Goat's Day Off
7Since @Amehrican has already posted about National Waffle Day, I declare another Goat’s Day Off. Great job, @Amehrican!
Totally coincidentally, I did have waffles for breakfast this morning.
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Since @Amehrican has already posted about National Waffle Day, I declare another Goat’s Day Off. Great job, @Amehrican!
Totally coincidentally, I did have waffles for breakfast this morning.
@CaptAmehrican ^^^^^
Go for it goat. Sorry to steal your thunder. But one thing I was trying to do was have any non political content here.
/giphy gold star

@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974 @ThunderChicken
I mean stealing thunder/lightening is sort of approved for him.
@CaptAmehrican No problem; I enjoy days off. Sorry for messing up your name!
@ThunderChicken no problem we are friendly here no need to use titles
Also it is also national peach pie day. You could have gone for that.
@CaptAmehrican aww yiss.
@CaptAmehrican @RiotDemon When my wife and I were talking about nice to have things when we retire and move, I mentioned fruit and nut trees (if we have room) and she instantly said ‘we should have peach trees!’.
I was not expecting that but turns out she had a peach tree at one of their homes growing up. We had a pomegranate tree and I was going to say that but now I think its going to be a peach…
@RiotDemon I do love peach pie.
@CaptAmehrican Ohhh I love peach pie. And cherry and blueberry and black berry and raspberry and apple pies.
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @RiotDemon They sell dwarf peach trees in case space is an issue!
@duodec @RiotDemon could do one of each
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @RiotDemon dwarf trees are an excellent idea. Especially if you want to have a variety of fruit and don’t want to be way up on a ladder pruning. A big tree is impressive but might give more fruit than you are prepped to deal with at once. And takes a lot of space. If you pick you trees right you can spread it out if you are into canning. Or at least pick and sell/give away the extra.
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @RiotDemon just FYI pretty much every state has agriculture extension units run from the state University/ies
Just for example it seems like Indiana had one in every county and district level. https://extension.purdue.edu/about
Your state may have similar resources but if it doesn’t you can probably read off the nearest neighbors guide that are most relevant to you. Or at least one in your climate zone. You can’t just plant one peach tree… You have to know if it’s vulnerable to pest/disease/temp in your area. And if it is how to protect it. If it can pollenate in it’s own. Etc.
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @RiotDemon @unksol Dwarf trees?
They actually grow on trees?!
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @mehcuda67 @RiotDemon you think you’re funny but your snot :p
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @mehcuda67 @RiotDemon no I’m rubber you’re glue? Ok
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @mehcuda67 @RiotDemon @unksol the goat is going to the glue factory next week
@CaptAmehrican @duodec @ELUNO @mehcuda67 @RiotDemon @unksol Glue factory? I’m outta here!