Dream interpretation...
9This morning, my wife told me she had an odd dream. She told me that I was receiving hourly deliveries from both Meh and The Other “W” Place That Shall Not Be Named. She said that I signed up for a subscription service from one, and that the other company decided to join in and create havoc, err, fun by sending IRKs and the “equivalent” from the other Place.
So apparently, our house was cardboard-and-plastic hell and pleading with Meh and The Other “W” Place didn’t help, only made it worse.
So… dream interpretation? I’m too much of a regret purveyor, yes?
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It’s clear, she feels you aren’t buying enough from meh and woot and her subconscious leads her to a fantasy of overcompensation where you get deliveries every hour.
The solution is clearly to buy more crap you don’t need and if she complains point out that it was all her subconscious idea and desire for you to do so all along.
Her subconcious invented IRKDrop and then took it a step further, it would seem.
Let us hope that this is not an oracular revelation. My recycling bin overfloweth already.
The way you see it:
The way your wife sees it:
To throw a cloud of combustible gases at the conflagration, a while back somebody had the idea that Meh should have a contest of some sort whose prize was getting one of everything that Meh sold for an entire year, and I think I suggested that it should be subject to the requirement that they post a review of it once received - good, bad, indifferent, clueless, whatever, but accurate. I suspect that this requirement might seem daunting to some, and irresistible to others. (I will name no names.) I believe that this was regarded as an example of “be really careful what you ask for”.
@werehatrack So in other words, meh’s version of Amazon Vine, Walmart Spark Reviews, or Home Depot Seeds – complete with a 1099-misc for the value of the products received.
@narfcake Except that these would most likely get scathing on occasion. In fact, I would be surprised if they didn’t start to resemble the opinions of The American while “testing” non-US vehicles in The EbolaDrome during Season 1 of Grand Tour.
“What has my life come to…”
@werehatrack I’ve definitely seen some scathing 1-star reviews from Viners, so it’s still possible.
What a great dream.
So was that a nightmare or a “that which I would desire” dream?
I’ve seen that happen with much less worthy items – and @acraigl has the scars to prove it.
Hmm… are you saying that you wife dreams of reviving https://pastadrop.com as https://trackrdrop.com?
@xobzoo trackrdrop would be the most evil website this side of the dark web.
Mercatalyst might actually have a trackrdrop on the dark web.
@OnionSoup It probably operates like cat facts — no way to unsubscribe.
@OnionSoup @xobzoo
That is because they would be tracking you.