwards to this
I’m thinking someone shows up at their door, drops a fistful of pasta on their doorstep, and walks away.

/giphy pasta dance
It’s the new internet craze. Gotta get in early on this one.
Pastafarians rejoice!
Do we get Irk shaped pasta week one?
ok, now we need a “sauce pour” to go with the pasta
/giphy pasta-drop

What if I don’t have any friends I want to send pasta to?
God I can’t wait to drop pasta like skrillex drops the beat
Do I need to purchase a membership to participate in this spicy meatball?
/giphy este-gato-es-muy-picante

@TheMonkeyKing Well… faq me. Here it is:
Itsa me, a Mario! As an Italian, pasta drop offends me!!! But cannoli drop…
Mamma mia
well not much just…Pasta e fagioli!!!
/giphy spaghetti

I’m in, I am an ordained Pastafarian Bishop.
Have the Pastafarians heard about this yet?
Is there going to be fuku pasta?
I think that would be an IRP.
@gcahlik mehbe they’ll call it a BURP … Box of Unique Random Pasta
Pasta? Now that’s what I call a taco!
Managed to mess up the sign up and had to reset my password immediately upon creating an account. That has to be a record.
Better be dropping some red sauce too
Sooooooo… Mystery pasta!
Lets see that noodle!
/giphy flying spaghetti monster

/giphy drop it like it’s hot pasta

I was getting nervous that I was running out of things to spend money on.
what the hell
/giphy pasta-love

I’m gonna drop it like it’s al dente!
Interesting, too bad you weren’t ready for mom’s day
Reminds me of this clip
Yes hello I would very much like to drop pasta
do you guys have any bluetooth speakers?
Sauce included?
I’m down to fling pasta at the Ketonians… that’s a sideways pasta drop for those who didn’t know they didn’t know…
I’m feeling free. Wazzzzzzzup?
This is like right out of Osterwalder’s playbook. Lol.
Funny(?) Last week I wound up ordering 10 lb of whole wheat pasta because I couldn’t find any locally. You might actually be onto something here!
I hope Brak from Space Ghost is the spokes person. He’s great for learning to talk Italian!
Pasta for you and pasta for me!
Did someone mention keto pasta? Tried making some last week. It make play doh seem scrumptious #fail
Oh blessed dark theme when I logged in! My eyes are so thankful!
Has everybody who received the Pasta promo email commented yet?
@RedOak Was there something about about a prize for posting that I missed?
@sammydog01 haha. With Meh, anything is possible.
@RedOak Hey, I’m fashionably late. Oh shoot! I didn’t realize this party was Bow Tie.
/giphy pastafarian

I don’t see a FAQ but I’m looking.
@juststephen https://pastadrop.com/faq
@juststephen @lljk Best quote from there:
Why is this FAQ so confusing for such a simple concept?
Real talk here: you know how everyone is making sourdough to kill time these days? Well, this is our sourdough. The FAQ, the site, all of it–this is what we are doing to stay sane.
Hopefully the pasta is air dropped by drones. Maintaining social distancing and consistency in name is imperative during these troubling time.
My whole life I’ve been told not to drop the pasta, not to spill the milk, not to mix wine beer and tequila… this changes everything.
/giphy wagon-wheels-pasta

Hi Snapster!
Can I share pasta with my local food bank?
Also, do you plan to have high protein pasta?
Kind of excited about this, but you probably can’t tell.
But first I’ll have to gift the 20 lbs of MorningSave cappellini.
My wife dropped pasta last night all over the floor, dog, and coffee table.
@Alderuen This is what this is all about: I’ll betcha the dog thought it was the best PastaDrop delivery ever.
@TPS hes more of a spugetti pup now.
I’m both baffled and intrigued. Hope this works out better than my Turkey Drop promotion. As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly…
@lpreimesberger Les Nessman, is that you?
Not sure what I’m doing, but here I am.
@singerguy0 are you going to rock me like a hurricane?
So it’s pasta then, is it?
Who are you people
/giphy giggles

