Friday Game Time: Swarmsim - a game of numbers, bugs, and waiting
13SwarmSim is a dumb game. It isn't even a game, really. It's like if a stopwatch and an excel sheet had a baby and the baby grew up to be an entomologist, but like a really shitty one that dropped out of school halfway through to write science fiction stories.
You start out with some Drones that collect meat, and from the meat you gain larva. Get enough larva and you can hatch more drones to collect more meat to beget more larva, and the cycle continues, just as it does in nature.
Real-time Swarm action
Eventually with enough drones and larva, you get the ability to make Queens. The Queens exist to poop out Drones. With more Queens, you make drones quicker and eventually you can create Nests, and so forth. These all get upgraded as you go; for example, I currently earn 2.78510 novendecillion meat per second. That's 2,785,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 per second. Did I mention you also get to learn about weird made-up numbers like novendecillion and quinquadecillion? Because you do.
Eventually the game expands into real estate as you create different bugs to claim territory or something. I think the territory is used to level up your larva? Honestly I don't know, but I'll be darned if I'm not proud of the hard work being done by my wasps, arachnomorphs, and culicimorphs.
There is more to it, like collecting “energy” and “ascending” which I think means going into outer space. You also learn all about real and made-up bugs like goons and chilopodomorphs and also bats for some reason, which seems very counterproductive to keep around your bug empire but whatever.
Like I said, the game is super dumb, but like cordyceps to an ant, it will infest your time and make you a zombie to it. You might forget about it for a week or two, but eventually it will crawl it’s way back to you. I apologize in advance.
Hell yeah, I just unlocked a hive empress.
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I am so sorry everyone
(More) Insects shall be sent to Meh HQ.
Believe it.
@Moose you should be! But at the same time, I feel like I should thank you. And then swat you. Etc.
A word of caution. Don't clear your browser without saving your custom link to this game. I lost months of progress.
@hollboll Yeah, I am super paranoid about losing progress, so I copy the link into a text file every time I visit that tab.
@The_Baron I use Dropbox and it auto-saves every 15 minutes and before closing.
@justbuyit I was thinking of just setting up another Dropbox account and doing that.
@The_Baron Well, if you save to Dropbox and then turn right around and import you get an achievement! So it is worth doing!
Yes, I actually broke down and RTFM.
(Okay, parts of it)
I've been playing ~21 hours and have now made (and subsequently chosen to sacrifice to upgrade) 3 Hive Queens.
Number 4 is coming really, really fast though.
This game is like crack. I'm sitting here sweating over upgrades to get higher meat and I'm in larvae lock.
At least this thing basically forces you to step away and wait after awhile, or I wouldn't have fed my son dinner last night.
@justbuyit i left it running at work over the weekend. then, when i go in monday, i can BUILD ALL THE THINGS!!
@carl669 You have to click man, you HAVE TO CLICK!!!!!
Maybe it is just my OCD.
Med check time.
@carl669 You don't even have to leave it running. It works while you are away!
Hive Neuron.
@justbuyit just wait until the Hive Brain.
Hey guys how is everyone’s swarm? Mines swell. I’ve ascended four times, almost got an Overmind II. Really proud of all the hard work going on in my swarm.
Welcome back! While you were away for 2 months, your swarm produced:
@Moose apparently my swarm is lost to time. Or I did it on my old phone. I thought it synced to Dropbox before but that option is gone in the game and I don’t see a file in my Dropbox.
@djslack Your swarm is probably still multiplying without you. Better hope they don’t hold a grudge.
@Moose I’ll be buying my first Overmind IV later tonight. With bonuses, each swarmwarp is now approx. 7 months into the future. I can ascend and be back at Overmind in about a week if I pay attention to the game and check in daily (which I do not). I earn 2 energy per second and currently earn 4.86511e676 meat per second.
@Moose i think i’m on the last overmind (VI). i’ve ascended 17 times. my swarmwarps are long enough to gestate a human baby.
@justbuyit good…GOD. That is Texas BBQ levels of meat.
@Moose I be over here playing Hex FRVR My brain can't comprehend all that.
