GoFundMe needed for meh purchasers??
2Do we need to open a GoFundMe for the purchasing department at meh? Almost EVERY ITEM up for sale recently has SOLD OUT!! Must be they can’t afford to buy more than a pallet or 2 of product. Pretty sad as many folks wanted to purchase the items but were too late and missed out.
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@medz So the objective is to “Sell Out” and not care about making any money?? Odd, but I guess if they’ve got enough of the green stuff then why bother making more??
/giphy never mind
@IndifferentDude objective is to make money by selling out
@medz Feels a little dated at this point. Not only has the percentage of sellouts been lower (imo ianal) in the last two years or so, this sure ain’t part of the plan any more:
Does anyone think meh has grown as quickly in the last year as the first few?
More to the point, I wouldn’t be surprised if our group has shrunk.
Seems like meh let the software build up to scale and then morningsave and friends became the real and (bread & butter).
But maybe it bothers me more than it should.
That said, it is neat to see a few sellouts again!
@medz @stinks It could be they are selling out of larger deals. Like PastaDrop for one.
And fidget spinners and candy corn and trackers etc. They are still selling out. It just is taking them multiple sales and across multiple outlets to do it for those larger volumes mentioned.
Selling out every day would mean smaller volumes, not larger.
/giphy neat
@medz @mike808
I do not think my argument means what you think that it means.
Though the meme makes me think maybe it does.
/giphy I’m just guessing at this point
@mike808 @stinks
“Selling out every day would mean smaller volumes, not larger.”
Selling out means it was priced to move! Perfect price for available volume.
@medz @stinks Selling out means available volume sold. Not necessarily that larger volumes sold.
Meh is clearly moving more product than sells on one day, so fewer sellouts.
@medz @mike808 @stinks
Perfect price for item people actually want at available volume. Hmm… sounds sort of like an economics equilibrium point.
@Kidsandliz @medz @stinks
Selling out is a limit on supply, not demand. Selling out necessarily means that not all buyers were able to. That means there was unrealized profit remaining in the supply market. That sounds sort of like a constrained economics equilibrium point because you have fixed both price and supply and neither is allowed to change freely, as would be the case in a traditional Keynesian model of free market equilibrium of supply and demand price determination.
Also, selling out means that a higher price would have still satisfied demand at that same supply. That is not an indicator of a “perfect price” for sellers. Hmm. Sounds sort of like an economics pricing mistake on the part of the suppliers.
To determine a “perfect” price, one must have at least two data points (i.e. sales periods being observed) to determine the maximum demand at that price. Specifically, this will determine, given a fixed price $, the maximum of X items, where X items sell out, and X+1 do not.
@medz @mike808 @stinks The price would be set based on the supply and demand for sell out - well in this case meh’s best guess - which may well be a pricing “mistake” or a supply “mistake” LOL. And since so much crap comes from morningsave they have price point/demand data. Clearly they guessed wrong or it wouldn’t land at meh. I guess now it will land at the brick and mortar which will give a second price point/demand reading although with a different customer market.
I think meh has vertically integrated the supply chain. It looks like this:
Some other company’s dumpster fire --> morningsave -->
meh’s dumpstermeh however many times it takes to completely or almost completely get rid of the crap (occasionally cycling back through morning save) -->we pay to save them landfill feesirks.@Kidsandliz @medz @mike808 You guys are killing me. I understand how supply and demand works.
What Snapster seemed to say is that their goal – not a perfect market’s goal; meh’s goal – is to grow enough demand that they can grab deals of increasing size that still always sell out.
In fact, buying from a site that always sells out means you’re, by your own logic, always getting a
greatat least a middling deal. CAN YOU IMAGINE SUCH A SITE??!!@#123?!What I’m lamenting is that it doesn’t feel like that demand side is growing very quickly now. In fact, I’d say Mediocre in general has moved away from Snapster’s 2014 goal of increasing the demand and getting ever larger deals that always sell out. Now it feels like the butter is on more conventional market bread (Side Deal, Morning Save, etc, not the daily deal schtick).
/giphy two cents
@Kidsandliz @medz @mike808 @stinks
And yet, the recent deals have been selling out. Today’s relist of what one hopes will have been the dregs of a ceretain speakerthing shows that if it’s “deal” enough, it can sell out. They sure didn’t at $20 more.
@medz @mike808 @stinks @werehatrack and so snapster is finally deciding to focus on us again after a several year hiatus… so maybe the demand side will grow again.
@Kidsandliz @medz @stinks @werehatrack
I think there are occasionally deals that get “first crack” on Meh, but not by much. As in it will show up on Meh, and then on Morningsave the next day or two later, and at a higher price.
In general, yeah, it is “some company’s dumpster fire” --> Morningsave -->
“Morningsave’s dumpster fire”Meh, and then cycle through Meh until it either sells out or there are stragglers tagged for an IRK or Mehrathon.I also think there are some “SOLD OUT” markers going out that aren’t exactly completely zero items left because of returns, MVP hour reserves, size swaps, warranty replacements, open box issues, etc. And those end up in either flash mehrathon items or IRKs, but long after any windows of needing spares have closed.
I hope snaps will go even further than offering us more deals we can’t get enough of on Meh by putting a pinch more sparkle for VMPs. As a VMP, I say that with absolutely no vested interest. /smirk