does anyone need a 5in1 fryer filter pack
3I have this from my last IRK and forgot about it. It’s unopened. If anyone has one of these fryers and wants it, I’ll send it to u. Otherwise I’m going to make a tiny superhero cape for my cat and try to make her wear it (which will most likely result in destruction of said cape and many claw marks on me).
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Oh you must post pics!!
@tinamarie1974 If this actually happens, you know I will
@tinamarie1974 (I actually don’t even know what the filters look like, haven’t opened the thing lol. But now I’m kinda thinking my cat does need to be a superhero, at least for like 1 minute…)
@kerryzero @tinamarie1974 Doll clothes fit cats - 18" to be exact… Let’s just say a cat in my childhood would run when she saw us coming with Catty Cathy clothing.
Is it for a Ninja Foodi Grill? I have one of those, as pictured in the topic…
@curtise I just got a Ninja (4-in-1). Never used it. Do you like yours? Any tips?
@curtise I have to retract my last statement. I used it tonight and created some really dry chicken. Guess I need back off the time a bit. Otherwise, it was flavorful and easy to clean, so I guess I’ll keep at it.
@ACraigL If you have the Foodi Grill like me, then the 4-in-1 just means it doesn’t have the dehydration function that the 5-in-1 does.
And yes, I have roasted many a delicious chicken in there - the trick is to roast at 25° lower than normal, and about 10 minutes less than usual. I like to start with the breast down, direct in the base pan, and then half way through I flip the bird (hehehehehe) and add things like onions and other root veggies around it (I originally added them at the beginning but they were WAY too well done).
I’ve also tried it on Air Fryer mode, rather than Roast mode, and it was indeed delicious that way too, but the gf preferred it on Roast.
I’ve also grilled steaks and salmon and sausages, roasted various pork loins and a duck, and air fried chicken nuggets, chicken fingers, and sliced plantain… Let me know if you want tips or pics!