Can I make Chicken Piccata with my pasta?
Quarantine Day 23 Chicken Piccata
Hello Pasta People! Party On!
Pasta IRK?
/giphy pasta mic drop

404 pasta not found.
General fault condition:
Expected pasta; received forum.
Mayday! @DrWorm did the thing.
I’ve read the FAQ and feel fully prepared to drop pasta.
Hello to all
This is pastably the worst pasta pun ever, but the pastabilities are endless! A penne for your thoughts…
Love Meh and the whole community!
Ummmm… non ho idea di cosa dovrei fare dopo…
I’m on a low carb diet, is this right for me?
Hope egg noodles count as pasta…
What are the odds that “meh” backwards is Hem, and “pastadrop” backwards is Por Dat Sap? A thought experiment to be sure.
Well, this is certainly a thing.
I’m pasta caring. But I’m in.
Is this a formal affair? Shall I wear a bowtie?
What if I want to drop pasta to myself because I have no friends?
I’m here for the PASTA!
Fabulous - all these years wasted stuffing noodles down our gaping maw, only to become a YAPP…
Yet Another Pasta Participle…
/giphy pasta with an accent

So /order_pasta isn’t enabled yet?
I’m really hoping for some amaze-balls covered in awesome sauce.
Pasta? Pasta!
@psbales thank you.
Can I ask for money here? Because I’m a nice person and it’s everybody’s job to help me.
I need to post a GoFundMe. Can I do that here?
@therealjrn I think that’s the next site: Cabbage Drop

/giphy cabbage drop
@therealjrn you think there will be a scapaggiote?
I guess I should be confused as to why I’m here, too.
Do we get to pick the kind?
@snapster @dave I could go for some pasta, eh?

When are you going to finally open a Canadian warehouse (for all Mediocre/Mercatalyst sites ideally)?
Best of luck on this new experiment!!!
So wait, @snapster - you’re 3-D printing pasta now? After breakfast octopus pasta and of course IRK pasta, could we please have Tiny Tub Mummy pasta?
('Cause Glen shaped pasta would be kind of cheating, no?)
I’m here for pasta. Where my pasta?
So which buyer found the motherload of deal on surplus pasta big enough for you guys to make a whole new site?
@mcoffell is pasta the new toilet paper?
@Ddragggon @mcoffell Toilet Pasta?! -OR- Pasta Paper?!
Now I am really hungry for pasta
Don’t know why I’m here but I can never turn down pasta
So is the pasta dropped using pestochutes?
In for the obligatory SEND NOODS!!!
Cool instagram account
Oh excuse me, moves away from the entry door I see there’s a few of us here…6 feet and masks…where are we? <<hears an echo>>
Pastafarians rejoice!
@JackLR Ramen!
Don’t want to Pesto you but would you please pass ta butter?
It worked! Not sure what it is, but I am in. Are there any gluten free options and will this work with my Samsung Note 8?
My wife’s the Pastamancer, I’m more of a Sauceror.
I thought that if I dropped the pasta I’d get 100 lashes with a wet noodle
Have no clue what this is, but I got an email, so I’m here.
@KWill313 likewise.
I’ve never dropped pasta…yet!

@llangley FAQ says $20 per drop… That’s a shitload of pasta!!
/giphy drop it like it’s hot

I’m here for keto life tips.
/giphy pasta


/giphy ew
Cavatappi! Cavatappi! We want cavatappi!
Please drop gluten free! Can’t wait till drop pasta!
Pasta drop happens only when you wear all white
Now you have gone and done it… sigh my wallet will be so slim and my waist so thick…
“Those who do not remember the pasta are condemned to reheat it” - FSM
Imagine the pastabilities!

