@MrMikenIkes exactly what came to my mind also - everyone rolling their eyes outwardly but filled with jealousy inwardly as i unfold my special camping chair
hm, that sounds kind of nice. my back’s been hurting a lot lattely. could save a lot of money on massages for when this happens. I don’t like the look of those arms, though. chair looks kind of narrow.
29 inches wide
whomst the fuck, who would consider buying this chair, could fit into that? not a dollhouse chair my juicy dumper.
wait, it folds as well. probably has a low weight limit. better check to see what it is if I’m going to essentially be sitting on a plastic hinge
too small. guys, the kinds of people who would want an in-home massage chair because they suffer from lower back pain are likely to be bigger than that.
@boygenius1991 I had to get up and measure my chair after reading this, and it’s 18 inches wide. How the hell is 29 inches not enough? I could fit like, 4.1 of my asses into there, at least, and I’m a boy who doesn’t shy away from the glute curls.
Wait a second, are you one of those people who {also have a right to exist in society without my judgment}?
@boygenius1991 Did you watch the video that Meh included in the Specs info? There’s a Big Guy using the chair, and the chair seems to handle it well. I usually hate product videos, but this one I found useful.
@ShotgunX I mean, I’d be able to fit in the chair, it just wouldn’t be very comfortable, kind of defeating the purpose of a massage chair. When standing, I’m certainly not 29" wide, but when I sit, my thigh flesh is forced out to the sides, where it would jam into those metal bars. When I go to restaurants, I ask for chairs with no arms. I don’t get stuck like cartoon characters, it just isn’t very comfortable.
No, I walk normally under my own power. I go up stairs and walk in the park and do the same things you do. I just need to check the weight limit on anything I intend to sit on first. That’s an unkind thing to say, and I feel sad.
@gertiestn He does certainly look comfortable. I’m a big bigger than this fellow, and I carry most of my weight below my belt line, around my thighs. In any event, I’m over the weight limit by a fair amount, so I wouldn’t be able to relax in it. I’d worry about it collapsing and getting hurt. That would make me sad. So I’m not going to buy this.
@boygenius1991 I may be somewhat of an asshole, but people have told me I’m a relatively well-intentioned one. I don’t know how your life is like, but do know that it’s important to make a distinction between merely being inadequate somehow (which applies to everyone in one form or another), and having an actual health issue.
Being barely able to fit into a 29-inch chair with a weight limit of 300 pounds most likely falls in the realm of the latter, unless you’re very tall as well. When I come home tonight, I will type up a more proper response on my keyboard. No, it won’t be full of advice about how to live your life; just some personal observations and insights I’ve acquired through dealing with my own issues. That is, if you want to hear it. I won’t force that sort of thing on anyone.
@Kidsandliz lol, that virtue signaling. Did your one good deed for the day?
You are not this person’s friend. Friends don’t enable issues, or traits/behaviors that could lead to issues, to try to score some feel-good political correctness karma points.
I’ll tell you the same thing I tell others when I spot this crappy, misery-reinforcing behavior: go out and bang an obese person, instead of performing the usual saying “aw, you poor thing!” before going home and thanking god that you aren’t them routine. Or maybe you are them, which is even worse, because you’re holding someone back instead of merely ignoring them.
@ShotgunX Being mean and nasty to people is not, in my opinion, acceptable behavior for civilized human beings to engage in. There are ways to help people without putting them down/trashing them. Generally works better that way too. Your responses say more about you and your problems/issues than it does about the people you are disparaging.
@therealjrn I think that was a typo, meant to say 2.1. I was probably thinking in halves and fucked up.
Anyway, we have some really obese people at work, and our chairs are 20 inches at the widest part, and no one has ever complained. So when someone says 29 inches is too small, I take it with a grain of skepticism.
@Kidsandliz You’re only a true asshole if you make fun of traits that people can’t control, such as height, skin color, genetic conditions, et cetera. The grand majority of obesity is not caused by underlying medical conditions, however, but by overeating and terrible diets.
I know this partially by effect of having to deal with this myself. I am not a pretty CK underwear model. But I acknowledge that this is predominantly by effect of my own choices, with a very minor, if any, genetic component. Spending most of my free time working out, and watching what I consume, is also a consequence of choice, and not some kind of autonomous function of my body.
