@djslack In related news, no surprise that our Arizonian mehers are leading the pack. Guess we're waiting for SC and FL to wake up... around 4am Eastern when they go to walk their shitzus.
@djslack I've always wondered, do they actually normalize that map? Like is each state showing number bought per views from that state? Because it doesn't seem like it.
Upvotes to all the great Dad puns, comments, and jokes. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread! And thank you for no Irk pics or comments. That is always a win!
I actually drew my mom's bf for the gift exchange so was looking for golf stuff. $100 is out of the price range however and I doubt he would want to use technology like this because he is an old fuddy duddy that doesn't believe in email etc.
User manual PDF
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year GolfBuddy
Estimated Delivery: 12/21 - 12/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x GolfBuddy WT4 Watch
1x Charging cradle and USB cable
Retail box
Everything included
Back of watch
Putt Putt or Miniature Golf?
Price Comparison
$299.99 List, $159.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
But I don't watch golf
@jwiesejr I don't have the time to swing
I'm not your buddy, pal.
@wew I'm not your pal, guy.
@wew I'm not your guy, buddy.
@Thumperchick I'm not your guy, friend
@wew And you're definitely not Buddy Guy.

@mike808 I do love some Buddy Guy!
@brandon I'm not your F Buddy!
I've been eyeing this on checkout.org. I just may have to take the plunge and buy it.
@densa So how does one see what's on checkout.org? My Google-fu only turned up expired deals, it seems.
@djslack You can't go directly to the site. You have to go through offers.com and it will forward you there:
The watch was tempting at $135. At $100, it's a no brainer. I also bought the headphones. I love Audio Technica.
@densa Thanks for the tip! It shows me nothing under Products right now but I'll check back.
@djslack Are you looking at it on your phone? I still see the deals. If you are looking at it on your phone, change it to "desktop mode"
No shank you.
That's a pretty fairway to keep track of things for not very much green.
Won't be seeing my green
Driving a wedge into this community of people trying to spare some cash
This deal helps you slice away the competitors.
"Who do these golfers think they are?"
And your answer is...
@robson well they putt around all day to lightly putt it
Any way you slice it, this is still a meh deal.
Can this help find your balls when they're deep in the rough?
@mike808 That sounds like you may need a doctor, not a GPS.
Do they make one of these for putt putt?
2 day expedited shipping? Must have a good margin on this.
@sourhead HA!
@sourhead ^ what he said ^
What was the lowest performing Meh to date?
I'm willing to bet this will be a strong contender for that crown...
@haydesigner2 I think there was a Kindle Fire that literally sold only a few dozen. Someone was fired after that debacle, I imagine.
@haydesigner2 @sourhead The post Amazon prime day kindle fire is the current wiener I think at a whopping 19 units sold. It was beautiful.
This might be the worst meh ever, I am deeply offended and hurt. You've ruined my life ... I'll be back tomorrow.
An hour into this deal and California is still blank on the map. Is this a first?
@djslack In related news, no surprise that our Arizonian mehers are leading the pack. Guess we're waiting for SC and FL to wake up... around 4am Eastern when they go to walk their shitzus.
@djslack... And what the hell is wrong with you Alaskan people?!!? Do you not even play golf up there??
@djslack I've always wondered, do they actually normalize that map? Like is each state showing number bought per views from that state? Because it doesn't seem like it.
Watch out for this deal
they should let you buy fore
Wow! 26 sold! That has to be some sort of record!
I should get one for Obama.
meh, meh, mehhhhhhhhhh
Upvotes to all the great Dad puns, comments, and jokes. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread! And thank you for no Irk pics or comments. That is always a win!
I like the item, but not at that price. It needs to be in the $50-$60 range for me to buy it.
Bummer the survey couldn't be done prior to stocking up on these fine golfing wrist tools:

@RedOak I assume I'm counted in the "just typed meh.com", although I really just type "m" and Chrome guesses the rest.
@craigthom yep.
Btw, the tail placement of those arrows was not intended to indicate anything in particular. (Random)
Quickest nope I've experienced here. Edged out yesterday's by about a tenth of a second.
So, what can this thing be used for if you're not on or near a golfing court?
@lumpthar Looks like... a watch with a 20 day battery life.
@brhfl wait. It tells time too? Hmmm. But a hundred bucks.
I actually drew my mom's bf for the gift exchange so was looking for golf stuff. $100 is out of the price range however and I doubt he would want to use technology like this because he is an old fuddy duddy that doesn't believe in email etc.
@Dengue There is a 19th hole Mom joke in there somewhere but I don't know you well enough to make it.
@mydrivec Lol, thanks. I should have known mentioning my mom on the internet was a bad idea.
@Dengue agreed. Purely going for the laugh factor. No disrespect intended.
38,000 COURSES!
2 within 1000 miles...
I gotta relocate.
- Santa
Needs GPS
@Felyne For the Lazy:
@MrMark TY! I thought it would show up, but it only linked. I need 'gifs for dummies'. Hey, meh! The next item!