@mediocrebot@ethanp@nathank RECALL that message. Reading further I see it is Japanese for lucky bag. Should be a trilingual bag and had it in Korean too.
@snapster What did you do? Cross the starting line and then blow the horn for the rest of us to begin? LOL There were some pretty antsy trigger fingers just hovering...
And a shout-out to @dave for the heads-up, even if I only just got around to catching up on tweets from earlier today. Really appreciate it, even if I missed it at the time!
@snapster Who was the first to order? Also, I was very impressed that I was able to order one through my phone with 0 issue with server load. Whoever your net and systems engineers are, keep them well... fed.
Your order number is: misty-ecstatic-quiet. Seems to perfectly sum up the stages of emotion quite well. Misty-eyed that I actually got one. Ecstatic when it arrives. Quiet after seeing that it really was just crap :-P
@capguncowboy My husband and I both got one also. He was bummed when I told him about the kickstarter fuku because I didn't get him one when I had the chance.
@khunjeff the majority of them were crap. I never got any "big ticket" items but I got some useful stuff. My friends however got the letters and tv's, zunes, sansa's, boxes of shirts etc.
@Timotatoe Happy anniversary. Maybe you can give what you get to your other half to show her how much you love… oh wait sending a meh message might get you put out to the dog house...
@Kidsandliz Thanks! And that's very wise advice. I tried to show my wife a few meh.com videos and she actually screamed out loud when she saw Irk the Troll. She's not very fond of Meh, haha. She'll be even more disappointed from this fuku- I can't wait!
@brandon I got a couple bags of crap. Be prepared for profound disappointment. But like TMBG says: "If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointment."
@SSteve hopes aren't extremely high but I've still got my Kickstarter one coming sometime so I'm just going to act like my chances are increased of joy
Second purchase from meh.com; first was a portable charger. Since the process went so well, I figured I'll give this mystery bag a shot. Never did this before so fingers crossed for something good.
@phatmass@snapster Since you are repeating meh faces already perhaps a contest to design more of them? And the winner gets all their missing faces filled in?
@PurplePawprints@BillLehecka@Thumperchick But can all of you fit in a 12" by 12" space (you do know the meh throne is the size of airline cattle class seals - right)?
@grammarsheriff DO NOT CANCEL your order. Since it's sold out, you will not be able to reorder and add VMP. Just suck up the loss of the future $5 on shipping and be thankful you ended up with one. Congrats!
@phatmass@gti87 well since two counties in South Dakota are lit up they must have used up all the internet so there was none left for North Dakota to steal. SD needs to be less greedy.
I have no idea what I just did but did it anyway......is there a name for that ? Do I need meds ? I am so tight I wouldn't give Meh a penny for fifty bags but instead willingly shelled out $10.00 for one........one what ?
Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@Cinoclav I forgot about that. That does show a pretty high level of excitement. I don't know, I kind of like strudel more than cake, myself. Maybe you'll still end up with something fantastically meh after all.
Start the exercise !!!! bags !!!! Uh Oooh can not stand anymore !!!! When I tried to gidariryeo waenman we really can not stand the next word . Everybody knows bags ? But everyone should know this full draw . Jjokbak lucky and hit you uncomfortable !
@jsh139 !!! Let the lucky bag event begin !!! Woo~~ Can’t stand anymore!!! We were waiting to do this next year, but just can’t stand anymore. You guys know the lucky bag? As you know, this is completely random. If lucky then jackpot, if unlucky, then what the **!!!
@BillLehecka North Dakota only just got the technology to watch the movie "War Games" and is taking very seriously the admonition that "The only way to win is not to play."
Hey, look, a forum... I've bought a few things, but have been feeling antisocial. BUT NOW, I have to put this in the record books so when somebody else comes and looks after everything sells out they will be jealous of me, and they should be, because I am pretty awesome.
I am also totally pumped to be disappointed in a few days(weeks) when the bag arrives. I miss the days of JustinTV and pickles for Bags... but, I'll have to brag here I guess.
@JonT I just figure that keeping this alive means he'll end up in a folk song someday. Kind of like "I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow" except even more sorrow. (Hopefully less nasal though.)
I tried buying something but it's saying my billing address doesn't pass validation for some reason. I live just down the street on Tarpley Rd. Can I swing by and hand you guys $5?
Sold Out, about 22-23 minutes into the hour and 1004 lucky souls. Happy to see they didn't whore this out and sell 10K. Keep it exclusive and only for the midnight die hards!!!
Now send me my 80" TV, Or "Fragile" Leg Lamp please!
@pmulry I gave all the reading glasses to my Mom and she loved them. She asked me twice (she forgets things) where I got all of them. She will be happy if I get more.
Glad I thought to check on my phone when my computer crashed, so I managed to get one. I'm sure it will be disappointing for all but my cats, who will love the box. So thanks for the opportunity to spend $5 on a box for my bratty cats.
@JazzyJosh Nah there has to be some mystery prizes so that we keep buying hoping to win the lottery… the odds are certainly better (than the lottery that is)….hmm maybe they will throw in $5 worth of lottery tickets for those of us who live in states with no lottery. I hate to admit it but part of going to MD Anderson cancer center is buying a couple of lottery tickets - my reasoning is those I just put a match to my money and lost so the news I get every 4 months at MDA might be better luck than my lottery luck LOL. My meh luck mightl be even better since 4/1004 are the odds. I wonder how they decide who gets lucky. Irk picks?
@Chops I started to, but forgot the security number on the other credit card. Took it as a sign that I was being a greedy bastard. :) Looks like you greedy bastarded for both of us!
This is what I get for thinking, "I have 5-10 minutes let me play 'Lego Marvel Super Heroes " 45 minutes later I remember I'm an adult and it's sold out! Why @studerc why?!?!
So so sad. Fell asleep holding my phone just before 12 and woke up too late for something so spectacular!!! And yesterday was my birthday even but I will just remember it as a Mehday now. Congratulations to all of you very lucky 1004 (or less if you bought more than one) people! Sigh le meh.
@Enigma that thread about 9/17/13 I think was a broad hint that something out of the ordinary was happening… so I stayed up fighting sleep. Of course then I couldn't get back to sleep. Of course there will be more. How the heck will they otherwise get rid of all the speaker docks?
@sherryblue@sherryblue Q. Feel like getting a culture shock. What's the fukubukuro? Something like a random event? A. Yes, it's random. Nobody knows what's inside.
@katjabee Agreed! I just stayed up for 44 hours straight cleaning my house for an inspection - don't need more crap, but an attractive Meh bag to hide crap in would be useful.
@saramwrap I gotta ask what kind of inspection demands 44 hours worth of cleaning? Even for my mother-in-law (aka the dragon) I only give my house about 2-3 hours of cleaning.
@bluedog My town does an annual inspection of every rental home, and this year they got crazy about "housekeeping" - failed us the first go-round for how we stored our laundry, messy desks, sloppy bookcases, disorganized pantry, etc. Lived here 16 years, so we did a major overhaul and reorganized 2000+ sq ft of house.
@saramwrap what? is this town in america? wtf? do they penalize you for non-compliance? how is this legal? i need to know where this is so i can never go there.
@JonT@katylava@InFrom@PSUClaus1 I live in a small town adjacent to a major university, and they HATE renters. They instituted crazy rental laws to try to discourage it. Best example: it is against the law for anyone to sleep on my couch, even me.
The thing is - I've lived here 16 years, over a decade under their crazypants rules... and never had an issue. This year, the inspector is brand new and decided to enforce everything to the letter. Even the vague weird stuff.