People around me have told me I look like shit, and continue to do so, and I used it as motivation to improve myself. I’d hate to think that if I ever willingly stopped, and got to the point where I couldn’t fit into a chair, that someone else would be advocating for my rights to exist that way on my own volition.
@Kidsandliz I see. Your definition of “cruel” is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, regardless of whether or not it’s rooted in malicious intent.
@ShotgunX being cruel is making fun of someone regardless of the reason. In this case you came out of the blue and did that to a stranger, or at least I presume a stranger.
@Kidsandliz If you define making fun of someone (which I haven’t really done by the way, you’re simply framing it that way subconsciously) as cruel, then you’ve got your own set of issues you need to deal with. In the end, though, all you end up doing is hurting the people you’re trying to help by training them to feel like victims at the most trivial things possible.
We should always avoid doing or saying anything that’s even remotely disagreeable with someone else, right? Reminds me of the people who angrily storm out of stand-up comedy shows. Ironic, seeing as you’re a willing customer on one of the most irreverent places to shop online.
@ShotgunX, I think the ultimate upshot here is that YOU have NO RIGHT to judge or critique someone you don’t know.
You had an incredibly, incredibly limited amount of info about that person, yet you felt (and still feel) eminently qualified to say what is wrong with them, and what they need to with their life.
Honestly dude, you’re being incredibly sanctimonious here. And if you think people need to open to the “critique” you give, then you’d better do the same when someone like me gives one to you.
@haydesigner And I am quite open to it, actually. I am also able to disagree without feeling offended by your own disagreement.
Here’s the thing, though: we do have the right to judge and critique people we don’t know (even though, once again, I haven’t really done that). What we don’t have the right to do is act on those judgements and critiques. Criticism might be insensitive, but it’s not threatening, nor is it hate speech.
Hey, you guys want to play this game? I can do the exact same thing you’re doing, watch: the person I initially responded to claimed that the people who would want a massage chair like this are more than 29 inches wide and weigh over 300 pounds. I find this to be highly insensitive. Why can’t a person of average proportions want a massage chair at home? Should only big and tall people be given the benefit of in-home massage comfort? That’s exclusionary and offensive.
Per the reviews on the Home Depot site, it’s occasionally offered there for $200 or less. Amazon’s model is rated at a 400# capacity, so presumably a bit beefier construction.
Was tempted, but feel safe “sleeping on it” and researching other options before pulling the trigger here or elsewhere. Meanwhile, I have the $40 massage pillow which has been offered a few times already, and which may still be available at Morningsave to soothe achy spots.
@ciabelle I came close to falling asleep when it was still on, so I could see a little nap in order for sure after the timer kicks off. Just wouldn’t want to spend the night in a chair on my back!
Death by Lethal Erection
Idaho, Idaho - Man 38, sentenced to the electric chair when it folded flat and, guys I’m quoting a first responder here, “split his cabasa clean down to the amoral heartery”. Coroner confirmed cause of death as elections (plural) while the artery reached out across several cut wires. Kinda puts the Gee! In GFCI. More to come.
@Jimbo54 Different types of pain have different types of causes and treatments. Is it the kind of pain you get from soreness and/or strain? If so, these things can help. If it’s due to injury of some sort, they might not, and may in fact make things worse.
@Jimbo54 As long as the massager doesn’t hit you directly on your injury it should do you a lot of good. Your body’s reaction to pain is to have your muscles start knotting up. Soon the knots starts pulling on things and the secondary pain from the muscles end up being worse than the primary injury. So, having had this happen to me more than once, I found these massage things wonderful. I just shimmy down until the ball massages the knotted muscle. It is the best thing ever when I am all knotted up!
I’m happy with this chair. Although the folding chair kinda made me cautious, I thought why not? It is a strong massage chair and I love the heating aspect. Nice for the price.
Everybody who’s tried my chair wants one.
However, the seat vibrator was making a loud screeching noise. I opened up the seat cover and wiggled it around. Now it only happens at the start.
