@smigit2002 Our dogs have plenty of their own things to destroy. Destroying things that aren’t theirs is what they prefer. The asshole dogs are Domino (left) and Peanut. Peanut is already over 70 lbs and she’s not even a year old yet. The pillows wouldn’t even last a full minute.
@gertiestn – I wondered the same thing! I looked it up online and the Joy Emoji is the one in the center. If you’re counting from the top it’s the (5th) one. It shows the Eyes Closed with Tears of Joy. It kind of looks like this:
@reclaimercube So help me, I’ve read your meh pop socket posts zillions of times, but, given the stuff that’s being sold today, today I read, “a crying face for the meh poop socket cause.”
@gertiestn We … Like 4 of us have been begging meh to sell meh face pop sockets for almost a year now. This started last year when I got back from a cruise and began begging meh to sell toothbrushes. Roughly 14 days later it happened. However, no meh face pop sockets.
So what the hell, Meh? Everyone now (including EmojiOne, which you’re using for your own damn forum) knows better than to confuse Grin with Grimace — and you’re giving us Apple’s damned Ambiguous Grin from 2016.
To clarify, “everyone” for the purposes of the above comment means “those who design and/or distribute emoji content, including Apple (since 2017, when they stopped confusing grins and grimaces in their damned emoji), Samsung, EmojiOne, and the others I’m too lazy to look up.”
It does not mean “those who do whatever, implicitly including @unksol.”
@medz Sorry, this deal contains 8 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
@phendrick So which one is that in the 2nd row on the right in their first picture in the write up? Doesn’t seem to match any of the ones listed, but I want it – fits my mood perfectly.
@jakeline I sent the poo pillows to my kids, but when they get them-they will know it is from me. That is the kind of thing someone who is 72 but acts 13 would do.
@RiotDemon@Thumperchick thanks. I just wrote into support. I was going to purchase today’s deal, and that’s when I saw it any way it could get reinstated for today so I can buy the deal?
@Thumperchick@ulcards99 she should of whispered some details to you. You’ll have to talk to her through support and she’ll get you squared away if she can.
I just ordered Joy for my 17 year old nephew who is known for responding with that emoji after almost every text you send him.
/giphy watery-boisterous-pizza
@sammydog01 lol, I was just picking one up because my nephew constantly spams texts with the joy one. I was very confused why mine was cancelled. The email telling me it was cancelled didn’t give a reason and its been removed from my order page.
Are they going too tell us WHY they canceled these orders? First, they tell me I am not a member, now they cancel my order…why am I paying a $5 membership again?
@tnhillbillygal Thanks. I e-mailed CS too…they told me about the explanatory email and compensory coupon I should have received 1st, but just received. Still kind of bogus, especially seeing others got them, and my order was placed ONE MINUTE after they went on sale, so they did NOT do 1st come 1st served OR give preference to members. They also charged the card…which is a no-no until something ships, and actually something one could sue for. Does NOT leave a good taste in my mouth at any rate, and it was handled really poorly all around. But I’ve also discopvered that there is really NO BENEFIT to Meh anymore, as it’s ALL on Morningsave anyway, and often a buck cheaper there. And in fact, these pillows were being sold on Morningsave AFTER they were sold here, so they gave the stuff they sold MEH loyalists to others. Maybe time to quit Meh…
Sent poo pillows to my two grown children. My 4 year old grand daughter called me to thank her for sending her a chocolate chip pillow. Yikes. Hope she isn’t eating poo.
I ordered two poo pillows for the kids, and the last tracking update I have is from April 10th
April 10, 2019, 4:30 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 4:30 pm on April 10, 2019 in GREENWOOD, IN 46143. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
I know most people don’t GIVE a s**t, but I guess I don’t even GET one (or two).
@D_a_v_e All I can say is that I once had over a 2 week wait after my order reached IN. It did show up, but what a long wait. I really don’t like this new system Meh is using.
What’s in the Box?
1x Emoji Pillow of Your Choice
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 20th - Friday, July 24th
@Stallion This is the time to gloat.
@Stallion haha that was my justification exactly.
No smirk? Where’s my smirk?
I love all these inexpensive meh deals lately.
@cengland0 $9 for a shit pillow? We have very different ideas of inexpensive…
@unksol Its only $4 for us VMP members.
Only if you’ve amortized that $5 per month VMP fee across a lot of other purchases, does the shipping cost approach zero.
Otherwise, if you only buy this pillow, it’s the very same $9 as the shit-pile logo ex-VMPrs.
I’d buy this if I could get them all for 4 bucks…
@SKostohryz I thought I could so I hit buy & it wanted me to pick ONE. Just ONE? $28 for all 8. Suddenly it didn’t seem like such a good idea.
@Joedetroit @SKostohryz That would be $32, correct? It’s early…my brain may not have launched it’s math app, yet.
Meh it to hell. Why would I want one of these?
@Dizavid Poo emoji!!!
@Dizavid cause $4 guy. That’s the spirit.
Why is the background image an egg being inseminated?
@Raptor_007 they’ve been using that background for a while now
I’d buy heart eyes and unamused, but our asshole dogs would just destroy them like they did my black and white Meh face pillows.
@shahnm I was so upset. I loved those damned silly pillows.
@Pony I’m buying unamused and poo specifically so my dogs can destroy them. Our new puppy needs her own things to destroy!
Bruno’s the GSD, Rocket is the lab puppy.
@smigit2002 Our dogs have plenty of their own things to destroy. Destroying things that aren’t theirs is what they prefer. The asshole dogs are Domino (left) and Peanut. Peanut is already over 70 lbs and she’s not even a year old yet. The pillows wouldn’t even last a full minute.
@Pony @smigit2002 They look like they’re up for any challenge.
Are we adding pics of our dogs? Here’s my last one, she passed about 5 years ago… I miss her.

