I’m scared to activate my new (first) smartphone. I’m worried that I’m gonna screw it up. (It does look real nice all charged up and sitting in its box ready to go.)
@Barney@carl669 We have cookies on the dark side. Do you have a local outlet for your cell provider? Here you can walk in and they will do the setup for you even if you did not buy the phone from them.
I sent you the address. I am sure…is that a squirrel?
Fine. I will text you the new address so it will be on your fancy new phone. Wait a minute, I don’t have your soon to be number.
I am officially off the purple list. Now I can spill all the secrets.
@Barney I didn’t miss mine. I kept it for a few years after getting a cellphone. I ended up listening to it ring thinking “I am not expecting any calls, if it is important, they will call my cell”.
Use a friend’s phone to do the activation. You call Fi and give the phone number and the numbers from the smartphone. It will light up and in a few minutes you will be on your way. Next have the friend call you so you can practice how to answer. It will worm its way into your life quick.
@Barney@speediedelivery or go into the store that has the service (and yes walmart will do this if you are using smarttalk, at least they did that for me for both my kid’s phone and mine, including the number transfer) and ask them to do the activation for you.
@Barney@jst1ofknd No, seriously. If you’re accustomed to holding a landline to your ear for long periods of time, a handset like this is a lifesaver. It’s very difficult to prop a cellphone between your shoulder and ear, but I guess that is what speaker phone is for. The handset I have like this allows me to answer and end calls by pressing a button on the handset itself. That way, you won’t even have to touch that scary cellphone!
@Barney My wife’s phone is on ProjectFi, and I love it. The billing is so straightforward, the prices are very reasonable, and unlike most of the cell carriers, they don’t hate their customers and try to punish them.
I’ll be switching to Fi in a couple of months when the company pulls the plug on my current phone.
@narfcake I’m nowhere near that organized, and I don’t have many cat shirts, but some folks accuse me of never wearing the same shirt twice. (I don’t have THAT many, do I?)
Survived the day. It went better than expected in most ways. Tomorrow I have to get up early again but shouldn’t need to think. If people are smart they will avoid talking to me until at least midmorning.
Main problem today - I was waiting for a prescription at the pharmacy. I wanted to buy cold and frozen stuff from the grocery but it was too nice out to leave it in the car. I figured Murphy’s Law would apply if I planned on the pharmacy being ready when I was done with my other shopping. Instead I tried to play on my phone and got zero service on my phone.
I bought a scrumptious homemade Amish apple pie for $6. Had it on the counter behind brownies and other goodies. After a week finally got to the pie and it started to mold. Only had one slice… sigh
@lilsrm123 I bought a bunch of pastries at the community college cooking school on Tuesday. Seriously great pastries for .75 each. I’m eating a slice of cherry pie that’s been in my fridge for almost a week, it’s fine. Cooked fruit = fridge.
@aetris@carl669 Fuck yeah! Grammy needs a workout and could use the cash. I’ll venmo her $5 for bingo money. Those noise-cancelling earbuds sure are handy. She can bitch all she wants and I won’t hear a thing.
@carl669 Oh yeah?? Well I’ll have my assistant tell my butler to have his assistant tell your butler’s assistant to tell your assistant to tell you to fuck off.
So there!
@shahnm you did not just go there. i’m going to have my assistant dog walker’s assistant sneak on your yacht and break your ice maker. hope you like ice trays bitch!
I play Pokémon GO. I rode my bicycle for 20 minutes to catch a Pokémon the radar told me was there, and it disappeared 30 seconds before I arrived at its location. Blast!!
@carl669 We got a Taco Bell, Waffle House, Denny’s, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wawa, Wendy’s, and Popeye’s within biking distance. Of those, the Waffle House, Denny’s, and McDonald’s are open 24 hours. But alas, no donuts…unless you count the Wawa, which I guess counts!
My internet signal is weak enough (infrastructure issue) that it cuts in and out all the time and my laptop screen has many white lines that flicker as it is slowly breaking.
@Kidsandliz Depending on model, that could be a cheap and easy to replace flex (ribbon) cable that connects the LCD screen to the mainboard, inside the screen hinge.
@PooltoyWolf mid 2013 mac air 13", not retina screen. Apple insists they need to replace the entire top even though I argued a loose cord shouldn’t need to replace everything. Sigh.
@Kidsandliz Oh dear, I hadn’t considered Apple machines. Unfortunately most of their later stuff is explicitly designed to deter service, though you may be able to find someone local that could help you!
@PooltoyWolf Yeah it is seriously irritating that they design these things to swap out expensive big units rather than design them to just replace the part that needs it, or in this case likely just needs plugged in securely.
@llangley are you like rewatching a few episodes a day on demand? Or? It’s not like it’s on weekly before they killed it.
FUCK for killing SG1
FUCK for killing Atlantis
FUCK for killing Universe
@unksol El Rey Network shows them Mon-Fri on Spectrum cable. For some reason they flipped them, but back-to-back Atlantis then back-to-back SG-1. I’ve watched all of Atlantis, up to the final season 10 on SG-1. Until That day. I’ll find them online somewhere
I forgot to fill up my cold brew coffee pot yesterday and the valve in the Myjo I bought as a backup is messed up. So I finally got coffee made but it was a pain. And I had to order valves from Presto which will probably take a month to arrive.
