For the more technically inclined, here's a bit of fun. Or not.
REALLY stupid name (IMNSHO), but interesting idea.
Denied Area Internet (DAI) Innovative Idea Quest
The Problem: How would you create a solution to provide internet connectivity in an area with no consistent, reliable communications infrastructure?
- 11 comments, 31 replies
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Step 1. Build a satellite
Step 2. Hire space x to launch it
Step 3. Forget that some engineer left his Galaxy S7 Note in the payload
@thismyusername at least get the phone model correct, jeez!
@jbartus OK some smartass engineer left their Samsung top loading washing machine in it…
I’ve never gotten past tin cans and a string.
What are the technical specs of aforementioned tin cans?
@TickledLizard preferably
campbells tomatoecampbell’s tomato soup cansrinse with 1 part white vinegar, 2 part baking soda (stand back)
string can be harvested from those clacky balls (don’t go there) toys
tin can can be dried with dad’s rags (your old diapers), found in the garage, under the oil cans and other stuff
other details can be found here:
tin can recipe
@TickledLizard Who, me-eh-eh?
Sounds like someone is trying to make sure that there is still a way for the embedded observers to access the internet during the time they are monitoring things inside the region where the zombie apocalypse virus will be tested.
I am heartened to see that there is an attempt to find a way for these brave souls to not be deprived of their access to cat videos and porn. As a society, we have come a long way wrt trying to maintain employee job satisfaction.
since phone booths have gone away, NYC wanted to create an information access system for the public, who might not have signal, or be out of power, or for emergencies.
NYC created a grid of powered, connected, tablet (built-in) and wi-fi kiosks around Manhattan, which included charging stations.
and they were used for … yeah, that.
some people who watched hours of continuous porn on them said they didn’t particularly want to watch that much porn. or watch porn at all. but, if the city chose, in its wisdom, to put connected, unfiltered tablets all around the city streets for just anyone to use for whatever, with no time or content controls, then it was one’s Millennial Duty, so to speak, to watch porn. whether you felt like it or not. if you didn’t, it would practically be rude.
the system is under evaluation.
Yeah, when I first heard about those I just laughed and predicted that they weren’t going to be around for all that long, at least not the way they were described.
@baqui63 no no no, it is to help spread the infection…
@f00l Saw this article today, re: the NYC “Porn” Kiosks:
Apparently, NOT allowing web browsing makes them more useful and used more.
Some kind of mesh network using handheld devices, aircraft, drones, whatever is available, combined with store-and-forward technology like they had in the bad old days (like UUCP). Of course it would be ass-slow, but your messages/files would eventually squirt out somewhere.
/giphy ass-slow

/giphy squirt out

@awk If you added solar-powered signal repeaters to the tags or collars they use on wild animals, it would help extend the mesh network to wherever the animals roam.
This. Project Loon.
@Mehrocco_Mole I came here to post it. It looks sexier in action.