@PurplePawprints I'm in Maryland! A lot of jurisdictions have crazy rental laws, and even just crazy housing laws in general, but they're rarely enforced. Every time I fall asleep watching a movie, I feel like such a rebel.
@saramwrap All you had to do was say Maryland, that explains it all. We live in WV and my husband works for the State of MD. I would never, in a million years, live in MD. The government there, on all levels, has lost their minds.
@PurplePawprints To be (slightly) fair, these are town laws for my town, and none of my friends in other areas have to suffer through them. I assume that once this inspector has suffered through a full year with houses much more terrifying than mine, he won't be an asshole about them anymore.
@saramwrap Well, that's kind of what I meant when I said on all levels. The state government has passed some pretty ridiculous things in the last few years, too. So, to find out that there are towns/cities/counties with even crazier laws isn't surprising, sadly. Anyway, I hope, for you sake, that the inspector isn't a dick next year.
Curse you @studerc! I opened the browser on my phone at 11:57 and said oh cool it's almost time. I then continued playing my video game and looked at 12:30 and SOLD OUT.
I'm sure the initial rush of excitement that I feel for having secured one will inevitably turn to mild dread when the package arrives and I have to explain to my wife what exactly I just spent five bucks on.
@Kidsandliz Too funny - I have a PO box but I use my street address for Meh purchases. Hubby regularly checks the PO box, but never checks our house mailbox.
@bluejester Trying to explain how spending $5 to get a broken harddrive, some Texas air, and misc. other trash they throw in the box? No way! It explains itself!! You could always turn around and sell it unopened on ebay or CL, maybe even make a profit. But then you would never know the fun you could have had with your broken hard drive...
@bluejester I justify it to myself as $5 spent on entertainment- for playing the game and being a part of the event. I can't spend money on stuff I don't need right now, but 5 bucks for a bit of a distraction wondering what's going to show up at everyone's doors is totally worth it
dammit. This working for a living has to stop. A heads up to the kickstarter supporters would have been nice. I'm just pissed I checked at midnight and missed it.
@EthanP Theres a person who got it (probly when the kickstarter fuku was going on) by titling "lucky bag". Give this a go. Or you can just say "full of crap" which says the truth.
Sigh. Knew this moment would eventually come. I don't stay up late anymore and figured I would have the feeling of disappointment of waking up to these being gone one day.
@ChadP Chad. . .Chad Chad Chad. I accept no substitute for Georgia Red. When they sold those woeful speakers, I could have said, "Hey, Husker Red is close enough." . . But I would have know the truth Chad. I would know the truth and that lie, that acceptance of "almost" would be like swallowing bitter poison every. single. day. I had to look at that spongy, dirty speaker. . .so, no. The bag being "almost exactly Georgia Red" does not and WILL NOT suffice. I accept no "almost" or substitutes. Greatness or nothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. And it was sold out so that didn't help.
how about just selling me one of those nifty shopping bags? I would probably just pay $3 for an empty one so I look fashionable in Plano (Dallas) with something different
Why oh why did my family have to be taken over by food poisoning on such a joyous day??? Oh, I was up at midnight alright - just not in the right frame of mind to "log in" and see the crap that was for sale here. When I finally felt "lucky" enough, I realized I was not as crappy as I hoped I would be today!
@Mehhhhhh so that could be what happened - the quantity is indeed dynamically linked with our order system. However, we also oversold units by those 4 so even if we had a mechanism to release cancellations...
@marklog same here. Could be worse though. You could still be the goat. Imagine all the sad fukkubukuro losers blaming @studerc ...or just me posting in every topic and blaming him....
Oh man, I've been forcing myself to stay awake for 71 straight days to check at midnight...and last night I ended up going into a food coma around 10 PM Eastern lol.
Of all the days to crash early.......Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@DJP519 But back atcha, that site has over a million registered users, many of whom are using bots like WootStalker to cheat. None of that's true here.
Fair question to the staff: Could you create code that could block a bot from purchasing? I know on the message board I created, I use code that uses honeypots to catch bots. It's really effective.
@editorkid Reading that link I realize that I understand nothing other than buying bots have escaped into the wild. I so do not ever want to have to understand more. Yea nerds.
guarded-narcoleptic-iron Ahhh. The distinct difference between MEH and the gone-to-crap site. Checked the site about 11:05 (Lone Star State Time), clicked I want one, there was no freeze, no eternal wait, and I even had time to go into my bedroom get my wallet and enter my CC info and place order without ever seeing a sign of "No sucker you missed it." In a few days, of course, I'm sure I'll be seeing a sign of "Now aren't you disappointed you ordered?" But whatever, cuz I'm sure I'll be disappointed several more times in the future. And I'll enjoy every minute of my disappointment.
@texthinker Give it a year (tops) and it'll be just like Woot. The only reason it was so easy today is that Meh isn't as well known yet. Sadly, these are the best days of Meh and it'll only go downhill (in terms of getting fukubukuros and other great deals without a fight) from here. Even last night, there were tons of first timers grabbing bags up (or complaining that they missed out). I want to see Meh succeed, so I'm not going to complain about the inevitable popularity, but the bigger they get, the more like Woot they will be when it comes to getting the best deals before they sell out.
Also, I think the sheer amount that they were selling helped a lot with how long they lasted. It seems like, in recent years, Woot's BoC have been sold in much, much lower quantities.
I fear you are probably right. Having not been signed up here for the first fuku bag, and missing out on a lot of TwoferTuesdays, last night felt good for being my first MEH purchase. I still have my original Woot purchase, and and old MP3 from my first BoC. Kind of good to remember the good old days. And I hope MEH succeeds and never turns into what the other place has become now.
@texthinker I hope it turns out to be EXACTLY like woot, because then when they sellout for millions, quit, and then create babyarmpoop.com, it'll be even BETTER than Meh!!!
@texthinker I hope the same. I don't think they'll become the clusterfuck that Woot has become, but I do think they'll eventually have a huge following that will force a lot of changes from the current model.
Best part was I was away on Business in my hotel room and my cpu battery died. I got ready for bed and grabbed my phone to read a little news. 5 of 12 comes along and I went to see what was happening here, I saw the bag and hit the buy button. I never bought a thing while using my phone, it had to be one of the first 10 - 15 sold because it went through without a hitch. So glad I can't sleep when traveling on business
Long time Wooo___&$$-$+37;er three bags of karlap, first bag of MEH. Spin around real fast just before you open the box. That sick feeling may be what's inside or from the spinning. That's how you do it old school, good times.
@jsh139 - don't know if I was first, but my order went through at exactly 12:00 am. Chalk it up to reflex and luck, because I'm not a tweeter and didn't know about meh until July 12 this year.
I hope I get the bowl and head of the possum, and a big TV so I can show the head home movies of it's long path into the world of bone only. Come on show me the tracking numbers. One can always hope for more than one box.
I've got 10.2 lbs of crap in a 18x15x14 in box headed my way! Yay! It's due on the 25th, so it'll be ready for me to pick up on the 23rd or 24th at the local post office
3lbs in a 'package'. Disappointed all ready. Thank You Meh. Wonder if they would send the bag only? I mean, that's what's in the picture. Now that would deliver on disappointment.
@bluejester When one of ours got to the local facility, it updated to 10.2 lbs, so there is hope! The other one (my husband's) hasn't made it to the local Smart Post and still has the placeholder dimensions.
Condition: fuku
Warranty: None
Ships Via: Probably FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?!
90 days
@mediocrebot no price comparison??
