Google Rewards
4Today I received about 10 surveys, but for the past several weeks my survey count has been whey down from the usual stream.
The questions this day are pretty random, and not at all about when was I at Home Depot last.
Any other aMeh.ricans experiencing similar stuffs?
TL;DR get free stuff if you don’t mind Google creepin’ on you
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I’ve gotten a few of the standards, and a few like “have you watched Polo recently” and “have you attended [some conference that I’ve never heard of].”
Whatever, money’s money, I ain’t complaining!
@smigit2002 same here. the last couple days have been extra survey-ish.
Which post do I comment on?
@thekenya both apparently
Sorry I cannot help with this. I only downloaded it for the first time on Thursday. I’ve gotten one survey each day and i’m up to a whopping $1.37
@jaybird i spent my wad in december and was up to $20ish again by March - bought some nice stuff and watched some movies - i feel so used…
Are you still naked?
Same-ol Same-ol for me. I’ve had Rewards Surveys since November 2013 according to my account history, and I’ve made $74.25 from it.
@Collin1000 December 2013 and $64 here
@Collin1000 spend it before it expires, please
I got one asking if I’d competed in a dance contest and also one asking if I drove an all electric car.
@MsELizardBeth yea, i got the electric car one, and some random conference that i have no clue about - woo hoo $0.37 for a coupla clicks…
My fellow ingress players have also noted an increase
@MsELizardBeth funny, ingress brought me into this as well
@MsELizardBeth what’s ingress? or maybe i don’t want to know
@DMlivezey only the best augmented reality game…you run around (or drive) to capture portals, throw fields (score points). there are two teams so kinda capture the flag meets geocache (not exactly but that description is one of the best received by the cops at 2 a.m.
@DMlivezey oh, and it’s a very social and team based game.
@jaybird I kinda want to play it
@jbartus it can be fun. you’ll know pretty soon whether or not it is for you. I’ve been playing almost 2 years and go through seasons of lots of play to little play. I’ve met some good people locally and it has gotten me out of the house a bit more which is good imo.
@jaybird so you play with a group of existing friends or it’s a means by which you meet and make new ones?
@jaybird wait, so you actually have to go out in the real world? this could get interesting and dangerous real fast
@jbartus met new friends and got existing friends caught up in it
@DMlivezey yeah, it is a serious game for those hardcore types. I take it pretty seriously, but am pretty cool about it. for me, what’s dangerous is the amount of extra gas i put into my tank without even thinking about it. also errands that used to take an hour can easily take 3 if i choose to play while i’m out
@jaybird i did a 24 part banner mission on foot this weekend. 10 miles total walked Friday.
@jbartus i can email you an invite
@MsELizardBeth do i need an invite to join in the fun? is this an exclusive club?
@MsELizardBeth I will have to give it some consideration. I will keep track of this thread and get back to you after I decide if I have enough free time.
@MsELizardBeth +1 for ingress! I should start doing surveys now that they have in game purchases.
@DMlivezey if you join go green
@jbartus Give it a try - it is free and there is no demand on how much time you put in. Play as little or as much as you want.
@DMLivezey Do not believe @CaptAmehrican, he is trying to enslave humanity with his shaper lies! Resistance is the only way!
Actually, it depends on your area. If your area is heavily dominated by one side or the other, it can actually be harder to progress is the game if you’re on the dominant team. Also, it depends what the players are like in your area. But there’s no real way to know that ahead of time.
@hallmike “Try it,” they said. “You can play casually,” they said. Lol
@CaptAmehrican I started blue. I got to 10 and then got added to a hangout by someone who felt guilty about the fact that he had done very little other than talk shit about me (and my kid) in the hangout. I almost quit the game completely but I have friends who play still. I’m back up to 10 as a green, which is a generally more chill group in this area. (Lately I have gone rogue and left the big team hangout.)
