Fukobukuro Data Stick Messages??
8After being sent an open package USB stick in my fuko, I decided to ignore the risk of getting some mehlware and plugged this baby in. It had included some quality text files including THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO AD&D ALCOHOL FOR ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, How to evaluate new members... Weed out informants and agent-provocateurs., THE (MORE OR LESS) COMPLETE GUIDE TO HYGIENE FOR FANTASY ROLE PLAYING GAMES, and THE OBSTINATE GOATS. A quick google search reveals the source of the files: http://www.textfiles.com/ . Did anyone else receive any surprises on their USB sticks? Here's my favorite (from kneeslapper.txt
It's this guy named Fred back in California. He just went around all days slapping everyone's knees. That is, of course he'd finished slapping his until they started to bleed. He enjoyed it so much, that he decided he'd spread the joyous feeling of slapped knees to the entire county. Then, one day, the Coalition Opposing Continuous Knee Slapping rode into town. They were brought in by the city counsil to end the madness. They searched the town for the man who slapped knees. They followed the trail of bodies to the Airport Cafe. Sure enough, Fred was inside slapping knees while those around him watched helplessly. Hardly a knee in the place was unslapped. So the Coalition filled him full of lead. Gurgling through his own blood, Fred said "My what lovely knees you have" and then died.
THE MORAL OF THIS STORY: Never write a story at 3:00 in the morning. Laters.
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Nuthin' on the Halos. Nuthin' on the stick. :-(
Hey, meh . . .
@joelmw my what lovely knees you have...
@joelmw Same here.
@billymayfield i got the exact same set of files on mine...
@earlyre sorry, if we put 10 different text files on 1,000+ USB drives Fuko probably would've shipped sometime around July.
@JonT not what i meant to imply, but understood. the conspiracy part of my brain, keeps wodering if they are puzzle peices, but then i look at the text, and...TL;DR..
did somebody say goat?
edit: the kneeslapper story also appears here: http://www.textfiles.com/stories/
@billymayfield I also received a loose 8GB flash drive but mine was completely blank :'(, I am still looking for the hidden message they sent me...I'm sure I'll find it.
Also, I went the paranoid approach and booted into a live linux CD then mounted it, only to find it completely empty and only 1 partition. I got a Halo too but no AAA batteries to check for the secret message of "TaRDy you are the best and are going to get paid to buy things from us from now on, all you have to do is reply in the forums with this code word: _____".
Hopefully tomorrows deal is $1 for 2 AAA batteries.
@TaRDy blame @carl669 ! Everyone deserves a thoroughly confusing set of text files!!
@billymayfield @carl669 damnit Carl!!!!!
Mine was empty. I even tried a file recovery program on it. Major skulduggery opportunity missed here.
If you look at the system/hidden files it's Mac OSX metadata that shows they were indeed downloaded from textfiles.com