@rmf83 two of our daughters don't get off the planes from Shenzhen, China and Medellin, Colombia until the evening of 12/28... so this might almost work for our Christmas this year!
It makes me really, really happy that somebody at Meh understands the importance of yarn swaps. Are you making the mitered-square blankie or Hexapuffs?
@conandlibrarian same... i have the kind with a giant bowl on it, and while its great for flour and large amounts of other dry goods its a real pain in the ass for small portions.
@tmthday you'll probably get like 80 shag-your-wig (SYW) bucks (which you can use to buy groceries and such) or something. They expire though so they're not made for lazy people like me.
If your recipe for crisp-fried squid calls for 2 tsp. of five-spice powder, just measure out five grams on the scale and keep your teaspoon in the drawer.
Or get a feel for what different amounts look and feel like when poured into the palm of your cupped hand or pinched in your fingers. Then you don't need to use anything![*]
[*] Well except your hand and the spice jar and the various physical processes that keep the universe from turning into a formless soup of energy and matter.
@RedOak My postal scale does double-duty as my kitchen scale at the moment...5g increments but otherwise does the job. (Until this bad boy arrives of course).
That's the first time I've ever seen "VMP Last Call". Nice. I might as well squeeze this in an 'edit' Do you all really weigh stuff nowadays? My old cookbooks use one cups and teaspoons and I have not noticed a change. Alton Brown always said this is absolutely the way to go though--I just didn't know people we actually doing it.
@wew@brhfl European recipes are usually by weight, too. Reminds me of a Black Forest cake made with Kirschwasser I used to get around this time of the year from a German recipe. I saw the recipe once and it was all grams and a few ml.
The one problem I see with this (assuming it measures accurate weight) is that the surface is fairly small, and the display and controls are on it. Anything wider than six inches could prevent you from seeing the weight.
But I've already got a decent scale, and for eight bucks I'll get this as a backup/auxiliary.
@larrygrochal if you go to walmart, a scale close to this is $20+ without any of the fancy calories features. my brother bought a glass kitchen scale last month for $30
@Pufferfishy mst3k has a kickstarter! I just got a keychain there. Check it out! Joel is coming back! (first I bought a scale for my buddy and his wife who just bought a house-I go back to get one for myself and sold out--I should put myself first more often I guess)
I have a name brand one I got on Woot way back in hell for like $15 and I hardly used it. Good idea but bad execution. And a no name company so it's probably cheaply anyhow. Meh all day long.
Damn. Guess I'll never know how many calories Zoya is. I'll wait till there's another fit bit like two for Tuesday and see how many calories more she burns than I do on a daily basis :D
and p.s. Zoya has graduated to the kitty scale at the vets. She's so grown up.
Got one like this picture already, which is good for baking. But I jumped on this one for more than powders and liquids. Glad I got in before the quick sellout.
Kind of like a bait and switch. Since Amazon owns this site, they offer an item for a super low price and only about a dozen of them, then they hope to hype you to buy from Amazon for full price. Too bad I missed it, it was an awesome item. Too bad Prime did not help here, but hoping they will drop it there too. What's next?
@hotlava646 Well he is a former Amazon executive (Matt Rutledge), that sold his previous internet site to amazon. No, Meh is not owned by amazon now, but they work close together. Who knows,, Amazon may buy this one too, but I doubt it. Completely different business models.
@hotlava646 Different business models? You do realize that back in the day this is exactly what Woot looked like right? Meh is what Woot used to be, and I don't believe for a second that it is associated with Amazon even if it has ties to the old-now-Amazon-owned Woot site.
@hotlava646 I don't see the "close ties", unless you count the money Amazon paid for Woot going into Meh.
Here's a timeline:
Woot.com sold one thing a day, and, when it was gone, it was gone. Woot.com sold a bunch of closeout crap, stuff that wouldn't sell elsewhere, for cheap.
Woot.com turns into this hundreds-of-items-in-a-day mishmash of barely discounted crap.
Woot.com founder waits until the non-compete clause of the sale expires, then starts meh.com, which is very much like the original woot.com, only with VMP, which makes us old wooters much more likely to buy any damned thing.
I don't see a business relationship, but feel free to point out that I'm wrong with facts.
Guessing from the quick sellout that measuring drugs is worth more than $4.60 to 750 or so mehers. I mean honestly, there's no other reason this would sell that fast. You guys aren't bakers (minus dsjack. You can't get a picture like that if you don't know what you're doing). I can tell from your comments. ;)
Or maybe the silent majority is full of wanna be Julia Childs?
