@InnocuousFarmer@Limewater@RiotDemon@Tin_Foil I’ve seen several women with nails that are over 6 inches long, curled under and totally gross. And, yes, that is my first thought… how do they wipe themselves? Quickly followed by what kind of work could you do, and then, I bet she doesn’t have any hemorrhoids…
@chienfou@InnocuousFarmer@Limewater@Tin_Foil I used to have semi longish nails and there wasn’t much I couldn’t do for myself. It’s not like you stick your nails in your butthole. Extra paper or bidet.
As for the 6"+ long curly nails… That’s another story.
@chienfou@Limewater@RiotDemon@Tin_Foil I mean… typing, or, making a fist. There’s a lot of handle designs, or lids, where your fingers are kinda wedged in there. I start feeling like life is getting difficult when I let my nails grow more than about 1 mm.
@chienfou@InnocuousFarmer@Limewater@Tin_Foil I could still type with longer nails. You just hit the keys differently. If they are long enough, your fingertips don’t touch the keys anymore, just your nails.
When my nails were the longest, I used to throw freight around. You just find different ways to do things. When cutting boxes open I would actually use my knife to open the box flaps. Also, opening door handles with your knuckles instead of your nails, for example.
@mehcuda67 I first read that as “poorly-planned power-tool-mishap” and wondered what a well-planned one would look like. Then I realized it was probably a “poorly-planned-power-tool mishap” and said: “Oh, I have some scars from those, too!”
Though one of my most memorable was from a non-powered hammer and nail, or rather, two nails - one I was trying to extract from a board and the other one, previously unnoticed, on a wall with the point facing out. Nail one came out abruptly, propelling a finger into nail two. I blotted the top of my finger and mentally calculated the time since my last tetanus shot, then put a small bandage on it. I continued working for another few minutes before noticing there were blood drips following me around. I had failed to notice the hole on the other side of my finger, though maybe the two of them technically only count as one hole. Either way, I never had the slightest interest in dressing it up with jewelry.
@rockblossom Actually, one of my most notable mishaps was performed by upper body power only.
About 15 years ago, I was enthusiastically trying to hammer a CV joint out the wheel hub of my wife’s car with a 5lb dead-blow hammer and slipped. I’ll leave out the gory details, but I had managed to hammer my hand onto a 12mm hub bolt. Fortunately, my knuckle bone under my left index finger stopped the bolt (but also acted as an anvil). The ER staff was pretty impressed judging by the number of jokes. The doctor assigned to stitch my hand did a double take when he saw the X-ray and called in his colleague. They went back and forth between looking at my hand and the X-ray, laughing and saying stuff like “No way that’s the same hand!” and “Now I’ve seen everything.” They then proclaimed I must be a genetic freak “but a really good freak with rubber chicken bones.” They said my hand should have been completely shattered, given the type of blow and the amount of other damage to my hand, but apparently my bones were unharmed. (On the other hand, due to nerve damage it took over a year to be able to feel the left half of my left index finger, and it still feels a little weird.)
But yeah, I don’t recommend my technique for piercings.
@RiotDemon I was going to make a comment about one in each ear, one in each nip, and one in the… but I got distracted by my teenage son yelling, “dad, Dad, DAD!!!” through the house when everyone else is asleep because he saw a roach. In Florida. That’s what lives here, kiddo. Though some people call them Palmetto bugs, because to them that sounds nicer, I guess. I don’t much care how pretty the name is, it’s still a damn roach. Anyway… How 'bout them refrigerated batteries…?
By the time I was 24, i was a licensed body piercer and had 24 piercings and a handful of tattoos. 15 of the piercings were in my ears. Still got the majority of the ear ones, I just don’t wear much in them anymore.
I had my ears pierced when I was 11 but will go years without wearing any. I did get my helix pierced this past summer but developed a keloid and was going to have to wear headphones for a few weeks straight and took it out. I will get it pierced again next year.
@tnhillbillygal probably not a keloid (those are rare scars that never go away), just a cyst from getting a bit of hair or dead skin in the fistula. Helix piercings are a bitch. Of all my body piercings, the healing on those was the worst.
When I (male) was a rebellious middle schooler, I pierced my well grown pinky fingernail and wore a stud in it for a couple weeks.
Take THAT society!
@Tin_Foil now it’s pretty common!
/image pierced nails