The windshield repair guy didn’t show up to fix my windshield, but that’s not my first-world problem. To prepare, I had removed my tolltag from the windshield, then I forgot and took the toll road. Now I’ll have to pay the full toll price.
The grammar Nazis don’t know logic, math (yeah it’s relevant), linguistics, philology, histories of spoken and written languages, or grammar itself (historically speaking). If they did, they’d be more tolerant.
They only know current written formal language rulebooks like the APA guidelines (and everyone ought to know that even those rules are always a bit in flux, including in the short-term.)
I sincerely hope that these wonderfully-irrelevant-yet-annoying type people are rewarded by constant in-ear loud farting noises.
@f00l@Kidsandliz@parodymandotcom “nazi’s” – that’s not possessive. What are you doing!? I … hang on, let me get my spinny light here, I can strap it to my head…
@Kidsandliz@lseeber@mike808 It jumped out at me. It’s not as bad as using “you’re” instead of “your”, or something, which breaks sentences until I think about it consciously; but it was really obvious. I read a lot as a kid(?)
@InnocuousFarmer@lseeber@mike808 I grew up the granddaughter of an English teacher on one side of the family and the daughter of an English major on the other side. It was easy to distract my parents from lecturing us about something by baiting them purposely using bad grammar, misusing a word… My sister so misused lay and lie (my mother’s pet peeve - so very effective as a distractor) that I now have to stop and think carefully when using those in some contexts. On the other hand using clauses within clauses is my “favorite” grammar crime.
@InnocuousFarmer@Kidsandliz@mike808 lol… sorry, should have clarified… that was to @mike808 about his blind gram. But I do understand the rest. I was a big reader and my husband was a writer and I helped him with editing and a lot of the errors jump out at me. Even mine! lol
I look at it this way:
If a writer can’t be bothered to write correctly, then I can’t be bothered to read their gibbering nonsense.
The burden of communicating is on the writer/speaker, not the reader/listener.
And in a one-way one-to-many broadcast medium, the reader/listener owes the writer/speaker no respect or additional effort to comprehend or process their drivel.
Example: Countless tweets from the serial pussy-grabber money-laundering Liar in Chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
@InnocuousFarmer@Kidsandliz@mike808 Wow. I don’t know what the hell your problem is but I was simply commenting on your blind grandma joke. I thought it was clever. However, Now I find you not so.
@lseeber I was commenting on @Kidsandliz post about the relevance of “gammar nazis” (and blind gandmothers) in today’s “CopyPasta with a side of word salad” tweet/blog/instagram online “journalism” world.
And “blind grandmother” ==> “gram-ma not see”.
The Meh community is renowned for atrociously bad puns. Home-groan if you will.
@lseeber@mike808 of course my only offense was the purposeful apostrophe, not a spelling error . I am not sure how that evolved to gramma and gammar. I missed whatever the joke was supposed to be.
@Kidsandliz@lseeber@mike808 The sudden presidential intrusion did seem kind of strange to me, too. I would assume he materialized from one of what are certaintly more invisible ninja puns lurking about, probably.
Don’t forget: the puns see you before you see them.
resuming staring off into space, repeating “grammar nazi, grammer natzee, gramma not see, grammar nahscee…”
@lseeber He did the same thing over in my AMZN split payments thread. I’m not really sure what his goal is, as he was wrong on some pretty basic facts…meh threads aren’t the place for political debate, right? Unless it’s some sort of reverse “Alex Jones” posting and it is supposed to be funny.
The iPhone XR does not have 3D Touch, making it unsuitable for text entry. (See the “cursor control” subheading near the bottom. That’s the critical feature that, somehow, nobody uses.)
@f00l I think they should have marketed it slightly harder. Even the Apple journalist type nerds didn’t mention that feature, in their text mentioning 3D touch disappearing from the “cheap at only $900” phone.
Seems weird to just give up and use it as a cost cutting measure.
I guess the stock market has Apple against a wall. This relentless march upmarket, toward no servicability, no upgrades, “luxury” features that are frequently net negatives, extortion-like cloud features and expensive insurance, and limp justifications for higher prices… blech.
I feel stupid and irresponsible buying anything from them now, even though I can afford it. For lack of an alternative…
@f00l That’s a good strategy. I’d say either the 6s or SE were the last unequivocably “best” iPhones, before everything got to be about uncomfortable tradeoffs.
@f00l heheheh. I turned mine off. Tough call whether my text entry has improved or gotten worse. At least I never do that thing where I correct the autocorrection three times in a row, now.
@carl669 We have a drive through safari park here- you can buy buckets of food to feed the critters through your car window. I had many tug of wars with the camels, and the ground was always littered with empty buckets at their feet. You did good to get that jacket back.
@Kidsandliz there’s a kid’s amusement park north of me that also has animals. figured it’d be a good way to entertain the boy. camel incident aside, rest of the day went smoothly.