@stinks I would bake with a vengeance; there would be muffin hoards unseen since the days of Genghis Khan, if only I had an accurate scale that could read weights with 1 gram precision.
@stinks I knew I'd wanted to weigh something small recently, so I bought this scale, even though at the time (12:10 am) I didn't remember what I wanted to weigh.
Today (somehow), it came to me - drones! I have to check my drones to see if they all are under 250 grams. I may need to register.
Eh, grabbed one last night before bed, because I figured if I try it and don't like it, I can package it up and send it to my mom. She's SUPER into health and fitness, and goodness knows she'd just look at the Amazon price and think I was an amazing daughter. (I have a bit of a reputation of being really bad at going to the post office. My family is happy when they get their presents before June.)
Oh carpe; Y'all have missed a real valuable reason to have one of these- Pinewood Derby! I'm really bummed, this is my kid's last year in cub scouts coming up, and I was planning to get all serious-dad like most of the parents do.
@Josephus If you have an Aldi near you, they have been selling food scales in January for $10... At least for the past three years, they have. They sell it during their "Get Fit for the New Year" specials. They're not as fancy as this one, but I don't think you need to know the protein content of pine.
@Josephus i came in third overall like 17 years ago. Those were good times. I still have my trophy around here somewhere. I made a truck that was awesome.
Got the scale today, looks great. Using the manual to set it up and it seems the manual is for an older model. Keeps telling you to press the "mode" button but there is no "mode" button to be found. Has anyone been able to set the time and such without using the "mode" button?
@tasco After going through mine, it looks like it doesn't have a clock, just the countdown timer. Not a dealbreaker in my book, I wasn't expecting chronometry out of my scale. If I want to know what time it is I'll just look at my blender.
I'll probably also never use the function to tell me how many carbs are in my cheeseburger (of the myriad varieties that are on the list), but instead just use it to tell me how many grams or ounces something weighs.
The thermometer could be useful, but I see no way to switch it to Fahrenheit so that it shows intelligible numbers.
All in all, a pretty neat scale with a smooth, easy to clean surface, that looks modern and slick enough that it may get okayed to live out on the counter.
@tasco no problem. I'm sure that could be one of the many reasons it made it to meh, but meh puts the price more than in line with the delivered functionality most of the time, resolving the market inefficiencies that caused the units not to sell before. Happy weighing!
So yea, as @tasco said... this manual leaves mehch to be desired. First page "9 Volt battery" -> opens it up...3 Trip-As " :| Can anyone tell me how to get the temperature to good ol' 'Murican Fahrenheit?
@MzSooze Mine was totally non functional in any sort of desired mode of function. I have the VMP so I'm only out $8, but this is the first total loss I've received from Meh. It was bound to happen sooner or later, but I'm still a little jaded.
@bruhaha I couldn't find anything in the manual, so I did the extreme warranty voiding modification by unscrewing the bottom and ripping out the speaker. Silence is golden. You can try sticking a piece of tape over the bottom grill, that's where the speaker is, but it's surprisingly loud for a tiny speaker.
Received this last week, just had a need for it today. Unpacked it, pulled the battery strip and pressed power. All characters on the screen go black, the unit beeps one time. That's all. Check the manual to see what I may be doing incorrectly. The manual is for an alternate model. Replace the batteries, power it on, all characters of the display go black, 1 beep, and nothing else. Best I can tell, I paid $8 for 3 very very off-brand AAA batteries since that's the only thing that does anything correctly. I hope I'll at least enjoy destroying this cheap plastic garbage with a hammer.
Better to have meh'd and lost than never to have meh'd at all I suppose...
Condition: New
Warranty: 5 year Health O Meter
Estimated Delivery: 12/29 - 12/31
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Health-O-Meter Diet Tracking Digital Kitchen Scale
3x AAA battery
Retail box
Back of box
Top view
We have so many apples, you wouldn’t believe it
Low angle view
Price Comparison
$69.99 List, $45 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Will this come in time for Christmas?
Edit: nevermind just saw it. Darn!
@rmf83 yes. Just not Christmas 2015.
And since Jesus was actually born in April ...
@rmf83 two of our daughters don't get off the planes from Shenzhen, China and Medellin, Colombia until the evening of 12/28... so this might almost work for our Christmas this year!
It makes me really, really happy that somebody at Meh understands the importance of yarn swaps. Are you making the mitered-square blankie or Hexapuffs?
I did not even read the specs, I saw kitchen scale for $8 and hit buy
@conandlibrarian same... i have the kind with a giant bowl on it, and while its great for flour and large amounts of other dry goods its a real pain in the ass for small portions.
