Goat Day #16: It's all downhill from here


It’s official. I’m passed the halfway mark for goathood.

<Insert overly used gif>

Trying to entertain people is not an easy task. So kudos to all other goats before me. If anybody has any (real) suggestions for stuff they’d like to see for future posts, let me know.

In the meantime, let’s play “WTF is this guy doing”.

Person below (“PB”) is standing at the register of a marketplace. They sell various health items, and they serve food for breakfast/lunch.

Historically, PB is a stand up guy. Follows the letter of the law, and overall just has a high moral compass. My question to you is: Why does PB look so shady?

For a good time call 867-5309

Submit your guesses/totally made up stories below.