There’s Arbuckle Wilderness not too terribly far away. Last time we went (first time with the kids) it was disappointing. We probably won’t be going back.
@carl669 I rode a camel at the county fair once. I was surprised at how soft it was. Like a rabbit. I was expecting it to feel more like a sheep. Awkward for two of us to ride it though (it was a one hump camel). And they seemed to supervise it really closely which made me wonder if the thing was a bit temperamental at times. It was doing some spitting, like lamas do, and its spit sure stunk.
@compunaut yep. i remember going there as a kid back in the 80s. really fun place for little kids. there were only 2 rides my son couldn’t go on because he wasn’t tall enough. he loved riding the rest of the “big kid” rides with me!
My Pokémon storage box in Pokémon Go is full and they won’t let me upgrade it. So I have to feed some of my little friends to that scary professor. Motherfucker.
First world problem: my legs hurt from walking at the fair yesterday.
Non first world problem… Back in AFIB…
/define Atrial fibrillation
1 Irregular, uncoordinated twitching or quivering (as opposed to regular contraction) of the atria of the heart, typically associated with irregular and often rapid ventricular contraction.
I’ve never had cable, but I will go back to Sling at the end of October. They have ESPN and I want to watch college basketball. When BB is over, I’ll cancel until it starts up again.
Edit: I do have Prime, but they’ve ticked me off with their price increase, so I’ll be canceling when it expires in February.
I thought I had put my badge in my fa er messenger bag but I had left it on the dining room table so I had to stand outside the door for 10 minutes till someone showed up to let me in.
@carl669 Just wait until you give juice pouches to kids and they discover they have a squirt gun through the straw (works with juice boxes too). In your car. In your living room with a rug… I hate hate hate those things because of that.
@Kidsandliz i actually never buy them just because of that. the only time i get them is if we’re going out for a picnic. luckily, the boy doesn’t really ask for them at home, so i never keep them around.
i bought these 2-step k-cups where you put a packet of some kind of milk powder in your cup and then brew your k-cup and it comes out as a cappuccino. the box is the same size as other boxes of k-cups, so i didn’t notice it’s only 6 instead of 12. i’m devastated.
i fell asleep reading on my phone last night. this morning the alarm went off at 0430 and i had to dig the phone out from behind the bed to put it on snooze.
@carl669 if you don’t see “Open With” when you right-click the txt file, hold Shift + Right-Click. Assuming “Open With” is there, click it and choose default program.
@medz yep. tried both those routes and no luck.
checked the registry to verify the program path was correct or if there was some rogue entry. even checked windows event logs to see if there was something wonky.
@carl669 You sure the file is actually a .txt and not something else?
Maybe try to have Notepad++ do it?
Run Notepad++ as an Administrator
Settings > Preferences
Click File Association
Click Notepad
Click .txt. then
Click the arrow to move txt to the right
Click Close
@medz it’s definitely a .txt. tried the above and no love.
oddly, if i right click on a txt file and go to properties, it lists Notepad++ in the ‘Opens with’ line. but if i double click to open… it uses fucking windows notepad.
I’m scared to activate my new (first) smartphone. I’m worried that I’m gonna screw it up. (It does look real nice all charged up and sitting in its box ready to go.)
@Barney take the leap! let your smartphone do all the thinking for you! be one of us!
@carl669 Nooo, I’m not ready to come over to the Dark Side. Hell, I still have all of my friends phone numbers memorized.
@Barney @carl669 You never call me anymore. Am I crossed off the list?
@speediedelivery You moved without telling me your new address… Turnabout is fair play.
@Barney you can do it!!
@Barney @speediedelivery list? what list? there’s a list? why wasn’t I notified? who keeps the list? is it source controlled?
@carl669 Perhaps you should check the Mehcronomicon. Either that or a Magic Eightball.
@tinamarie1974 I will soon(er or later).
@Barney @carl669 We have cookies on the dark side. Do you have a local outlet for your cell provider? Here you can walk in and they will do the setup for you even if you did not buy the phone from them.
I sent you the address. I am sure…is that a squirrel?
Fine. I will text you the new address so it will be on your fancy new phone. Wait a minute, I don’t have your soon to be number.
I am officially off the purple list. Now I can spill all the secrets.
I don’t wuv you anymore.
(I’m going with Project Fi, so I guess I will have to use my highly developed tech abilities to figure everything out.) I am so screwed.
Barney hates me. Am I still allowed to wear my purple stuff?
Activating isn’t that bad. Are you getting a new number or using a current one?
@speediedelivery I’ll be using my current landline number. It’s going to be so strange to no longer have a landline.
@Barney I didn’t miss mine. I kept it for a few years after getting a cellphone. I ended up listening to it ring thinking “I am not expecting any calls, if it is important, they will call my cell”.
Use a friend’s phone to do the activation. You call Fi and give the phone number and the numbers from the smartphone. It will light up and in a few minutes you will be on your way. Next have the friend call you so you can practice how to answer. It will worm its way into your life quick.
That’s what worries me. Really.
Thanks for your help. Really.