@DMlivezey Invites aren’t mandatory but if you have one and get to level 3 it goes toward my badge
Plus I’ll help you out as you get adjusted to how to play.
@djslack is correct about leveling up being easier if you are on the non dominant team for your area. For the longest time our region was dominant blue (Vive la résistance!) and it was slow going to level. I wouldn’t change my decision to join the resistance either.
In our area, frogs are disfunctional. They don’t get along with each other and cannot agree on game strategy. Because of this we generally crush them. New players on their side don’t even bother with joining the ‘approved’ team group because of the disharmony. this isn’t so everywhere, but certainly is here. To my knowledge, frogs are militaristic in leadership structure, smurfs are laissez faire. Our local smurfs don’t have heirarchy (unsure about nationally or globally). We communicate very well and are team oriented.
Oh and one other thing…smurfs have guardians!
@jaybird also, there are whiners, complainers, and cheaters on boths sides *GASP! We do what we can to weed them out, but we all laugh at them too…enjoy this. NSFW
@MsELizardBeth sure, send me an invite, i loved watching the smurfs about 30 years ago (as an adult) - is that really one of the team names?
@DMlivezey Well kinda. It’s a blue team. I play on the frogs though. I need the email address you want to sign up with. You can email it to me at lizardisanerd at gmail
@jaybird The opposite is true here re: structure. Smurfs used to be laid back but have become much more “bow down to the one guy in charge of the whole region”. Back in the days of my smurfdom, there were no other players in my entire county. Now that I’m a frog, we have players galore… mostly frogs. Still faster to level now though, since glyphs, mods, cubes, etc didn’t exist back in my early days.
@MsELizardBeth true on the more ways to earn ap. i’ve also noticed an uptick in players that are more interested in leveling up than playing for the team.
Yeah, it’s a nice service. I get a few surveys every week. I spend the funds by buying doughnuts on The Simpsons Tapped Out most of the time. Other times I’ll rent something from Google Play.
I received a large influx lately but the quantity was way down since about mid-April to mid-May. I used to get one or two per day to less than two per week until it started picking up recently. One thing I changed was to remove the app from all but one device which seems to have helped.
$22.98 earned since 2/2/2016
@jbartus i experienced a similar pattern and made no changes, i think they’re just toying with us, if bernie loses the election, maybe he can help us thwart the Almighty Google?
@DMlivezey I dunno what’s going on, but I’m happy I made bank this weekend.
What is this? You’re making money? Real money or Play Store credit?
@jqubed play store
@jqubed what’s the difference? i can rent a movie with this ‘real’ money.
$62.66 since 1/20/15
Nothing serious or regular for me in about 6 months. They hate me.
@sarahsandroid yea, it’s because you are a sandroid
@DMlivezey At least I’m not a smac or sapple
I love the really random ones, like “Have you been to a Duane Reade recently?” Google you know damn well I do not live in New York City.
I can’t seem to spend the money fast enough before it expires.

I still have over $100 in credits.
As long as you keep getting surveys, it should get extended.
It expires a year from latest survey I believe.
@cengland0 I spend mine on crazy kitchen and ingress.
I have a google play music monthly subscription but never have enough in the account to spend it.
@cengland0 I have the opposite problem and can’t get enough surveys before I spend all my money
I guess I buy way too much music.
I only get a couple surveys a week, if that, so maybe that’s why? And they’re only 10-15 cents each
@luvche21 If I listened to music, I would probably spend it all too. I just don’t listen. I do get movies but I prefer to get them from Redbox.
I think I’ll be using them to get the entire series of TV shows like Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Game of Thrones, etc. Just haven’t had time to start watching regular TV shows because I have so many theatrical movies queued up to watch and not enough time to watch them all.
@cengland0 Oh yeah, I think we had a chat a while back about music therapy, I don’t think I ever got back to you about that, oh no!
@luvche21 Holy crap, was that you? That was a long time ago so how did you remember it was me that had that problem? Of course I remember because it’s a problem I’ve been having for nearly 15 years now but I’m impressed you thought about that.