I'm sure I'll use this at least once...
feeling compelled to weigh in, I find the scale of this deal lacking... Meh
Sorry, but I don't really care for Georgia red. For that reason alone, meh.
@KDemo for me it is about the triple a batteries. screw triple a batteries. I'd rather connect to the wall.
@KDemo Speaking that tone around here may get you hurt, just sayin
@Stallion - Nah, I'm anti-segregation - I still defend the rights of people's colors.
@KDemo True, but if you said the same about Purple you'd be on your own.
@Stallion - lol. I think @Barney's pretty understanding, but luckily I do like purple.
@KDemo @Stallion I love purple, but @jrwofuga's Georgia Red, ain't bad.
This will not weigh you unless you weigh 11 pounds or less. Actually, I could use one of these. I wonder why only one review on Amazon?
@wew Probably because it is $hit
@Stallion Or more likely, why buy the $45 scale when the $25 one would work already?
@narfcake cause it calculates the calories, fat, protein, carbs, cholesterol, salt, fiber in addition to weight for 999 different foods?
@wew You weigh 11 lbs. or less???
Gift for those who are Scaling back on their gift giving
Not saying apples to apples here ... or even apples to Apple ... but the 3D Touch on the 6s lets you use the screen as a scale.
AppleCare however doesn't cover getting ground coffee in your headphone jack or lightening connector.
Is it easy to get a measurement out without having to care about all the nutrition fuckery?
Not for me-eh. I'm a street pharmacist.
80$ at sears
@tmthday you'll probably get like 80 shag-your-wig (SYW) bucks (which you can use to buy groceries and such) or something. They expire though so they're not made for lazy people like me.
Or get a feel for what different amounts look and feel like when poured into the palm of your cupped hand or pinched in your fingers. Then you don't need to use anything![*]
[*] Well except your hand and the spice jar and the various physical processes that keep the universe from turning into a formless soup of energy and matter.
So if I weigh Zoya the tortoise will it tell me how many calories she is?
No forum thread for the poll tonight?
Since there's no Amazon link up there…
Seriously, this is one of those how can you say no items...
This has been a couple of good weeks around here, the VMP has gotten a good work out....
We were actually just saying we needed to get a kitchen scale.
Could we get a banana next to the apple to better understand the scale of the apple.
@MrMark Ahh - a true redditor....
It was either buy a hot glue gun to fix my old one or get this. Meh won.
If you bake, you weigh. Nice buy.

Additional use case if the only food things you do in your kitchen are open the fridge and microwave doors...
Weighing small packages to be shipped. Using USPS online often saves 5 bucks vs taking it to the Post Office counter. Payback in 2 shipments.
@RedOak My postal scale does double-duty as my kitchen scale at the moment...5g increments but otherwise does the job. (Until this bad boy arrives of course).
If two recent meh trends converge, tomorrow we'll see $8 quadcopters!
Not that you're going to bother for an 8 buck item, but how many things have a 5 year warranty these days?
The days before I owned a kitchen scale are in a prehistoric mist... I'm sure I use mine every day (on average, anyway). I'd be bereft without mine.
That's the first time I've ever seen "VMP Last Call". Nice.
I might as well squeeze this in an 'edit'
Do you all really weigh stuff nowadays? My old cookbooks use one cups and teaspoons and I have not noticed a change. Alton Brown always said this is absolutely the way to go though--I just didn't know people we actually doing it.
@wew If you get into more pro-oriented cookbooks, everything is in weight. For baking at least. All my bread books deal in weight.
@wew @brhfl European recipes are usually by weight, too. Reminds me of a Black Forest cake made with Kirschwasser I used to get around this time of the year from a German recipe. I saw the recipe once and it was all grams and a few ml.
The one problem I see with this (assuming it measures accurate weight) is that the surface is fairly small, and the display and controls are on it. Anything wider than six inches could prevent you from seeing the weight.
But I've already got a decent scale, and for eight bucks I'll get this as a backup/auxiliary.
so.... what is everyone weighing that makes these sell out in less than an hour?
@larrygrochal life choices
@larrygrochal if you go to walmart, a scale close to this is $20+ without any of the fancy calories features. my brother bought a glass kitchen scale last month for $30
@larrygrochal A teenaged russian tortoise.
@larrygrochal I'm going to turn it upside down and force it to weigh itself.
@awk Do this repeatedly and see if it weighs less when the batteries run down. For science.
@larrygrochal Obviously apples. Didn't you see the picture ?
Aaaaaand sold out. Literally the moment I log on.
@Pufferfishy dude you need to step your meh game up. and check at 11:59:59pm EST every day
@communist Agreed, step up and stop whining!