@Barney and don’t worry about the actual device setup, as with all computers you can always factory reset it and start over.
@thismyusername I can’t help but worry, it’s in my nature.
@Barney @speediedelivery or go into the store that has the service (and yes walmart will do this if you are using smarttalk, at least they did that for me for both my kid’s phone and mine, including the number transfer) and ask them to do the activation for you.
@Barney take the leap. Activate the phone!
@Barney @RiotDemon
/giphy You can do it!

@jst1ofknd -sigh-
Would that have made a difference if it was purple?
/image purple

@Barney @jst1ofknd Maybe needs one of these:

@jst1ofknd @medz You guys don’t have anything better to do on a Friday afternoon than to harass a poor, scared Barney?
@Barney @jst1ofknd No, seriously. If you’re accustomed to holding a landline to your ear for long periods of time, a handset like this is a lifesaver. It’s very difficult to prop a cellphone between your shoulder and ear, but I guess that is what speaker phone is for. The handset I have like this allows me to answer and end calls by pressing a button on the handset itself. That way, you won’t even have to touch that scary cellphone!
@medz Woot sold those a few years ago and I have one somewhere around here. Unfortunately, it’s not purple.
The cellphone is locked away in its box under my bed, so I’m safe, I think.
@Barney My smartphone insulted me for months before I realized I accidentally bought a smartass phone.
@Barney Smartphone is smarter than people
This is what worries me.
@Barney My wife’s phone is on ProjectFi, and I love it. The billing is so straightforward, the prices are very reasonable, and unlike most of the cell carriers, they don’t hate their customers and try to punish them.
I’ll be switching to Fi in a couple of months when the company pulls the plug on my current phone.
I couldn’t decide on which catshirt to wear this morning.
@narfcake don’t you just blindly grab a shirt to wear like the rest of us?
@carl669 Nope. Sometimes I’ll go an entire week wearing only one artist’s designs too.
@narfcake I’m nowhere near that organized, and I don’t have many cat shirts, but some folks accuse me of never wearing the same shirt twice. (I don’t have THAT many, do I?)
@blaineg I plead the fifth.
I don’t have a problem to complain about. Poor me!
/image waaaaah

@jst1ofknd If you want, you can have one of mine.
I wasted a $25 copay to find out I have nothing wrong in my blood work/xray.
@lichme liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich!
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl!
@lichme That is cheap.
Seems like all the alternatives are worse.
I ran out of bottled electrolyte water.
@heartny the horror!!
@carl669 Seriously. I may get dehydrated until I can restock.
@heartny Tragic. Can I have all your purples?
@heartny I always make sure I have at least 3 cases of brawndo on hand.
@Barney Sure, after you activate your new phone.
@heartny Lol, liar. You’d never give up any of your purples.
@carl669 Yeah, I use a lot of bondo on my cars, too.
@Barney I’ll take a chance that you’ll never activate your new phone
@heartny Meanie.
I need to get stuff organized for an appointment in the morning. I have to get up early and actually think tomorrow. Absolutely awful. #nightowl
@speediedelivery I feel your pain. I had to think for at least a solid 30 minutes today
Survived the day. It went better than expected in most ways. Tomorrow I have to get up early again but shouldn’t need to think. If people are smart they will avoid talking to me until at least midmorning.
Main problem today - I was waiting for a prescription at the pharmacy. I wanted to buy cold and frozen stuff from the grocery but it was too nice out to leave it in the car. I figured Murphy’s Law would apply if I planned on the pharmacy being ready when I was done with my other shopping. Instead I tried to play on my phone and got zero service on my phone.
I bought a scrumptious homemade Amish apple pie for $6. Had it on the counter behind brownies and other goodies. After a week finally got to the pie and it started to mold.
Only had one slice… sigh
@lilsrm123 mold = penicillin. therefore, the pie is the cure.
@carl669 @lilsrm123 but the cake is a lie. Stick to the pie.
@lilsrm123 I bought a bunch of pastries at the community college cooking school on Tuesday. Seriously great pastries for .75 each. I’m eating a slice of cherry pie that’s been in my fridge for almost a week, it’s fine. Cooked fruit = fridge.
@lilsrm123 @moondrake Or bake it again every day. It won’t get moldy.
I’m laying on the couch. The bed is in the other room. Sigh.
@mike808 might i suggest moving the bed and couch into the same room?
@carl669 - But that would mean getting up.
@aetris well… i’m not saying he has to move it.
@aetris @carl669 Fuck yeah! Grammy needs a workout and could use the cash. I’ll venmo her $5 for bingo money. Those noise-cancelling earbuds sure are handy. She can bitch all she wants and I won’t hear a thing.
The Toffe-Tastic gluten free cookies my daughter gave me today are a little dry.
@therealjrn dip in coffee or milk.
Bentley, Rolls, or Ferrari tomorrow?
@shahnm Kia. An old one. With a negative trade-in value.
@shahnm don’t forget about the Bugatti
@carl669 It’s in the shop again. Maybe I should switch to premium…?
@shahnm i swear if you’re using that cheap gas again, i’m going to have my butler come over and slap you.
