Goat Day #16: It's all downhill from here
9It’s official. I’m passed the halfway mark for goathood.
<Insert overly used gif>
Trying to entertain people is not an easy task. So kudos to all other goats before me. If anybody has any (real) suggestions for stuff they’d like to see for future posts, let me know.
In the meantime, let’s play “WTF is this guy doing”.
Person below (“PB”) is standing at the register of a marketplace. They sell various health items, and they serve food for breakfast/lunch.
Historically, PB is a stand up guy. Follows the letter of the law, and overall just has a high moral compass. My question to you is: Why does PB look so shady?
Submit your guesses/totally made up stories below.
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He is posing for a picture to be posted on an online shopping site.
@jst1ofknd Technically correct (the best kind of correct), although he doesn’t know that. He didn’t know there was a camera on him.
I am impressed. How did he manage to take this picture and not know the camera was on him? Was it on his head or something? And was this done in mirror? I don’t see the distinctive flash reflection.
@jst1ofknd Have you been drinking bleach again?
How did you know about my habit!?!
I mean, no! Who does that!
He was literally lying down on the job, legs elevated. He sharted unexpectedly, and it ran up his back. Wrapping himself in his coat, he’s buying Imodium, a little late.
@OldCatLady this is a wildly complicated scenario
@nolrak I’m so ashamed of the way my mind works sometimes.
@nolrak @OldCatLady I like it!
I say he only looks shady because someone got his attention that was standing slightly behind and to the left. I am going to go with he is picking up a traditional Irish lunch for himself and his co-workers on St. Patrick’s Day.
@jst1ofknd This. At least the other person theory. There were two shooters!
He looks shady because there’s no sunlight in the store, obviously
It was cold outside, and he turned his head when he heard you say " 'sup, dawg!" And then he realizes you’re not Randy Jackson.
I can kind of see the resemblance
If it’s all downhill from here, does that mean you’re at the top of the world?
/image mountain goat
he hasn’t had his coffee yet and and its bright AF in the place…and wtf are you doing taking his pic…all he’s doing is waiting for his breakfast taco…cut him some slack…this road trip was your idea…
You are doing a good job.
Unblame, for the Chesapeake http://www.capitalgazette.com/news/environment/ac-cn-goats-st-margarets-0815-story.html
Am I the only one that sees…
@tohar1 A pic taken from the other side of the counter. I believe this is evidence in support of your theory:
We can talk about the overly used gif and how awesome Russell Crowe was at that role and how we might cry when watching the movie even though we know what happens and have seen the movie several times…
Great guesses! Here is part of the interaction:
Backstory. Everybody in my department (old job) wanted to go for breakfast. The place we wanted to go to apparently stopped serving breakfast a week prior. Wanting waffles, but having nowhere around that served waffles, a deal was made that if said waffles were purchased, PB would bring them to the market and have them cooked. They were acquired from a local grocery store, and smuggled into the establishment. Surprisingly, they agreed to toast them up. Not only that, they brought them to his table, with syrup and butter.
Pretty sure they also didn’t charge him for the coffee he ordered. Our boss was not impressed when she realized we had all left at the same time without telling her.
Was it around St. Patrick’s Day?
@jst1ofknd Because of the green? No, that’s typical for them year round, although I hadn’t really noticed it.
Yes. In particular because of the vase with a green ribbon.