Figured there are some bacon lovers here. Saturday 9/5 is International Bacon Day. is giving away a year's supply of bacon to 5 winners. Details here.
I read the rules. You have to be in the top 500 upvoted comments to be considered for the judging. Basically anything with 2 votes makes it. Went through the whole fucking list and upvoted every meh user I saw, including anything with a goat reference or the one guy named banana04scale. So @cinoclav@juststephen@thumperchick i remember seeing and voting for you (@thumperchick and one of @cinoclav's comments had been downvoted so they're back at 1). I commented 39 minutes ago under the same name I use here.
So if we go and sort by top we should be able to upvote each other and make it to the top 500. Someone will have to find me (sort by new) and thumperchick, but the rest should be a quick find in sort by top comments.
@djslack I don't see mine there. I'm juststephen. There's another guy that's juststephenTV that's NOT me. I may have registered as mystery250 too, I'm not sure.
I posted that I'd strip to my undies at the beach and put bacon on every inch of my body, let the sun down here cook it and share it with beachgoers or something.
The app sucks terribly at uploading images. Sure it gives you a share intent but it takes 10x longer to upload the picture than opening a tab and using the mobile site to do it, and it only lets you copy the plain link, not the direct link.
You can only get it through an official imgur app.
@Thumperchick - Thanks for pointing that out, you have to download their app.
I want to win so I can make this..

As much as I love bacon this seems like too much work for me and I even have the app.
@JonT It wasn't that bad. Imgur app>Most Viral>Popular> find post with galaxy type picture and title of How Do I Love Thee>Post a comment

@Thumperchick Okay this was my bad, I initially read it as needing to find some kind of secret post that only showed up in the app.
@JonT It only shows up in the app - but it's easy to find there.

Well that explains a lot. Tomorrow (the 5th) is also my birthday. You're welcome bacon lovers.
@cinoclav Happy (early) Birthday!!
@cinoclav Have a very bacony birthday!
@cinoclav Happy Bacon Birthday!

@cinoclav I'm so singing the "Happy Birthday" song in my head as "Happy Bacon Day"!
@Thumperchick @KDemo @mfladd @nhbillups Thank you for the birthday wishes (and bacony song thoughts!)
Bacon Fest is going on down near the river where I live today and tomorrow.
I feel like this fits

I read the rules. You have to be in the top 500 upvoted comments to be considered for the judging. Basically anything with 2 votes makes it. Went through the whole fucking list and upvoted every meh user I saw, including anything with a goat reference or the one guy named banana04scale. So @cinoclav @juststephen @thumperchick i remember seeing and voting for you (@thumperchick and one of @cinoclav's comments had been downvoted so they're back at 1). I commented 39 minutes ago under the same name I use here.
So if we go and sort by top we should be able to upvote each other and make it to the top 500. Someone will have to find me (sort by new) and thumperchick, but the rest should be a quick find in sort by top comments.
@djslack I don't see mine there. I'm juststephen. There's another guy that's juststephenTV that's NOT me. I may have registered as mystery250 too, I'm not sure.
I posted that I'd strip to my undies at the beach and put bacon on every inch of my body, let the sun down here cook it and share it with beachgoers or something.
@juststephen oh well i upvoted your imposter, my bad. I couldn't actually read all the comments, about went crosseyed reading just the usernames.
Unless it makes posting images to imgur easier to post in these forums, that app is coming off my phone as soon as I don't win bacon.
The app sucks terribly at uploading images. Sure it gives you a share intent but it takes 10x longer to upload the picture than opening a tab and using the mobile site to do it, and it only lets you copy the plain link, not the direct link.
I'm uninstalling it.
@djslack I wasn't exactly worried about it, but thanks for trying to get the gang upvotes!