Google Easter Egg: Thanos
13Cool Google easter egg. Open Google, search “Thanos,” click the Infinity Gauntlet on the right side – and watch as half of your search results turn to dust.
I tested it on my Macbook with Chrome and Safari. Android phone, using Chrome. Worked great. Sort of funny.
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They did a nice job on that.
Works on iOS Safari and Firefox
/giphy thanos

@f00l Totally cross platform then. Thanks for checking the ones I couldn’t.
@f00l can’t get it to work in my Firefox…hmm.
@f00l @lseeber Just tested in Firefox on my computer and it works fine. Even created a youtube video as proof – Complete with audio.
@f00l @lseeber I don’t have a fancy shmancy video such as @cengland0, but It works on my Win10 Pro laptop running Firefox Quantum 66.0.3 (64bit)
@therealjrn The video is proof I have no life.
@cengland0 @f00l WEll… I don’t see any video… and maybe I have something set dif in my firefox. I google search ‘thanos’ and I see the (glove/hand/gauntlet thingy?) on the right… click it… it twists and my page jumps down about an inch or 2… that’s it.
@lseeber Seriously, you don’t see a link to a youtube video 4 comments above this one? Wow, I’d get your computer checked out by someone.
If you did see the firefox page jumping around, it is probably working but maybe you are not observant enough to see portions of the page disappear. It’s random on which portions disappear but about 50% of it goes away (reference to what happened in the movie). There’s also sound involved so you might want to turn up your volume. When you hear the tone, that’s when things disappear.
@cengland0 I see “the video is unavailable”. Figured that’s what @lseeber saw too. You might have gotten a DMCA takedown for using the name Thanos?
But I saw thanos wreck shop on the results on my phone so I didn’t really try about the video.
@djslack @lseeber Oops, my bad. I uploaded the video but didn’t publish it because I didn’t want it to notify my subscribers as a new video. I didn’t notice that it changed it to a “private” video after the upload was finished but I really wanted it as an “unlisted” video. They work different.
So when I tried to watch the video, it works fine because I’m logged in as myself and of course I can see all my videos, private, unlisted, public, etc. But I tried it on another browser where I was logged out and it did say “Video Unavailable” for me too. Now that it’s no longer private and is just unlisted, it should work for everyone now.
Sorry about that, I’m not a huge youtube content creator so I didn’t know the nuances of this unpublished issue.
@cengland0 @djslack @lseeber I’ve got my browser a little locked down so I just went along with it. Youtube is a little screwy itself.
@therealjrn I didn’t know you couldn’t see it either. It was my incompetence that caused the problem. Oops.
@cengland0 @lseeber yep, it works now. Thanks. The effect is more dramatic on desktop than on mobile, we don’t get the particle effect but just a kind of horizontal splitting and fade out.
@cengland0 I’m observant enough. I must have something changed in my firefox settings. I won’t dissolve (I’m on Win 10 laptop) It WILL do it in the Edge browser tho.
that is so
I have never seen any film based on Marvel characters. Nothing against that fictional universe: I just stopped going to most films.
Bit then I’ve also only seen a few episodes of Walking Dead and none of Breaking Bad. Even tho I regret being so out of it re excellent TV.
I keep promising self that I will “catch up someday”.
In the meantime, books.

@f00l - Nothing against Breaking Bad or Walking Dead, but if you perhaps enjoy dramedy, and one based around family dynamics, over action or mystery or whatnot, I might recommend a first series to try, when you’re ready to rejoin the TV slaves:
This Is Us
It has a great story and amazing characters, and the child pop star doesn’t ruin too much, and she does have a decent voice
just my 13 to 14 cents
/giphy this is us

Click the gauntlet again…
everything reappears.
@2many2no Hey, you’re right. That’s neat. I also noticed something else.
When you see how many results there are:
It gets reduced by about half when you click on it.
And it’s not instant. You can see it counting down quickly. Then when you click on the gauntlet again, it counts back up as the page goes back to normal.
@2many2no I noticed that and wondered if there was a spoiler in the symbol that appears behind the gauntlet.
Yeah, it’s pretty cool, but nothing to lose your head over.
@therealjrn I don’t feel so good about this comment.

@curtise Just put your head down
between your knees and remember to breathe. Feel better soon!