/giphy pasta
I think a better name would be PastaDorp
All praise Pasta
Please do not copy and paste this copypasta. It is my original copypasta and is protected by copyright law. If I see anyone pasting my intellectual property without permission, a navy seal trained in gorilla warfare will smite you.
Fake pasta = impasta
@gator3853 Fake Noodles!
I wish meh would be better at offering better products on the original site instead of creating new websites. I feel like I’m subsidizing these new ventures through my VMP subscription that goes mostly unused because there’s little interesting being sold.
Pat, I’d like to buy a pasta.
Pasto, pasta, pastas, pastamos, pastan
If it’s Ramen, I’m all in!
@Peaches27055 same
Can we have an option to send pasta to a random person not the person intended, and call it:
@mike808 i hope lmao
Is this a cult? Am I in a cult now? Am I a pastafarian?
@queequeg yes. we are all now pastafarians.
Will there be click-faces?
@stolicat i hope
I have nightmares about dropping bowls of pasta.
I’m gonna drop some pasta elbows, old school WWF style!
This is impastable!
I’m sure, somehow, I’m being pranked by you folks.
Udon know how it feels to be Meh
Hello? hello?
That mask muffles what you are saying.
mmmmmmmmmm pasta…
This will be interesting!!!
Very Interesting
Here I is. ReCaptcha let me in. Apparently I’m not a robot.
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
Can’t think of anyone that I’d send pasta to but I’d invite plenty of people over for a pasta dinner!
looking forward to the punchline
Feature other gourmet, non-perishable food in bulk and I’m in!!!
It’s an imPASTA account!
You had me at pasta.
You have my attention.
PASTA DROP sounds MUCH less messy than EGG-DROP.
/giphy pasta mic drop

Will we know what pasta we’re sending? I don’t want to send squid ink pasta to my vegan friends.
I’m just here to do my part for the team. Take 'em one noodle at a time and good Lord willing, we’ll come out okay.
I’m here just out of curiosity
I have no idea what’s going on or why I am here.
but that’s how I always feel, so it’s like home, I guess.
@ekw me too
I’m here to test this out, say hi and brag about snagging this name lol
/giphy I’m not a robot pasta

You can’t stop 'til the Pasta Drop
Very, very, interesting…
wait… are we allowed to say certain words that start with ‘f’ and end with ‘k’ over here? if not, then fork that!
@carl669 what the fuck are you hinting at Carl???
Bluetooth pasta?
Will there be some evaporating VMP benefits?
Wine pasta, please!
What a time to go low carb.
Hope everyone like the pasta drop idea. Hopefully I can surprise some friends fusilli reasons
April Fool’s was last month
Are you a cop? You have to say if you’re a cop.
What a brave new world we’ve encountered
I am keto…

/image too bad so sad
@zgerman The good news is that the FAQ doesn’t mention anything about having to eat the pasta to send the pasta. But, if you’re one of those keto people that firmly believe all people should be keto, this might not be the place for you.
I am here! Apparently.
/giphy pasta drop more like weight up

Suspicious that PastaDrop is just a ruse to get us to spend money at SauceDrop. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!
You had me at “Pasta”!
There’s a SauceDrop?!?
Can we expect an appearance from The Flying Spaghetti Monster? I assume this is a cult set up by and for him.
Ready for the pasta to drop.
@Vehhment_Ear - Here’s how you do that:

/giphy Flying Spaghetti Monster
But it seems that rendition is

/giphy A Great Impasta
Yay! I am ready for a serving.
/giphy spaghetti


/giphy fsm
This seems like an impastable task. I’m in.
I’m just here to send noods and get noods.
I’m only here for the PIRKs
This sounds impastable.
May we all be touched by a noodley appendage.
This is a sign. I’m going to eat pasta
I’m just here for the nooods.