@carl669 Oh yeah?? Well I’ll have my assistant tell my butler to have his assistant tell your butler’s assistant to tell your assistant to tell you to fuck off.
So there!
@shahnm you did not just go there. i’m going to have my assistant dog walker’s assistant sneak on your yacht and break your ice maker. hope you like ice trays bitch!
@carl669 It. Is. On.
Jeeves, come over here and read this and tell me if it is on.
Anyway the joke’s on you, you upper-middle-class bottom dweller. That’s my assistant’s receptionist’s yacht. And he doesn’t even like ice…
@narfcake @shahnm
My current car is like that minus the noise. I have zip ties holding the bumper and one headlight on. The other headlight is presumably screwed in.
@jst1ofknd @narfcake But @narfcake has some dude physically holding his car together. What does that gig pay, BTW?
@narfcake Doug Demuro is great. Did you see he actually bought a Ford GT?
@blaineg Yep, and quite justifiable versus other car vloggers purchases too.
I play Pokémon GO. I rode my bicycle for 20 minutes to catch a Pokémon the radar told me was there, and it disappeared 30 seconds before I arrived at its location. Blast!!
@PooltoyWolf is there a donut place nearby? that will make it all better.
@carl669 @PooltoyWolf 20 minute bike ride? You gotta figure he took a couple donuts with him.
@PooltoyWolf Who was it?
@sammydog01 The last Dratini I needed to evolve mine. But I have a Dragonair now so I’m happy (also evolved an Arcanine last night!)
@carl669 We got a Taco Bell, Waffle House, Denny’s, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wawa, Wendy’s, and Popeye’s within biking distance. Of those, the Waffle House, Denny’s, and McDonald’s are open 24 hours. But alas, no donuts…unless you count the Wawa, which I guess counts!
My internet signal is weak enough (infrastructure issue) that it cuts in and out all the time and my laptop screen has many white lines that flicker as it is slowly breaking.
@Kidsandliz Depending on model, that could be a cheap and easy to replace flex (ribbon) cable that connects the LCD screen to the mainboard, inside the screen hinge.
@PooltoyWolf mid 2013 mac air 13", not retina screen. Apple insists they need to replace the entire top even though I argued a loose cord shouldn’t need to replace everything. Sigh.
@Kidsandliz Oh dear, I hadn’t considered Apple machines. Unfortunately most of their later stuff is explicitly designed to deter service, though you may be able to find someone local that could help you!
@PooltoyWolf Yeah it is seriously irritating that they design these things to swap out expensive big units rather than design them to just replace the part that needs it, or in this case likely just needs plugged in securely.
@Kidsandliz Lack of serviceability in general is very frustrating. I can’t even replace the battery in my phone anymore :U
I slept too much. Now I’m tired from sleeping too much.
@RiotDemon A nap should fix that.
“El Rey Network is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”
I’m missing my daily Stargate Atlantis fix
Guess I have to actually do something now. Cleaning or something. Crap.
@llangley good use of “fuck”. one star awarded.
@llangley are you like rewatching a few episodes a day on demand? Or? It’s not like it’s on weekly before they killed it.
FUCK for killing SG1
FUCK for killing Atlantis
FUCK for killing Universe
Am I fucking right?
@unksol El Rey Network shows them Mon-Fri on Spectrum cable. For some reason they flipped them, but back-to-back Atlantis then back-to-back SG-1. I’ve watched all of Atlantis, up to the final season 10 on SG-1. Until That day. I’ll find them online somewhere
@llangley I heard that in his voice.
@blaineg “As did I”!!
Lost power last night, so no wifi and I was only getting whatever that H+ speed is instead of the LTE/4G speed for some reason.
Gluten free means no calories, right?
@therealjrn yes.
@carl669 @therealjrn especially if it is chocolate or ice cream.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn pork rinds and bacon are also gluten free
i opened the window to get a breeze and the wind blew a cobweb into my face.
@carl669 That’s not just first-world. That would suck in any world.
@carl669 do you still imagine the spiders crawling all over you? Web is fine but what comes with it…
I put soy in my oatmeal instead of water, I was on autopilot for a different breakfast.
@riskybryzness Milk or sauce?
@pitamuffin Milk, thank god
@pitamuffin @riskybryzness I think you mean “juice”. Soy juice <>milk
Didn’t have time to make coffee this morning. Usually put 8 cups in the thermos. The 20oz, “large” coffee I bought is already gone.
Since I no longer get in shape with what I do for a living I have to exercise!! And it is too HOT outside to comfortably walk!!
I had to claw my way thru massive construction today twice, picking up my new once a month maid and driving her home.
@moondrake She doesn’t ride the bus with the rest of the help?
@therealjrn First time she’s been here, didn’t know what bus to take. Anyway, aside from the construction I didn’t mind at all.
I’m gonna screw this up by posting, but I’m guessing of all these problems, a bitch ain’t one?

This girl addressed her college paper incorrectly.

Being of the first world, she has to tweet about it–I don’t blame her–it is kinda funny.