@Stallion you gotta fight.. ugh ugh.. for your right.. ugh ugh... to cooooooomplain!
I was sucked into a time vortex watching MST3k reruns on the YouTubes :(
@Pufferfishy mst3k has a kickstarter! I just got a keychain there. Check it out! Joel is coming back!
(first I bought a scale for my buddy and his wife who just bought a house-I go back to get one for myself and sold out--I should put myself first more often I guess)
@wew Backer #3741 right here!
I have a name brand one I got on Woot way back in hell for like $15 and I hardly used it. Good idea but bad execution. And a no name company so it's probably cheaply anyhow. Meh all day long.
Well that was fast. I could have used one of these. Mehbe next time
Damn. Guess I'll never know how many calories Zoya is. I'll wait till there's another fit bit like two for Tuesday and see how many calories more she burns than I do on a daily basis :D
and p.s. Zoya has graduated to the kitty scale at the vets. She's so grown up.
Sold out, sad. That's what I get for taking the dog out.
no...what you get for taking the dog out is a soft, smelly baggy
@bchrist825 I did indeed get that, but if I had come inside in time for the scale I could have weighed any future baggies!
Got one like this picture already, which is good for baking. But I jumped on this one for more than powders and liquids. Glad I got in before the quick sellout.
@djslack that's like my current one, great for large quantities
Kind of like a bait and switch. Since Amazon owns this site, they offer an item for a super low price and only about a dozen of them, then they hope to hype you to buy from Amazon for full price. Too bad I missed it, it was an awesome item. Too bad Prime did not help here, but hoping they will drop it there too. What's next?
@hotlava646 Amazon owns Meh???
@hotlava646 lol wut
@hotlava646 Amazon owns Woot.com, not meh,.
@hotlava646 you can't be serious.....
(you can tell it's not amazon because the price isn't the prime price minus $5 plus $5 shipping)
@hotlava646 Careful. They have lined the warehouse with thermite paint, too.
@hotlava646 Well he is a former Amazon executive (Matt Rutledge), that sold his previous internet site to amazon. No, Meh is not owned by amazon now, but they work close together. Who knows,, Amazon may buy this one too, but I doubt it. Completely different business models.
Physically perhaps, but mentally they on opposite sides of the world.
@hotlava646 Got into the eggnog ?
@hotlava646 Amazon owns everything, didnt you know that already?
@hotlava646 Different business models? You do realize that back in the day this is exactly what Woot looked like right? Meh is what Woot used to be, and I don't believe for a second that it is associated with Amazon even if it has ties to the old-now-Amazon-owned Woot site.
@hotlava646 I don't see the "close ties", unless you count the money Amazon paid for Woot going into Meh.
Here's a timeline:
Woot.com sold one thing a day, and, when it was gone, it was gone. Woot.com sold a bunch of closeout crap, stuff that wouldn't sell elsewhere, for cheap.
Amazon.com buys Woot.com
Woot.com turns into this hundreds-of-items-in-a-day mishmash of barely discounted crap.
Woot.com founder waits until the non-compete clause of the sale expires, then starts meh.com, which is very much like the original woot.com, only with VMP, which makes us old wooters much more likely to buy any damned thing.
I don't see a business relationship, but feel free to point out that I'm wrong with facts.
fun! fun! fun! Hello! West Coast!
All out and I wanted one.. Nice.. Next time have more the 10k of an item
@bugger I don't think they have more than 10K of most items (except speaker docks and quadcopters)
@djslack didn't they say they moved like 65,000 speaker docks? :)
Damn...Just my luck and I would have bought two.
Still bummed that I missed the deal, but I need my scales to be accurate down to the 0.1 grams... for reasons.
@phb man, you must bake some really precise bread!
Sold out. I weighted too long. =(
@bcwolven I bet you wanted to get one for your gram-ma.
@bcwolven LOL, great
Sell this to me on Tuesday.
Guessing from the quick sellout that measuring drugs is worth more than $4.60 to 750 or so mehers. I mean honestly, there's no other reason this would sell that fast. You guys aren't bakers (minus dsjack. You can't get a picture like that if you don't know what you're doing). I can tell from your comments. ;)
Or maybe the silent majority is full of wanna be Julia Childs?
@stinks lol that picture is from the brookstone website. But I do bake, promise.
@stinks I would bake with a vengeance; there would be muffin hoards unseen since the days of Genghis Khan, if only I had an accurate scale that could read weights with 1 gram precision.
@stinks I knew I'd wanted to weigh something small recently, so I bought this scale, even though at the time (12:10 am) I didn't remember what I wanted to weigh.
