Got a new phone and reset my Olio watch... :-( {Necropost}
1Now my watch won’t do anything except tell me to open the Olio Assist app. But since they closed down the servers I can’t log in or create a new account so I can’t get past that screen to get into the app. My watch seems to now be a good looking paperweight. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work? I swear I remember that MEH said they would have their servers up for 2 years. Can someone change the apk to bypass the log in? Heeeeeelp.
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/image old phone

Do you still have your old phone?
@eonfifty I do, but it is dead
/image bummer

I searched for “olio assist apk.” I didn’t download it, so CAIAYOR.
@eonfifty You can still get the apk from play store. Thanks, but I have the app. The app is the problem
/image oh I see

I just searched in the iPhone app store, and they seem to have released an updated version of the app just 10 minutes ago!
@ELUNO The one in the Google Play store still reads “updated Oct 5, 2016”
If someone who has an iPhone could download it and see if it requires you to log in or sign up, that would answer the question of whether they updated to get rid of that part.
@kevin8er Oh man, I’m so sorry. I think I realize now that it probably means months. Not minutes…
@ELUNO Ugggghhhhh
Word last week was that if you reset the watch you were out of luck. However the app update may mean that they have heard from their customers and resurrected the service or made it where the app can pair locally. (You’d think that would be in the changelog, though).
@djslack Oh man, I hope so
@djslack I wish I would have gotten that word last week. How do I get on that list?
@kevin8er it was on this thread.
Maybe @snapster should use his incredible power and call someone to get this fixed!
It is certain
Ask again later
Ask again later
/8ball Does @snapster have incredible powers?
/8ball Can he make that call?
/8ball Will I ever see a catshirt here?
So right now these watches, if unactivated, are bricks?
@f00l Yeppers
@f00l get ready for 4 for wednesday paperweight watches!!!

/image bluetooth

Any update on your situation? I have one also.
If they wind up becoming paper weights, at least they will be Bluetooth paperweights. And the watchband is very nice if you have a watch without a band.
Good idea. At least I might use the watchband.
All they had to do was to make the watch straight Android Wear and no problem.
But the couldn’t do that.
This is such bullshit
@romanivanyuk Nice first post! Thanks for stopping by! Don’t forget this!

@therealjrn Hehe…I think I shall like your GoaT reign.
@mfladd Just getting warmed up…it’s the Hap, Hap, HAPPIEST TIME OF YEAR!
I am interested in what was meant by the app being available for two years, and who promised that. Was it meh, or someone else?
In my book, being able to download an app that you can not use is not the same as having the app available.
Was it this watch, or a different one, where the issue was paying for the server time? I am very vague on the details.
@bdb Who said what when? Maybe we can suss this out.
First, there is additional discussion in the original forum page.
What I was trying to say is that when the watch was up for sale, meh said the app should be available for two years. It is still available, technically, but is non-functional because someone took down the server.
What I was wondering was if meh had committed to keeping the app available for two years, or the person/company meh bought the watch from made that promise.
After you asked, I went to the original thread myself. I don’t know, but it sounds like the promise to keep the app available was not made by meh.
I would suggest switching this discussion to the original thread - more information is there.
@bdb I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but it is as you say: