The email is timed with the circuit breaker, so it would have been sold out by the time you checked anyway. People were clamoring to buy the item that was put on hold until the morning release. If the email and morning release were still at 8am, it would have sold out just as quickly only 2 hours earlier. “If you want to score a popular deal, don’t rely upon the email.” That’s what granny always said.
-Go here:
-Check the boxes and save
-Make sure you have a valid/current email address on file with meh here:
-Check that email’s junk/spam folder
-If you’ve previously created filters to auto-delete the emails, also check the trash folder
The email is timed with the circuit breaker, so it would have been sold out by the time you checked anyway. People were clamoring to buy the item that was put on hold until the morning release. If the email and morning release were still at 8am, it would have sold out just as quickly only 2 hours earlier. “If you want to score a popular deal, don’t rely upon the email.” That’s what granny always said.
im just here to complain and give excuses as to why i didnt get it…
If only there were somebody to blame…
Somebody reads those emails?
@RedOak black bar across the top, hit delete.
I don’t get my email until 11 am, that sucks
@doodrop That’s when everyone gets these emails.
@doodrop @sammydog01 I got mine at 10am today.
-Go here:
-Check the boxes and save
-Make sure you have a valid/current email address on file with meh here:
-Check that email’s junk/spam folder
-If you’ve previously created filters to auto-delete the emails, also check the trash folder
@Ignorant So what’s the problem? I’m here to help.
@medz there’s no problem everything is working as planned.
@Ignorant That is great news. Shortly, you’ll be receiving a survey to rate this experience.