If you sold the Irk-head emoji, I’d be all over this.
@shahnm Yeah. I went to purchase hoping that the irk pilow would be for sale. Instead, disappointed, i ended up buying poo and wink for the kids.
10 pillows shown, only 8 choices when buying?
So maybe that’s the prank? Two pillows you can’t buy … or even figure out which ones they are?
@clonetek That was my bad. It’s fixed now!
Sales jumped from one to 100 in less than 5 minutes. I predict a sellout
@PooltoyWolf The VMPs are drunk tonight.
@PooltoyWolf @sammydog01 The VMP’s are drunk every night.
@Barney @sammydog01 Oof!
I am so sick of emoji anything.
Irk looks like an unhappy crooked unicorn.

@kdemo That would be an excellent order number.
/giphy unhappy crooked unicorn

Unhappy-crooked-unicorn sounds like a Meh order number.
(Well, damn — @shahnm beat me to it. And with a giphy.
@kdemo @shahnm You’re right!!
I’ve been unfairly ratioed.

I give up. Which one is Joy?
From browsing the emoji picker, it looks like joy is
@gertiestn – I wondered the same thing! I looked it up online and the Joy Emoji is the one in the center. If you’re counting from the top it’s the (5th) one. It shows the Eyes Closed with Tears of Joy. It kind of looks like this:
Which makes me think that
are the ones they aren’t selling. 
As long as I can get a crying face for the meh pop socket cause.
@reclaimercube Is there a meh face pop socket emoji? I think it’s time for meta-emojis.
@mehcuda67 Meh User Level : Inception
@reclaimercube So help me, I’ve read your meh pop socket posts zillions of times, but, given the stuff that’s being sold today, today I read, “a crying face for the meh poop socket cause.”
@gertiestn We … Like 4 of us have been begging meh to sell meh face pop sockets for almost a year now. This started last year when I got back from a cruise and began begging meh to sell toothbrushes. Roughly 14 days later it happened. However, no meh face pop sockets.
@reclaimercube But beware the Meh poop sockets!
Had to buy the poo ones for my grown kids. They say I am always giving them shit and this was my chance to prove it.
@Felton10 there after cheaper sources of shit.
@unksol Certain a bag filled with shit on their front stoop is cheaper, but living 1,000 miles away, a poo pillow is more practical.
I broke down and VMPed this shit. Literally. I got the poo pillow.
…and now have to live with the knowledge that I just wrote that sentence.
/image moping-unadvised-bell

Already got a pair of poo pillows and I’m sure I’ll find a use the others so…
/giphy mystical-toothless-lawyer

/giphy tongue wink

I predict Poo will sell out first no matter how many Meh has, because Meh, like life, is full of it.
@hchavers, nope. The Joy won.
@awk That’s vaguely terrifying.
@awk @mehcuda67 that’s specifically terrifying
@mehcuda67 @unksol

Are these carnival game prize remnants?
There are two winking ones… Which is it?
@GeckoD It’s the regular wink - sorry for the confusion! If its not what you want, let us know and we can cancel your order.
I got two
to keep my meh pillows company.