@cengland0 Well, I went out on a limb in the hopes that it was you who I chatted with back then - the username sounded familiar, but I wasn’t sure.
I kept meaning to talk to my wife more in detail about it, but I don’t think she had ever heard of that in her work as a music therapist before. If I get a chance, I’ll ask her again and see if she had any thoughts. I sure don’t envy you, music means so much to me.
@cengland0 but why redbox for real money when you can get google movies for this monopoly, i mean google, money?
@cengland0 sign up for “google play music family” and i think they’ll take the $15/month out of your Google Play balance, and then give it out to 9 of your friends with google accounts.
@DMlivezey That is a good question about why Redbox. I can only hint to why.
I have a large collection of DVD’s. I have so many, in fact, that I have an online database that my friends and family can view to see if I already have a particular movie. I even have a checkout system so I can keep track of who borrowed which movie and when they received it.
If I had the google play version of the movie, it would be very limiting on who I could lend the movie to. Redbox is just $1.50 at full retail and all other methods including Google Play costs more to rent.
Redbox has many promotions throughout the year. Sometimes they have a code for a free movie and it’s the same code for anyone on their email distribution. The have a hole in their system that allows you to use the code multiple times so you can easily rent 5 movies per account for free.
Then Redbox has a rent one get one free deal all the time meaning I can rent two movies for $1.50. Since my friends borrow my movies all the time, they like to help out occasionally by renting movies that are not on my website to help with the costs so I don’t have to take the financial burden alone.
That is all I can say about it.
@cengland0 need another friend? wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more - sounds like a pretty cool system
i wasn’t aware of the whole in their system
Yeah, I recently got a bunch in a row that all followed a similar format:
I do Bing rewards, which gives credit for ordinary searches
@darksaber99999 Ha, ha. That’s the only way Microsoft can get people to use Bing – pay them!
I haven’t seen a single rewards survey in at least six months. I kept rechecking the notifications settings for a while, then gave up.
@whogots I stopped getting surveys when I got a new phone last month (beginning of April). I thought maybe I had forgotten to set it up but I just checked and it appears to be working ? Not sure wtf is going on
@capguncowboy I also thought it was because I replaced my phone, but my history says I haven’t had a survey since about 4 months before I got the new phone. Still not working for me, but I turned 40 in the meanwhile, so maybe I’m just an undesirable demo now.
@whogots my dad (in his 50s) gets quite a few surveys, so maybe you just have to wait ~10 years.
I have been getting some odd ones recently too. The other day it asked me if I had recently run an ultra-marathon. I laughed so hard at that one I almost dropped my box of doughnuts.
Since 8/7/14, I’ve only earned $18.74
I experienced the same thing you did … I used to get surveys at least twice a day and haven’t gotten one in like two months. Now after reading this, I will go check & hopefully they will start up again. I’ve used it forever and have actually made quite a bit. They like to trick you sometimes & ask you if you’ve been somewhere or use a specific service & the place or service doesn’t exist. If you lie then they tend to pause your surveys for a bit. (Not that I have ever done this
@Amila99 i some thyme wondered if they were playing mind games or testing my sanity, e.g. on monday asking when was the last time i went to home depot, which was, let’s say saturday, then on wednesday asking me when was the last time i went to home depot to see if i could remember all the way back to saturday.
hey - just because i’m not paranoid, doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get me
@DMlivezey creepy, 42 minutes after posting that Google asked me when I had last been to Home Depot, Saturday or Sunday - and today is Monday, maybe google really is paying attention to me?
what, did you walk thru a mall?
I noticed an uptick as well. Made $50 since Jan 2015.
Turned them in for a few albums and movie rentals.
Also may have spent a non-zero sum on that Japanese cat game, buying tuna and toys for them…
I thought I had been blacklisted because I lied on one of them to see if I’d get more credit.