Force for Forging Fitter Friends (My Fitness Pal)

connorbush thought this was worth mentioning said

Wow. Many of us sit for more than twelve hours per day--that is a morbid realization.

Our mehmbers have crafted communities for music, fantasy football, charity, and hobbies far and wide... Let us forge a forum for fitness!

I just re re re re installed My Fitness Pal (wow @connorbush, you fail quite a bit) and I believe that I (we) can be successful so long as we struggle together.

Come, join me on the adventure toward a more fit figure.

My Fitness Pal is a jerk and won't allow me to change my username. I am shogunbush find me, creep on me, join me. I gained 60 lbs over the past couple of years. If nothing else, come cheer me on as I lose those lbs. You would be cooler if you joined me.