Instruction Manual
What’s in the Box?
Different name, same thing on QVC:
Price Comparison
$249.99 (for similar) at Amazon
$399.99 at Home Depot
1 Year Manufacturer
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Jan 30 - Monday, Feb 3
Double baby arms!
Is this the first animated photo? It makes me feel a little jittery. Shaky. Vacillating. Quivery. Unsteady. Tremulous. . .
What… No Bluetooth or speakers?
W-T-F is this???
If this thing ran on batteries I’d take it camping every weekend
@MrMikenIkes ditto!
@MrMikenIkes that’s what she said
@MrMikenIkes that’s what voltage inverters are for, silly. A big one, admittedly- but still.
@MrMikenIkes exactly what came to my mind also - everyone rolling their eyes outwardly but filled with jealousy inwardly as i unfold my special camping chair
Both today and yesterday you’ve sold shit that’s obscenely expensive for what it is.
@Dizavid No, they’ve sold shit that’s obscenely expensive for what you are but is appropriately priced for what they are.
What an incredibly portable piece of trash
I have a feeling that there’s going to be no happy ending to this purchase.
@ShotgunX kinda depends on how you plug it in.
@alacrity @ShotgunX or how you choose to sit on it
@nolrak @ShotgunX it could seat 4.
Well it can’t hold my fat posterior so I’m out.
perfect for the holidays and that special person who ends up at the kids table.
Vibrating seat, huh?
So it’s a fancy automatic massage chair, but without any of the fancy and with all of the folding lawn chair
hm, that sounds kind of nice. my back’s been hurting a lot lattely. could save a lot of money on massages for when this happens. I don’t like the look of those arms, though. chair looks kind of narrow.
whomst the fuck, who would consider buying this chair, could fit into that? not a dollhouse chair my juicy dumper.
wait, it folds as well. probably has a low weight limit. better check to see what it is if I’m going to essentially be sitting on a plastic hinge
too small. guys, the kinds of people who would want an in-home massage chair because they suffer from lower back pain are likely to be bigger than that.
clicked meh, albeit reluctantly. disappointing.
@boygenius1991 I had to get up and measure my chair after reading this, and it’s 18 inches wide. How the hell is 29 inches not enough? I could fit like, 4.1 of my asses into there, at least, and I’m a boy who doesn’t shy away from the glute curls.
Wait a second, are you one of those people who {also have a right to exist in society without my judgment}?
@boygenius1991 Did you watch the video that Meh included in the Specs info? There’s a Big Guy using the chair, and the chair seems to handle it well. I usually hate product videos, but this one I found useful.
@ShotgunX I mean, I’d be able to fit in the chair, it just wouldn’t be very comfortable, kind of defeating the purpose of a massage chair. When standing, I’m certainly not 29" wide, but when I sit, my thigh flesh is forced out to the sides, where it would jam into those metal bars. When I go to restaurants, I ask for chairs with no arms. I don’t get stuck like cartoon characters, it just isn’t very comfortable.
No, I walk normally under my own power. I go up stairs and walk in the park and do the same things you do. I just need to check the weight limit on anything I intend to sit on first. That’s an unkind thing to say, and I feel sad.
@gertiestn He does certainly look comfortable. I’m a big bigger than this fellow, and I carry most of my weight below my belt line, around my thighs. In any event, I’m over the weight limit by a fair amount, so I wouldn’t be able to relax in it. I’d worry about it collapsing and getting hurt. That would make me sad. So I’m not going to buy this.
@ShotgunX There is no need be mean and put down @boygenius1991 while boasting how muscular you are. That kind of behavior is not attractive.
@boygenius1991 I may be somewhat of an asshole, but people have told me I’m a relatively well-intentioned one. I don’t know how your life is like, but do know that it’s important to make a distinction between merely being inadequate somehow (which applies to everyone in one form or another), and having an actual health issue.
Being barely able to fit into a 29-inch chair with a weight limit of 300 pounds most likely falls in the realm of the latter, unless you’re very tall as well. When I come home tonight, I will type up a more proper response on my keyboard. No, it won’t be full of advice about how to live your life; just some personal observations and insights I’ve acquired through dealing with my own issues. That is, if you want to hear it. I won’t force that sort of thing on anyone.
