That’s pretty cool - it looks so much like sausage that I had to go look it up to make sure you’re not fooling us! Do you have it growing in your yard?
This is so cool, little sausages that taste like melons lol. Goes to show you looks can definitely be deceiving.
You experience some of the coolest things (fruit wise). Makes me jealous. I love reading your post but then get so discouraged when I can’t find any of the fruit here in MI. What you sent me was AMAZING, forever thankful.
I have to assume these are not frost tolerant… Not sure my climate in central AL will work for this since I do get frost starting around now to Thanksgiving, but it’s still in the 90’s in late August to mid September.
I wish I could grow Pitanga (aka Suriname Cherries : Eugenia uniflora) locally. We ate them in Portugal and really liked them.
@chienfou Yeah, I doubt they’re frost tolerant. With that temperature, you should be able to get at least one crop of them, though. I will have seeds in the future…
These smell amazing. Even uncut, they smell like an extra pungent cantaloupe and can stay fresh for months, putting out that scent. Tropical version of cinnamon brooms. They look beautiful, too… but the taste is disappointing.
They smell like an extra sweet cantaloupe, but they taste like a dry cantaloupe without as much sugar or flavor and have the texture of pumpkin. So they make a good “pumpkin” pie or puree or something, but no good fresh like you’d think. Still better than pumpkin, though.
(Harvest was months ago. Didn’t have time to post on Meh then, but I do now!)
That’s pretty cool - it looks so much like sausage that I had to go look it up to make sure you’re not fooling us! Do you have it growing in your yard?
@Kyeh Not in my yard. I work on a farm and get a plot of land where I can grow whatever I want for myself. #dreamjob
Wait until you learn about the fruit that’s actually called sausage fruit. We have a tree on the farm and its fruit is huge and dense.
@Weboh I’m looking forward to seeing that!
@Kyeh @Weboh
That one has the prettiest flowers.
Typo. 6-10-10 is 10% on both potassium and phosphorus.
Blame @metaphore.
He did not proofread my post.
My pay will suffer.
Not enough haikus
Since the master vacated.
Need a new gimmick.
@Weboh @werehatrack I don’t get paid enough to proof read. Sorry you fucked up though.
This is so cool, little sausages that taste like melons lol. Goes to show you looks can definitely be deceiving.
You experience some of the coolest things (fruit wise). Makes me jealous. I love reading your post but then get so discouraged when I can’t find any of the fruit here in MI. What you sent me was AMAZING, forever thankful.
@Star2236 Huge sausages.
(some random guy on Google)
@Star2236 @Weboh
Wow! Somehow I also thought they were a lot smaller.
I have to assume these are not frost tolerant… Not sure my climate in central AL will work for this since I do get frost starting around now to Thanksgiving, but it’s still in the 90’s in late August to mid September.
I wish I could grow Pitanga (aka Suriname Cherries : Eugenia uniflora) locally. We ate them in Portugal and really liked them.
@chienfou Yeah, I doubt they’re frost tolerant. With that temperature, you should be able to get at least one crop of them, though. I will have seeds in the future…
Now I’m trying to fight an earworm in my head -
“At the Copa Cassabanana”
These smell amazing. Even uncut, they smell like an extra pungent cantaloupe and can stay fresh for months, putting out that scent. Tropical version of cinnamon brooms. They look beautiful, too… but the taste is disappointing.
They smell like an extra sweet cantaloupe, but they taste like a dry cantaloupe without as much sugar or flavor and have the texture of pumpkin. So they make a good “pumpkin” pie or puree or something, but no good fresh like you’d think. Still better than pumpkin, though.
(Harvest was months ago. Didn’t have time to post on Meh then, but I do now!)