Eight hundred bucks for a device whose purpose is to give me something utterly unproductive to do? I can accomplish that here on the Meh forums for free!
Glad to see some surprising popup up again! Items selling out, contests and never would expect items…been too long! Nice to see the mentioned changes coming true.
Even though would like one of those, too rich for my blood. One of these years I’ll stumble into one for sale for actual list price. Till then hope whoever does end up with one enjoys it!
I read about it yesterday, but never found it. Even searched a few times today. But I won’t be buying at that price, even if the page would load (something went terribly wrong). I do want the disc version, but I want the retail price as well.
It blows my mind that this console is still so coveted and hard to find, almost a year and a half after its initial release. I have been happily gaming on two Nintendo Switch systems since that time.
@PooltoyWolf I bought myself a Switch for my birthday and love it. Then again I probably do more family and exercise type games than play station people. I’ve been running people over in Lego Undercover and feeding my dead animals in Cozy Grove lately.
@sammydog01 The only other one I played with any regularity was the GameCube original, though I dabbled a bit in Wild World on the original DS. I loved (and still like) the GameCube one, and New Horizons seems to do everything pretty much the same general way that one did, so I’m really happy with it. (I am annoyed, however, that golden tools don’t last forever!)
If my son wasn’t a dopamine junkie this could look right at home in my house. Alas, electronics are his worst trigger. And you know what they say? If your wife in a Vegan… than you’re a vegan.
@somf69 So what you’re saying is that at +$300, meh is the bargain retailer vs. +$600.
I mean they get a ton of crap when they post a hair drier for $30 vs an MSRP of $50 when some other website sells it for $29 + shipping and thus it’s no real bargain. If that’s fair, comparison to market instead of MSRP should make sense in this direction as well.
Though, easy for me to say as this holds no interest for me
They might be selling tham at $1100 to QVC buyers, but not to me. But then, I wouldn’t buy it at list price. Or half of list. I’m not a game system buyer at all.
I saw it yesterday but it’s gone.
@Kyeh it looked available for me
@tinamarie1974 Really?
@tinamarie1974 I’m no longer being allowed to see it, evidently!
@Kyeh that is so odd. I wonder why?
@tinamarie1974 Very weird. Yesterday I saw it on the front page. @cenglando’s link worked for me, but searching for it by name doesn’t bring it up!
@tinamarie1974 Super weird - I thought maybe it was being restricted to VMPs, but it let me place an order, which I then cancelled.
Eight hundred bucks for a device whose purpose is to give me something utterly unproductive to do? I can accomplish that here on the Meh forums for free!
@werehatrack and has an MSRP of $499
@Ignorant At $4.99, I would pass.
Still one for sale if you know where to look.
Not sold out yet either. Probably will go fast now that I posted the link.
@cengland0 I love the Strikethru on the $909 price. You save 12% ! Shouldn’t that be " $499 You over-pay 160% "?
@cengland0 13 hours later and no, still not sold out.
@cengland0 didn’t I post the link in my post? When I tap the picture it goes to the deal. Still looks active to me.
@SirLouie yes, my bad. I didn’t notice the image was a link until later. I suppose they sold out and then replenish the stock using the same url.
Since everyone else was saying it was sold out and I found one that was not sold out, I thought it was a different URL.
Glad to see some surprising popup up again! Items selling out, contests and never would expect items…been too long! Nice to see the mentioned changes coming true.
Even though would like one of those, too rich for my blood. One of these years I’ll stumble into one for sale for actual list price. Till then hope whoever does end up with one enjoys it!
I read about it yesterday, but never found it. Even searched a few times today. But I won’t be buying at that price, even if the page would load (something went terribly wrong). I do want the disc version, but I want the retail price as well.
Not sold out… and us VMP’ers can get $79.90 off.
@Vrysen But first, you have to get $79.90 excited.
Why is it $800? That is $300 more than its MSRP.
It blows my mind that this console is still so coveted and hard to find, almost a year and a half after its initial release. I have been happily gaming on two Nintendo Switch systems since that time.
@PooltoyWolf I bought myself a Switch for my birthday and love it. Then again I probably do more family and exercise type games than play station people. I’ve been running people over in Lego Undercover and feeding my dead animals in Cozy Grove lately.
@sammydog01 I wonder how many OTHER people are still playing Animal Crossing every single day. I swear I don’t have a problem.

/giphy ME
If you get bored give Cozy Grove a try. Ghosts!
@sammydog01 It’s been two years and I’m still not bored! I’m also looking forward to Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
@PooltoyWolf I played three different versions of Animal Crossing before this one. I’ll see how long it lasts.
@sammydog01 The only other one I played with any regularity was the GameCube original, though I dabbled a bit in Wild World on the original DS. I loved (and still like) the GameCube one, and New Horizons seems to do everything pretty much the same general way that one did, so I’m really happy with it. (I am annoyed, however, that golden tools don’t last forever!)
@PooltoyWolf Fishing today?
@sammydog01 I actually remembered, so yes! Haha

/giphy zipper t bunny
@PooltoyWolf I give up.
/giphy move along

@snapster That really does seem to sum it up nicely.
I just tried, and it will let me order it.
No way at $300 over list though. Besides, I already got one, it’s very nice.
No way would I pay that price to play some video games. Just not worth it to me.
If my son wasn’t a dopamine junkie this could look right at home in my house. Alas, electronics are his worst trigger. And you know what they say? If your wife in a Vegan… than you’re a vegan.
Wanna get pissed…QVC is selling them for $1100
@somf69 is that at least a bundle?
Not that that makes it much better
@somf69 So what you’re saying is that at +$300, meh is the bargain retailer vs. +$600.
I mean they get a ton of crap when they post a hair drier for $30 vs an MSRP of $50 when some other website sells it for $29 + shipping and thus it’s no real bargain. If that’s fair, comparison to market instead of MSRP should make sense in this direction as well.
Though, easy for me to say as this holds no interest for me
They might be selling tham at $1100 to QVC buyers, but not to me. But then, I wouldn’t buy it at list price. Or half of list. I’m not a game system buyer at all.