Hhuuummmm I saw @snapster post something on Twitter but it was regarding a pasta drop dating site. Think he is doing this step by step???
Can we not drop it? I’d rather it still in a box maybe?
I’m intrigued.
I’m so very excited.
I’m here to drop the pasta. Or something like that.
I prefer parboiled rice punting, but hey… pasta droppings sound interesting
Is this a place for pastafarians then?
Are the coupon codes legit?
Sounds fun
is this where we drop off allour uneaten pasta?
All right, so here we are in front of the, uh, pastadroppers, and the cool thing about these guys is that, is that they have really, really, really long, um, noodles, and that’s, that’s cool, and that’s pretty much all there is to say.
I would like some pasta plz.
I have so many questions.
@jimmyd103 okay, so I read the FAQ. Not much help there… the biggest question I have right now is when does BROWNIE DROP launch?
Worth a shot

I read through the FAQ and now I’m more confused. I get that you send us dry pasta now (probably a good choice), but do you also separately send us the hot water? I don’t have time to boil water all day! What about the convenience of the customer!?! This is crap…
/giphy pasta drop


/giphy nice
One pasta, please.
Just checking to see what’s here
Is pasta drop where the FSM drops pasta from the sky and cures the world of Covid 19?
Aka the Rapture w/ meatballs?
Don’t see what the big deal is. I drop the pasta at home all the time.
327 Mehtizens already blowing this up…
Hope it’s not meh…
This is quite odd. Awesome!
@mediocrebot And here’s my buddy mediocrebot
Is this like where I get lured in to talk about your Lord and savior, the flying spaghetti monster???
Ok, I’m here. NOW what??
Hmmm, is this their way to get us to buy pasta they can’t seem to get rid of?! They want us to send it to people we like, or maybe people we don’t like. Not too sure on that one yet. Very interesting!
As a Pastafarian, I approve of this new venture.

At last, pasta!!
Drop it like is pa—-sta!
@s00zq it. Is. Alive!
Sweet!!! Firefighter Son who lives in another State can always use more foods.
Looking forward to dropping some pasta his way.
I like my pasta handheld.
Keep wanting to hear Toots and the Maytals
Pressure Drop
Sure as hell wasn’t expecting this one. But yeah, it helps explain the crazy big boxes that have been for sale lately.
like a mic drop, but with noodles!
PETA wants to know what happened to the stingrays.
So the pasta isnt done unless its thrown against the wall and sticks. (My Italian family does not subscribe to this ridiculous belief.)

Wait, what? I am so confused as to what this is about. Was just trying to fit in by adding a comment lol!
@lsweet110 my family throws the boiling pasta water at each other.
Just realized I’m going to have start a whole damn folder in my bookmarks for all the mediocre sites.
Ok. Not sure what this is about, but I’m game.
Pasta the ultimate comfort food. Yum
I don’t really understand what I’m here for, but damn it, I’m here and all in.
I am her, but curious about this PastaDrop. Might be good for dinner tonight.
Ready to send noods to the homies.
Pasta Drop! Brilliant!
Now all we need is the marinara flamethrower and meatball catapult!
On a serious note, @Snapster, will there be gluten-free pasta options? Asking for a friend.
@corrado I want to know if they will make pasta the right shape to fit in a USB port.
@OnionSoup I assume the PastaDrop comes courtesy of a mini-drone hauling a bluetooth speaking playing Ride of the Valkyries.
“Two Italian Chefs walk into a bar…” Drops pasta.
Where are you getting the pasta? Are you making your own noods?
OMG - I can FINALLY use this image!
I dunno if I’m stroganoff to wait for this to launch.
Is this even pastable? I’m gno-key excited
I don’t know what you’re up to, but I feel like you shouldn’t launch without me. There. I’m buckled in now. Commence.
Phew… I didn’t buy anything with that experiment.
It’s almost pasta mya bedtime.