/giphy acute-toasty-farmer
I accidentally bought two poo pillows
/giphy accidentally

So what the hell, Meh? Everyone now (including EmojiOne, which you’re using for your own damn forum) knows better than to confuse Grin with Grimace — and you’re giving us Apple’s damned Ambiguous Grin from 2016.
@TheFLP I’m part of everyone and none of the words you have typed make any logical sense
@TheFLP That’s “U+1F601: GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES” from back when it had personality.
In my day, our grins looked like grimaces because we were exhausted from walking to school in the snow uphill both ways, and we liked it!
To clarify, “everyone” for the purposes of the above comment means “those who design and/or distribute emoji content, including Apple (since 2017, when they stopped confusing grins and grimaces in their damned emoji), Samsung, EmojiOne, and the others I’m too lazy to look up.”
It does not mean “those who do whatever, implicitly including @unksol.”
@TheFLP @unksol Needs even more fine print.
The poo pillows aren’t already sold out? You disappoint me, Mehtizens
Working on it -
/giphy unused-blythe-start

/buy --style stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
@medz Sorry, this deal contains 8 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot @medz we don’t have the tongue_winking_eye – sorry about that! It’s just the standard wink
/giphy sleek-queasy-coyote

@meh did you raise the 3 item limit for tonight?
@sarahsandroid no
@sarahsandroid Buy 100… if you’d like
Early on, I made the same error-presumption that user @meh wasn’t just another schmuck mehtizen victim like the rest of us.
But surely they must like the faux-attention.
@RedOak it’s true, i really relish in the glory of this three or four time per year accidental tag.

Heart Eyes:
Kissing Heart:
@phendrick So which one is that in the 2nd row on the right in their first picture in the write up? Doesn’t seem to match any of the ones listed, but I want it – fits my mood perfectly.
Maybe that’s the one labeled “grin”?
@phendrick Yes…

/image old grinning emoji
@phendrick yeah, that’s “grin”,according to the Oxgord site:
Now I ken @TheFLP’s post.
@awk just beat me to it, above
Was it worth $12 to send three
pillows to my sister with no identifying information to show where it came from? I’m gonna say yes.
/giphy abnormal-flirtatious-feet

@jakeline Depends, which three?
@jakeline @phendrick the shit!
@jakeline I sent the poo pillows to my kids, but when they get them-they will know it is from me. That is the kind of thing someone who is 72 but acts 13 would do.
Well, you blew it Meh, this has nothing to do with Star Trek. I’m starting to think you can’t actually read my mind.
One of the pillows is the Meh button tonight

I wonder if tomorrows sale will be yesterdays and todays together - boy the shit would really hit the fan then
How big are they
@gabysa10 13"
@gabysa10 Just an FYI, that question was answered in the Specs at the top of this forum.
What happened to my VMP membership? Did it finally totally go away? I never cancelled but it’s gone from my account.
@ulcards99 did your credit card on file expire?
@RiotDemon no it charged me and then credited the $5 back.
Normally, the only way that would happen is if you cancelled VMP before it auto-renewed - and had not bought anything that month.
Customer service should (eventually) get it fixed.
@ulcards99 I’m going to see if someone is available to take a look.
@ulcards99 write into support and ask for @Thumperchick. She’ll look into it for you.
@RiotDemon @Thumperchick thanks. I just wrote into support. I was going to purchase today’s deal, and that’s when I saw it
any way it could get reinstated for today so I can buy the deal?
@Thumperchick @ulcards99 she should of whispered some details to you. You’ll have to talk to her through support and she’ll get you squared away if she can.
/giphy sedentary-audible-voice

No. No no no no no. No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
god dammit
Hope they pack these with a lot of air bags so they don’t get damaged in shipping. badum tss
I just ordered Joy for my 17 year old nephew who is known for responding with that emoji after almost every text you send him.

/giphy watery-boisterous-pizza
16 bucks well spent.
/image critical-grand-back

/giphy critical-grand-back
What, no eggplant
Yes, yes, but what’s on the back side?
Backsides are typically full of shit.
I like how you say it may not ship for a week or so. I’ve learned if I order anything from you guys its going to take 3 weeks minimum
I’ve found Meh arrival dates to be pretty accurate other than the odd fuckup by our local USPS.
I had to buy the meh face one
Might have been fun if they could have gotten here by April fools.
No shrug, no sale.
Wow, look at that “Which items are you buying” pie chart. Almost half is poo and they’re still not sold out. Meh was packing in a lot of shit.
@goldnectar hahaha, gross.
$5 to ship a $4 piece of crap. Meh at it’s prime.
VMP rulz!
Looks like Meh bought the defunct inventory of a claw machine.

