Dueling Songs Day with Jonathan Mann


At Meh, we're all about the New Thing Daily. New day, new sale, new video, newsy schmoozy. Who else out there on the whole wide web shares our mania for making every day a new thing?

Well, how about Jonathan Mann? That dude's been grinding out new original songs on the daily for well over 2,000 days now.

This week, our video team is going head-to-head with Jonathan, and we need your help.

On Friday, 12/12, our daily video will be a split-screen dueling songs showdown featuring original songs by both Jonathan and us on a theme of your choosing. Here are our parameters:

A. It should be seasonal/holiday-related. It can be as weird as you like -- both JM and the Meh video team have experience writing on nonsensical topics -- but make it holiday-weird.

B. Post your suggestions and fave-star other people's good ones in this thread until 5PMish Pacific time.

C. After disqualifying any suggested themes that are libelous, obscene, or otherwise beyond the pale, we'll select our favorite from your top four star-getting suggestions.

D. Jonathan and the Meh team will post our dueling split-screen songs video on Friday of this week. The two songs will share screen space and a theme, but not, like, a key. So expect this clash of songwriting titans to actually clash! It should be fun.

OK, suggestions?