@Kidsandliz lol, that virtue signaling. Did your one good deed for the day?
You are not this person’s friend. Friends don’t enable issues, or traits/behaviors that could lead to issues, to try to score some feel-good political correctness karma points.
I’ll tell you the same thing I tell others when I spot this crappy, misery-reinforcing behavior: go out and bang an obese person, instead of performing the usual saying “aw, you poor thing!” before going home and thanking god that you aren’t them routine. Or maybe you are them, which is even worse, because you’re holding someone back instead of merely ignoring them.
@ShotgunX 29" divided by 4.1 = 7.07 … Damn son. Your ass is 7.07 inches wide? Maybe have a biscuit now and then, huh?
@ShotgunX Being mean and nasty to people is not, in my opinion, acceptable behavior for civilized human beings to engage in. There are ways to help people without putting them down/trashing them. Generally works better that way too. Your responses say more about you and your problems/issues than it does about the people you are disparaging.
@therealjrn I think that was a typo, meant to say 2.1. I was probably thinking in halves and fucked up.
Anyway, we have some really obese people at work, and our chairs are 20 inches at the widest part, and no one has ever complained. So when someone says 29 inches is too small, I take it with a grain of skepticism.
@Kidsandliz You’re only a true asshole if you make fun of traits that people can’t control, such as height, skin color, genetic conditions, et cetera. The grand majority of obesity is not caused by underlying medical conditions, however, but by overeating and terrible diets.
I know this partially by effect of having to deal with this myself. I am not a pretty CK underwear model. But I acknowledge that this is predominantly by effect of my own choices, with a very minor, if any, genetic component. Spending most of my free time working out, and watching what I consume, is also a consequence of choice, and not some kind of autonomous function of my body.
People around me have told me I look like shit, and continue to do so, and I used it as motivation to improve myself. I’d hate to think that if I ever willingly stopped, and got to the point where I couldn’t fit into a chair, that someone else would be advocating for my rights to exist that way on my own volition.
@ShotgunX Who measures their chairs at work? Assholes, that’s who. ha ha
@ShotgunX Nothing you are saying justifies being cruel to others, or to use your own words, being an asshole to others.
@Kidsandliz I see. Your definition of “cruel” is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, regardless of whether or not it’s rooted in malicious intent.
@ShotgunX being cruel is making fun of someone regardless of the reason. In this case you came out of the blue and did that to a stranger, or at least I presume a stranger.
@Kidsandliz If you define making fun of someone (which I haven’t really done by the way, you’re simply framing it that way subconsciously) as cruel, then you’ve got your own set of issues you need to deal with. In the end, though, all you end up doing is hurting the people you’re trying to help by training them to feel like victims at the most trivial things possible.
We should always avoid doing or saying anything that’s even remotely disagreeable with someone else, right? Reminds me of the people who angrily storm out of stand-up comedy shows. Ironic, seeing as you’re a willing customer on one of the most irreverent places to shop online.
@ShotgunX, I think the ultimate upshot here is that YOU have NO RIGHT to judge or critique someone you don’t know.
You had an incredibly, incredibly limited amount of info about that person, yet you felt (and still feel) eminently qualified to say what is wrong with them, and what they need to with their life.
Honestly dude, you’re being incredibly sanctimonious here. And if you think people need to open to the “critique” you give, then you’d better do the same when someone like me gives one to you.
@haydesigner And I am quite open to it, actually. I am also able to disagree without feeling offended by your own disagreement.
Here’s the thing, though: we do have the right to judge and critique people we don’t know (even though, once again, I haven’t really done that). What we don’t have the right to do is act on those judgements and critiques. Criticism might be insensitive, but it’s not threatening, nor is it hate speech.
Hey, you guys want to play this game? I can do the exact same thing you’re doing, watch: the person I initially responded to claimed that the people who would want a massage chair like this are more than 29 inches wide and weigh over 300 pounds. I find this to be highly insensitive. Why can’t a person of average proportions want a massage chair at home? Should only big and tall people be given the benefit of in-home massage comfort? That’s exclusionary and offensive.