I forgot to fill up my cold brew coffee pot yesterday and the valve in the Myjo I bought as a backup is messed up. So I finally got coffee made but it was a pain. And I had to order valves from Presto which will probably take a month to arrive.
At least I can drink my coffee now.
The windshield repair guy didn’t show up to fix my windshield, but that’s not my first-world problem. To prepare, I had removed my tolltag from the windshield, then I forgot and took the toll road. Now I’ll have to pay the full toll price.
They are also doing used to read your plate and check the plate # against your account.
There are also Supposed To …
Sigh. Autocorrect.
@f00l Don’t you mean “Autocorrupt”?
Makes me look “autostupid”.
But perhaps that’s a good thing. Less explaining later. Fewer funny looks if things are clear up front.
@f00l @parodymandotcom But then you won’t give the grammar nazi’s something to do. They will be bored.
@f00l @Kidsandliz
@Kidsandliz @parodymandotcom
The grammar Nazis don’t know logic, math (yeah it’s relevant), linguistics, philology, histories of spoken and written languages, or grammar itself (historically speaking). If they did, they’d be more tolerant.
They only know current written formal language rulebooks like the APA guidelines (and everyone ought to know that even those rules are always a bit in flux, including in the short-term.)
I sincerely hope that these wonderfully-irrelevant-yet-annoying type people are rewarded by constant in-ear loud farting noises.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @parodymandotcom “nazi’s” – that’s not possessive. What are you doing!? I … hang on, let me get my spinny light here, I can strap it to my head…
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @parodymandotcom
/image Snoopy bleah

@InnocuousFarmer Done on purpose to see who is a grammar nazi on here. You win. (smirk;
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz
Stop making fun of my blind grandmother.
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @mike808 Did that just jump out at you or did you spend time thinking about it? lol
@Kidsandliz @lseeber @mike808 It jumped out at me. It’s not as bad as using “you’re” instead of “your”, or something, which breaks sentences until I think about it consciously; but it was really obvious. I read a lot as a kid(?)
@InnocuousFarmer @lseeber @mike808 I grew up the granddaughter of an English teacher on one side of the family and the daughter of an English major on the other side. It was easy to distract my parents from lecturing us about something by baiting them purposely using bad grammar, misusing a word… My sister so misused lay and lie (my mother’s pet peeve - so very effective as a distractor) that I now have to stop and think carefully when using those in some contexts. On the other hand using clauses within clauses is my “favorite” grammar crime.
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @mike808 lol… sorry, should have clarified… that was to @mike808 about his blind gram. But I do understand the rest. I was a big reader and my husband was a writer and I helped him with editing and a lot of the errors jump out at me. Even mine! lol
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @lseeber
I am edumacated as well.
I look at it this way:
If a writer can’t be bothered to write correctly, then I can’t be bothered to read their gibbering nonsense.
The burden of communicating is on the writer/speaker, not the reader/listener.
And in a one-way one-to-many broadcast medium, the reader/listener owes the writer/speaker no respect or additional effort to comprehend or process their drivel.
Example: Countless tweets from the serial pussy-grabber money-laundering Liar in Chief at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
@Kidsandliz @lseeber @mike808 I still can’t find it. Is a “marnazi” or maybe “rnazi” a blind person? This is like Where’s Waldo, all over again.
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @mike808 lol… grammar nazi = grandma not see
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @mike808 Wow. I don’t know what the hell your problem is but I was simply commenting on your blind grandma joke. I thought it was clever. However, Now I find you not so.
@lseeber I was commenting on @Kidsandliz post about the relevance of “gammar nazis” (and blind gandmothers) in today’s “CopyPasta with a side of word salad” tweet/blog/instagram online “journalism” world.
And “blind grandmother” ==> “gram-ma not see”.
The Meh community is renowned for atrociously bad puns. Home-groan if you will.
@lseeber @mike808 of course my only offense was the purposeful apostrophe, not a spelling error
. I am not sure how that evolved to gramma and gammar. I missed whatever the joke was supposed to be.
@Kidsandliz @lseeber @mike808 The sudden presidential intrusion did seem kind of strange to me, too. I would assume he materialized from one of what are certaintly more invisible ninja puns lurking about, probably.
Don’t forget: the puns see you before you see them.
resuming staring off into space, repeating “grammar nazi, grammer natzee, gramma not see, grammar nahscee…”
@Kidsandliz @mike808 Oh, Okay… I thought you were taking a shot at me for some reason and couldn’t understand why politics had to be injected.
@lseeber He did the same thing over in my AMZN split payments thread. I’m not really sure what his goal is, as he was wrong on some pretty basic facts…meh threads aren’t the place for political debate, right? Unless it’s some sort of reverse “Alex Jones” posting and it is supposed to be funny.
@lseeber @therealjrn That’s what shirt.woot is for, right?

@therealjrn Yeah… I see that now.
@narfcake @therealjrn I hope not. If so, I’m leaving. It’s one of the reasons I come here. I get inundated with it elsewhere.
Market segmentation!
The iPhone XR does not have 3D Touch, making it unsuitable for text entry. (See the “cursor control” subheading near the bottom. That’s the critical feature that, somehow, nobody uses.)