I was informed there would be punch and pie.
I’m a pastafarian
I’m waiting with bated breath to see what happens in 4 days…I already have a victim in mind! Bwahahaha
will there be sauce? i was told there would be sauce…
This is no-yolk!!
See a link…click a link and poof! Here I am!
All in - ALL your platforms - can’t miss THIS one! #Meh #MorningSave #SideDeal #Mediocritee #PastaDrop
@Pamwham Can’t forget #casemates and their b2b site checkout.org and their parent company site mercatalyst.com
Dunno how they’re going to get the Bluetooth speakers into the pasta but I have faith.
Penne for your thoughts?
Is it drones??? Are we dropping the pasta from drones???
former non-commenter
I’m going to be severely disappointed if this doesn’t have to do with reclaiming Pastamania from Hulk Hogan. Also reopening Pastamania.
Will this work with a Mac?
@hakanama, clever
Can we pasta drop to ourselves?
Hey folk, looking to drop some pasta! Personally I make it at home but not oppose to premade at all

Looking forward to dropping some pasta!
I wish pasta was on my diet.
I dunno - maybe some descent ramen too?
Just got here. Better check this out
Lo, the FSM works in mysterious ways…
#5 from the the 8 I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts:
I’d really rather you didn’t challenge the bigoted, misogynist, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the b******.
Just noodling around with the rest of us here.
Drop a few radiatore, and some bucatini, and I’M IN. Pasta is at the top of my carb preference list.
Mmm, pasta.
I’m excited. … No, I’m “excited.”
Does this mean food on meh and MorningSave is in the pasta? I really need a good selection of gluten-free pasta.
Oh man! I haven’t been on Meh in a while and I am so glad I caught today’s email. Pasta me pls
I can’t wait to send some mfing pasta.
Will there be Pastathons?
Are we all just supposed to come here and compose some witty pasta remark? I don’t think I can cook one up…
I’m clearly pasta point of no return.
I am in…
I’ve got the best pasta. I know all the biggest pastas. People come up and say to me, they don’t even believe my copy pasta.
So what? No fuckin’ ziti now?
I wanna send myself pasta
I want this to be real and not just some social chat experiment. 100% Semolina.
What … scary …
The only thing better than pasta is gift pasta! I’m so excited!!
When broccolidrop.com site launches later this year everyone will be commenting on how it’s the best new site since pastadrop.
R’amen, y’all.
Dropped pasta is the worst. Unless you’re a dog. Then its OK, but still tough to slurp due to a lack of effective cheeks and shallow lips.
I don’t eat pasta of any kind but I have friends and family
Email said we could send pasta care packages to friends… can that friend be me? cause me likes pasta very much too.
A lot of pastabilities with this site…
I prefer spaghetti squash.
@snowpea79 this is no time to squash their spaghetti dream with these kind of comments
Well… We’re here.
Hoping for some farfalle.
Will there be lab rats for the pasta? I’m down for some squid ink pasta!
Lasagna counts, right?
my buddy Al Dente said I should check this out.
Every time I drop pasta, it takes forever to clean up.
i just want good italian in Mesquite.
Then again Im wondering if the reference is just to the “see if it sticks” trick.
Im excited for this weird little pasta giving community
I want to hear DEF LEPPARD sing “Drop Some Pasta on Me.”
The new home of pastafarians everywhere!
Drop? Okay, who invited Linus Sebastian?
I just woke up. WTF is going on around here? Wait! Where’s Meh.com?!? Where the hell am I?!?!? Shit I’m hungry.
Just remember, it’s not edible, unless it’s gluten free - and I don’t buy pasta to display!
Gluten is delicious. Gimme dat glute.
/giphy fuck you too

