Goatfessions, Confessions of an October Scapegoat

Thumperchick went on a bit of a rant said

You all nominated me with words like: helpful, awesome, liked, and more. I'm here to confess something terrible (and still funny, to me) that I did in my youth. How is this relevant? It involves a goat.

In my late teens to early 20's, I hung out with a group of CBers and off road enthusiasts. As a result, there were a few rodeo cowboys in this group. One of which used to pride himself on being HILARIOUS. Well, one night after hanging out at a friends, and probably drinking too much to make good choices, we decided to play a prank on him.

So, we hopped into a friend's Geo Metro - the worst possible getaway car in the history of get away cars, and went out to a local farm that had goats... at 3am. My friend ??? (owner of the Metro) hopped out and grabbed a small goat, and hauled ass and goat back to the car. On our way back to Mr. Hilarious' house, the goat got hungry and started to munch on ???'s jacket, much to his annoyance and my joy. We quietly put the goat in the back seat of Mr.H's Blazer. Then we went home.

The next morning, Mr. Hilarious got in his truck to go to work, only to look in the rear view mirror and see a goat smiling back at him. The goat even greeted him with a bleat. As if to say, "Who the hell are you, where the hell am I, and wtf?" Mr. H lost his shit. Not at the goat, they called around and gave him to a farm. But he was livid. Tried for months to come up with something to get me back. (I didn't out my cohorts.)

If this was just funny, it wouldn't be a goatfession. It was also pretty terrible. Looking back now, I regret taking that poor lil goat from his home. I feel badly for the people who cared for it, only to have it disappear. I can only hope they are the ones who got him back.
