Whoooooa...do NOT play the Fukobukuro and the Meh. Theme Song (by clicking meh. in the top left corner) at the same time while the screen tripping out.
@BillLehecka You're still goat! (the icon is still there) So I can blame you for not getting the full effect and it letting me buy with no issues, then when I refresh I get the full effect with trippy site and all.
@Enigma never mind.... I was too late. Will just wait for the fun when the bags start rolling in. I'll bet the bags themselves are different this time. Anyone doesn't want theirs -- can I have it? plz
I sat here for THREE HOURS waiting for this; got one in the cart, hit the button on the bottom and then the god damned checkout screen would not continue. fuck this. Not ever staying up till midnight again; this isn't fun any more.
My first time checking right at 12:00 am EST. And I get rewarded with a pair of hanging-forlorn-jeans. That's the way it is supposed to go!!! I tried for the BoC on w00t a couple of times and never got lucky. Always site issues.
Now I have to wait for a month to see what april fool's joke meh put in my fuko bag. Dang! I feel 40 years younger just like when I was counting down the days until my birthday. "Play button"? Hmm. Gameboy? Space Invaders game? Tell me! No, don't tell me!! Heck, screw you, meh, for getting me all excited!
I have it on good authority this syncs up to Dark Side of the Moon. Need volunteers to watch doubled and looped in concert with the movie to find the hidden link.
@Chops I came in here to say that I almost wish I didn't have a job, so I could pick through this thing looking for secret messages. But I'm confident that guys like you (not saying you don't have a job, just maybe yours is more flexible or you're more brilliant) will get it all sorted out for us. Let me know what you find. :-)
Logged in on time. Clicked the big buy button. Credit card expired yesterday. Looked everywhere for wallet. Found new card. Input data. Clicked button. All sold out.
Really I'm more disappointed with myself. This was a rookie mistake. One which I just shouldn't make. Also, I'm very disappointed that my collection of meh bags is now officially incomplete.
Conmehs to all you who successfully purchased. I'll be the guy washing two walls with salty droplets from the lens orbs in my fron.
Got one!
So trippy
The dubstep demos are being used!
I'm going to be watching this all day.
Best video ever.
@christinerenee agreed!
Interesting Video... Although I don't think I'll be showing this one to my son...
Takes me back to the haydays of YTP
You are not the boss of me. bought it anyway
Whoooooa...do NOT play the Fukobukuro and the Meh. Theme Song (by clicking meh. in the top left corner) at the same time while the screen tripping out.
@SColburn I dunno, that was pretty cool.
Good thing I checked 5 minutes in...already sold out
This video would go well with some of that special Colorado chocolate my friend brought me last week ;)
@cinoclav you mean mehsmerizing.
Too late, already bought it. Yay, for getting on the site right at 12:00!
I can't stop watching this.
Do I have to show this to someone in 7 days before Irk comes through the screen to kill me?
@BillLehecka You're still goat! (the icon is still there) So I can blame you for not getting the full effect and it letting me buy with no issues, then when I refresh I get the full effect with trippy site and all.
@BillLehecka You had to NOT buy the Unlucky Bag. If you bought it, it's too late for you.
@Thumperchick I'm so fucked!!!!
Awesome...got one
Not sure if I got one. I got the bit about are you a robot, did the captcha. Page went no where and there was just a robot dancing. What the?!?!?
@Enigma never mind.... I was too late. Will just wait for the fun when the bags start rolling in. I'll bet the bags themselves are different this time. Anyone doesn't want theirs -- can I have it? plz
No good for someone with a seizure disorder
Orukubokuf Orukubokuf
I sat here for THREE HOURS waiting for this; got one in the cart, hit the button on the bottom and then the god damned checkout screen would not continue. fuck this. Not ever staying up till midnight again; this isn't fun any more.

@Steve7654 Did you fill in the captcha to prove you weren't a robot? If you missed that the checkout screen will just sit there.
@Steve7654 hahahahahahaha
@owlhooter Unless he was a robot and didn't want to lie. Robots are everywhere and eat old peoples medicine for fuel.
There's a million dollars . . . yeah, okay. Riiiiight. Monopoly money maybe.
Plot twist, only VMP members who DIDN'T order the fuku will be getting a fuku
@mbills2223 Odd, since they were selling a Fuko! evil laugh
@mbills2223 well, that would play right into my hand then!
Is it just me or would this have fit perfectly on Public Image Limited's "Second Edition"?
@cercopithecoid Oh my yes.
The chase is half the fun!
Subliminal messages? More like sublime messages!
I think the April Fools joke is that guys like me are trying to find messages in a suspiciously long video.
I even reversed the audio #conspiracytheory
@Chops I did the same thing. Just fukubukuro
@ThePrivateParts fukO, not fukU.
@j8048188 it sounded much more like a u than an o in the audio....but what do i know?
damn it~~~ nooooo i missed my fuko.
Everyone has until half past to cancel, right?
aaaah, 23 min too late...
So the question is if there is a difference between a fuku and a fuko?
@xvalentinex Wikipedia sure thinks so.
prepare for the disappointment
I should not have bought that :/
Does anyone not want their box ~,~ ?
@darebornsolja Chaz Bono?
@cinoclav said "bruise"
For anyone curious.....the part that is in reverse just says fukubukoro...nothing interesting.
Noooo! I will never get one of these. All I desire is to have one before I die. Sadness.
My first time checking right at 12:00 am EST. And I get rewarded with a pair of hanging-forlorn-jeans. That's the way it is supposed to go!!! I tried for the BoC on w00t a couple of times and never got lucky. Always site issues.
Now I have to wait for a month to see what april fool's joke meh put in my fuko bag. Dang! I feel 40 years younger just like when I was counting down the days until my birthday. "Play button"? Hmm. Gameboy? Space Invaders game? Tell me! No, don't tell me!! Heck, screw you, meh, for getting me all excited!
I have it on good authority this syncs up to Dark Side of the Moon.
Need volunteers to watch doubled and looped in concert with the movie to find the hidden link.
@Chops I came in here to say that I almost wish I didn't have a job, so I could pick through this thing looking for secret messages. But I'm confident that guys like you (not saying you don't have a job, just maybe yours is more flexible or you're more brilliant) will get it all sorted out for us. Let me know what you find. :-)
Logged in on time. Clicked the big buy button. Credit card expired yesterday. Looked everywhere for wallet. Found new card. Input data. Clicked button. All sold out.
Really I'm more disappointed with myself. This was a rookie mistake. One which I just shouldn't make. Also, I'm very disappointed that my collection of meh bags is now officially incomplete.
Conmehs to all you who successfully purchased. I'll be the guy washing two walls with salty droplets from the lens orbs in my fron.
@jaybird If my Glock doesn't fit in the fanny pack I'll sell it to you cheap, or trade. (the fanny pack, not the Glock)
Okay, done.
I listened, and got nothing for it! =)
I panic bought some oyster crackers.
I reversed the audio of the video and it sounds pretty awesome...definitely worth doing if you can. =)
I'm hoping for a pair of activated charcoal boxers. Not from here, cause I didn't get one. Just in general.
Don't buy the Fukobukuro
Or eat that yellow snow
@TerriblyHuang or run with scissors or play with knives...
On a funky video art level, I really dig this.