@kadagan Price comparison: $20 in my pocket
@kadagan price comparison with what? Woot?
@mediocrebot @ethanp @nathank please translate the korean on the bag (that was a nice touch by the way)
@mediocrebot @ethanp @nathank RECALL that message. Reading further I see it is Japanese for lucky bag. Should be a trilingual bag and had it in Korean too.
@mediocrebot shivering-ruby-acoustic
@Kidsandliz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukubukuro
@Kidsandliz I was kidding about the price comparison ;)
@kadagan Yeah I know. I was making a bad joke too :)
@snapster it's almost like you knew what was coming
@snapster So what's your order number?
@pooflady that's how I got first, I wasn't busy ordering :)
@snapster I think we messed up. Nobody on the thread has simply said Meh yet. What have we done?
@snapster Yeah but yeah but yeah but you knew this was going to happen.
@snapster Thanks for the tweet-out! I was busy at another task and might not have gotten around to checking meh for another hour or more.
@snapster What did you do? Cross the starting line and then blow the horn for the rest of us to begin? LOL There were some pretty antsy trigger fingers just hovering...
@gio exactly what I did. so sad.
And a shout-out to @dave for the heads-up, even if I only just got around to catching up on tweets from earlier today. Really appreciate it, even if I missed it at the time!
@snapster Who was the first to order? Also, I was very impressed that I was able to order one through my phone with 0 issue with server load. Whoever your net and systems engineers are, keep them well... fed.
Second! Got one!!
@jsh139 you are the real mvp
@snapster mmp?
@snapster Aww yeah! I'll be expecting an especially crappy fuku now.
@ceagee Oh, I like that. Reminds me of Theater of Blood, or something.
@mossygreen I am forced to read this order reference in Sean Connery's voice.
@snapster I prefer to read it in Darrell Hammond's Sean Connery voice, aimed at Will Ferrell.
@marklog Suck it, Trebek
@mossygreen Is that your order number or what you screamed when you saw it was sold out?
Third!!! No wait, fifth! equivocal-proverbial-secretary
ominous-trite-haircut !!!!!
10x10x10 @ 3lbs as of now. Due to arrive Thursday! Will post pics or unboxing. TBD
Yeah! I knew it!
It's like a Troll's Christmas in mid-September.
Even easier to get than that other site's trunk of junk.
@JazzyJosh Language!
@jimmydc O___O
Wow. It's the first time I've ever visited right at 9:00 Pacific. Lucky me.
@SSteve Lucky you it is 9pm where you are. I am not a night owl generally
Whelp, I reached 70 meh's in a row before the streak was broken tonight. Let's hope I don't regret it too much...
@bluejester pssst...you can still click meh ;-)
@wilstev Thanks. The streak continues of lackluster enthusiasm continues! =)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm a little excited!
highfalutin-splendid-pizza indeed!
almost first LOL equable-amorous-wish… lets just hope there are things in there I can give as christmas presents to family (yes I am serious…)
Your order number is: misty-ecstatic-quiet. Seems to perfectly sum up the stages of emotion quite well. Misty-eyed that I actually got one. Ecstatic when it arrives. Quiet after seeing that it really was just crap :-P
Best. Order-phrase. Ever.
@DaveInSoCal mine for the $3 flashlights was patiently waiting earthworm - I think meh wants me to die
Woo WOO! All aboard the poo-choo train!
Can't wait to brag about this in the morning!
Thank you, you don't know how disappointed I am going to be
my f5 key hurts
This is probably the greatest day of my entire life right now.
@phatmass newsflash, you need a life
Yessss! unoccupied-ardent-spring. Glad I stayed up tonight.
So glad I'm not working tomorrow and had a chance to check at midnight! I just got Fuk'd and it never felt so good.
Btw, nice Hulkster meh button.
@JonT I'm just glad you didn't post any of his more 'famous' video.
@JonT "I am a real a-meh-rican"...amiright?
gloomy-grilled-soldier. :)
Craps of innocence. Love it!
@KDemo You made my day.
@ChadP - You made mine.
@KDemo Hmm I wonder if they match up with we get with our order words
@KDemo I too love it. I also feel like it's something that happens on the border between Germany and Switzerland.
This feels wrong. What did I just do?!
What did I buy?
@bartm Your destiny.
Whoopee! overjoyed-disastrous-mink
Whats the return policy on this?
@Ryaneil no
much orders. very wow.
@ChadP Don't kidding me.
My wife and I each got one. We didn't learn our lessons last time :)
@capguncowboy My husband and I both got one also. He was bummed when I told him about the kickstarter fuku because I didn't get him one when I had the chance.
@capguncowboy lies... He means he got one for his brother....
What luck, I just happened to be up until midnight! WhooHoo!!!....I mean Meh. Can't wait for the tracking numbers!
yay my first fuku :)
First I ordered it, then I went back to see what I ordered. You guys have us trained! Or maybe it is just me.
Not first, but got my bag of meh anyway. Yay!
I did this in Japan and Korea and got fucked up every time. Hope that wouldn't happen this time but know that it will.
springy-zesty-octopus. Please, lord, don't let it be another bubblegum machine.
@pooflady maybe an octopus to put inside it?
@pooflady You should have just given in and bought the gum! The kids would have loved it.
@smilingjack I did. Ordered it. Then discovered I could have got it a lot cheaper at Sam's. Never occurred to me.
@pooflady Well now you can get your money back when people put in coins to get gum
I am now 100% more successful at getting a Fukubananammock than I ever was at getting a Bottom of Cistern.
@Crixus same here, in six years i was never able to get a bubblegum of crixus
@khunjeff I've gotten over 20 boc's over the years
@Brooklyn11218 impressive...
@khunjeff the majority of them were crap. I never got any "big ticket" items but I got some useful stuff. My friends however got the letters and tv's, zunes, sansa's, boxes of shirts etc.
sweet! must buy
And on my 1st month wedding anniversary, nonetheless! Great timing :)
@Timotatoe Happy anniversary. Maybe you can give what you get to your other half to show her how much you love… oh wait sending a meh message might get you put out to the dog house...
@Kidsandliz Thanks! And that's very wise advice. I tried to show my wife a few meh.com videos and she actually screamed out loud when she saw Irk the Troll. She's not very fond of Meh, haha. She'll be even more disappointed from this fuku- I can't wait!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Hoping for the walrus
Oh please oh please oh please be the Fukubukuro of my dreams!!!
I knew something was coming (besides winter)
@lichme was your lichy sense tingling?
@lichme Move to mississippi we don't really get winter here then you don't have to worry about it coming
Never got a BoC so this is very cool
@brandon I got a couple bags of crap. Be prepared for profound disappointment. But like TMBG says: "If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointment."
@SSteve hopes aren't extremely high but I've still got my Kickstarter one coming sometime so I'm just going to act like my chances are increased of joy
Lost my innocence on a Fukubukuro . In for 1
Fukubukuro yeah!
So can you get three of these, or what?
@darksaber99999 I didn't see a button for three, but I've learned to just keep clicking and don't stop to read with crap.
@darksaber99999 Uno.
@darksaber99999 No, apparently you can't get more than one. Except maybe with multiple accounts. >.>
Holy crap, this crap is going fast. Pity da fool that logs in 15 minutes from now.
This sold-to-meh ratio is mind boggling.
@kenlovesmoney Yeah but it says 55.58% didn't buy. Seriously? WTF? Who wouldn't spend their hard-earned money on something completely crappy?
@bluedog AND… no North Dakota buyers either. Yet. It isn't even all that late in North Dakota.