/giphy Garfield-lasagna

Is this going to develop into some kind of all-sorts-of-food-drop.com? That would be brilliant! Btw irkdrop.com isn’t taken yet…
@tartanknickers wasn’t taken yet. Fortunately, I know the guy who took it. He’s just holding it in case squatters come by. He’s also a very mediocre person. And he’s also me.
My body is ready.
Get ready to get your pasta dropped. Also I would like some pasta so there will be some self-gifting.
Let me see if I got this right-
We’re going to pasta noodles to someone else?
Holy ravioli!!! Mediocre labs up to some good???
I threw this website against the wall and smashed my phone, thanks a lot.
I once passed a drop, it hurt like holy hell.
And finally…
I really hope this is gonna’ be the new site for renowned geriatric fantasy world raggae star Pop Rasta!
All this pasta talk makes me hungry!
These pretzels are making me thirsty.
I don’t gnocchi what’s going on
@braves21 I was going to come in with a gnocchi pun!! I couldn’t cavatelli that one… huh
Hey, I love this mess.
What about the Sa
Are we dropping it like it’s hot? Or like it’s uncooked?
Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?

/giphy lasagna
Not sure why I’m here, but always thought everything would be better if we just pastaed it by…
is this some sort of teamup with MassDrop where we order pasta directly from the factory in China?
@francisrizzo3 oh I miss hockey!
I’m pasta point of trying to understand.
so whats for sale at the new site?
Seasonal Candy Corn
@mike808 My FAV!!!
When our history has been written… when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, I want it to be known: I was here in the very beginning.
As God is my witness, I thought pasta could fly.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and drop pasta… and I’m all out of bubble gum.

I only drop pasta on a plate or my mouth, but I’m also open to new experiences…
/giphy OMG

Pasta Drop, interesting.
I kinda would prefer a Taco Taxi though… just say’in.
/giphy taco-taco

I just want to say kudos for that awesome FAQ.
May I suggest using parachutes. If you just start dropping pasta without proper protection from gravity everyone will just end up with orzo.
Was the PastaPurge domain already taken?

/giphy pasta-purge
This whole thing seems fusilli to me, but you know what they say… “get in while the gluten’s good!”
More Pastaaaa!!!
I can picture drones full of pasta dropping onto the unsuspecting masses.
Hmm… cloudy with a chance of pasta.
(if this has already been mentioned, I appologize, but I’m not going to read all the other comments!)
Oh, add another one interested in gluten free.
Last time I dropped pasta it took 15min to clean up. Assume this is the same?
I wanna get pasta from you… from you, and nobody else but you… boop boop bee doop.
Just think if Marilyn wanted some spaghetti…
Yeah, I’m here. Curious about what this is and how it works
Where’s the pasgetti??
How about some Keto style pasta as well?
International delivery (at least to America’s hat aka Canada)?
What is this?
Meh…I’m in for two
I don’t even really like pasta…
I’m not sure what is going on, but if you even try to sell tortiglioni I swear to god I will burn the place down.
This was going to be a really witty comment but now it isn’t.
Did I already miss the Pasta-IRK? I was hoping for a water-tight colander.
Enabled PastaDrop email choice. I don’t know what it is but it sounds cool
Mehgliatele, ignoraroni.
Will the pasta be dropped directly into my mouth?
I love pasta, even enough to gave it dropped on me. But alas, in on the trendy (but successful) keto “diet” and that dark allegiance forces me to deny the pasta lightness. Will pastadrop ever soil itself with keto friendly “pasta” options or will this just be my vicarious escape for food porn?
Well, this is intriguing! Pasta?
I’m in for a penne!
How would you even cook that kind of pasta?
al dente.
The amount of people that are keto kind of boggles my mind.
Is this what it was like when Atkins first came out?
Okay, I just saw pasta and got excited. So now I’m here.
What do you call a fake noodle? An Inpasta!
So, the fourms here at PastaDrop are up and running in record time.
How about some love over at your sister site sidedeal.com/forum ?
@mike808 Steve Harvey took those forums in the divorce.
@Ignorant Doesn’t mean Mercatalyst can’t start new ones. They got a new name in the divorce, so why is new forums any different?
Or shut down the domain and make it a hard redirect to Morningsave as it gets appended to the long list of Websites That Have Gone Before amongst the littered Internet Wastelands of Yester-yore.
Wait, what’s a Mercatalyst?