That’s an asshole move from Apple. Wow.
Yet another reason not to get anything newer than a 6s.
@f00l I think they should have marketed it slightly harder. Even the Apple journalist type nerds didn’t mention that feature, in their text mentioning 3D touch disappearing from the “cheap at only $900” phone.
Seems weird to just give up and use it as a cost cutting measure.
I guess the stock market has Apple against a wall. This relentless march upmarket, toward no servicability, no upgrades, “luxury” features that are frequently net negatives, extortion-like cloud features and expensive insurance, and limp justifications for higher prices… blech.
I feel stupid and irresponsible buying anything from them now, even though I can afford it. For lack of an alternative…
First world
Heh heh.
I just keep using my 6s. I do love that one.
I’ll “upgrade” at under $300 to something I purchase on swappa. Someday far in the future.
Fuck them.
@f00l That’s a good strategy. I’d say either the 6s or SE were the last unequivocably “best” iPhones, before everything got to be about uncomfortable tradeoffs.
Does the SE have 3D touch?
@f00l It does not. Maybe the 5s should be where I draw the line, since the 6s came out before the SE.
I liked my 5s.
I liked my 3 and my crappy 5c.
@f00l @InnocuousFarmer I’m still using a 5s. Don’t have any need to upgrade yet.
Every time I see this thread I get Weird Al’s First World Problem song stuck in my head.
I would post a link, but @shahnm already has. Maybe it’s @shahnm’s fault.
It’s still stuck in my head.
This morning running is a bit slack.
I have not yet thought “FUCK YOU” or “FUCK THAT”, directed at anyone or anything!
Not even Walmart!!!
What’s wrong with me?
@f00l FTFY: WTF is wrong with you?
Thx man.
Feel better now.
Needed that.
@f00l You don’t have Irritable Owl Syndrome, do you?
A U T O C O R R E C T ! ! !
Fuckity Fuck!
I feel better now
@f00l heheheh. I turned mine off. Tough call whether my text entry has improved or gotten worse. At least I never do that thing where I correct the autocorrection three times in a row, now.

/giphy odd toe co wreck
fucking camel tried to eat the boy’s jacket. had to coerce the thing to let it go without ripping it. mucho camel slobber all over it.
@carl669 Where were you that involved a camel?
@carl669 @Kidsandliz Correction. Two camels. One was fucking the other.
Unless the story gets far more interesting from there, which definitely deserves elaboration.
@carl669 @Kidsandliz @mike808
In that case, educational pix?
@carl669 We have a drive through safari park here- you can buy buckets of food to feed the critters through your car window. I had many tug of wars with the camels, and the ground was always littered with empty buckets at their feet. You did good to get that jacket back.
@Kidsandliz there’s a kid’s amusement park north of me that also has animals. figured it’d be a good way to entertain the boy. camel incident aside, rest of the day went smoothly.
@carl669 @Kidsandliz
There’s Arbuckle Wilderness not too terribly far away. Last time we went (first time with the kids) it was disappointing. We probably won’t be going back.
“The animals are waiting for you”
/image Arbuckle Wilderness

@carl669 I rode a camel at the county fair once. I was surprised at how soft it was. Like a rabbit. I was expecting it to feel more like a sheep. Awkward for two of us to ride it though (it was a one hump camel). And they seemed to supervise it really closely which made me wonder if the thing was a bit temperamental at times. It was doing some spitting, like lamas do, and its spit sure stunk.
Santa’s Village? Or maybe Sheik’s Village?
@compunaut Santa’s
@carl669 Cool! That place has been around forever (or at least since I was a kid in the late 60s).
@compunaut yep. i remember going there as a kid back in the 80s. really fun place for little kids. there were only 2 rides my son couldn’t go on because he wasn’t tall enough. he loved riding the rest of the “big kid” rides with me!
@jst1ofknd “The animals are waiting for you”
And they’re hungry.
Yes they are and you might be on the mehnu.
That made the place sound exciting. It isn’t…
@blaineg @jst1ofknd
Is a mehnu anything like a mehgnu?
@blaineg @TheFLP
Umm… Maybe? Mehnu = menu…
@blaineg @jst1ofknd How disappointing.
My Pokémon storage box in Pokémon Go is full and they won’t let me upgrade it. So I have to feed some of my little friends to that scary professor. Motherfucker.
@sammydog01 you have to learn to let go, and keep telling yourself “it’s just a game”
First world problem: my legs hurt from walking at the fair yesterday.
Non first world problem… Back in AFIB…
/define Atrial fibrillation
@jst1ofknd Stop that!
By now it’s kinda old hat by now. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be fine in the morning.
Bright side is I’m watching it. This is the first time I’ll have evidence to show my cardiologist (besides when I went to the hospital).
I bought one of these:
And I’m out. Back in normal rhythm.
@jst1ofknd @OldCatLady
I’ll see your Afib and raise with MVP.
MVP? What’s that?
/define MVP
/google MVP
MVP Health Care: Health Insurance, Dental Insurance & Medicare
@mike808 MVP
@jst1ofknd MVP = Mitral Valve Prolapse
@OldCatLady has the link but didnt tag you. Starred for effort.