@bluedog The midnight math made it look much more popular:
@Kidsandliz Are there people in North Dakota?
@kadagan I don't think it really exists
Second purchase from meh.com; first was a portable charger. Since the process went so well, I figured I'll give this mystery bag a shot. Never did this before so fingers crossed for something good.
Is this the first Meh-face repeat? This is the Aug 3rd face.
@phatmass it took you 9 minutes to realize this? C'mon, you can do better.
@phatmass Hopefully they will repeat the one they kidnapped from me on Aug 15
@phatmass @snapster Since you are repeating meh faces already perhaps a contest to design more of them? And the winner gets all their missing faces filled in?
@phatmass I wonder if that is coincidence or that will always happen on a FUKU?
@phatmass I thought it looked familiar.
Tonight is the first time I've ever checked Meh at 11 o'clock. Kismet baby!
I got one MEH! MEH!
I am a VMP... Craps are always coming.
"55.04% of you didn't bite." Who are those people?
@a the smart ones.
@a such creatures cannot truly be called "people"
@a In North Dakota. Again. As usual.
@a Maybe they bought and clicked the meh button, like me?
@heartny I would thing purchases/visits so clicking meh doesn't affect it
These things are selling like hot cakes!
Definitely nothing like the good old Woot bag-of-crap that you would spend hours trying to buy only for your order to never go through.
Im really happy I could order only one! It was really tempting if we could buy more, and I didn't want to waste more!!
@RicoSuave I tried. You can't.
@BillLehecka Now I can sleep tonight.
2 for 2 on Fukubukuros.... 72 mehs in a row.
Meh to the King, baby.
@BillLehecka Hope the meh face kidnapping bot doesn't get you like it has gotten some of the rest of us.
@BillLehecka I also have the full streak 2:2 and 72:72. Make room on the throne.
@BillLehecka @Thumperchick Got room for me, too? I'm also 2 for 2 and keeping the streak alive at 72.
@BillLehecka But do all of you have the super secret retweet? That may settle it.
@xarous I do not. :-( That will bump me off since I know @Thumperchick said she got it.
@xarous You know I do. Does @BillLehecka have the secret tweet?
@PurplePawprints @BillLehecka @Thumperchick But can all of you fit in a 12" by 12" space (you do know the meh throne is the size of airline cattle class seals - right)?
@BillLehecka If what JonT posted earlier is correct the DM fuku and this fuku can't be combined, that's going to change things up a bit, eh?
Fuk yeah! This is why we stay up until midnight here!
I can't believe that people are clicking MEH on this deal. IT'S AWESOME!
@joe43wv I bought one, but clicked Meh anyway. Gotta keep the streak alive.
@joe43wv I click Meh on everything!
@JonT I call shenanigans! You planted that order number because you had that gif waiting in your gif bag!
@JonT . . . it's the final countdown!
Wait why did I buy one? Meh. Can't wait :D
I signed up for "standard shipping" instead of MVP. Any way to change this after the fact?
@grammarsheriff Cancel order -> reorder? @JonT Help this man if you can.
@grammarsheriff since it's sold out now that might not have worked, go ahead and go to meh.com/support and give us a shout.
@grammarsheriff DO NOT CANCEL your order. Since it's sold out, you will not be able to reorder and add VMP. Just suck up the loss of the future $5 on shipping and be thankful you ended up with one. Congrats!
@JonT I type too slow. Glad you were monitoring and responding. :-)
@JonT Awesome, thank you!
@PurplePawprints Woo - Glad I got to see all the comments first. Thanks for the update!
The best part is the site didn't crash, no spinning wheel of death, no cats playing piano, and no "something went terribly wrong" video.
That bag better not say something bad in Korean. There is a large Korean population here. I don't want trouble!
@smilingjack it's not korean...!
@smilingjack you're safe, it's Japanese Kanji. Then again you may not be safe when running into people who read Kanji.
@smilingjack It means "lucky bag"...
@smilingjack Thanks guys! I should be safe, there are only a handful of Japanese here.
"sedentary acrid bag" - that's a hell of an order number.
Thus ends my three weeks straight of clicking the Meh button.
@james_hardiman You can still click Meh even if you buy it.
Enjoy this moment, fellow Mehricans. Never again will it be this easy to buy one of these.
@gti87 North Dakota steals their internet from South Dakota.
@phatmass @gti87 well since two counties in South Dakota are lit up they must have used up all the internet so there was none left for North Dakota to steal. SD needs to be less greedy.
I have no idea what I just did but did it anyway......is there a name for that ? Do I need meds ? I am so tight I wouldn't give Meh a penny for fifty bags but instead willingly shelled out $10.00 for one........one what ?
By the way, what the hell, Meh? Where's the server crash? I'm so disappointed...
@BillLehecka They got those out of the way earlier this week
@Kleineleh we figured, "why procrastinate?"
From Wikipedia:
@Fej i'd say we chose the wrong name, but "fuku" has a nice ring to it.
Meh, Meh, oh wonderful Meh.
I can honestly say, this is my first Fuku!
Thanks all.
oh my god I can't believe it I FINALLY GOT ONE
@jaeseungkim 어쩔수없지뭐...
Excited, even though its CRAP!!! My order # sexy-ruthless-leech
15 minutes into the sale and still not sold out. Enjoy these early days of Meh, friends.
@denton Agreed!
@Stallion I'll need to be more punctual...
@denton well said!
Got a VMP when I ordered the t-shirt. Wouldn't have bought this if I had to pay for shipping. Meh, you got me.
Numberless-reclusive-sidewalk. Feels right.
That's quite the dinosaur.
@andrd yep, that is indeed what SHE said
@khunjeff i assume SHE was not making a compliment
@katylava I think her comment was mainly directed at its green scaliness
@khunjeff Its head also looks like a piñata
@andrd Why does a dinosaur need reading glasses anyway?
@editorkid because they are so old… duh
I was too excited to even look at my order phrase earlier so I just went back and checked it. Amazing-breezy-thrill. Very appropriate.
@PurplePawprints Well, that seems just a tad more promising than mine. Sigh... cynical-gaudy-strudel
@Cinoclav My husband's order phrase wasn't all that great, either. I think Meh just knew that I get over excited about these things.
@PurplePawprints But I was excited! C'mon, I even had a meh/Irk themed birthday cake! And now I have strudel... meh.
@Cinoclav I forgot about that. That does show a pretty high level of excitement. I don't know, I kind of like strudel more than cake, myself. Maybe you'll still end up with something fantastically meh after all.
I know I'll regret wasting 5 bucks on my "flirtatious-intense-bridge"
@Kyser_Soze well you can then gift it with the next exchange...
You know, if you waited until next week, it would've been the Jewish New Year.
@dfwhokie treasured-miraculously-hare
Did your magician lose his hare?
@jimmydc makes me wish I could use your willingly posted transaction informations to change your shipping address.....
Google translate of Korean text is funny:
Start the exercise !!!! bags !!!!
Uh Oooh can not stand anymore !!!! When I tried to gidariryeo waenman we really can not stand the next word . Everybody knows bags ? But everyone should know this full draw . Jjokbak lucky and hit you uncomfortable !
@jsh139 !!! Let the lucky bag event begin !!! Woo~~ Can’t stand anymore!!! We were waiting to do this next year, but just can’t stand anymore. You guys know the lucky bag? As you know, this is completely random. If lucky then jackpot, if unlucky, then what the **!!!
@ccyoun Haha, that translation makes way more sense. Thanks!
Wow... it just arrived! 55" TV with an X-box One! My bag is a little torn, a little too small to carry all of that but its cool.
