Happy Halloween, my fellow mehmbers!


To those of you participating in this holiday in whatever way you see fit, have a great one! It is currently blowing rain sideways here. Which just means that for those of us hardcore enough to go out anyway, go the spoils. The last time we had weather like this, so few people went out that people were just dumping their candy bowls into my kid's bags. We've dubbed this, Happy Pneumonia and Chocolate Day. Whatever you are doing today, may it be a great one.
Make a mess, tear it up a little....

On this day, the last calendar day of my goatdom, I'd like to say thanks. I know that I promised nothing special, and I'm confident that I delivered just that. I'm truly excited to see just how great our next goat will be. She is amehzing. It's nearly time for me to take a little goat nap.