@RiotDemon @Tin_Foil Those nails say to me, “Why yes, I have passive revenue streams.”
@InnocuousFarmer @RiotDemon @Tin_Foil
And a bidet, hopefully.
@InnocuousFarmer @Limewater @RiotDemon @Tin_Foil I’ve seen several women with nails that are over 6 inches long, curled under and totally gross. And, yes, that is my first thought… how do they wipe themselves? Quickly followed by what kind of work could you do, and then, I bet she doesn’t have any hemorrhoids…
@chienfou @InnocuousFarmer @Limewater @Tin_Foil I used to have semi longish nails and there wasn’t much I couldn’t do for myself. It’s not like you stick your nails in your butthole. Extra paper or bidet.
As for the 6"+ long curly nails… That’s another story.
@chienfou @Limewater @RiotDemon @Tin_Foil I mean… typing, or, making a fist. There’s a lot of handle designs, or lids, where your fingers are kinda wedged in there. I start feeling like life is getting difficult when I let my nails grow more than about 1 mm.
@chienfou @InnocuousFarmer @Limewater @Tin_Foil I could still type with longer nails. You just hit the keys differently. If they are long enough, your fingertips don’t touch the keys anymore, just your nails.
When my nails were the longest, I used to throw freight around. You just find different ways to do things. When cutting boxes open I would actually use my knife to open the box flaps. Also, opening door handles with your knuckles instead of your nails, for example.
I’ve only got the holes for the sound to go in.
only four, or two pair
Except for the occasional poorly planned power tool mishap, all my holes are original equipment.
@mehcuda67 I first read that as “poorly-planned power-tool-mishap” and wondered what a well-planned one would look like. Then I realized it was probably a “poorly-planned-power-tool mishap” and said: “Oh, I have some scars from those, too!”
Though one of my most memorable was from a non-powered hammer and nail, or rather, two nails - one I was trying to extract from a board and the other one, previously unnoticed, on a wall with the point facing out. Nail one came out abruptly, propelling a finger into nail two. I blotted the top of my finger and mentally calculated the time since my last tetanus shot, then put a small bandage on it. I continued working for another few minutes before noticing there were blood drips following me around. I had failed to notice the hole on the other side of my finger, though maybe the two of them technically only count as one hole. Either way, I never had the slightest interest in dressing it up with jewelry.
@rockblossom Actually, one of my most notable mishaps was performed by upper body power only.
About 15 years ago, I was enthusiastically trying to hammer a CV joint out the wheel hub of my wife’s car with a 5lb dead-blow hammer and slipped. I’ll leave out the gory details, but I had managed to hammer my hand onto a 12mm hub bolt. Fortunately, my knuckle bone under my left index finger stopped the bolt (but also acted as an anvil). The ER staff was pretty impressed judging by the number of jokes. The doctor assigned to stitch my hand did a double take when he saw the X-ray and called in his colleague. They went back and forth between looking at my hand and the X-ray, laughing and saying stuff like “No way that’s the same hand!” and “Now I’ve seen everything.” They then proclaimed I must be a genetic freak “but a really good freak with rubber chicken bones.” They said my hand should have been completely shattered, given the type of blow and the amount of other damage to my hand, but apparently my bones were unharmed. (On the other hand, due to nerve damage it took over a year to be able to feel the left half of my left index finger, and it still feels a little weird.)
But yeah, I don’t recommend my technique for piercings.
I hate needles.
@hchavers Paper hole punch
@hchavers I do too. I panic when I need blood drawn. But I also have many piercings. Piercers are so much better about it than nurses, PAs, etc.
@arielleslie @hchavers
well you ARE supposed to be sober when they draw blood for labs…
I have five earrings. It’s been this way for about 21 years. Sometimes I think about adding more.
@RiotDemon I was going to make a comment about one in each ear, one in each nip, and one in the… but I got distracted by my teenage son yelling, “dad, Dad, DAD!!!” through the house when everyone else is asleep because he saw a roach. In Florida. That’s what lives here, kiddo. Though some people call them Palmetto bugs, because to them that sounds nicer, I guess. I don’t much care how pretty the name is, it’s still a damn roach. Anyway… How 'bout them refrigerated batteries…?
@RiotDemon I assume not one per ear, then.

@mehcuda67 don’t give away my secrets!

By the time I was 24, i was a licensed body piercer and had 24 piercings and a handful of tattoos. 15 of the piercings were in my ears. Still got the majority of the ear ones, I just don’t wear much in them anymore.
I had my ears pierced when I was 11 but will go years without wearing any. I did get my helix pierced this past summer but developed a keloid and was going to have to wear headphones for a few weeks straight and took it out. I will get it pierced again next year.
@tnhillbillygal probably not a keloid (those are rare scars that never go away), just a cyst from getting a bit of hair or dead skin in the fistula. Helix piercings are a bitch. Of all my body piercings, the healing on those was the worst.
I used to until the right one got ripped almost all the way out. The holes are closed now.
You said Ears, but I have 1 Ear Pierced
I had stretched out my pierced ears to 5/8”. I really like the look of them, but traded them in to have a career. Figured that’s more important.