(positive thinking keeps the reading glasses away)
@Veloslave i got the 108" 4k tv, plus a tesla coupe
@khunjeff just the coupe? Peasant.
@khunjeff there's no way you got that TV. We kept it here for Mario Kart.
@harrison I thought that was @snapster 's computer monitor. He must have the 65" then.
@khunjeff Oh c-mon now... I think you are just making that up!
여러계정으로 여러번 주문해도 되나요?ㅋㅋ
@jaeseungkim Yes. That is the only way to order more than the maximum
@jaeseungkim 네 그게 최대수량보다 많이 주문할수있는 유일한 방법이랍니다. 라고. kidsandliz님께서 말씀하셨습니다. ㅋ
@MasterST 그러나 그렇게 하는걸 추천하지는 않습니다 라고 말하고 싶습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ
Good luck !
Will North Dakota buy one before the sell out?
@BillLehecka Oh my. Sold out in 22 minutes. And here I almost didn't stay up.
@BillLehecka North Dakota only just got the technology to watch the movie "War Games" and is taking very seriously the admonition that "The only way to win is not to play."
Hey, look, a forum... I've bought a few things, but have been feeling antisocial. BUT NOW, I have to put this in the record books so when somebody else comes and looks after everything sells out they will be jealous of me, and they should be, because I am pretty awesome.
I am also totally pumped to be disappointed in a few days(weeks) when the bag arrives. I miss the days of JustinTV and pickles for Bags... but, I'll have to brag here I guess.
@jmusal as long as you expect no more than a bag of pickles
@jmusal WootTV??
@meezymom - The good old days!
I bought one, but went back two times and almost bought another, but I decided that others should allowed to be disappointed too.
Will @APStevens ever get this one?
@editorkid @V never got his Kickstarter one either. And....he missed this by a half hour. Bum.
@editorkid @v if Irk behaves it's possible that they'll be sent in this batch.
@JonT I just figure that keeping this alive means he'll end up in a folk song someday. Kind of like "I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow" except even more sorrow. (Hopefully less nasal though.)
catty-entertained-loon....how can my aquatic bird be both upset and happy?
I tried buying something but it's saying my billing address doesn't pass validation for some reason. I live just down the street on Tarpley Rd. Can I swing by and hand you guys $5?
@SpartanIV in exchange for a bag of meg of course. I can't just afford to give away $5!
@SpartanIV I'm scared to know what a Bag of Meg might be :s
worst bag ever
@JonT Shut up, Meg...
I'm so disappointed in myself, but I had to get one...
First to say sold out!
@patti ...nope
@patti nope, you weren't
@ChadP Well I was. There were edits involved on the prior two posts.
damn, while i was checking out too!
Amazing, I didn't need to cry deeply and sell my soul to get one. Meh-tastic!
Does it work with Mac?
It's sold out now. What are you going to do for the other 23 hours of today?
I'd be happy to get that cool red bag! (Hey, where's the guy who says "no Georgia red . . ."?).
"literal-indigo-pail" I will cherish this phrase forever.
@daraeman watch - they will send you a purple bucket and claim that color is indigo
I am so mad... I wanted it so HARD
Nertz! Got my order in, but now shows cancelled... (maybe not a bad thing, now I can buy 2 lunches tomorrow)
Will one of the items in a Fukubukuro be the entire state of North Dakota?
Score! Never been so excited to be so disappointed!
Sold Out, about 22-23 minutes into the hour and 1004 lucky souls. Happy to see they didn't whore this out and sell 10K. Keep it exclusive and only for the midnight die hards!!!
Now send me my 80" TV, Or "Fragile" Leg Lamp please!
@Stallion how about a baby arm lamp? Someone said they have a zillion baby arms.
@Kidsandliz what if every bag is filled with baby arms???
@khunjeff We could rise up and bear arms… watch out meh here we come!
It's like Christimas in September - and I don't even do Christmas in Christmas.
Fuk me! I missed it!
See you guys in the morning. I expect 300 more posts in this thread by 8am ET tomorrow.
Is this Meh's first try on fukubukuro? If not, what did people get from fuku bags last time?
@lobdob Let's just say that I can read your post easier because of them but I definitely will not wear them out of the house
Well glad it went fast... but mad I missed it... I better get my meh together!
Oh Happy Day! what the meh did i just order!
so much for my meh streak
@jmhsrv meh on, bro. You can meh every day whether you purchase or not!
@troy True, but it's also cool to see the day you didn't Meh and scare yourself at how many times you ordered.
This wiggly-ultra-jellyfish is 2 for 2!

Enjoy the reading glasses, nerds. #jealousagain
@pmulry I gave all the reading glasses to my Mom and she loved them. She asked me twice (she forgets things) where I got all of them. She will be happy if I get more.
We were so close!

@Winn North Dakota is the real loser
@JazzyJosh it always is
South 128 and Springfield. So not cool. Thanks for holding it down my MA meh brothers and sisters.
So the only thing we're missing is the Meh-rathon... When should we expect that?
@BillLehecka whoa whoa, slow down…people can only handle so much disappointment at once!
Oh well, next time, hopefully!
Glad I thought to check on my phone when my computer crashed, so I managed to get one. I'm sure it will be disappointing for all but my cats, who will love the box. So thanks for the opportunity to spend $5 on a box for my bratty cats.
@SavvySapphire They are probably sending you extras from yesterday's sale with that order phrase
@Kidsandliz LOL~ great! Christmas presents right there! I just don't see damaging-tequila as something memorable...
Now that it's sold out, what's Meh going to do for the other 23 hours and 30 minutes of the day? :)
@mortonfox Pack 1000 boxes with junk. And 4 with amazingness.
@mortonfox train...and wait...
@mortonfox Weather forecast for Carrolton, TX: 91 partly cloudy. I'd guess golfing.
@mortonfox Same thing they do every day, Pinky...
@Kleineleh ...try to deploy breaking changes.
@mortonfox Explore the meth trailer next door
@Moose Ducky Bob's?
Lucky bag one more time plz....
hahahahahaahahahah we'r f*cked up!
Also, my birthday is next Friday the 26th. Will I get my Bag of Fukubukuro by then? Crap makes a great birthday gift.
So, 1004 people bought these at $5 each.. but sales are listed at $6748. Am I mathing wrong?
I'm not mathmagician, but shouldn't it at least be divisible by 5?
@Roxcar The number also includes shipping and taxes collected.
@Roxcar I know. 1004. 4 mystery prize winners or all just junk? Probably the latter.
@JazzyJosh Nah there has to be some mystery prizes so that we keep buying hoping to win the lottery… the odds are certainly better (than the lottery that is)….hmm maybe they will throw in $5 worth of lottery tickets for those of us who live in states with no lottery. I hate to admit it but part of going to MD Anderson cancer center is buying a couple of lottery tickets - my reasoning is those I just put a match to my money and lost so the news I get every 4 months at MDA might be better luck than my lottery luck LOL. My meh luck mightl be even better since 4/1004 are the odds. I wonder how they decide who gets lucky. Irk picks?
@Kidsandliz People will buy the bocs and fukus regardless of special prizes. The complaining factor would just increase ;)
Son of a shit, missed it.

Rooooobot hoooooooouse!
Meh. Only cause I missed it.
I sat there and watched these not sell out without logging into another account and ordering a second one.
Does that mean I'm a decent person, or a failure?
