I’m just prepping for Tuesday, when I will watch one of the best Psych episodes with my family. It’s not much of a tradition, but we never fail to keep it.
None of them. Friday starts the weekend, it’s always a good day. As a franchise name it’s as scary as “Halloween Candy”, beware of murderous Colonel Kernel.
@blaineg I worked at a veterinarian for a half of a dozen years. Me and cats don’t get along. I carry a grudge. So, yes cats are not nice to strangers, in a doctors office, being poked prodded and made to do things they don’t want to.
The original.
Freaky Friday is vastly underrepresented in most Friday the 13th film series polls.

I’m just prepping for Tuesday, when I will watch one of the best Psych episodes with my family. It’s not much of a tradition, but we never fail to keep it.
Not much of a thing
But you always do the thing
Sounds like tradition
My daughter is in a Friday the 13th fan film called Jason Rising premiering tomorrow.
None of them. Friday starts the weekend, it’s always a good day. As a franchise name it’s as scary as “Halloween Candy”, beware of murderous Colonel Kernel.
@Evansdoor What about the terrifying melted lump of candy corn?
Jason in Space!!! Of course.
/giphy Jason in Space

Anyone remember Saturday the 14th?
@yakkoTDI @ZeroCharisma
No. And I shall keep it that way.
Saturday the 14th!
Part VI Jason Lives
What about Thursday the 12th
None. I am not a fan.

/giphy scared cat
@jimmyd103 The true form of cats?
@blaineg I worked at a veterinarian for a half of a dozen years. Me and cats don’t get along. I carry a grudge. So, yes cats are not nice to strangers, in a doctors office, being poked prodded and made to do things they don’t want to.
The one with Ice Cube and Chris Tucker
One of my all time favorite movie reviews:
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter - “Oh, I hope so!”
@blaineg Only exceeded by:
Highlander II: The Quickening - “There should have been only one!”