DFW Mehnians
1I've got an idea, but it requires knowing where DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth) users live (or have their product delivered.).
Since I know folks probably don't want to share their address, I propose this if you are willing: Post the Long/Lat of a close major intersection if you are willing. It will be just as useful.
Thanks for anyone willing.
- 15 comments, 14 replies
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@narfcake Ha, I looked up those coordinates and this is the building located there:
By the way, did you know you can play pacman using google maps? I just discovered this myself today.

@cengland0 I discovered that yesterday! I guess it just dropped; I would have seen it earlier. I'm just waiting for the missive from Corporate telling us not to used Google Maps now. :-(
33.159404, -96.947758
14708 Dallas Parkway, 75254.
Easy enough to omit my apartment number.
Easier than looking up my Lat and Lon.
32.830883, -96.722753
@Trillian You're the Lady of The Lake, aren't you?
@Kleineleh I was wondering if someone was going to notice that! If I were indeed a water-logged ghost, I would have been able to sneak into the post office to retrieve my fuko on Saturday, instead of impatiently waiting for delivery today.
@Trillian I must admit, it took me a minute after looking it up to realize that might not be your real address.
It's a bummer you can't walk through walls, but probably best you don't live in the lake, I hear it's haunted.
@Kleineleh Not to mention all the noise from the submarine races.
33.018046, -96.682467
aka money-slippers-glares
what3words, people. Get with the program. ;-)
32.930773, -96.664826
somewhat near
Ok, so what was this about?
@f00l I still think drone targets.
32.924699, -96.873236
For those following this topic, your co-ordinates were extremely useful. I'm still finalizing the details of the project I'm working on, so I can't speak more about it yet. But I promise to keep you updated. It'll likely be 3-4 weeks until the next news is in.
@festercluck I hope you removed my coordinates to Woot from whatever you're working on, as it was more as a joke. I don't work there, and likely never would, since any help I do on shirt.woot doesn't always help them in the right way.
@narfcake Actually, I didn't. But that's because I work across the street from Woot!, and I wanted to include it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BweWaHZoT-XYN0M4RGVVdzRidG8/view?usp=sharing
@narfcake https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BweWaHZoT-XYUmlBN3l2dU5XVFk/view?usp=sharing
Very funny. No picture at the top. What are you anyway - cover for the CIA? The NRA? The Skull and Bones?...
@Kidsandliz nah it can't be for the nra Texas has too many gun laws already!
@sohmageek And in Texas, as opposed, perhaps, to saner places, "gun laws" means assurance of the right to carry a gun on campus, in church, at the coffee shop . . .
@joelmw Actually, it currently means the right to carry guns outside. Since so many places allow beer & wine it's becoming more limited.
@festercluck didn't they just pass an open carry law last week?
I live in Ohio, but my Brother (who is on here, i just don't know his username) is in the metroplex. The "coordinates" up top, are both one of the "major" intersections near his place, and apparently, the geographical center of his zipcode... who knew...
and incase anyone is interested, exist.manages.studies puts you within 3 miles of me