@Helot “Brain the size of a planet and they ask me to open doors.” (I’m probably not rememberating that correctly.)
In one of the books (been years since I read them), it is clear that Marvin actually knows the question that The Earth was designed and built to determine. But no one has bothered to ask him…
@hchavers@ircon96 Alan Tudyk (K-2SO) told Anthony Daniels (C-3P0) he was playing a droid, but with CGI, not a costume. Daniel’s reply wasn’t fit for a family forum.
@sicc574 I was about to/wanting to say that if no one did but there’s yours at the end. The caveat being… “Although I don’t feel right calling Data a robot” Him being a sentient machine and all
Any Mehtizen trying to pound out a CAPTCHA on IRK day…
Johnny 5.
@kjady He has my vote for Funniest Robot.
@kjady no disassemble Stephanie!
Robby the Robot
@heartny Forbidden Planet is such a great movie and that deaf guy played his part very well.
@heartny Robby is #2 on my list, second only to the mighty Gort!
Ash, from the movie “Alien”
Hector from “Saturn 3”
R2-D2 and/or BB8
Does the Terminator count as a robot?
@jnicholson0619 No. He is a hyperalloy combat chassis.
Not technically a robot, I guess, but Murderbot regardless
Marvin the paranoid android, of course. Which he’d be happy to tell you.
@Helot What I came into the comments to post. Really surprised it isn’t a choice on the poll.
@Helot All the other people posting were programmed to have a cheery disposition - Dreadful, isn’t it?
@Helot yessss!! Thought of Marvin immediately.
@Helot Yes, but the Marvin from the BBC series over the movie version:

@Helot @macromeh Yes, the one true Marvin!
@Helot “Brain the size of a planet and they ask me to open doors.” (I’m probably not rememberating that correctly.)
In one of the books (been years since I read them), it is clear that Marvin actually knows the question that The Earth was designed and built to determine. But no one has bothered to ask him…
How did C3P0 get on the list but R2D2 did not? R2D2 is the real star in Star Wars, and he will tell you so.
fuckin’ right
@hchavers Must be the British accent &/or the gold plating. People can be so shallow.
@hchavers @ircon96 Alan Tudyk (K-2SO) told Anthony Daniels (C-3P0) he was playing a droid, but with CGI, not a costume. Daniel’s reply wasn’t fit for a family forum.
I was about to suggest HAL, but then read the question again, and saw “fictional”…
The Iron Giant.
Wholly hell. What is wrong with you all. I’m approximately the 15th poster on this topic and not one person has mentioned Lieutenant Commander Data???
@sicc574 I was about to/wanting to say that if no one did but there’s yours at the end. The caveat being… “Although I don’t feel right calling Data a robot” Him being a sentient machine and all
R. Daneel Olivaw
I came here to say 2XL but realized he wasn’t fictional.
@mattj Yeah. Same thing with Mike Pence.
@mattj @rockblossom Zuckerborg?
What about “Dot Matrix”? In Spaceballs, the movie!
/giphy Bender

@Fuzzalini Hey Baby, wanna kill all humans?
HK-47, although that nurse/assassin in Mando was pretty good too.
/giphy baymax

Johnny 5!!!
B-9, aka “Robot”, Lost in Space.
Though that’s the Golden Boy from one episode.
Do androids count?

Then, the Major.
If not, then Bender of course.
At the bottom of my list:
A new one, Lola.
Used a programmer with a control pad to upgrade her own programming, which is one badass robot:

My sexy robot oc ;3
The demon with the glass hand.

(Harlan Ellison/original Outer Limits series)
Huey, Louie, & Dewey from “Silent Running”
Tobor the OG video robot.