@Chops Questionable, I'm sure there are a few Meh'ers that would take you down for being greedy lol
@Stallion no you missread. Chops sat there as they didn't sell out, and DIDN'T buy another one on a different account. Chops is good person
@Chops I started to, but forgot the security number on the other credit card. Took it as a sign that I was being a greedy bastard. :) Looks like you greedy bastarded for both of us!
@Stallion Wouldn't you have to pay $10 for a bag of crap? Maybe that too much....?
ARGH. why was I doing work instead of checking meh!
@Cynamon You wanted to keep your job?

that order number alone is worth the 5 bucks....!
my first meh fuku........i'm so excited!!!!!
I'll sell you my unopened fukubukuro for $100.
This is what I get for thinking, "I have 5-10 minutes let me play 'Lego Marvel Super Heroes " 45 minutes later I remember I'm an adult and it's sold out! Why @studerc why?!?!
@Mehhhhhh My deepest apologies.
@studerc if only it eased the pain, but you did help me get a whole box of crap before so I guess I might let it slide this time... But never again!
I demand a recount!
So so sad. Fell asleep holding my phone just before 12 and woke up too late for something so spectacular!!! And yesterday was my birthday even but I will just remember it as a Mehday now. Congratulations to all of you very lucky 1004 (or less if you bought more than one) people! Sigh le meh.
@GeeNay a very merry unbirthday to you!
@Thumperchick Thank you! My silly disappointment isn't allowing me to fall back to sleep yet :-/ Hope you were a lucky one!
That was fast
Well I'll be damned or meh'd. Checking every night at 11 and the one night I don't you fukuburako'd. (sad faced meh)
@Enigma that thread about 9/17/13 I think was a broad hint that something out of the ordinary was happening… so I stayed up fighting sleep. Of course then I couldn't get back to sleep. Of course there will be more. How the heck will they otherwise get rid of all the speaker docks?
I swear, the one time I don't check at 12:00 and miss it by an hour :-(
Why am I so excited to get this? Because I like surprises. The video was nice. melodious-problematic-school
저... 지금 컬쳐쇼크 받은듯..
복주머니가 뭐죠?
랜덤 이벤트 같은건가요?
@sherryblue 네, 랜덤이에요. 무엇이 들어있는지 아무도 몰라요.
this is a cultural shock to me... what is this Fukubukuro? is this like a random event???
@sherryblue @sherryblue Q. Feel like getting a culture shock. What's the fukubukuro? Something like a random event? A. Yes, it's random. Nobody knows what's inside.
@ccyoun Wrong. I know whats inside. Crap.
@EthanP @ccyoun and stuff they didn't sell out of before...
Forget the crap inside. Where can I get one of those nifty reusable shopping bags with that logo??
@katjabee Hopefully thats what the fuku comes in!
@katjabee Agreed! I just stayed up for 44 hours straight cleaning my house for an inspection - don't need more crap, but an attractive Meh bag to hide crap in would be useful.
@saramwrap I gotta ask what kind of inspection demands 44 hours worth of cleaning? Even for my mother-in-law (aka the dragon) I only give my house about 2-3 hours of cleaning.
@bluedog My town does an annual inspection of every rental home, and this year they got crazy about "housekeeping" - failed us the first go-round for how we stored our laundry, messy desks, sloppy bookcases, disorganized pantry, etc. Lived here 16 years, so we did a major overhaul and reorganized 2000+ sq ft of house.
@saramwrap Wow, where do you live, Overlyintrusiveville?
@saramwrap what? is this town in america? wtf? do they penalize you for non-compliance? how is this legal? i need to know where this is so i can never go there.
@katylava Must be a military "town"…. where they can get away with stuff like this
@saramwrap W.T actual F? Please tell me you're not in America. And if you are - WTF do you comply with that crap?
@katylava @saramwrap If I had to guess I would say Homeowner's Associations are involved.
@JonT @katylava @InFrom @PSUClaus1 I live in a small town adjacent to a major university, and they HATE renters. They instituted crazy rental laws to try to discourage it. Best example: it is against the law for anyone to sleep on my couch, even me.
The thing is - I've lived here 16 years, over a decade under their crazypants rules... and never had an issue. This year, the inspector is brand new and decided to enforce everything to the letter. Even the vague weird stuff.
@saramwrap That's insane. Are you in the US? I just can't see that being legal unless you're in another country.
@saramwrap Oh man, I would be homeless in your town. I think I violate every rule you've listed
@PurplePawprints I'm in Maryland! A lot of jurisdictions have crazy rental laws, and even just crazy housing laws in general, but they're rarely enforced. Every time I fall asleep watching a movie, I feel like such a rebel.
@Kleineleh Hopefully you wouldn't violate the part about public defecation...
@saramwrap All you had to do was say Maryland, that explains it all. We live in WV and my husband works for the State of MD. I would never, in a million years, live in MD. The government there, on all levels, has lost their minds.
@saramwrap Well... not yet, but my plumbing has been out for over a month now...
@saramwrap also, you just reminded me of this park fountain downtown:
@Kleineleh Is this "water feature" a giant bidet? Do you have to wear anything besides water shoes?
@PurplePawprints To be (slightly) fair, these are town laws for my town, and none of my friends in other areas have to suffer through them. I assume that once this inspector has suffered through a full year with houses much more terrifying than mine, he won't be an asshole about them anymore.
@saramwrap It is many giant bidets. Dress code depends on how many Safety Patrol officers are around
@saramwrap Well, that's kind of what I meant when I said on all levels. The state government has passed some pretty ridiculous things in the last few years, too. So, to find out that there are towns/cities/counties with even crazier laws isn't surprising, sadly. Anyway, I hope, for you sake, that the inspector isn't a dick next year.
@PurplePawprints As far as I know, I can still walk a duck on a Tuesday while wearing red shoes and carrying a violin in my pocket, so it's all good.
@saramwrap cherish the important things
@saramwrap but can you do it while using a purple speaker dock powered by a long extension cord?
@Kidsandliz That's a $150 fine after the first warning.
Curse you @studerc! I opened the browser on my phone at 11:57 and said oh cool it's almost time. I then continued playing my video game and looked at 12:30 and SOLD OUT.
@TaRDy I guess you could say you were... tardy.
@TaRDy what were you playing? Was it also an evil Lego video game?
@TaRDy My bad. I hope you can accept my second deepest apologies this thread as, @Mehhhhhh already got the first and deepest of apologies.
@Mehhhhhh no, I was playing the same game that cost me my only Meh click missed: Destiny
@TaRDy so close... I started my night with Destiny...
@TaRDy @Mehhhhhh seems like getting a Fuku…wasn't your destiny.
@JonT I will get it next time Gadget, next time!!!
@studerc I sure did and don't you forget it
@JonT @Mehhhhhh
Aww damn... Stupid work distracted me.
God damn it, the one time I have to close...
FUKME! The one damn time I don't camp the respawn... Oh no.. HAD to go to dinner with the family.. typical.
Aaaaand 95 minutes in I'm a loser. Damn you $3 pint night!
At least we didn't get beat by North Dakota too..
Missed it :(

I'm sure the initial rush of excitement that I feel for having secured one will inevitably turn to mild dread when the package arrives and I have to explain to my wife what exactly I just spent five bucks on.
@bluejester Trying to do this last time was hard enough. I'm not sure I could do it again... My crappy logic to try and make myself feel better.
@bluejester get a PO box to hid this kind of bad behavior in the future...
@Kidsandliz Too funny - I have a PO box but I use my street address for Meh purchases. Hubby regularly checks the PO box, but never checks our house mailbox.