@jst1ofknd @mike808 I was asking but forgot the ? Thanks for verifying. I didn’t choose to enter this race, but my horse is GDU, gastroduodenal ulcers.
@jst1ofknd @mike808 @OldCatLady Oh shit, I have an entry too! How about CHF + COPD?
@mike808 @OldCatLady @therealjrn
I feel we need a new topic created for health problems…
My biggest problem now is that I went back to this thread and now have that Weird Al song in my head again!
(Don’t know what I’m talking about, see above)
Far above. Or here.
My favorite retail website forum took away pagination.
Five hundred channels, nothing interesting to watch.
I dropped cable, switched to Netflix and Amazon Prime. I don’t have that problem anymore. There’s plenty of Star Trek shows to keep me busy.
@jst1ofknd @tngrannyd
I’ve never had cable, but I will go back to Sling at the end of October. They have ESPN and I want to watch college basketball. When BB is over, I’ll cancel until it starts up again.
Edit: I do have Prime, but they’ve ticked me off with their price increase, so I’ll be canceling when it expires in February.
@tngrannyd Watch the news. It’s a very lively day, and this afternoon may be a good time to curl up with popcorn and MSNBC or CNN.
or FOX

@tngrannyd Watch old stuff.
@tngrannyd “That’s right. When I was your age, television was called books”
@jst1ofknd @tngrannyd And all the Twilight Zone shows are on Netflix.
@daveinwarsh @tngrannyd
I watch those too.
@tngrannyd Done binge-watching a series and need to figure out the next thing to watch.
Irk is no help, Have Gun Will Travel is not on any of my streaming services.
(Not sure if it is binge-watching as I only watch a few episodes a day).
@caffeine_dude @tngrannyd Now I have the HGWT theme playing in my head. Well, it’s better than other recent earworms.
@caffeine_dude @OldCatLady @tngrannyd
fuck you all. now it’s in my head as well. but, it’s the version they sang in Stand By Me, and i love that movie.
@caffeine_dude @carl669 @OldCatLady @tngrannyd
I’m happy I’m not familiar with that song. I would say more but I have to leave quickly so that I don’t get that Weird Al song stuck in my head again.
@therealjrn @tngrannyd as you wish
I thought I had put my badge in my fa er messenger bag but I had left it on the dining room table so I had to stand outside the door for 10 minutes till someone showed up to let me in.
i can’t figure out juice pouches.
@carl669 Just wait until you give juice pouches to kids and they discover they have a squirt gun through the straw (works with juice boxes too). In your car. In your living room with a rug… I hate hate hate those things because of that.
@Kidsandliz i actually never buy them just because of that. the only time i get them is if we’re going out for a picnic. luckily, the boy doesn’t really ask for them at home, so i never keep them around.
i bought these 2-step k-cups where you put a packet of some kind of milk powder in your cup and then brew your k-cup and it comes out as a cappuccino. the box is the same size as other boxes of k-cups, so i didn’t notice it’s only 6 instead of 12. i’m devastated.
@katylava Ummm… sounds like a problem for the goat
i broke one of my three phone holders off of my bike handlebars, fuck…
@Yoda_Daenerys might want to go to the goat thread and put some blame there too.
i fell asleep reading on my phone last night. this morning the alarm went off at 0430 and i had to dig the phone out from behind the bed to put it on snooze.
.txt files keep opening in notepad instead of notepad++.
was working fine before, but now windows absolutely refuses to let me reassociate the file extension.
@carl669 if you don’t see “Open With” when you right-click the txt file, hold Shift + Right-Click. Assuming “Open With” is there, click it and choose default program.
@carl669 or
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Set Associations
@medz yep. tried both those routes and no luck.
checked the registry to verify the program path was correct or if there was some rogue entry. even checked windows event logs to see if there was something wonky.
@carl669 You sure the file is actually a .txt and not something else?
Maybe try to have Notepad++ do it?
Run Notepad++ as an Administrator
Settings > Preferences
Click File Association
Click Notepad
Click .txt. then
Click the arrow to move txt to the right
Click Close
@medz it’s definitely a .txt. tried the above and no love.
oddly, if i right click on a txt file and go to properties, it lists Notepad++ in the ‘Opens with’ line. but if i double click to open… it uses fucking windows notepad.
@medz ugh… so i decided to just hit ‘Change’ in the file properties and it magically reassociated to notepad++.
so, yay for using the right program! and boo for making me jump through a million hoops to do it!
my Costco no longer has the onion dispensers for my hot dog.
@carl669 That’s a crying shame.
@Barney technically, it’s just a shame. no onions, no crying.
@carl669 this picture confuses me. Why is the handle crank on the right when it says “turn it here” on the left?
@RiotDemon this way, only the clever people can get the onions. more for me!
@carl669 WHAT?!
@carl669 but, none for you since they removed the machine.
@mossygreen I know! what’s the point of even going to Costco now?!
@RiotDemon oh sure, rub it in why don’t you.
Today when I opened M&M’s the packaging broke and the candys fell to the floor