Heh. I earn a vagintillion meat per second. Except they spell it differently, which is a shame, because they're not going to make me say it correctly. That's my new favorite number.
New goal: don't ascend. Keep going until it has to make up names for the numbers.
Did some reading. Thanks to Conway and Guy, it will never have to make up names for the numbers. Boo.
P.S. a vagintillion is a thousand novendecillion, for those keeping track at home.
@djslack something about saying "vagintillion meat" makes me feel dirty.
@carl669 Well that's really saying something coming from you. :P
@justbuyit wait. did i say dirty? i meant feisty.
I just 100% the game… what do I do with my life now?
Yes, I kept the kittens from april fools day.
first nest created!
@connorbush i need 8000 more nests! give me some of yours!
Hold up here. Let me get this straight. Someone created a game based on Mediocre Lab's business model? Cool!
Sign me up!
Thanks @moose for me not getting anything done this weekend. I've been glued to it since Friday night. It kills my phone super fast, too.
C'mon hive empress! I have enough to get one, but not enough to cushion all my hive queens and keep production up.
@justbuyit Like I said, entomologist school dropout writing shitty scifi stories.
Neural Cluster (finally).
Time to ascend.
@justbuyit I've used 1,111 neural clusters to make my hive neurons grow twins. Still holding off on ascending though I hear it is easier after every ascent. I have 73.6B mutagen waiting for me so far. I'll probably ride it out until this weekend so I can spend time with the game when I ascend.
Fuck. I should have known better than to start after that paperclip game…
@Pantheist This takes way longer than the paperclip game, if you let it.
@djslack It reminds me of clicker heroes without the graphics so far. I like it.
It'll be a year for me on the 21st and I'm earning 8 vigintillion meat per second. What do you have for mutations?
Started last night. Greeted this morning with:
Welcome back! While you were away for 10 hours, your swarm produced:
898,761 nests
51.3769 billion queens
5.20287 quadrillion drones
49.4551 quintillion meat
1.34129 million larvae
2.30682 trillion territory
I have 97 greater queens, how will I ever reach 100K?
@KDemo I'm earning 13.8514 million greater queens per second. I was screaming last night that I'd never have enough to get a single hive.
It's exponential!!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!
It's like cookie clicker, but less active.
That one just keeps going, a macro enabled mouse speeds things up though.
@The_Baron - Oh no! Why did you say Cookie clicker? If Swarm Sim didn't suck enough time . . .
Okay, I'm almost in the same boat as @djslack and I'll be able to buy a Hive Empress later tonight and keep production up - but WTF is up with the Ascension / Mutation thing????
It opens up and I get all woohoo a new thingy and then it tells me this shit:
Ascending now will cost 2.35691 million more than your max energy!
WHY THE FUCK TELL ME THEN?!?!?!?!????? That's an inconceivable amount of energy - I can't store anywhere near that much.
And how in the holy hell will I ever get that much damn energy??? I've got three Nexus and I'm working on number four and these Nightbugs aren't gonna help . . . .
@justbuyit Spending energy now will bring the cost down, so once you get that fourth nexus start spending. (I can't ever seem to keep from spending it anyway, don't have a fourth nexus yet.)
@justbuyit - Red Bull?
@KDemo Please. Thanks.
@djslack Thanks, I'm basically in a holding pattern now waiting on the game. Wait a sec - what's that in the documentation? You can run one instance of the game in Chrome and another in a different browser? HELL YEAH!
I noticed that someone had a 150 day total game time in their forum (through 20 ascensions IIRC - holy shit, they musty never leave the house).
Yeah okay, the whole playing two games at once in separate browsers may not have been such a great idea.
how in the name of BtSD am i supposed to get 1 million hives? this is going to take
@carl669 I told you that you had to click. But you have to learn the hard way. I'm 3 days in and have the hive empress and will do first ascent tonight.
I'm earning 379.364 billion hives per second.
I'm still only earning 13 million hives per second, and I have been clicking. It is taking for-ev-er to get 10 billion hive queens to buy the hive empress.
@KDemo There is a strategy guide on /r/swarmsim on reddit if you want to get into it that deep. It's not the clearest writing but it does confirm some of the things i thought i figured out, and shows some things I hadn't considered yet. If you started a week ago you could be earning way more than that because everything is so exponential.
This game is far larger than it appears.
@djslack - Wow, it has been a week! Not sure I'm invested enough to do the research, but I am enjoying the colorful numbers and creatures. I have invested in the "faster" option a few times, and used the "buy all upgrades" feature. Anyway, I'll probably click now and then, and sit back and watch things grow. Thanks for the info, though, others will probably benefit.
Oh, and I think it's lack of larvae that's holding me back. Hmmmm - maybe I'll just peek at that site . . .
@KDemo @djsslack
I should get the Neuroprophet today or tomorrow, then I'm going to take the first ascension after my Empress count has recovered. The strategy guide helps some, but yeah, I get "larvae locked" from time to time also and then have to let the game sit a while. Also I want my mutagen higher, I'm only at 3 million.
@justbuyit There are levels past Neuroprophet (edit, i see below you've found that). I've had 100 neuroprophets and used them for twin upgrades (so i guess 111) and about to go make some more since I've been offline for 5 hours and ought to have some good larva numbers.
That strategy guide advises not to ascend until you have about 300M mutagen as it will help with your larva production in the next round.
@djslack that much mutagen is gonna take awhile.
@justbuyit @djslack - They make Mucinex for that.
This game…is gonna be a problem. I’m 5 hours in. Need to sleep.
Oh boy. Now I will need to start playing this.
Swarm simulator for Android.
Played this for a while yesterday, then uninstalled it. Reinstalled it this morning, uninstalled it after an hour.
It has an import/export feature of sorts, namely you need to copy a long code, and paste it somewhere for safekeeping.
(Maybe I’d be more inclined to play it if it had cloud backup.)
@mflassy weird… the app doesn’t store a save in the cloud!? The web app does.
The app is still in development, so I suppose it’s possible that they’ll add it by the time it’s more widely released.
@UncleVinny @mflassy
At some point they added cloud backup.
I installed the app on my Pixel, and uninstalled it shortly thereafter.
A little while later I reinstalled it, and after it logged into my Play Games profile, it offered to restore cloud backup.
Installed the game on Nexus 5, and it offered to restore cloud backup.
So yeah. It’s safe to say there’s now cloud backup.
As to why I didn’t just clear data instead of uninstalling and then reinstalling:
Wasn’t intending to play again.
@justbuyit I’m still playing. I started in October, and I’ve ascended about 15 times, which is probably pretty slow. But I enjoy my little bug empire…
Are you going to start again?
I have the game going on my home & work computers plus my phone. I don’t follow the progress of each game too closely, but I spend probably 30 minutes per device.
I’d love to see this game turned inside-out and applied to the U. S. national debt. You would start with an very large number and try to get it down to zero, all the time it is increasing at varying rates stimulated by external factors.
I have so many of these:
Just thought I’d check in. Started last October (must’ve been around the 1-year updates that started coming in). Currently playing on 3 devices (laptop, desktop, phone). Main has 13 ascensions, highest critter is Overmind VI (repeats once you get to Overmind and the upgrades are no longer as proportional as before). Currently earning 6.67e1237 meat.
If you’re curious, that’s 66700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
All I can say is, I think I might have a problem (that and I poop a “long time” when I bring my phone).
Oh, and this data too if y’all still care
save file size 10,773 base64 chars
start date a year ago - Tue Oct 03 2017
last ascended 23 days ago - Sat Aug 18 2018
@thejackalope I hate you and your necroposting. So much. Now I’m trapped.
@thejackalope aw man, Overmind VI? I’ve never gotten that far. I’ve only ascended 4 times, but you inspired me to ascend again. I know you can catch back up quickly but I still hate basically starting from scratch (even if you do get a ton of larvae to start with)
@Moose My main goal now is seeing how much time my swarmwarps can get me. Currently sitting on 1 year, 7 months per warp, but I’m about to ascend for the 14th time, so that should go up quite a bit soon. Combining the warp and bat mutations helped me a ton with this once I figured all that out.