@bluejester Trying to explain how spending $5 to get a broken harddrive, some Texas air, and misc. other trash they throw in the box? No way! It explains itself!! You could always turn around and sell it unopened on ebay or CL, maybe even make a profit. But then you would never know the fun you could have had with your broken hard drive...
@bluejester I justify it to myself as $5 spent on entertainment- for playing the game and being a part of the event. I can't spend money on stuff I don't need right now, but 5 bucks for a bit of a distraction wondering what's going to show up at everyone's doors is totally worth it
@Kleineleh Well, if Meh includes a writing job offer with the Fukubukuro then maybe it will have been worth the risk.
@bluejester That's actually the real reason I bought it.
dammit. This working for a living has to stop. A heads up to the kickstarter supporters would have been nice. I'm just pissed I checked at midnight and missed it.
@Stumpy91 and ruin the surprise? Naahhhh.
@hart Surprise is when I'm awake at 11 PM Central time when I have to get up at 4:45 for work.
Yay! I'm glad, I missed it!
배송대행지에 어떻게 쓸지 고민이네요
I am not sure what I should annotate on the item block...
@chin 뭐 misc. giftbag 이런식으로 쓰면 되지 않을가요? ㅋㅋ
@chin lucky bag 이라고 해서 받으신(아마 kick starter때) 분이 뽐뿌에 계십니다. 한번 해보세요. 아니면 그냥 crap이라고쓰셔도 될듯.
@EthanP Theres a person who got it (probly when the kickstarter fuku was going on) by titling "lucky bag". Give this a go. Or you can just say "full of crap" which says the truth.
Missed it by...... that much!
fine whatever it is but 'meh' shirt.
i am serious.
머시여 니들 나 빼놓고
나 늦어 버린것여 ㅠㅠ
@forefinger01 저도 지금 봤네요 ㅎㅎ
@forefinger01 What happened, you guys left me behind. Am I too late ㅠㅠ
왜, 왜, 왜!!!!! 1004개만 판단 말입니까 응? 왜?????
쓰레기같은 meh~ 티셔츠가 들어있어도 좋으니 더 파세요!!!
Why, why, why!!!!!! are you only selling 1004? huh? why????? Sell more. It is okay to put crap like meh~ T-shirts!!!
@zenithistk 천사같은 1004분들께만 판매하였습니다 ㅋ
@MasterST 에이...너무또 포장을 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I knew I would eventually regret checking when I woke up, instead of staying awake.
Congratulations on the new fuku's! Well named for many reasons!
Being on the east coat bites. I'm only up late enough to see the change over on weekends. I'm glad I was a kickstarter.
Sigh. Knew this moment would eventually come. I don't stay up late anymore and figured I would have the feeling of disappointment of waking up to these being gone one day.
I actually woke up at 2am central and looked. Know what?? GONE! MEH Went back to sleep and woke up totally bummed out. Still am.:P
"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man miss any chance at getting a Fukubukuro" - Bejamin Franklin
@parodymandotcom "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man miss any chance at getting a Fukubukuro - Benjamin Franklin" - Michael Scott
meh, never liked these at Woot
@caffeine_dude I don't know why but this disturbs me more than it should. I think it's the contortion of the fingers.
@JonT You're not alone. The nails are also a little too long.
@JonT He is a professional guitarist.
It's not even 8 yet!! Will there be more going on sale later today!?
Thats the Fuku stuff you suckers will be getting.
@phatmass " vitamins all new," i'm glad they aren't refurbished vitamins
@phatmass that telephone ought to be useful for those who did not get the power pack for their phones...
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga but...the bag in the picture is almost exactly Georgia Red...so...no?
@ChadP Chad. . .Chad Chad Chad. I accept no substitute for Georgia Red. When they sold those woeful speakers, I could have said, "Hey, Husker Red is close enough." . . But I would have know the truth Chad. I would know the truth and that lie, that acceptance of "almost" would be like swallowing bitter poison every. single. day. I had to look at that spongy, dirty speaker. . .so, no. The bag being "almost exactly Georgia Red" does not and WILL NOT suffice. I accept no "almost" or substitutes. Greatness or nothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. And it was sold out so that didn't help.
how about just selling me one of those nifty shopping bags? I would probably just pay $3 for an empty one so I look fashionable in Plano (Dallas) with something different
Why oh why did my family have to be taken over by food poisoning on such a joyous day??? Oh, I was up at midnight alright - just not in the right frame of mind to "log in" and see the crap that was for sale here. When I finally felt "lucky" enough, I realized I was not as crappy as I hoped I would be today!
Damn, finally a FU Bag and I miss out sigh
I just want to understand what happened to the other 2 bags sold. Last night it said 1004 sold,today, 1002... If someone cancelled, I call first dibs!
@Mehhhhhh so that could be what happened - the quantity is indeed dynamically linked with our order system. However, we also oversold units by those 4 so even if we had a mechanism to release cancellations...
@Mehhhhhh yep, 2 people cancelled. Guess they thought a bag full of worthless stuff just wasn't worth it.
@MEHcus Can I take one of their canceled orders? :)
@snapster well that took all the fun out my Encyclopedia Brown moment... Back to my normally scheduled life...
Glad I went to bed at 11:50. That extra ten minutes of sleep was so worth it.
@marklog same here. Could be worse though. You could still be the goat. Imagine all the sad fukkubukuro losers blaming @studerc ...or just me posting in every topic and blaming him....
Oh man, I've been forcing myself to stay awake for 71 straight days to check at midnight...and last night I ended up going into a food coma around 10 PM Eastern lol.
Of all the days to crash early.......Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
My order text is jingly-drab-van. I'm now worried that Meh Labs is going to kidnap me, and send me to someone as a Fukubukuro.
@Zendriver or maybe what you are getting is so good it needs a private delivery in something that won't attract attention…
@Zendriver At least the drab van will jingle, making for a much less depressing kidnapping.
Never been so happy about future disappointment!
Missed it. Meh.
I was up at 12, forgot to look at Meh and now I regret it. Now I know to always check Meh before bed, and knowing is half the battle.
@fyreblazer G.I. Joe!
the one night I went to bed early . . .
First post to the forums since joining. I guess I should post this here since my purchase attempt last night was a success. Meh.
Ohohoh!!!! look two have been canceled. I want one I want one!!!!! Pick me pick me!!!!!
It sold out in minutes last night
@xEBRONx To be fair, it took 20-25 minutes, wasn't gone instantly like a certain other site we used to frequent.
@DJP519 But back atcha, that site has over a million registered users, many of whom are using bots like WootStalker to cheat. None of that's true here.
Fair question to the staff: Could you create code that could block a bot from purchasing? I know on the message board I created, I use code that uses honeypots to catch bots. It's really effective.
@BillLehecka Funny you should ask. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450835/stopping-scripters-from-slamming-your-website-hundreds-of-times-a-second
@editorkid Reading that link I realize that I understand nothing other than buying bots have escaped into the wild. I so do not ever want to have to understand more. Yea nerds.
Ahhh. The distinct difference between MEH and the gone-to-crap site. Checked the site about 11:05 (Lone Star State Time), clicked I want one, there was no freeze, no eternal wait, and I even had time to go into my bedroom get my wallet and enter my CC info and place order without ever seeing a sign of "No sucker you missed it."
In a few days, of course, I'm sure I'll be seeing a sign of "Now aren't you disappointed you ordered?" But whatever, cuz I'm sure I'll be disappointed several more times in the future. And I'll enjoy every minute of my disappointment.
