Fiction Books Cause Mental Illness?!?


Apparently a school principal wrote a blog post criticizing books like LotR, Harry Potter, Terry Pratchett's books, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, and more.

I didn't read the referenced article, but just reading this piece about it has made me start hitting my head against the wall.

While I have not read The Hunger Games, or books by Terry Pratchett, and I only read part of GoT (before it got massively spoiled for me), I have read LotR, and Harry Potter numerous times.

OK, when it comes to Harry Potter, at least people have a reason why they won't let the books in the house. Do I agree with those reasons? Not at all.

However, compared to Harry Potter, LotR is "clean", and by that I mean that it's not like there is really any romance or direct applications of death (if one could object to a kid reading stuff like that).

To claim that the books "can damage the sensitive subconscious brains of young children, many of whom may be added to the current statistics of mentally ill young children" is utterly ridiculous.

If you want to read the original blog post, it's over here.