Today (somehow), it came to me - drones! I have to check my drones to see if they all are under 250 grams. I may need to register.
So - drones, not drugs.
Let's not kid ourselves, the only thing anyone will be weighing with this is their drugs.
@petrosclark We don't have sufficient data to make that assumption, but we now know what you associate scales with.
Eh, grabbed one last night before bed, because I figured if I try it and don't like it, I can package it up and send it to my mom. She's SUPER into health and fitness, and goodness knows she'd just look at the Amazon price and think I was an amazing daughter. (I have a bit of a reputation of being really bad at going to the post office. My family is happy when they get their presents before June.)
@Jamileigh17 you sound like my sister. Talk is cheap. ;-) (We all love her anyway.)
I remember the teacher telling us back in grade school (in the 1960's) You kids are lucky because you'll be young when we switch to metric.
Welp. Guess I have to be fat for another year. Geeze meh.
Oh carpe; Y'all have missed a real valuable reason to have one of these- Pinewood Derby! I'm really bummed, this is my kid's last year in cub scouts coming up, and I was planning to get all serious-dad like most of the parents do.
@Josephus If you have an Aldi near you, they have been selling food scales in January for $10... At least for the past three years, they have. They sell it during their "Get Fit for the New Year" specials. They're not as fancy as this one, but I don't think you need to know the protein content of pine.
@Josephus i came in third overall like 17 years ago. Those were good times. I still have my trophy around here somewhere. I made a truck that was awesome.
Got the scale today, looks great. Using the manual to set it up and it seems the manual is for an older model. Keeps telling you to press the "mode" button but there is no "mode" button to be found.
Has anyone been able to set the time and such without using the "mode" button?
@tasco After going through mine, it looks like it doesn't have a clock, just the countdown timer. Not a dealbreaker in my book, I wasn't expecting chronometry out of my scale. If I want to know what time it is I'll just look at my blender.
I'll probably also never use the function to tell me how many carbs are in my cheeseburger (of the myriad varieties that are on the list), but instead just use it to tell me how many grams or ounces something weighs.
The thermometer could be useful, but I see no way to switch it to Fahrenheit so that it shows intelligible numbers.
All in all, a pretty neat scale with a smooth, easy to clean surface, that looks modern and slick enough that it may get okayed to live out on the counter.
@djslack Thanks for the reply. After messing with it some more I think it will be fine. Would have been nice if the manual had matched the scale.
@tasco no problem. I'm sure that could be one of the many reasons it made it to meh, but meh puts the price more than in line with the delivered functionality most of the time, resolving the market inefficiencies that caused the units not to sell before. Happy weighing!
So yea, as @tasco said... this manual leaves mehch to be desired. First page "9 Volt battery" -> opens it up...3 Trip-As " :|
Can anyone tell me how to get the temperature to good ol' 'Murican Fahrenheit?
I ordered two of these... didn't realize they were up until my brother sent me the photo. Saw that it measures CARBS and that was that.
Since my ten-year-old daughter has type 1 diabetes, this should (I hope) make carb counting easier.
Anxiously awaiting it's arrival tomorrow.
Anyone experiencing catastrophic issues with this? I saw the posts about the manual and batteries....
@tasco and @RedOx, would you be willing to post photos of your scales??
@MzSooze Mine was totally non functional in any sort of desired mode of function. I have the VMP so I'm only out $8, but this is the first total loss I've received from Meh. It was bound to happen sooner or later, but I'm still a little jaded.
It's exactly as pictured on the main page:

The beeping and the temperature display being Celsius is driving me nuts! Anyone find out how to change those settings?
@bruhaha I couldn't find anything in the manual, so I did the extreme warranty voiding modification by unscrewing the bottom and ripping out the speaker. Silence is golden. You can try sticking a piece of tape over the bottom grill, that's where the speaker is, but it's surprisingly loud for a tiny speaker.
Received this last week, just had a need for it today. Unpacked it, pulled the battery strip and pressed power. All characters on the screen go black, the unit beeps one time. That's all. Check the manual to see what I may be doing incorrectly. The manual is for an alternate model. Replace the batteries, power it on, all characters of the display go black, 1 beep, and nothing else. Best I can tell, I paid $8 for 3 very very off-brand AAA batteries since that's the only thing that does anything correctly. I hope I'll at least enjoy destroying this cheap plastic garbage with a hammer.
Better to have meh'd and lost than never to have meh'd at all I suppose...
@Myrrick contact health o meter support- link is in the specs post on this thread. If they get you nowhere contact meh support.