@ShotgunX, using your own premise, by the simple act of writing, you acted.
I’m hoping you can realize that now.
@ShotgunX Do you even lift bro?
@therealjrn Not since I got one of these out of a Fuko:
plus, yes, it vibrates
This looks like I built it.
Is Epstein having a fire sale? Irk seems about the right age.
/giphy shake head

I wonder how much meh sells of this expensive stuff compared to the comparatively cheap selection.
This really is a shiatsu deal.
Per the reviews on the Home Depot site, it’s occasionally offered there for $200 or less. Amazon’s model is rated at a 400# capacity, so presumably a bit beefier construction.
Was tempted, but feel safe “sleeping on it” and researching other options before pulling the trigger here or elsewhere. Meanwhile, I have the $40 massage pillow which has been offered a few times already, and which may still be available at Morningsave to soothe achy spots.
@ciabelle sleeping on it is not recommended
@Jdub If the massage is done right, falling asleep is a definite possibility afterwards. Thanks for talking me out of it though.
@ciabelle I came close to falling asleep when it was still on, so I could see a little nap in order for sure after the timer kicks off. Just wouldn’t want to spend the night in a chair on my back!
Death by Lethal Erection
Idaho, Idaho - Man 38, sentenced to the electric chair when it folded flat and, guys I’m quoting a first responder here, “split his cabasa clean down to the amoral heartery”. Coroner confirmed cause of death as elections (plural) while the artery reached out across several cut wires. Kinda puts the Gee! In GFCI. More to come.

/image Cabasa
What’s Portable about Power input: 100 - 240 V ?
How many AA batteries am I gonna need now?
@Woody1 Unlike other massage chairs, this one is lighter and takes up less space. This allows you to port it around with you.
disgusting-opposite-group so in. Got a shiatsu pillow here a year ago and boy do my friends envy the poky pillow. My back and me are ready to upgrade.
You know what I’d like to see instead? A nice comfy chair I could nap in.
This is the worst of both worlds: too luxurious to be a cheap folding chair, but too chintzy to be quality.
A Better functioning choice
@CosmicTwister So…you’re just going to sit that on the ground? Seems like you’re missing the CHAIR part of massage chair…
@CosmicTwister @medz
If only I owned a single chair of any type…
@CosmicTwister @professahx
/youtube all I need is this chair
That is the ugliest thing Meh has ever sold
@msqaf00 I highly doubt that, but point taken!
Will this loosen up my sack? Keep it from sticking to my thigh? I’m tired of sitting on the damned thing…

/giphy there’s medication for that
How fucking fast can you get it here
I don’t know, Irk looks pretty happy!
Is there a happy ending button?
Asking for a friend that owns a NFL team…
That email chat was outstanding today!
@tnhillbillygal Mirk!
I think this is a good as both my wife and I suffer with back and neck pain. Also lots of stress. Whatta ya think?
@Jimbo54 Different types of pain have different types of causes and treatments. Is it the kind of pain you get from soreness and/or strain? If so, these things can help. If it’s due to injury of some sort, they might not, and may in fact make things worse.
@Jimbo54 As long as the massager doesn’t hit you directly on your injury it should do you a lot of good. Your body’s reaction to pain is to have your muscles start knotting up. Soon the knots starts pulling on things and the secondary pain from the muscles end up being worse than the primary injury. So, having had this happen to me more than once, I found these massage things wonderful. I just shimmy down until the ball massages the knotted muscle. It is the best thing ever when I am all knotted up!

@therealjrn Couple more minutes of that, and that chair might explode!
I’m happy with this chair. Although the folding chair kinda made me cautious, I thought why not? It is a strong massage chair and I love the heating aspect. Nice for the price.
Just got and set up…careful, the instructions have a warning that states, and I quote:
Consult with a physician if the person using the chair is at an increased risk of developing blood.
I’m calling my doctor…
@Bayleedog1 OMG!!! I have blood, too!! If I pray for you, will you pray for me?
Everybody who’s tried my chair wants one.
However, the seat vibrator was making a loud screeching noise. I opened up the seat cover and wiggled it around. Now it only happens at the start.