Since this is being sponsored by USSOCOM and the Special Operations community, it’s not too hard to figure out what kind of environment they’re really talking about.
@Sarahsda You think it is Detroit, LA, Philadelphia or New York?
@f00l Thanks. I quite enjoyed that.
@baqui63 nope… Chicago!
@f00l i
neverbecame aware of the talking heads by seeing this movie in ~1987hooked ever
sincesense@f00l @baqui63 hang on, he says houston, detroit, pittsburgh, pa
i’m glad he, “Mr. Byrne”, clarified which Pittsburgh he was mentioning - that reminds me of a joke… i’ll tell ya later
@FOO1 @f00l @fOOl @f001 how would you compare david and bruce? i think david has a better sense of humor, yea?
In a hurry, more thoughts laterz.
Notes: I have seen TH perform live far more often than any other band except the B52’s (they did double-headers together and played everywhere around NYC all the time, tix were insanely cheap.
I slightly prefer the earlier iteration of TH - just the 4 of them. More punk than orchestral. Raw. Immediate. But love both versions of them.
@f00l Just heard this on the radio today!
How about using a drone for something other than killing people . . . a Predator can stay aloft circling for over 24 hours.
@thismyusername Yeah, I was kind of going for the type of (military) drone that USSOCOM would either already have in their present arsenal or have ready access to . . .
and nsa pre-hacked!
@justbuyit @thismyusername Whole “idea quest” seems ridiculous (premise) as the obvious answer to “The Problem: How would you create a solution to provide internet connectivity in an area with no consistent, reliable communications infrastructure?” - is by default providing a consistent, reliable communications infrastructure (within their parameters).
Repurpose a fucking Predator drone. Problem solved.
If you’re looking for an “off the shelf” (retail) answer, it requires one good tech guy and a shopping list, not a two week “idea quest” - in fact - they acknowledge as much in their literature - “We anticipate the full range of ideas involving; satellites, unmanned aerial systems, aerostats, mobile ground repeater systems, MESH/MANET, and many others.”
There probably really aren’t any novel or unimagined solutions to this problem.
Also from the Webpage:
“Outside of the confines of the area receiving the targeted internet service you are providing, the security situation is unpredictable and therefore mandates having transportable infrastructure to allow for recurring relocation to service other areas and to allude [emphasis mine] security threats, should your solution require some type of physical presence outside of the targeted area.”
Pretty sure they meant elude. Pretty sure that mistake isn’t the only one - and also pretty sure it has been there for a long time with no one bothering to correct it (or letting them know it was wrong).
Yes, it is nit-picking, however, IME, stupid shit like that leaves serious people whom might provide serious solutions generally unwilling to participate.
surely, leaving out Google’s balloons and drones, and whatever is going on that the US govt and companies aren’t involved with, there are a number of well-funded security-cleared companies on contract in this area to DOD or NSA or USAID or some other DC acronym. with all kinds of seriously expensive or military-grade convolution.
The Doolittle Institute appears to be all about sparking new creative techno collaboration among whoever offers something interesting. it has an explicit STEM interest, among other missions.
What is SOFWERX?
Under agreement with USSOCOM, the Doolittle Institute implemented SOFWERX as a public facing intermediary to assist with collaboration, innovation, prototyping and exploration with industry, labs and academic partners. SOFWERX currently has two facilities, 1) a ~10,000 sf facility designed for collaboration, innovation and modest rapid prototyping, 2) and a 4000 sf garage designed for rapid prototyping with modest collaboration and innovation capabilities. Both are located in Tampa, Florida.”
late-nite eyes: i keep trying to misread “garage” as “garbage” in the quote.
the SOFWERX and the Doolittle Institute websites both have a lot of govt-speak and mil-speak: to be expected. Tampa. Gen Doolittle.
i wonder if the folks at USSOCOM just didn’t want California to have all the fun.
even if SOFWERX is looking more to set off a spark than for a real solution; or to do a little recruiting or PR; amateurs might come up with something that possess its own merit. Drones are the obvious, are understood, are funded and in play.
so this doesn’t feel like a solution quest. rather a lure. but who knows?
@f00l All I know for certain is they need to hire someone that can proof-read.
that lets me off then.
i tried proofreading once, side job. thought it a waste of time. had a v adolescent attitude, and it was an era of powdered distractions.
why not just read what’s spozed to be on the page and don’t worry about what’s actually there? or if the nonsense is that impenetrable, mark it up into something it isn’t and never was, and turn it in.
my publishing company contact, a friend, kindly pointed out that i allowed nightlife activities to conflict with professional conduct.
i lasted less than a week.
@Pavlov …judging from the local newspaper; proofreader’s have gone the way of buggy whip or sealing way makers… they are few and (very) far between.
First of all, let’s narrow down our options. Currently, the two mediums used for data transmission are cables and waves. Since cables require infrastructure, they are out of the question. The solution would have to be more affordable and more reliable than current methods, such as towers or satellites. Something that can reach high altitudes, is self sufficient, and is cheaper to produce and maintain than satellites or radio/cell towers.
I think Google had the right idea with the Loon project ( (Basically, using weather balloons as cell towers). Although fairly reliable, it had a few problems: the balloons would stay up between 100 and 200 days, then land in inconvenient locations; the balloons move around quite a bit, possibly causing unreliable connections at times.
My solution would be to use Project Loon’s idea with a different technology: lightweight solar-powered unmanned airplanes. Being lightweight and solar (and/or wind)-powered can make the connection much more reliable, keeping the crafts in the air indefinitely, only to be taken down for maintenance. The aircraft can save power by roaming within an area to find updrafts that can provide extra lift, like eagles soaring. The initial cost may be higher than the balloons, but the resources saved on fetching and recycling downed balloons will probably be worth it.
I do want to point out that the purpose of this search for contributors may be information gathering; almost certainly it’s at least a part of it.
As an example of an earlier effort: (aka In-Q-Tel)
Life remains ever interesting.
and whatever "solution’: ever comes to pass, and is implemented, will be an even bigger data mining target - i would guess
i think the acronymist organizations - ours, theirs (whomever is Oceania’s enemy of the day), everyone’s - own all, whatever little home gestures we may practice.
I couldn’t figure out how to play. Is it a text-based game or something? Not fun.
@medz huh?
Lol, Jenny Mulligan…