Also, just noticed that there’s a countdown timer in the footer.
I have no idea what’s going on.
Im already making a list of victims, I mean friends, to pastadrop! It’s gonna be a saucy year.
man, should have held off on buying my pasta over at morningsave, then I could have had a $10 coupon for that air fryer I just bought
@smigit2002 drop some pasta to your friends/family!
Don’t know why I’m here.but I’m here
@temp1234 for the noods.
Get ready to start a new streak.
Will there be a “To drop, or not to drop” button?
@mike808 they need two buttons to bring back that classic “Hot or Not” action. Or I suppose I could settle for a single “drop it like it’s hot” button.
This is real pasta right? I’m not down for an impasta
@sohmageek Good one
Is it time to eat?!
/giphy wave hello

I thought we were dropping today?
@tinamarie1974 10 am ET based on the Meh drop last night… They eat pretty late in Italy, you know.
@chuegen oh thanks! Guess I should have read the write up last night.
/giphy all the pasta

/giphy Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes

I can’t wait! For pasta
Where are the noods?
It’s 10 o’clock.
Do you know where your noodles are?
There’s a timer at the bottom of the page for the “next pasta drop”…
/giphy what gives

@gatwood WHAT?!? They don’t know what time zone they’re in?
Dear Mr. Pasta Drop,
I can’t help but notice that you’re not on time with your launch. I’m outraged at your failure to deliver at your target 10 am ET time, and you should understand how strongly I feel by the time I took to sit down and write you a message expressing my outrage - it doesn’t reflect messed-up priorities on my part or anything like that. Now, we know things go wrong, but such an essential business demands that you be on time and I find it unconscionable that you are more than 9 minutes late here.
Future transgressions will result in many more strongly-worded letters.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas C. Neidermeyer
As per the timer at the footer of the page, 48 minutes to go.
@tim878 I don’t see any footer of the page, even tried with incognito mode to make sure extensions weren’t messing with it.
Meh.com’s page says “And sure, our first PastaDrop just dropped (or is about to drop, depending on whether you read this before or after 10am eastern on Monday), but again this is not because we’re trying to change who we are.”
So my strongly worded letter stands.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas C. Neidermeyer
@chuegen @tim878
More importantly, where are my coupons?
@tim878 A-ha. Footer of this page - I was looking on the front page of pastadrop.com.
Uummmm…are you being fusilli and playing a trick on us?
/giphy I want my noodles

FSM says that’s not real pasta.
@mediocrebot what is a FSM?
@mediocrebot @tinamarie1974

/image flying spaghetti monster
@Ignorant @mediocrebot oh duh!
FSM must be a woman. Meatball boobs!
/giphy church of pasta

My noodle is limp…
/giphy pasta pasta

can’t get the purchase to work… repeated error “let’s try this again”. is this even a real site? is anyone else getting the same error?
@EJTeeee If you haven’t already, give it another try. There was an overwhelming demand for these noods.
@Ignorant it worked!! Thanks
Me want RSS feed!!!
Question. If the pasta is dropped, it’s probably broken, shouldn’t we get more of a discount since it is broken?
Don’t make me get my friend Karen to contact your manager.
Who says we’re getting ANY discount?
Missed opportunity?
Wife and I were laughing over the possibility of ever doing a ramen noodle drop with packs of various types of ramen. Would be hilarious to end up with a massive box of various ramen noodle packs. College students would be in their glory!
After donations and gifting, pour one out for the last of the penne Pasta Drop (with peas, red pepper, and chicken sausage). Thank you, mercatalyst!
@lehigh I think I could live forever and not run out of pasta…even after gifting over 150 lbs. Long live carbs!
After many months of trying to figure out what to do with the suprise 100lbs of spaghettini I sent him, this is what my brother in law decided on.
Opulence? He has it!
@rrapnek bath