Goat Day #2 (Kinda) - Who the hell are you?


Hello there. It looks like I’m a goat. Some people might be familiar with me, but some of you may be thinking… who the hell is this guy?

I am lich, lichme, “Glitter Lord of Zip Ties”, lichypoo or liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich. Best known for being a stalker of all things woot/meh (hence mehstalker and wootstalker)

I’m in my early 30’s, married with 2 kids (almost 3, and 2 months). I moved here from Canada (yeah, you can blame me twice) back in '06, to be with my wife. We met online playing Team Fortress Classic. I live a very predictable life, and I like it that way.

I have a really bad memory when it comes to people. It’s not that I don’t care, I just suck. That being said, if it doesn’t creep you out, feel free to share some basic information about yourself here so that when I try to remember a bit about you in the future, I’ll have a reference point.

If you have any general, not too invasive type questions, feel free to ask. I may or may not answer them, but you can ask.

For my reign, I don’t have a theme, or a plan really, but I’ll try to keep it interactive.

Also, if you don’t want your details public, you can always whisper them to me.