Well, I don’t know why I have VMP if not to buy junk like this.
/giphy hushed-nuclear-macaw

Got two poo to give the brood but expect instead I’ll get mood.
/image laughable-mopey-experience

This sucks the shit out of dead penguins…
Joy was the first to sell out.
@Euniceandrich 35000:1 ratio of poo to joy.
@Euniceandrich Seems like it was the only one to sell out. Also, Meh-rathon incoming… see https://daringfireball.net/linked/2019/03/31/meh
/giphy punctual-addicted-fruit

/giphy roomy-creamy-airport

/giphy highfalutin-awestruck-orca.

So what is wrong in Wyoming? Still zero sales there? Not even for target practice?
I’m just here for the mehrathon
Mine still haven’t shipped?
Estimated Delivery
Monday, April 15th - Friday, April 19th
@ulcards99 Including this one, I now have FOUR items that have a tracking status of “On Its Way to USPS”. I’m beginning to think that isn’t the case.
Got mine, they are 100% POLYESTOR, whatever that is.
Are you guys planning on shipping my order? WTH? You guys need to get past the processing stage.
Anybody else’s order get cancelled on the emoji pillows???
@tnhillbillygal Nope. Want mine? I have no idea why I bought them. They are supposedly in Pennsylvania.
@sammydog01 lol, I was just picking one up because my nephew constantly spams texts with the joy one. I was very confused why mine was cancelled. The email telling me it was cancelled didn’t give a reason and its been removed from my order page.
@tnhillbillygal The joy one was the first to sell out. I’m guessing that they just oversold a number of them and had to cancel those orders.

/giphy no joy for me
/giphy there’s no crying in baseball


/giphy accepted failure
@tnhillbillygal No, no, no! That’s my life!
@Barney @tnhillbillygal That explains it- mine were unamused and poo. You should have ordered poo like the rest of us.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Yeah, what makes you think you are so special that you can have joy?
@Barney @sammydog01 I can’t have it naturally so I thought I would buy it for $4. I was wrong.
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal
@Barney @sammydog01

/giphy poop happens
But apparently, joy does not…
@Barney @tnhillbillygal My poo came today. It’s nice and fluffy. I’ll probably leave it in the car for road trips.
@Barney @sammydog01 Just as an update, they emailed a coupon to apologize for the inventory issue. All is well
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Hey, I hate to tell you this, but poo pillows are the bestest.
@Barney @sammydog01 But, but, they’re not purple!!! Of course, Joy wasn’t either but still!
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal Does everyone think that I live in a purple house with everything in it purple?
@Barney @sammydog01

/giphy absolutely
@sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal
You may be right,
I may be crazy.
@Barney @tnhillbillygal But it just might be a lunatic you’re looking for.
@sammydog01 Hahaha. You got it!
My joy was just cancelled. As with hope and dreams… oh PHOOEY!
Are they going too tell us WHY they canceled these orders? First, they tell me I am not a member, now they cancel my order…why am I paying a $5 membership again?
@laurelnev I had emailed customer service and it was an inventory issue.

/image meh
@laurelnev The plus side of being a member and not a VMP is that you can ditch it and rejoin next time you buy something.
@sammydog01 Thanks. Might have to exercise that option.
@tnhillbillygal Thanks. I e-mailed CS too…they told me about the explanatory email and compensory coupon I should have received 1st, but just received. Still kind of bogus, especially seeing others got them, and my order was placed ONE MINUTE after they went on sale, so they did NOT do 1st come 1st served OR give preference to members. They also charged the card…which is a no-no until something ships, and actually something one could sue for. Does NOT leave a good taste in my mouth at any rate, and it was handled really poorly all around. But I’ve also discopvered that there is really NO BENEFIT to Meh anymore, as it’s ALL on Morningsave anyway, and often a buck cheaper there. And in fact, these pillows were being sold on Morningsave AFTER they were sold here, so they gave the stuff they sold MEH loyalists to others.
Maybe time to quit Meh…
Sent poo pillows to my two grown children. My 4 year old grand daughter called me to thank her for sending her a chocolate chip pillow. Yikes. Hope she isn’t eating poo.
I think I’m constipated. My poo is stuck.
I ordered two poo pillows for the kids, and the last tracking update I have is from April 10th
April 10, 2019, 4:30 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 4:30 pm on April 10, 2019 in GREENWOOD, IN 46143. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.
I know most people don’t GIVE a s**t, but I guess I don’t even GET one (or two).
@D_a_v_e All I can say is that I once had over a 2 week wait after my order reached IN. It did show up, but what a long wait. I really don’t like this new system Meh is using.
@Barney Looks like you called it, 13 days and finally an update. It’s probably best I didn’t have poo to put in the kids Easter baskets!
@D_a_v_e I’m glad that you got an update and that it’s not lost. Yet.