@texthinker Give it a year (tops) and it'll be just like Woot. The only reason it was so easy today is that Meh isn't as well known yet. Sadly, these are the best days of Meh and it'll only go downhill (in terms of getting fukubukuros and other great deals without a fight) from here. Even last night, there were tons of first timers grabbing bags up (or complaining that they missed out). I want to see Meh succeed, so I'm not going to complain about the inevitable popularity, but the bigger they get, the more like Woot they will be when it comes to getting the best deals before they sell out.
Also, I think the sheer amount that they were selling helped a lot with how long they lasted. It seems like, in recent years, Woot's BoC have been sold in much, much lower quantities.
I fear you are probably right. Having not been signed up here for the first fuku bag, and missing out on a lot of TwoferTuesdays, last night felt good for being my first MEH purchase. I still have my original Woot purchase, and and old MP3 from my first BoC. Kind of good to remember the good old days. And I hope MEH succeeds and never turns into what the other place has become now.
@texthinker I hope it turns out to be EXACTLY like woot, because then when they sellout for millions, quit, and then create babyarmpoop.com, it'll be even BETTER than Meh!!!
@texthinker I hope the same. I don't think they'll become the clusterfuck that Woot has become, but I do think they'll eventually have a huge following that will force a lot of changes from the current model.
Did the mystery of the keys from the last fuku ever get solved? I don't remember seeing what the keys went to.
@jemtallon Giant gumball machines
@jemtallon yep, see giant gum ball linkage on front page story :)
@jemtallon Want one?
@pooflady a key, a fukubukuro, or a giant gumball machine? Either way, yes. Yes I do.
Retweets from the past leading to fukubukuros... or fuTUREbukuros!
So does this mean something DLP???
All day and no one comments on this:
Ships Via: Probably FedEx SmartPost
It's intriguing, no?
@bluedyn I didn't even see that! I guess somebody will be getting something big/heavy at least. :-)
@bluedyn YES!!!!! I need a new TV since my old Westinhouse is on its last leg.
@bluedyn Other things no one has mentioned- not one, but two musical references in this writeup
@dashcloud It's as though we were in too much of a hurry to read anything . . .
Best part was I was away on Business in my hotel room and my cpu battery died. I got ready for bed and grabbed my phone to read a little news. 5 of 12 comes along and I went to see what was happening here, I saw the bag and hit the buy button. I never bought a thing while using my phone, it had to be one of the first 10 - 15 sold because it went through without a hitch. So glad I can't sleep when traveling on business
When will these ship?
@lcastil1 don't know maybe the Singing Cowboy could whaip up quick diddy on the process. with three letter words or less.
@lcastil1 When they're all packaged up and shiny tape has been applied where needed and address labels have been slapped on the tops.
@editorkid this is correct.
@JonT Finally my subscription to the warehouse webcam is paying off!
Long time Wooo___&$$-$+37;er three bags of karlap, first bag of MEH. Spin around real fast just before you open the box. That sick feeling may be what's inside or from the spinning. That's how you do it old school, good times.
@scbysnax You're allowed to say woot here. You can also swear witch is pretty fucking sweet.
@Trailmix time for an amendment to my social media terms of use. So I miss the old Woot, fuck them go MEH.
Will these having tracking numbers?
@darksaber99999 you'll just have to wait and seeeeeee
Still curious who bought the first one. We need first sucker and Mehrican to blame for sell out fields ;)
@jsh139 just blame @studerc. It's his fault regardless of what the purchasing order was.
@ceagee preach!!!
@jsh139 if blaming @studerc isn't enough perhaps add the previous two goats to the list (carefully not @them here so as not to piss off the gods)
@jsh139 - don't know if I was first, but my order went through at exactly 12:00 am. Chalk it up to reflex and luck, because I'm not a tweeter and didn't know about meh until July 12 this year.
@KDemo Yeah, I think a lot of us ordered at exactly 12:00am! :)
@jsh139 I started watching the clock and staring at my screen at 10:58 CT.
I hope I get the bowl and head of the possum, and a big TV so I can show the head home movies of it's long path into the world of bone only. Come on show me the tracking numbers. One can always hope for more than one box.
of course! i get a sick baby and miss the fuku AND clicking the face. grumble
This is my first one of these. I'm excited. trite-tedious-show
Per FedEx tracking, I have a 3lb, 10"x10"x10" package inbound! Due 9/24.
@mediobarkre You lucky. Me no have no tracking number.
Tracking is showing up under my order now as well.
@mediobarkre same with me
@mediobarkre 3 lbs for me, too.
same dimensions and weight for me, but I don't expect to see it until 9/27. seems like every shipment takes its sweet time to NorCal
@mediobarkre same as me except 9/27
@mediobarkre ditto for me except no estimated delivery date yet.
Odds are, these weights and dimensions are just placeholders. Your boxes will more than likely vary in size and weight when it updates
@mediobarkre mine shows shipped with tracking but no other info.
Mine just hit the first FedEx station outside of Dallas. It is now 10.6 lbs and 18x15x14 in. The due date got pushed back to 9/25.
I've got 10.2 lbs of crap in a 18x15x14 in box headed my way! Yay! It's due on the 25th, so it'll be ready for me to pick up on the 23rd or 24th at the local post office
@capguncowboy - Oooo - yours sounds special! Mine is 3 lbs like the others, due 9/26 to WA. Can't hardly wait!
@KDemo I hope so!
@capguncowboy lucky duck, i got 3 lb 10x10x10 too
3 lbs 10x10x10 , due next Friday . It will be AMehzing or just Meh
@stryper2000 Same size and dimensions here. Will likely change next FedEx hub, though.
Just started a new thread for the unboxing info.
18x15x14 in. and 9.6 pounds of AMehzing speaker docks?
3lbs in a 'package'. Disappointed all ready. Thank You Meh. Wonder if they would send the bag only? I mean, that's what's in the picture. Now that would deliver on disappointment.
메 po실망wer 3파운드 라니라니라니.. 테레비까지는 배송비 폭탄때문에 기대도 안했지만 아이패드 꼭 갖고 싶었는데.. 진짜 윗분말처럼 가방만 달랑 올랑가봉가 ㅠㅠㅠ
Mine is 6x6x6, weighs .07 pounds, yes, that is "point oh seven pounds", and is due here Thursday.
@Teripie wut
@xEBRONx My Fukubukuro is only .07 pounds. T-shirt packed in a little 6x6x6 box?
@Teripie well for sure it is not 6x6x6 of gold… I think we can rule that out. On the plus side that also means not lead either.
10x10x10, 3 pounds like many others. due 9/25
18x15x14 - 10.3 Lbs - Estimated 9/24
Most packages I get that show cubed dimensions are placeholders, and update along their journey.
@lichme uh oh - something is alive in there and growing? Like a walrus?
@lichme just checked mine - it has departed fed ex and the size and weight has remained the same...
@Kidsandliz Looks like they are placeholders. https://meh.com/forum/topics/fuku-2-unboxing-boogaloo
My Fuku order still just shows a status of "Placed" and no shipping info. Meh.
I have the same 3lbs 10x10x10 placeholder that everyone else has gotten. We'll see if it gets bigger or shrinks by the end of the week.
@bluejester When one of ours got to the local facility, it updated to 10.2 lbs, so there is hope! The other one (my husband's) hasn't made it to the local Smart Post and still has the placeholder dimensions.
@bluejester The measurements on mine never changed in the system, but were definitely inaccurate once it arrived
This thread has moved to
https://meh.com/forum/topics/fuku-2-unboxing-boogaloo because the current one is so long some people are having trouble with it not loading.
We want more fuku
black friday or cyber monday?